Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 19

by Kat Brewer

  “May I ask what happened between you?” Kara queried.

  “The King and I have shared a very strong attraction ever since we met.” Kara nodded at this. Everyone had seen it.

  “I fought it because I know how different we are. Unfortunately, he caught me at a weak moment, and I spent the better part of an afternoon and a night in his bed. When I woke up, I left while he was still asleep. Darien obviously assumed more happened between us than I felt, and he was angry that I left without saying anything. Since then, I feel as if he has been trying to initiate something more than sex between us. I wish so much that I could take back that night as it has complicated so many things.”

  “Cassie, I think I understand, and you are right. If the Destian King is in love with you, your life is about to get very, very complicated. How do you truly feel about him, though?”

  Cassie’s slaves had entered the room and were listening silently. Neither woman had noticed their arrival, so they listened intently to what was being said.

  “Honestly, he was great in bed, but I am not in love with him. I don’t want him for life. It was just desire I felt for him. I am happy with what I have. I love my slaves dearly, and I am not willing to give up any part of the life I have now.” The men caught their collective breath at her open declaration of love for them.

  “I don’t know what to tell you about all of it, Cassie, but you should know that I will be there for you if things get bad. I believe you should definitely tell our Queen.”

  “I agree, and I will. Once I can pull her from King Nyles’ bed!” The women giggled at this.

  Cassie finally noticed her slaves standing across the room and motioned them over. With a word, she sent Arn to rub Kara’s shoulders and Aidan to get them something to eat. She pulled Taylyn next to her and put her feet into Kai’s hands, relaxing into his capable touch.

  A good deal of her tension eased with just sharing her misgivings with her friend.

  Aidan brought a tray of food and tenderly fed Cassie while Mika fed Kara.

  “I could get so lazy here. Every time I come, I am rubbed and fed so lovingly,” Kara said with a blissful smile as she nuzzled her head against Arn’s.

  “Your own slaves should always treat you as well. After all, you are the Second-in-Command to the Lady Cassandra.” Cassie laughed.

  “I confess to you I am very fond of my slaves, they are good boys. But you, my dear friend, own some of the most beautiful and most talented men in the Queendom.” Cassie’s slaves flushed becomingly at the Lady Kara’s praise, turning a darker red when Cassie agreed with her. Between the two women, Cassie’s men were most definitely happy with what they had heard this day.

  Cassie pulled Garen down to the couch and sat between his legs, leaning back against his chest. She pulled his strong arms around her and nuzzled his jaw with the side of her head. He sighed happily and hugged his Mistress, enjoying the envious stares of the other men.

  The women lounged and spoke of the treaty that had been proposed for the lands of Serlenn and Destia. They were united in their relief that there would be no imminent war.

  Several hours later, Kara rose and said she was going to go home, punching Cassie lightly when she offered to have her men carry her home. They both laughed at the thought of her needing an escort.

  Cassie was restless, and since tomorrow was to be a day free of training, she had no need to go to bed early. So, she decided to take a moonlit walk through the gardens.

  She didn’t take any of her slaves with her because she felt like she needed to be alone to de-stress. The night was warm with a soft wind blowing. A huge, full, yellow moon illuminated the garden path, and the sweet scent of the various blooms filled her senses.

  The Palace slaves had long ago lit the lanterns, and they flickered, casting shadows over the flower beds. Cassie walked slowly about, inhaling the exotics scents while the wind rippled her silky harem pants about her legs sensuously.

  It felt so good to be outside on such a beautiful night, and she breathed in deeply. Letting the tension flow from her body, she sat on the soft grass behind a row of roses. She leaned back with her palms behind her on the grass and sighed as she closed her eyes.

  When she opened her eyes again, she saw a pair of bare male feet in front of her. Jumping up, she immediately assumed a ready stance, silently cursing herself for letting her guard down until her eyes met with King Darien’s.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you. When I saw you looking so lovely in the moonlight, I couldn’t resist speaking with you.” His voice rumbled low and soothingly. He wore only a pair of leather pants that hugged his lean hips tightly, and his hair hung loosely across his shoulders.

