Dad's Irish Wolf Shifter Friend (Irish Wolf Shifters Book 1)

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Dad's Irish Wolf Shifter Friend (Irish Wolf Shifters Book 1) Page 6

by Flora Ferrari


  “The condition that causes us to turn into werewolves. Not that we really understand it, it doesn’t exactly turn up in any medical manual that I’ve ever heard of.”

  “I guess not,” I murmur, my head spinning. This is just getting more and more extraordinary. Druids and ancient curses? It’s like something out of a fairytale. And as much as I love fairytales, most girls dream about ending up with the prince, not the big bad wolf.

  “My Uncle Padraic was my father’s older brother. Cailtin’s father. He took us in when we were still babies when our parents passed away. He watched to see which one of us would have the curse, not knowing how it would affect triplets. Cormac was born first, but of course, our DNA is pretty much all three of us have it.”

  I stare at him. “You’re telling me...all three of you are werewolves?”

  He nods. My mouth falls open. “Does my father know?”

  “No.” Brendan shakes his head sharply. “And you can’t tell him Keeley. No one outside of the family knows.”

  “Then why are you telling me?”

  For a moment Brendan looks nervous, and the glimpse of vulnerability just makes me want him more. Even if I am starting to suspect that he is certifiably insane.

  “Because,” he says, gazing into my eyes as he takes both of my hands, “the moment I saw you at the airport I knew you were mine. My mate. Uncle Padraic always told us there would only be one woman for each of us, one love. Wolves mate for life.”

  My tummy does a little flip at that. There is something so instinctively right about what he’s saying, that some deep part of me responds to him with an internal ‘yes.’ Still, the werewolf thing is a slight concern.

  “You don’t believe me,” he says and his expression closes, his eyes suddenly opaque as though he regrets confiding in me. I squeeze his hand, wanting to reassure him.

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you. It’s just all so bizarre. I mean, werewolves?”

  “I know it sounds crazy,” he says with another heavy sigh. “I never truly believed it myself until my first change. Which is the reason why I have to tell you now. On a full moon, we have no choice but to change...and it’s a full moon tonight.”

  I struggle to keep the fear from my face and he cups my chin in his hand.

  “Keeley,” he promises, “I would never hurt you. You’re in no danger from me. But I’ll spend most of the night outside. I didn’t want to just disappear on you, so I had to tell you. I know this is a lot to take in.”

  “Just a bit,” I murmur. “So you’re saying the wolf I saw last night was you?”

  He nods. “Yes. I didn’t want you to find out like that. But as soon as I looked up and saw that you were watching me, I knew I had to tell you before this goes any further.”

  I didn’t tell him how the wolf looked at me I realize, and the truth hits me like a slap.

  He isn’t crazy. He’s a werewolf.

  “Thank you...I think.”

  His face goes into that closed off expression again.

  “I understand if it changes your mind about me,” he says in a clipped tone and I know he really means what he says. That he wants me to be his. I shake my head.

  “It hasn’t,” I say honestly. “Maybe I’m crazy, and perhaps I should be running home as fast as I can but...I don’t think anything could stop me from wanting you.”

  His eyes close briefly as though in relief and when he opens them again there’s a tender look in them that warms me.

  “I knew I was right. You are my mate.”

  He kisses me and I go into his arms without a second thought. I belong with him. Somehow I know that’s true and that’s all that really matters.

  I nibble at his lower lip and feel him shudder in response.

  “So is it like in the stories?” I ask him. “Silver bullets and all that?”

  “I don’t know about silver bullets.” He says with a grin, “but we are pretty hard to kill thanks to our healing abilities. Very fast and strong and of course we have incredibly heightened senses. We change with the moon whether we like it or not, but other than that we can change as we please. Being on the outskirts of the city, obviously we try to be careful.”

  I nod, trying to take in all the information and thinking about how surreal it all sounds. This is not a conversation I had ever imagined myself having...particularly not with the man I’ve fallen for.

  “Does it hurt?”

