Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 26

by Kat Brewer

  Cassie’s heart twisted at his dejected posture, and she moved closer to him, touching his broad back gently. At her touch, Nall shook his head and turned to look at her.

  “I cannot change your mind?” he asked.

  “I am so sorry, Nall. If I could love outside of my own household, it would be you I would want to love.” He flinched slightly, pain lancing through his chest.

  He pulled her to him softly and hugged her, then lowered his mouth to hers and gave her a toe-curling kiss. When he finally lifted his head, Cassie was breathing rapidly.

  “Lady, if you ever change your mind, or if you ever have need of me, know there is one in Serlenn who loves you and would lay down his life for you. If you ever want me, send word, and I will come to you, anytime, anywhere, for anything.” His voice was thick with emotion as he lifted her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

  Releasing her, he stepped around her and left the tent without looking back.

  Cassie stood rooted to the spot for what seemed like hours. She could not believe what had just happened.

  She felt a soft touch on her arm and turned to see Mika and Garen standing near her.

  “Mistress, are you all right?”

  She nodded and pulled them both to her, letting their nearness soothe her troubled thoughts.

  “Do you wish that you had told him yes, Mistress?” Mika’s voice was strained with the fear of what he might hear, but he had to know.

  Cassie pulled back and looked at him, shaking her head.

  “I have no wish to leave you or the others. You men are my happiness. Protecting and caring for you and my Queen is what gives meaning to my life.”

  All of the love and passion he had for the woman in his arms filled Mika’s heart, and his mouth dropped down to cover hers in a ferocious kiss. His mouth ravaged hers as he sought to be as close to her as possible.

  “Mika.” Cassie rasped out, stunned by his fierceness.

  She pulled back, looking at him in astonishment.

  Mika picked her up in his arms and strode to her bed, laying her down before tearing at her clothing and his own until at last, their naked flesh met, and Cassie moaned.

  She knew she should reprimand him, but his aggressive passion was turning her on, and she let him have control of the encounter. When Mika’s mouth left hers and traveled down her neck, nipping and raking her with his teeth, she shuddered and moved her hips against his.

  Mika couldn’t control his passion. He wanted to consume her, join with her, and show her she belonged here with him always. Shadowy guilt played around the corners of his mind over his actions, but he couldn’t stop himself.

  He couldn’t behave like he knew he should; she had to know how important she was to him. His mouth moved down her body, nipping and licking every inch of her flesh until he came to her womanhood. Her scent was intoxicating, and he ran his tongue along her folds.

  Cassie was fully aroused, and his wicked tongue had her arching off of the bed. Mika was beyond control, and when she came, he reared up and impaled her with his hardness.

  Cassie cried out in pleasure as her usually gentle Mika took her like a wild animal, his cries echoing through the tent. They reached a breathless end together, clutching each other and panting wildly.

  Mika rolled from her and lay still, unable to speak. After a few moments, he turned to look at her.

  “Mistress, forgive me. I did not mean to behave like that. I don’t know what happened, but I couldn’t stop myself. Please, please forgive me.” Tears prickled at his eyes as panic set in. Would she sell him? Dear gods, no! He would die without her…he knew it.

  “Mika, calm down. Don’t you think I could have stopped you if I had wanted to? I enjoyed this as much as you did. It doesn’t hurt once in a while to let passion take control. At least I know this time you were truly enjoying yourself and not just trying to please me,” she said reassuringly, gifting him with a smile.

  Garen exhaled loudly. He had stood by during their encounter, not knowing if he should intervene. Cassie reached her hand out to beckon him to join them, and he slipped onto the bed on her other side.

  “Mistress, each time you take me to your bed, I enjoy it and you touch my soul. It seems so long between the days when it is my turn. I cannot fully express all that I feel inside for you. I would not want to live without you.” Mika’s beautiful eyes were so warm and full of love that Cassie let herself float in them for a moment.

