Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 30

by Kat Brewer

  Cassie blinked and stood, allowing the water to trail off of her lithe body.

  Liam toweled her off gently, admiring her strong muscles and long limbs, silently thanking his Queen for assigning him to the beautiful, powerful warrior. She went into the bedroom and saw that Liam had turned down the bed and she made straight for it.

  Sliding into the bed, she sat back against the headboard, aware of their eyes lingering on her exposed breasts. It had taken Cassie quite a while to feel comfortable being naked in front of men, but now it was second nature, and she gave it little thought.

  They brought forth a tray of delectable smelling foods, and she allowed them to feed her. After several bites, she held up a hand, dismissing them and settling herself down for a much-needed nap. Sinking into the lush bedding, she found herself missing her men back in Erla.

  When she woke from her nap, Cassie rose reluctantly and dressed for the celebration that night, choosing the short scarlet toga-style dress uniform and its flowing cape. Liam curled her hair and pulled it back from her face, leaving it to flow down her back in glistening corkscrew curls. She used a sparing amount of cosmetics as her skin was tanned and fresh looking. She played up her eyes a bit, but she left the rest unused. She slid the armlets with Nera’s insignia onto her biceps, and turning from the mirror, she met the warm, approving looks coming from the slaves, and she smiled at them in return.

  They had dressed in their formal wear, that left their chests bare, and they wore sandals that laced halfway up their calves. Karl moved ahead of her and held the door open with a bow, and Dylan leaned towards her to offer directions to the Banqueting Hall. She assumed it was customary for them to join her at dinner as they all fell into step behind her when she strode down the corridor.

  She held her head high and pasted a pleasant smile on her face as she saw that the eyes of the servants and slaves were glued to her as she passed them. It was exciting for them to be amongst the first to see the legendary warrior, and they would embellish the gossip that was already circulating regarding her beauty and physical prowess.

  Two burly warriors pulled opened the doors to the Banqueting Hall and bowed as she passed them, inclining her head politely.

  Pausing just inside, she was painfully aware of the hush that fell over the crowd as she made her way towards their Queen. The courtiers burst into chatter as soon as she passed them. Smiling at Lee and Danai, she bowed to Saria and took the seat on her left, finding herself between Saria and Lee with Danai being seated a little farther down with her younger cousins. Saria's Commander Dayla nodded from her seat on the Queen's other side.

  Her attending slaves immediately set about getting some wine and a plate of food as Saria stood and held her hand up for silence.

  “We welcome the Warrior, Cassandra. Commander of Erla’s Army, vanquisher of the Trevians and conqueror of the Ambrian savages!” The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, heating Cassie’s cheeks.

  “Lady Cassandra will be extended every courtesy, and we will all work to see her every wish fulfilled. I intend to spoil her so extensively that she will wish to remain in Tayliss!” The crowd laughed and cheered again. Over a hundred smiling faces turned towards Cassie, and she smiled widely in response.

  At Saria’s urging, she stood to address the assembly.

  “My Sisters, I thank you for your welcome, and I am deeply honored by your hospitality. It is with great pleasure that I offer my sword in Tayliss’ service as long as I remain in your beautiful country,” Cassie said before bowing deeply in respect.

  She quickly won their hearts with her words. They were being repeated by the door guards and carried to the warriors in their barracks, impressing them with her humility and grace. The diners heaped praise upon the tall, beautiful, foreign woman. Cassie bowed again briefly before sitting back down and looking at Saria’s smiling face.

  “Lady Cassandra, are the slaves to your liking?” the Queen asked pleasantly. “You may have the pick of any man in the Queendom, you know.” Cassie smiled.

  “Thank you, Your Highness. I will keep that in mind. If I am dissatisfied, I will let you know immediately.” Cassie’s smile turned into a grin, and the other women at the Queen’s table smiled in return.

  “Lady Cassandra, our warriors request the honor of your presence for training tomorrow if you would care to join us,” Dayla said.

  “Dayla, let us give our guest a day of rest before we drag her onto the training field!” Saria admonished with a smile. “I declare a day off from training to ensure her rest tomorrow.”

