Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 17

by Kat Brewer

  “Good morning, Your Highness,” Cassie said as she bowed.

  “Good morning, Lady Cassandra. I thought I would join you for training this morning. I hope you weren’t too ill yesterday.”

  Good God, I want to smack that smug look right off of his handsome face.

  “Not at all, and you?” she responded.

  “Horrible headache. You should provide your troops with higher quality liquor,” he said with a laugh, and Cassie’s lips quirked in response.

  They walked together to the training grounds where Cassie was surprised to find Nall already there, doing sword work with Kara along with a group from all of the nation's present.

  Cassie’s warriors greeted her, and she smiled a greeting to her troops as they quickly fell in line, followed by the Serlenn and Destian soldiers.

  Kara joined them at the front of the line, and Cassie led them through a vigorous warm up and then into kick and punch combinations. She worked them hard purposefully, as she wanted Nall and Darien to understand she was a serious leader, not one who would sit back and let her warriors do all of her work.

  Sweat was pouring from her when, over an hour later, she called for a water break. Kara, Nall, and Darien joined her as a slave passed them each a cup of water.

  “Lady Cassandra, it is no wonder your troops are in good fighting form.” Nall’s midnight blue eyes smiled into hers.

  She returned his smile and allowed herself the indulgence of finding both men very sexy with sweat covering their muscular frames.

  “I do wonder, though,” Darien interjected, “how useful all of this kicking about would be during a sword fight. Far be it for me to criticize your training techniques, but an emphasis on sword and strength training may see your people better prepared for battle.”

  “You find fault with my warriors before you have even seen them fight?” Cassie’s eyebrows shot up, and her ire rose instantly.

  “Lady, forgive me. I did not mean that exactly as it sounded. I meant only that should they be in combat with soldiers such as mine, then they may be at a disadvantage if their swordplay is not up to par. I beg your pardon, but you would never be able to kick a sword out of my hand!” Darien said arrogantly.

  “Your Highness, I would love to prove you wrong.”

  She turned to her warriors and said, “Warriors of Erla, the Destian King doubts your skills with the sword. Shall we engage in mock battle so that he might see your true worth?”

  The women roared with approval.

  Cassie turned back to Darien and arched a brow.

  “Well, My Lord? Are you game?”

  Darien grinned, and with a mocking bow, he motioned his readiness.

  Cassie turned to Nall, who quickly said, “Lady Cassandra, please believe I harbor no such doubts regarding your skill. My men will engage in this battle purely as a means of training.” He bowed and shot a knowing grin at Kara, who smiled back at him.

  Nall had seen the demonstration of their skill when he arrived. Darien, having missed the display, was sorely underestimating Cassandra and her warriors, and Nall could not wait to see him humbled.

  When the warriors and soldiers were all armed with wooden practice swords, Kara gave the order for the women to find a male opponent. She then paired herself with Nall as Cassie faced Darien.

  Darien smiled with self-assurance that, at Cassie’s serious manner, turned into a very Rhett Butler-esque grin that infuriated the hell out of her. She silently vowed that if it took every ounce of strength she had, she was going to take him down.

  She nodded and raised her sword, signaling to a slave to ring the bell. Darien and Cassie circled each other, each waiting for the other to move first. Finally, Darien raised his sword and swung at Cassie’s head, and she deflected the blow with one of her own.

  They parried back and forth for a while, meeting strike for strike, and Darien’s grin faded as he began to realize the skill of the woman he faced. He truly had to work hard, and it astonished him.

  Darien attacked with renewed vigor, advancing and trying to make her back down, but he found it was useless.

  A sharp swing at her neck had Cassie dodging the blow, so when he shot out his foot and caused her to stagger, Cassie’s eyes blazed.

  The bastard wanted to play, did he?

  She righted herself and met his next blow with her sword. As he pulled his arm back, she sent a front kick to his gut, making him double over. Then, she pivoted and aimed a round kick at the side of his face as he was slumped over. This sent him shifting sideways until he landed on his knees.