  She pulled him into her arms and he laid his head on her chest, curved against her side. Cassie stroked his long, black hair and twisted it around her fingers. It was so thick and soft, and she loved to feel it against her skin.

  She pulled Garen close to her with her other arm, luxuriating in the feel of their beautiful, nude bodies pressed close to hers.

  “I will have to make short work of the Ambrian King and his bastard brother so that I can come back to you quickly.” Both men moved restlessly at the mention of the impending battle. “Mika, Garen, you will both be strong for me and see to the others.” Mika was drowning in her sparkling eyes, that were nearly turquoise at that moment, and he clutched her tightly, willing tomorrow far from them and praying that this night would last forever for he knew that tomorrow, he could lose his reason for living completely.

  Cassie allowed herself to relax, enveloped in the arms of her men, and sleep soon followed.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Cassie’s men were returned to her early the next morning, and they all helped her dress for the coming battle. She wore a set of leather fighting clothes under the hated russet dress and cloak. The floor-length skirt and long sleeves disguised the clothing she wore beneath.

  Cassie took a few moments and kissed each one of her men goodbye, and then she bid them stay with the supply wagons and out of the way of danger. She gave each man a small dagger to hide on his person for protection before she left them and headed for the main tent where the Kings and Nera waited.

  Nall, Kara, and Lee stood outside the tent talking quietly in the early morning mist and turned to greet her as she approached and they all entered the tent.

  Last minute details were discussed, and it was decided that the entire force would follow Cassie less than an hour after her departure.

  “Cassandra, I am praying for your success today. Please have a care for your safety. I wish to see you alive and well when I arrive.” Nera leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Nyles and Darien followed suit, gravely placing chaste kisses on her cheek as they wished her good journey.

  They accompanied her to her horse, and Nall stepped past Darien to help her mount as her skirts inhibited her movements. Nall’s strong hands gripped her waist, and she met his stormy eyes for a moment before he lifted her onto the saddle.

  He never spoke a word, even when he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles softly. Cassie leaned down and stroked his cheek tenderly before bidding them farewell and kicking her horse into a gallop.

  She pushed all other thoughts from her mind as they thundered on towards Erla.

  Darien’s men made very convincing Ambrian guards, and she had no doubt they would be admitted to the city and to the Palace. They arrived in Erla just past midday and were only questioned briefly by the guards at the city gates before being waved on towards the Palace.

  Riding through the city was torture for Cassie when she saw how haggard the native Erlans were looking. Many of the women sported bruises and abrasions from scuffles with the Ambrians.

  Recognition and hope flared within their eyes when they lit on her, but it was quickly snuffed out when they noted the guards surrounding her. When Cassie’s procession arrived at the Palace, a servant took the reins of the horses and Darien’s guards surrounded her as they ascended the steps. Once inside, they were accosted by a guard who asked their business.

  “We bring Lord Sern his woman as he requested,” one of them said gruffly.

  The guard leered at Cassie and pointed to Sern’s quarters.
Cassie burned in fresh anger as she saw he had taken her apartment for his own. When they reached the door, one of the men knocked loudly, and it was opened by a female slave whose eyes widened when they rested upon Cassie.

  “This is the woman Lord Sern requested,” he said.

  The slave nodded and backed away so that Cassie could enter, and the men melted into the hallway, waiting for the time when they would be needed.

  “Well, well, it is about time! You have no idea how I have pined for you, my sweet.” Sern’s hated voice sounded from the lounge area. Cassie looked over and saw him draped across a sofa, being fed by a slave girl.

  “As I see,” Cassie muttered as she looked pointedly at the half-clad slave who fed him.

  “Jealous, my sweet? You needn’t be. None can compare to you.” He laughed as he pushed the girl away and rose, beckoning Cassie to him.

  Cassie obediently crossed to him, her right hand clutching a small sword that was hidden by her cloak.

  “I have saved the best of myself for you. Have no fear.” The swine licked his lips as his eyes caressed her form, and his thick fingers pulled the tie to her cloak and let it fall.