  He chuckles softly. “No. Being a wolf feels incredible, it’s the biggest rush ever. I know it’s supposed to be a curse but honestly, I’ve never seen it that way. But it does mean,” his face is serious again, “that if we were to have a boy he could inherit the gene.”

  I think about being pregnant with Brendan’s child, my belly growing big with his seed, and I can’t help flushing at the thought. Is he telling me he wants us to have children?

  In two days my whole life has been turned upside down, yet I cannot regret getting on that plane.

  I kiss him again and know I’m giving him my acceptance, and my answer to his question. I’m his...

  Later that night, when the moon is high and round in the sky, I’m sitting on the couch staring at some reality TV program, trying to process everything that Brendan has told me. Instinct tells me to believe him...and to trust him...but the rational part of my brain is telling me that this is crazy. Can he really be a werewolf? And can I really deal with it? Telling me about it is one thing, but coming face to face with it could be a different thing entirely. Even though I know he would never hurt me, I can’t help thinking of all the horror stories out there.

  So much so that I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a sound like smashing glass. My first thought is that it’s coming from the bar downstairs, even though it was half empty when I popped down to see Caitlin earlier, but it would have to be a pretty big smash for me to hear it up here. It sounded closer than maybe it was a window downstairs...

  I sit up straight, feeling the first flutters of panic, then freeze when I hear heavy footsteps behind me. I know before I turn around that it isn’t Brendan behind me. Maybe Cormac or their other brother is back...but then they should be affected by the full moon too...

  As I turn to see who the intruder is I hear a voice that only intensifies my panic.

  “Why, if it isn’t the little American girl...or perhaps I should say not so little.”

  The man that Brendan threw over the bar Friday night walks in front of the couch, followed by one of his friends. They must have broken in, I think, although my thoughts are slow. Then my focus sharpens and I gasp as I see he’s holding a gun in his hand. He sneers at me.

  “Where’s your man?” he asks. I swallow my fear and try my best to keep my voice steady. I’m a Malone, I’ll be damned if I show this fool I’m scared.

  Except, of course, I am scared. He has a gun.

  Where is Brendan?

  “He’s out,” I say shortly. “He’ll be back any minute,” I add, hoping that my words are true. He did tell me he wouldn’t be far away...will he be able to sense something wrong? I’m sure animals are sensitive to things like that...but of course I have zero experience with werewolves.

  “That’s grand,” the guy says, still sneering at me. “I have a little something for him.” He jerks the gun.

  “He’ll kill you,” I say confidently staring him in the eyes, although in truth I’m not that confident. It’s a big gun. Can werewolves withstand bullets?

  The man raises his eyebrow at his friend.

  “Feisty one isn’t she?”

  “She is,” his friend agrees. “I reckon she’ll be a lot of fun.”

  “Let’s find out, shall we,” he says, jerking his head at me. “Stand up,” he says with a leer, “And take your clothes off.”

  I glare at him in spite of the wave of fear that goes through me. “Fuck you,” I say. He laughs, but his expression is angry.

  “She’s got a mo
uth on her. I think we should teach her a lesson,” the other guy says.

  Then, at last, I hear a sudden snarling and a huge black wolf rushes into the room. I close my eyes in relief.

  But then I hear the gun.



  Brendan jerks back and I scream, but the scream dies in my throat as he shakes and the bullet literally flies back out of his body as though it has just bounced off his skin. The O’Donnell stare in panic, then the other guy turns on his heel and races back out of the room.

  The man with the gun fires again, but this time it goes wide. Brendan tears the gun from his hand with his teeth and flings it to the other side of the room. He lounges at the guy and tears at his throat. I look away.

  Ewww, that’s gross, I think in what must be my biggest understatement ever. I realize I’m shaking and see Brendan come towards me. I almost flinch – he is a wolf after all – but then he bends his great head and nuzzles my hand.

  If it wasn’t for the blood around his mouth it would be almost sweet.

  Then his whole form seems to shudder, and suddenly he’s back, sitting naked on the floor in front of me.

  “Are you alright?”

  I’m really not so sure. “You killed him,” I say, stating the obvious. Brendan glances back at the dead body on the floor.