  Darien knelt at her feet. He felt dazed as Cassie deftly kicked his sword out of his hand, sending it spinning to land in the dirt at Kara’s feet.

  She approached him and went down on one knee, as Darien raised his face to look at her in astonishment. She gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “Never is such a long time.”

  The Destian King’s eyes widened as she rose like a warrior goddess to meet the awed gazes of the male soldiers who stood frozen, watching the spectacle.

  Cassie looked at Kara, who stood with Nall. Kara’s face was full of her pride in her Commander as she elbowed Nall in the ribs.

  “See you how a woman of Erla defends herself?” Kara asked mildly as a grin spread across her face.

  “I never doubted her,” Nall said with a smile.

  “Have them run a couple of miles before dismissing them,” Cassie barked out as she strode across the training field, leaving Darien to rise to his feet and submit to the good-natured ribbing of his warriors.

  Unseen by the Lady, a smile broke out on his face as he watched her walk away.

  “Cassandra.” The sound of the Queen’s voice halted Cassie in her tracks, and she winced as she turned to face her Queen. Nera and Nyles were standing outside the training field watching from a distance.

  “Did you have to completely humiliate the man? We are trying to reach an accord.” Nera fought to keep a straight face and maintain her dignity before Nyles, who was grinning unabashedly.

  “Forgive me, Your Highness, but that man has gotten under my skin. He drives me crazy!” With a short growl, Cassie continued her tirade. “To insinuate that my women can’t fight as well as his men? I should have handed him his balls.” Cassie had worked herself into full blown seething anger.

  Nyles hid a smile behind a cough.

  Just then, Darien walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. Cassie, whose defenses were still on high, grabbed his hand and spun around till she had his arm twisted up behind his back.

  “Ah! Lady, I come in peace!” Darien grunted out.

  Nera’s eyes flew open wide and shot to Cassie as she quickly released him.

  “It is my wish to apologize to you, Lady Cassandra, as I already have to your warriors. I arrogantly assumed things and I was wrong.” Darien’s deeply rich voice caressed the words and Cassie met his green eyes warily, still not willing to give up her anger.

  “My Lord Darien, I accept your apology and I hope that we may avoid such misunderstandings in the future,” Cassie said, forcing herself to speak graciously as she bowed before him.

  Darien took her dirty hand and raised it to his lips. Much to her chagrin, a thrill shot through her at his touch, and she scolded herself for finding him attractive.

  “So, we are friends then?” he asked with that damn smile on his face again.

  “Of course, Your Highness,” she said as she bowed again.

  Nera beamed and said, “Well then, this is very good. You must all join me for the noon meal.” Cassie and Darien accepted, bowed, and removed themselves to clean up.

  It was some time later when Cassie approached the Queen’s quarters, having bathed and changed. She was wearing an outfit dyed a bright blue that brought out the highlights in the hair that hung loosely down her back. When she reached for the door handle, a large hand landed on the door next to her head, and she spun aro
und to find herself pinned to the wood by Darien’s large, muscular frame.

  They looked into each other’s eyes silently for a long moment before Darien lowered his mouth to hers, parting her lips with his tongue and kissing her gently, but with passion.

  Despite her best intentions, Cassie’s tongue returned his caress, and they embraced each other tightly as passion took over.

  Darien’s mouth plundered hers, nipping at her lower lip and sucking on it gently. Cassie moaned as she slid her hand around his neck into his hair, loosening it from the band that held it back. He slid his hands down her back to her bottom, cupping it and bringing her tightly against him as his mouth moved across her cheek to her neck. He nuzzled her, licking and biting until both of them were breathing hard.

  When the sound of voices from within intruded, they broke apart, panting and aroused.

  Darien stared at the woman in front of him. Her breasts heaved against her silken vest, and her lips were swollen from his kiss. Even her heavily-lidded, blue-green eyes were simmering with desire.