  The man was a walking, talking sex god.

  “Good evening, Your Highness,” she said, her eyes never leaving his face.

  “I would speak with you about what has passed between us. I do not like the friction that now exists. It is my wish to always be on good terms with you.” His voice caressed the words.

  “My Lord, I am sorry for what happened, and I, too, want us to be friends.”

  “Then that is how it will be, My Lady.” He smiled and bowed.

  Cassie had the strangest feeling in her gut, it was one she couldn’t quite identify, but she tried to dismiss it as Darien lowered himself down onto the grass and motioned for her to join him.

  Cassie sat, and they spoke of inconsequential things for a long time. He was intelligent, well-informed, and had a good sense of humor. In another world, she could have loved and been happy with him, but here, in this world, in this reality, he was not what she wanted.

  The moonlight caressed his ebony hair and shadowed his green eyes. He looked so much like a fallen angel in the moonlight that it made her catch her breath. She remembered what it was like to put her life in a man’s hands and to have him care for her, providing everything and fighting her battles, and it wasn’t until this moment that Cassie realized just how much she had changed. She was strong and in charge of her own life now.

  She made the decisions, and she cared for them, the beautiful men who belonged to her.

  Here, she ruled.

  It was bittersweet to look at the incredible man in front of her, knowing she would never again be the kind of woman he wanted and knowing that that was why she couldn’t love him. She had adapted to a radically different culture and made a place for herself here. Cassie would never again be submissive in a relationship, and that was what Darien would expect from any woman who would share his life.

  Darien met her gaze as she smiled at him, and the uneasy feeling in her stomach lessened.

  She understood that feeling now and knew that all along it was caused by her own internal conflict. It was just within these past few moments that she finally embraced the woman she had become, leaving all of her old doubts and prejudices behind her once and for all.

  Her conflict with Darien, for the most part, stemmed from those unresolved issues of right and wrong. Stemmed from social values dictated by a world that she was no longer a part of.

  Cassie rose gracefully, and Darien joined her. She squeezed his hand and told him goodnight as she turned to walk towards her apartments, and she did not look back. Had she glanced back at him, she would have seen the wistful look that drifted across his handsome face.

  Back in her chambers, her slaves sat waiting for her and she felt her good fortune fully just by looking at them.

  Mika stood and approached her. She ran and jumped on him, wrapping her long legs around his waist and hugging him. His laughter was musical and enchanting as he held her close. He enjoyed the playful affection his Mistress was bestowing upon him, and his spirits soared. Since the royal visitors had arrived, they had been lonely for her company and the way she would talk with them, play with them, and love them.

  He buried his face in her neck as he held her and breathed in her sweet scent. Cassie unhooked her legs and threw herself amidst the others as they lay upon the floor cushions. Sh
e touched, kissed, and tickled them, enjoying their company.

  The sounds of their voices and laughter soothed her soul, and she knew this was where she belonged.

  They organized a counter attack and tickled and kissed her all over. Cassie howled and tried to wriggle away, delighted by their boldness. When they stopped, she had a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  “Now, I will have to punish you for your daring.” she mock growled and swatted every behind she could reach. They pouted and laughed, enjoying her play.

  She flipped Aidan onto his back and got on top of him, pinning him to the floor. He was so gorgeous with his russet hair spread loose around him and his vivid emerald eyes bright with happiness. She leaned over and bit him on the chest, leaving a small mark and Aidan gave a groaning laugh and begged her forgiveness for his behavior.

  The others laughed and wriggled when she gave them each the same treatment. Afterwards, they lay quietly together for a long time before she sent them all to bed with the exception of Mika, whose night it was to be with her.