  All the warriors in the room gave a cheer in response to their Queen’s words, and Saria grinned at their thankful exclamations.

  “I am overruled then,” Dayla responded with a laugh. “If we are to be idle, then I say we drink up and celebrate!” This statement was met with more cheers, and slaves rushed to fill glasses.

  Cassie ran her hand across Liam’s firm backside as he leaned over to refill her goblet, and he flashed a lusty look at her before resuming his position behind her with the others.

  “How is my friend Nera faring since your ordeal? She has written that all is well, but I know she would not wish to distress me with her troubles,” Saria asked Cassie.

  “She is truly well, My Lady. I believe her greatest fear was for the safety of Princess Danai. Hearing she was safe here was a great relief.” Cassie lifted her glass to Saria. “I have never taken greater pleasure in killing than when we rid this world of those despicable men.” A snarl raised Cassie’s lip. “I cannot thank you enough for caring for my Lady Danai, she is very dear to me.”

  “No thanks are necessary, Cassandra. It is a kinship bond, and she has been a great deal of fun to have with us.” Saria said, grinning. “Your reputation had grown to mythic proportions prior to your arrival, and we were all sure your fame was a child’s imagination until the reports of the battle were made known here. Adding that to the accounts of my warriors, you are now firmly installed as the greatest heroine and warrior who has ever lived.”

  Cassie choked on her wine and sputtered. “Your Highness, please! I am just a servant of my Queen and country. There is nothing extraordinary about me! Like all of my warriors, I fight hard for my country. I am honored to lead very fine women, and it is to them I owe my success,” Cassie said earnestly.

  Saria smiled. The woman was truly humble, and it spoke well for her character that she attributed her success to her warriors.

  “I fully intend to do all I can to persuade you to stay here in Tayliss. Nera will be livid, but it is my mission to steal her Commander for myself.” Saria grinned, but Cassie caught the truth in her words.

  “I am very flattered, My Lady.” Cassie flushed, giving herself the freedom to consider the proposal. Her love and loyalty lay with Nera and Erla, but it was good to know she had other options open to her.

  Cassie finished her meal, and a slave rushed to remove her empty plate. Dylan moved forward with a silver tray loaded with sweets, and Cassie’s eyes widened at something that looked suspiciously like a brownie.

  She hadn’t had chocolate since she had come to this world, and lifting the confection, she took a bite and nearly cried in happiness.

  “Oh, God, it’s wonderful,” she moaned in sheer happiness.

  “Sonda is made from a bean that flourishes only in our country. It is delightful, isn’t it?” Saria grinned at Cassie’s ecstatic expression.

  “It’s called chocolate on my world, and I have missed it so much!” Cassie said between bites.

  Finishing the brownie, she accepted a chocolate candy from Dylan and moaned again as it melted warmly on her tongue. Dylan knelt beside her chair and fed her choice pieces of chocolate and other sweets. He was rewarded with her adoring gaze at each offering.

  She had to stop him as he seemed to want to see her gorge herself. “Dylan, please. I will get sick if I eat anything more.” She rubbed her stomach and leaned back in her seat, smiling. Dylan smiled and bowed, returning to the ot
hers, and Saria laughed heartily at Cassie’s happy discomfort.

  “Yet another reason you should stay here with us. We were going to begin trading Sonda with our sisters in Erla, but if it will get you to remain here . . .” Saria trailed off, still grinning.

  “Oh, that is so unfair! Perhaps you shouldn’t trade it anyway, though. I shall grow so fat that I won’t be able to sit my horse, let alone fight,” Cassie groaned.

  The surrounding women laughed at Cassie’s comment.

  “If I could move right now, I would take a long walk to work some of this off.” She grinned widely and rubbed her stomach again.

  “Lady Cassandra,” an older woman, covered in rich jewels and a beautiful turquoise caftan spoke, “I am Lady Bethia, and I would be willing to give you your choice of half of my pleasure slaves if you would stay here in Tayliss,” the woman smiled cunningly.

  A collective gasp went up. The assembled women in the room knew Bethia had some of the most beautiful and sexually talented men in the realm. The offer was incredibly generous.