  The beast within him demanded he throw her over his shoulder and find a private spot to ravish her as his body throbbed and ached to be inside of hers. He drew several ragged breaths, trying to calm himself as she did the same.

  Cassie’s head was spinning. When they touched, it was like a flash fire, and desire twisted through her veins, she wanted him so badly. She felt female and pliant in his hands, and she knew he would take her, dominate her in bed, and a part of her longed for it while her other, newer, self, rebelled against the thought.

  She shook her head to clear it and watched as he mastered his arousal, fighting it down so he could enter the Queen’s chambers without his need being very clearly on display. A few moments later, he pulled the door open and held it while she entered first.

  Nera’s eyes narrowed as she took in Cassie’s flushed face and Darien’s loose hair. Her friend seemed a little disoriented, and she knew the gorgeous Destian King was the cause.

  “I am glad you finally made it. We were beginning to wonder.” A wicked smile lit Nera’s face, and Cassie flush deepened. Darien merely flashed a cocky grin and bowed to Nera and Nyles, who returned the greeting.

  Nera motioned to the cushions placed around a low table, and they sat as slaves immediately brought forth plates of food and glasses of wine.

  Darien sat next to Cassie. Their knees touched throughout the whole meal, which made it nearly impossible for her to taste her food or attend the conversation. She was acutely aware of him. Each breath he took and each movement of his body making her want him so badly that the sound of his voice sent shivers straight to her core.

  The men spoke lightly of politics and even of their disagreement over the disputed land. Each argued politely as he stated his individual case regarding his rights to owning the land.

  Cassie forced herself to pay careful attention to their words, pulling her mind out of Darien’s pants with effort.

  She suggested they share the land since it was between their countries and seemed fertile enough to support use by both. The three of them stared at her open-mouthed. The men sputtered a bit before looking at each other and finally snapping their mouths shut. It was an insanely simple solution.

  “Perhaps we can come to a compromise, Darien,” Nyles said. Darien nodded in agreement.

  “Well, it looks like we may not need to draw out the negotiations,” Nera said with a smile. The men agreed, and each visibly relaxed.

  “I think it would be mutually beneficial for all of our nations to work together and share what we can,” Nera added. “Trade alone would benefit all of us immensely.”

  The monarchs spoke for some time as Nera and Cassie watched a truly historic peace accord work itself out over Nera’s dinner table. Finally, the women rose and left the men to their discussion.

  Across the room, Cassie asked Nera how she was enjoying King Nyles, and smiling archly at the double entendre, Nera replied, “I find him very pleasing. How have you found our guests?”

  “Aggravating,” Cassie chuckled.

  “Yes, it must be truly awful to have two strong, handsome men panting for you.”

  “Nera! That is not true. Is it?” The women laughed and turned as the men joined them.

  “My Ladies, I believe we have reached an agreement. Our Kingdoms owe you a great debt, Queen Nera. We both look forward to a strong alliance amongst the three of our lands,” Nyles said as his eyes briefly caressed the women.

  Darien’s hot gaze, however, was for Cassie alone.

  “Excellent!” Nera exclaimed.

  Wrapping her hand around Nyles’ arm, she gave Cassie a loaded look that had her bowing and heading for the door with Darien hot on her heels.

  Cassie pulled Darien by the hand as he seemed to lag, looking over his shoulder at the royal pair as they caressed one another. They heard the sounds of groans and muted laughter as they closed the door.

  Cassie leaned back against the closed door and laughed as Darien’s look became steamy with promise. She felt a slow burn start that she tried unsuccessfully to stifle.

  He moved closer to her and she tried to inch away, but his hand snaked out around her waist and pulled her to him. Cassie knew she could free herself easily, but she found herself unable to summon the desire to get away from him.

  She wanted to hate him. He was so arrogant and cocky that it was maddening. As his head bent and his lips found her neck, she fervently hoped that if she had him, then this consuming desire would fade.