  She led him onto the balcony, and they leaned forward together looking at the moon. Cassie turned to him, put his arms around her, and led him in a slow dance with the wind and the beating of their hearts accompanying the tune Cassie hummed. Mika sighed blissfully and held her tightly to him. Her head was nestled against his neck, and they turned slowly, enjoying the night and their intimacy. From the darkness of the adjacent balcony, the lovers were observed by the Prince of Serlenn.

  His covetous gaze scorched across the distance. Disbelief and pain cut through him at the notion that she would choose a slave over him. Without further thought, Nall swung around and entered his suite, closing the door on the oblivious couple as Cassie pulled back from Mika, took his hand, and they walked together towards her bed.

  Cassie woke early the next morning, just as the sun was just barely lighting the sky and for once she was awake before Mika. She watched him sleeping peacefully next to her with one arm around her waist. His rich black hair was in disarray, and he looked youthful and beautiful as he slept. Cassie’s hands stole into his silky tresses, and her mouth found its way to his chest and grazed his nipples.

  When she looked back at him, his eyes were open and looking at her hungrily. Losing herself in the seduction of those golden orbs, Cassie pulled him close and kissed him.

  She allowed herself the luxury of running her hands over every inch of his smooth flesh, tasting and touching until his breath sobbed out of his chest. She rolled over on top of him and gazed into his eyes. “I love you, my Mistress, so much,” he sighed as he nuzzled her neck, seeking the spot he knew turned her on the most.

  “Mika, I love you, too, my angel.” She rose slightly and slid him inside of her in one graceful motion. As she slid down his length, she watched his eyes go dark with passion.

  She leaned in and kissed him, caressing him as she rode him. Mika moaned, rising to meet her as she fully impaled herself on his hardness, crying out her pleasure. His skillful fingers found the throbbing bundle of nerves at her center and worked it firmly in the way he knew would bring her to orgasm and she moved faster. Soon, they were both crying out as they climaxed, and Cassie collapsed on top of him.

  Mika held her tightly, kissing her face and mouth. They lay entwined, dozing together for a while until they heard the others stir.

  Cassie sat up and swung her legs off the bed, standing and stretching. She felt so good and didn’t attempt to hide the smile on her face.

  She pulled a dark green set of clothes out of the chest and headed for the bath, followed closely by Mika. She greeted her other men with a smile as their eyes lingered on her naked flesh. Mika held the bathing room door open for her and then hurried to run her bath.

  Cassie set her clothes down on a stool and watched as a naked Mika bent over. She flushed with remembered pleasure, and as she walked into the tub, she squeezed his backside, making him smile happily.

  They bathed together quickly, and then Mika helped her to dry and dress. His fingers ran over her nipples brazenly as he fastened the snug vest over her breasts. Cassie leaned over and took one tight male nipple into her mouth, sucking strongly and nipping gently as it hardened in her mouth. Mika groaned in response, and Cassie laughed as she walked from the room.

  In the lounge, she found the men had placed her breakfast on a low table and surrounded it with cushions. Cassie sat, and as if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Taylyn moved quickly to open it, and Nera swept into the room with a smile, running a caressing hand over Taylyn’s chest before seating herself across from Cassie.

  Cassie’s slaves jumped to see to the Queen’s comfort.

  “Good morning, Cassandra,” Nera said around a bite of a muffin.

  “Good morning, Your Highness. How are you?” Cassie took a big bite of hers and washed it down with cold milk.

  “A little sore, but very satisfied,” she replied, grinning at Cassie suggestively.

  “You are going to wear that thing out.” Cassie laughed.

  “The King is a magnificent lover, but I tire of him already. Perhaps we can get this accord worked out and send them on their way? You won’t be missing our other two royal guests too much I hope? Even if you are inclined to do so, you must overcome it because you stay with me!”

  Nera wagged her eyebrows at Cassie, who just shook her head and said, “Have no fear, my friend. I will remain here until you kick me out.”

  “Then, we shall grow old and die together, rocking in our chairs at the Centre,” Nera replied.