  Cassie sat up respectfully.

  “I thank you, My Lady, but it is terribly unfair of you all to tempt me. I am very loyal to my sovereign, and I love her dearly.” Cassie bowed her head to the Lady and Bethia smiled.

  “Having heard of you, I did not think you would accept. Your honor, courage, and loyalty are renowned, and I see they are not exaggerated.” The woman smiled approvingly, and the other women sighed as one.

  “I thank you for the honor you do me, Lady Bethia and My Lady, Queen Saria. If I had stumbled into Tayliss first, I know I would have been as proud to serve here as I am to serve Queen Nera in Erla.” A wave of applause followed her words and Cassie flushed becomingly.

  Musicians entered and bowed to Saria before setting up their instruments and playing. A trio of beautifully under dressed male slaves began a sensuous dance before the Queen’s table as the light dimmed a bit and the Jul was brought forth. Cassie’s eyes fixed on the graceful movements of the dancers, and she felt warmth pool in her belly at their movements. Dylan moved forward again and knelt at her side, looking up at her with hot eyes.

  “May I please you in any way, Lady?” he asked hopefully.

  “Your slaves are bold here in Tayliss, Your Highness,” Cassie grinned at Saria.

  The Queen frowned slightly as she looked at Dylan.

  “If their behavior is unacceptable to you, I will have them replaced. I would not have you offended, Lady Cassandra.” Saria frowned at Dylan, as he blanched and looked down.

  “No, My Lady. They are a just a bit freer in showing their desire for me than the Erlan slaves. I am not offended, I assure you. I meant it only as an observation.” Cassie stroked Dylan’s silky hair, and Saria’s expression softened

  Cassie continued to run her hands through Dylan’s hair, enjoying the texture. A man appeared at her side, holding a goblet of Jul out to her. As she looked up, she gasped in surprise.

  The man standing there was a dead-ringer for her late husband, Michael.

  The slave smiled gently and lowered his eyes respectfully as he placed the Jul next to her left hand.

  Saria looked at Cassie curiously as she gaped at the slave.

  “Is something the matter, Lady Cassandra?” Saria asked.

  Cassie closed her mouth, but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the man at her side. He stood six feet tall with soft, wavy brown hair and hazel eyes; the main difference between the two was that the slave’s hair fell past his shoulders as was usual in this world. Other than that, he was identical to Michael, right down to his athletic build.

  “Lady Cassandra?” Saria asked when she received no response. Cassie blinked rapidly and turned to Saria.

  “Forgive me, Your Highness. This slave reminds me of someone I once knew, and I was a bit shocked. That is all.” She offered a weak smile to the Queen as her eyes returned to the now-trembling slave beside her.

  Timidly, he met her eyes, and it was there that the similarity ended. The slave’s eyes were soft and fearful. He possessed none of Michael’s self-confidence and determination. Cassie sighed inaudibly. The resemblance was simply uncanny.

  “No need to apologize. Say the word, and he is yours for your stay, or even permanently,” Saria offered. “I would be delighted to gift you with him.” The slave stared at her expectantly.

  Cassie swallowed, weighed the thought, and then shook her head.

  “I thank you, but no. He is handsome and well-mannered, but my house is full at home, and you have provided me with ample male entertainment here. Thank you, Your Highness,” she said sincerely and smiled at Saria. The slave wore a disappointed look as he bowed and moved away, and Saria nodded with a pleasant expression. Her eyes drifted to the dancing men before her.

  “Cassandra, when do you plan to return to Erla?” Lee asked.

  “I have leave from my Queen to remain here for at least one week. Then, I will take my Princess home to her mother,” Cassie said, winking at her friend.

  A pretty slave came to Lee’s side and poured some Jul into her goblet. Lee pulled his head down for a long kiss.

  Cassie had been sipping at her Jul carefully, mindful of the effects, but the passionate kiss between the two beside her sent chills through her abdomen.

  Lee broke off the kiss, saw Cassie’s face and laughed.

  “I am surprised to see you drinking Jul, Cassie. You tend to leave it alone.” A lecherous grin lit her face and Cassie laughed.