  Sern was momentarily confused by the sword in her hand. When his eyes met hers, he saw the look that had been in her eyes the first day he met her.

  “What are you doing with a weapon?”

  “What? Do you mean this?” she asked, baking up and waving it at him. “I intend to cut your black heart out with it, you filthy bastard,” Cassie said as she smiled sweetly at him.

  Sern roared and lunged for her, but Cassie sidestepped him. The slave girls huddled together across the room with fear and hope on their faces. Cassie reached up with her left hand and ripped the offending dress from her body. Her men had picked the seams loose the previous day for this very reason.

  When Sern swung around, she was ready for him. He didn’t even bother to find a weapon. His smug self-confidence refused to accept her as a true threat.

  “You will regret your foolishness, woman, when I beat the rebellion from you!” he sneered. He then leapt towards her, swiping at her head. Cassie simply laughed and easily dodged his blows.

  Suddenly, she no longer wanted a swift end for the pig in front of her, as she felt a growing need to see him suffer first. At his next lunge, she moved to an angle and snaked a foot up, catching him in the temple with a hook kick and Sern staggered, holding his head, looking at her in disbelief.

  “You bitch! Stop this before I must kill you for your audacity!” Sern bellowed.

  Cassie attacked. Holding her sword in her right hand, she threw a volley of kicks at him, knocking him farther back and causing blood to pour from his mouth and nose. He swung a reckless roundhouse at her, and she met it with her sword, slicing right through his bicep.

  He looked at the gaping wound and then at her in astonishment. His eyes were swelling as he searched for a weapon, and finding none, he seized an empty Mull bottle and threw it at her head.

  Cassie ducked and charged him, swinging the sword with swift, efficient grace. Cuts opened over his chest and arms, welling blood poured down his body. She drew back and sank the blade into his thigh, drawing a hoarse cry from his lips.

  Sern opened his mouth to call out for a guard, but she laid the flat of the blade sharply across his lips, splitting them.

  “Do you cry out for help, mighty warrior? Or shall I call you what you truly are? Disgusting pig! Raping animal! Filthy son-of-a-whore!” She punctuated each word with a blow from her sword.

  Sern knew he was fighting for his life, and he tried desperately to get his hands on her, but she was too fast and too good with her feet and blade. He was covered in his own blood and it ran down his face, further obliterating the vision from his swelling eyelids. His breath came out in harsh gasps, and, seeing the red haze of blood, he knew death was close at hand.

  In his arrogance, he had seriously underestimated the woman he had held, ignored the rumors of her abilities because she was a mere woman, and now he would pay for his foolishness with his life.

  Cassie grew tired of the game and drew back the sword, plunging it straight through his heart as her eyes locked on his. Sern’s body convulsed and stiffened before falling limply to the floor.

  She wiped the blade on his clothing and turned towards the door as the slave girls squealed and ran to her, hugging her and thanking her over and over again.

  “Oh, Mistress! Thank the gods you have come to save us!” they cried out in relief and laughter.

  She pushed them back and told them to hide themselves as a battle was coming.

  Cassie opened the door carefully and seeing Darien’s men loitering about and talking, she nodded at them, easing the door closed. One of them told her softly that the King was in Nera’s apartments.

  She moved silently down the hallway, followed by the Destian guards. At the door to Nera’s rooms, she paused and leaned her ear against the wood, listening for voices. When she heard nothing, she turned the handle slowly and looked inside.

  Startled slaves looked up at her from their various tasks, and their eyes widened at recognizing Erla’s Commander. She motioned for them to be silent, and they mutely nodded. She caught the eye of a male slave and lifted her brow in question. He smiled delightedly as he obligingly tilted his head towards Nera’s bedchamber.

  Cassie moved soundlessly to the door and eased it open. King Ston sat on a large chair while a slave girl knelt before him with her head moving up and down quickly on his erection. His head was thrown back and eyes squeezed shut as his large hand pressed on the back of her head, forcing her to take him deeply.