  Cassie and Nera chatted for a while, and then Cassie broached the subject of Darien and told her friend all that had occurred. Nera laughed outright and told her not to worry because he would get over it.

  “Cassandra, you are not the kind of woman who would be happy being subservient to a man like Darien or even Nall for that matter. I approve of the way you’ve handled the situation, and besides, I could not relinquish you, even for love.”

  “Nera, you will be happy to know I am very much in love with my slaves and wouldn’t ever consider giving them up!”

  “Excellent. Now, think of me, my friend, as I sit through countless tedious hours while these foolish men work out their peace.” Nera sighed as she rose to her feet, graciously accepting Garen’s aid in rising.

  She kissed his cheek and told Cassie how fortunate she was to have such beautiful, pleasing men. Cassie escorted her out, wished her well, and laughed at Nera’s threats to make Cassie join them at the treaty table.

  After Nera left, Cassie was full of energy and decided a ride was just what she needed to burn it off. She asked her men if any of them rode, and they all replied that they could not. She vowed to rectify that as soon as possible, and, to that end, she strode out to visit the head groom.

  Speaking with the woman was slightly frustrating. She had never taught a man to ride before, and she didn’t see the point in doing so now.

  The woman was astounded that Cassie would do so much for mere slaves, but Cassie patiently explained that the horses were her own just like the slaves were, and only then was the woman satisfied to teach the men to ride as the Queen’s Commander had asked.

  Once Cassie had finally settled it, she sent a nearby slave to fetch her men. When they arrived, she turned them over to the grooms for their first lesson. She told them that they were to come every day until they were proficient enough to join her. Cassie then left a large purse of coins with the head groom for her to purchase suitable mounts for each man.

  Cassie waved to them as she walked from the area, deciding to walk into the village and do some shopping in the marketplace. It was a far cry from the malls she was accustomed to, but it had a fun bazaar-like atmosphere. Musicians played and vendors hawked goods ranging from clothing to sweets.

  She had reached the cobbled streets of the outskirts of the village when she heard the distinctive sound of a strap striking something solid followed by a muffled cry of pain.

  Cassie pic
ked up her pace, and rounding a corner, she saw a tall, stout, woman with burly arms repeatedly raising and lowering a leather strap on a huddled, sobbing man. The woman didn’t seem to tire as she beat the poor slave cringing at her feet. Cuts formed on his back where his clothing had been torn by the strap flailing his body.

  Cassie approached and shouted, “Stop!”

  The woman paused and looked at Cassie with a frown.

  “Mind your business,” she grunted and resumed her abuse of the man.

  “Woman, I demand you cease beating that man, now!” Cassie shouted.

  The woman ceased and straightened up, moving towards Cassie menacingly.

  “This worthless piece of offal has knocked over the last pail of my milk. The clumsy idiot has cost me greatly, and he will pay with his blood!” the woman boomed. “Who are you to question my use of my own slave anyway? Be gone!” She raised her hand menacingly at Cassie.

  Cassie saw red and growled out, “I am the Lady Cassandra, Head of the Queen’s Defenders and Commander of the Army of Erla. I advise you to listen to what I say. If you raise your hand to me or to this slave ever again, it will be the last thing you ever do.” As she spoke, Cassie sized up her opponent and readied herself for battle.

  The woman’s jaw dropped open in surprise, she had not recognized Cassie in her civilian clothing.

  The woman dropped her arms to her side, the strap falling to the ground while the slave continued to sob and whimper, still covering his head.

  “Forgive me, My Lady. I did not know it was you. I meant no disrespect to you.” The woman bowed and scraped in saccharine sweetness, and Cassie was sickened by her kowtowing.

  “Since you have no wish to keep this slave, I will take him and find him a new household. If you would be so kind as to write me a transfer of ownership, then I will take him and go.” Cassie took six gold pieces from the bag at her waist, and the woman’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.

  The sum Cassie had given her would have bought two young, healthy pleasure slaves. This one was getting older and the woman no longer used him for her pleasure.


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