  “I usually do, but it is a special occasion, and the slaves I have been lent are very desirable.” Cassie started giggling. She was more than a little tipsy as she and Lee had consumed a great deal of wine before they began drinking the Jul.

  “Lady Cassandra, I am going to bed now. Will I see you tomorrow?” Danai stood at her side, and Cassie rose to bow to her Princess. The little girl threw her arms around Cassie’s legs, so Cassie reached down and swing her up for a hug and a kiss.

  Quinn appeared and bowed to Cassandra before taking his tired daughter in his arms and carrying her to bed.

  Settling back into her chair, Cassie surveyed the crowd. As the children left, so did a great deal of inhibition. A tall, thickly muscled warrior appeared next to Cassie holding a gorgeous young slave by the arm.

  “Lady, I am Hilda of the Queen’s guard. It would be my honor for you to use this slave for the night. He is young, only twenty summers, but he is pretty and very willing to please.” The woman’s voice was gruff, and her face was lined with scars and wrinkles that made her appear slightly older than she was.

  Hilda had a brusque, honest personality that Cassie respected immediately. The slave met Cassie’s eyes eagerly. All of his body language was screaming for her to accept, and since the Jul had begun its work, she nodded in assent.

  “I thank you, Hilda. I am honored to receive such a kind offer. Will I see you on the training field the day after tomorrow?” The woman’s face broke into a bright smile that was incongruous with her rugged face.

  “Yes, Commander. I look forward to training with you.”

  “I look forward to it myself,” Cassie said as she stood and clasped arms with the woman, appreciating the firmness of her grip. Hilda bowed and returned to her seat at a lower table, and Cassie eased her chair back from the table and motioned to the young man in front of her.

  He was only a couple of inches taller than she was with sky-blue eyes and jet-black hair that hung freely on his shoulders. Youthful thinness clung to his hips, but he had most definitely been working out as his arms, shoulders, and abs were rippling with muscle. He was very sexy.

  “What is your name?” she asked, taking a deep drink of Jul.

  “Marcus, My Lady,” he answered. His eyes glanced up at her before immediately dropping back down. Cassie looked over at Saria who grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. She looked at Lee who was leering at the young man and laughing softly.

  The crowd was louder now. Women and men mingled as they laughed and talked. C
lothes were becoming optional on the slaves present, and couples were finding dark corners in that to relieve some of their Jul-induced passions before returning to the celebration.

  “Cassie, why don’t you unwrap your present and let’s have a look, shall we?” Lee asking, slurring her words a bit.

  “Lee, you’re drunk!” Cassie laughed.

  It was suddenly hilarious that her friend was inebriated, and she found it rather difficult to curb her own laughter. Lee laughed right along with her as Saria looked on indulgently.

  “Remove your clothes, Marcus.” Cassie grinned at him as his cheeks turned pink.

  The slave quickly obeyed and dropped his clothing to the floor. A murmur of appreciation sounded from the women close by as he stood naked in front of them. Cassie drank in his male beauty. She reached out and ran her hand down his belly to his manhood, stirring it to life with her touch. She looked up to see the want in his eyes.

  Marcus was in awe of the warrior before him. Her reputation had preceded her, and she was incredibly beautiful. He knew that to be singled out like this would make him the envy of all of the other slaves tonight, and he was eager to be had by her.

  Cassie crooked her finger, motioning him to lean down for her kiss, and cupping his face with her hands as her lips met his in a toe-curling kiss, that left him gasping for air. Holding up her goblet, she bade him drink the Jul. She was interested in how it would affect him, and at her urging, he drained it.

  Lee laughed.

  “Cassie! Men do not often take Jul. You will spoil him.” She laughed as she ran her hand down Marcus’s thigh and took him in her hand, weighing and measuring his turgid member. “This is very nice indeed. Hilda has a jewel in this one.” Cassie motioned him into Lee’s lap, and the woman kissed him deeply. Lee’s hand played with him intimately before she broke the kiss and pushed him off her lap.

  “Go to Lady Cassandra!” she said as she hiccupped and laughed.


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