  “Am I interrupting?” Cassie’s voice rang out.

  Ston’s eyes snapped open and he released the girl, who jumped up and turned to look at Cassie with relief in her eyes as she scurried quickly out of the room.

  “What are you doing here dressed like that and with a weapon?” Ston thundered. “Does my brother not know how to keep his whores in line?” His lip curled into a sneer. “Come here and finish what that other one started, slut.”

  “As attractive as that offer is, you pig, I am going to have to decline.” His eyes widened at her words. Cassie brandished the sword and returned his sneer.

  “You impudent bitch! I believe I will fuck the resistance out of you before I kill you,” he snarled before grabbing up a sword. “Perhaps I will let my brother watch so he will know how to properly fuck a woman.”

  “You know, I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but your pig of a brother lies dead by my hand.” Cassie grinned at the outrage and shock that lit Ston’s face as he moved closer. “Don’t worry, though. You can tell him all about it when you see him in hell,” she calmly informed him.

  Cassie then parried a strong blow and hit his face like a slap with the flat of her blade as she twirled out of his reach.

  “You bitch! I will rip your guts out with my bare hands!” Ston shouted, charging at her wildly.

  Outside the room, Cassie heard screams and the clank of swords. Her reinforcements had arrived.

  She turned her mind back to the man she was fighting. He was strong, but he had no finesse. She met a blow with her sword and front-kicked him in the gut, knocking the wind from him.

  “All you are going to do is die for touching my Queen, you worthless piece of shit. You will never underestimate a woman again.” Cassie kicked him to the ground as he stood, clutching his stomach.

  She sent a boot into his groin, smiling in satisfaction as he groaned in pain. She lifted her sword to remove his head when a hand grabbed her arm. Turning her head, she met Nera’s violet eyes, the Guard flanking her on all sides.

  “This one is mine, Cassandra.” Cassie bowed and turned back to him, kicking his sword out of his grip and left him to her sovereign.

  Nera leaned in towards him and whispered something into his ear that made his eyes bulge in fury before she stepped back and removed his head from his shoulders with one swing of her broadsw

  Cassie dropped the short sword she was carrying and scooped up Ston’s long, jewel-encrusted one. The women looked at each other and nodded before heading back into the thick of the battle that was being fought just outside of the Palace.

  Outside, it was utter pandemonium. Slaves sought cover as the mixed armies fought back the leaderless Ambrians. Nera and Cassie waded into the fight, slicing through their opponents. As Cassie dispatched a huge, ugly warrior, she felt someone at her back. Turning her head, she threw up a block but found Darien grinning at her as he fought on. They stood back to back and took out wave after wave.

  “Did you kill Ston and Sern?” Darien yelled over the din.

  “They are dead," Cassie shouted back.

  “I have an idea regarding how to end this a bit more quickly,” Darien said.

  “Then, do it. There is no use in losing more of our warriors!” Cassie returned.

  She looked at him, and he nodded, driving his sword through a man who stood in his way as he ran up the steps and into the Palace.

  Cassie turned her mind back to the fight.

  Her arms were beginning to feel like lead weights, but she fought on. The combined forces were making short work of the Ambrians who, without their leader, lacked direction.

  Pain lanced through her leg as a huge Ambrian warrior sunk his blade into her thigh while she fought another. Cassie swung around with her sword, trying to hold them both off while she reconnoitered, aware that the wound on her thigh was deep enough to be a problem if this didn’t end quickly.

  The two Ambrians nodded at each other and charged her simultaneously.

  Cassie prepared herself for the assault, knowing that she was no match for them both. They were like Viking berserkers in their blood-lust. Suddenly, the strangest look covered the face of the man to her right, and he fell forward with a thud. Kara stood behind him, blood dripping from her sword.

  The other one paused to look at his fallen comrade, and Cassie took the opportunity to relieve him of his head. The women touched knuckles and turned their backs to each other swinging their swords at approaching Ambrian fighters.


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