  Her breath caught in her throat when he swung her up into his arms and fused his mouth with hers. Darien moved quickly to his suite of rooms, opened the door to allow them entrance, and then kicked it closed.

  Setting her down beside his bed, he quickly began undressing her, and Cassie started pulling his clothes off. Darien was amazed at her aggressive behavior, and it hit him that he was not dealing with a gentle, submissive woman of his race. This was a woman who took what she wanted.

  His desire skyrocketed when she used her teeth and nails to touch every inch of his flesh as she disrobed him, while his hands caressed and stroked her everywhere, whipping them both into a frenzy of lust.

  He fairly threw her onto the bed then crawled atop her, holding his body up off of hers as her hands roamed and caressed his manhood.

  He growled low in his throat as her very skilled hands worked over his flesh, taking him from aroused to painfully hard. He attempted to part her legs with his knee, intent on sinking himself deep within her.

  He was half-crazed with need when she deftly flipped him over and mounted him in one fluid motion.

  Darien’s eyes flew open wide as Cassie lowered herself onto his waiting hardness and they both froze, enjoying the feeling of bliss as he was fully sheathed within her. Before Cassie could move, Darien rolled her over onto her back and thrust into her, making her cry out and sink her teeth into his flesh as he let out a sexy growl of a laugh.

  Lips and tongues clashing, their bodies fused, as Cassie gloried in his tawny flesh and well-muscled body. He made love like he did all things, with drive and passion, and she met him thrust for thrust.

  They had each other in every position they could think of, and they even revisited some before they collapsed. It was many hours later when their flesh finally cooled.

  Cassie attempted to ease from his bed to return to her own, but Darien caught her hand and pulled her back into his arms.

  “Stay with me,” he growled, and she curled up against him again, stroking his chest.

  He could not believe how incredible she was. Other women faded in comparison. The things she had done to him and with him… Just thinking of it caused his satisfied flesh to stir, and Darien’s mind swirled around ways to keep this woman by his side always as he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cassie woke the next morning to gentle snoring, and blinking several times, she tried to figure out where she was before realization dawned. She tu
rned her head to see Darien sleeping deeply beside her.

  Oh God, what have I done?

  She was utterly horrified.

  Easing slowly out of the bed, she scrambled about looking for her clothes. Pulling them on, she picked up her sandals, and slipped out of his room, sprinting silently to her quarters on bare feet.

  She opened the door, gliding in and quietly closing the door behind her, she turned to meet the faces of her slaves. They were pale with dark circles under their eyes, and they were obviously exhausted and worried.

  “Have you been awake all night?” she exclaimed.

  “Mistress, we were concerned. You did not say you would be gone for so long. We waited for you to come home, and when you did not, we searched everywhere we could think of in an effort to find you. Forgive us for being so forward, but it was unlike you to be gone so long,” Mika said, his golden eyes pleading for understanding.

  “I’m not angry and I did not intend to be gone all night. I fell asleep. I am sorry you all did not get any sleep, but I’m fine. Why don’t you all go to bed?” She could tell they were curious regarding her whereabouts, but none of them would dare question her about it, and she wasn’t in a sharing mood.

  “Mistress, can we get you something to eat before we retire?” Aidan asked.

  “Would you like a bath?” Arn spoke.

  “No, no, I can clean myself, and then I intend to train. Thank heavens I didn’t oversleep.” She motioned them towards their bedchamber and headed to get some training clothes.

  She showered and dressed quickly, and as soon as she had laced up her boots, she grabbed something to eat.

  Hearing a knock at the front door, she moved to open it. She was shocked to find Darien’s scowling face on the other side.

  “You left without telling me!” He barked out.

  Cassie felt shock and then the slow burn of anger unfurling in her chest.

  The nerve of the man!

  “My Lord, I do not now, nor will I ever require your permission to come and go as I please. You're lucky I stayed all night.”


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