  “I did,” he says in that Irish way of his. “Can you never just say yes or no?” I tease. He grins and kisses me. Somehow his touch soothes and grounds me and I stop shaking instantly.

  “Yes I’m okay,” I say. “But’ve been shot.”

  He looks down at himself, but where the bullet hit him there is only an angry bruise, which is healing even as I look at it. “Wow,” I say simply. He nods.

  “It’s pretty incredible isn’t it? Let’s get you upstairs and I’ll get this mess sorted out.”

  I follow him upstairs, watching him as he washes his face and gets dressed. A feeling overwhelms me as I watch him moving around.

  More than lust, I realize. I love him.

  The next morning we’re sitting in the bar with Caitlin and Cormac who returned a few hours ago. The oldest of the Killanney triplets seems to have taken it all in his stride. Not just the break-in, but the news about me and Brendan.

  We haven’t yet discussed how we’re going to tell my father.

  Brendan puts his arm around me and I snuggle closer to him in the leather booth we’re sitting in. Caitlin winks at me. She wasn’t surprised at all.

  “So what did you do with the body?” I ask and then wonder if I shouldn’t have. But they don’t seem to mind. All of a sudden I’m part of the family.

  “Had it taken back to the O’Donnell’s,” Brendan says.

  “Won’t they retaliate?” I ask, shocked. Brendan shrugs and Cormac answers for him.

  “They could...but I don’t think they will. Their man was blatantly in the wrong breaking in like that just because he was sore about getting his ass kicked. And with a gun. As far as we’re concerned, he broke in, so our dog killed an intruder. None of us were even here...just you, a defenseless woman, if you don’t mind me saying so. This doesn’t look good for them...chances are they will take it on the chin. At least officially.”

  “But there will be repercussions?”

  “We’ll deal with them,” Brendan says with a yawn. He really doesn’t seem that worried. His arm is draped around my shoulder, his hand idly playing with my hair.

  I hear the bell over the door and look up at the clock. I didn’t realize it was opening time already.

  But it’s not a customer. I hear his voice before I see him.

  “Why the fuck have you got your arm around my daughter Killanney?”

  It’s my father.

  He stands in front of the booth, glaring at Brendan like he’s about to kill him...which with my father is always a possibility. Cormac stands up slowly while I go to pull away from Brenan, but he clamps his arm down tightly around my shoulders.

  “Stay where you are Keeley. We’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Nothing!” My father looks furious. “I send her here thinking I can trust you to keep her safe, and you seduce her?”

  “It’s not like that,” I protest. Dad glares at me.

  “Get your things, we’re getting straight on the next plane home. I thought I’d surprise you and come for a little visit, being as things back home got sorted out a lot quicker than I expected. Thank God I didn’t leave it any longer!”

  “No Dad,” I say quietly, but firmly. “I’m not coming back.”

  My father’s face goes so red it looks as though it will burst. He starts towards Brendan who immediately jumps to his feet, but Cormac holds my father back, effortlessly and with one hand. Dad stares down at his hand, obviously unable to fathom Cormac’s strength. He’s not used to being bested. Cormac turns his cool eyes on Brendan.

  “Calm down brother. Let’s discuss this like civilized gentleman shall we?”

  “There’s nothing civilized about him taking advantage of my Keeley.” Dad roars. Outmatched or not, he would never back down from a fight. I sigh.

  “Dad,” I say patiently, “I know you’re just being protective and I love you, but honestly, it isn’t how you think. We’re in love Dad.”

  As I say the words I blush and hope that I’m right. Brendan said that I’m his mate...but I don’t exactly know if it’s the same thing. Do werewolves fall in love?

  My father looks horrified. He glares at Brendan again.

  “You see what you’ve done Killanney? She thinks you bloody love her! What are you going to do about that, eh?”

  Brendan smiles at him.

  “I do love her,” he says, and I can’t keep the smile from my face, “so I’ll tell you what I’m going to do about that, and I would love to have your blessing Michael. I’m going to marry her.”

  My smile gets even wider and I feel my heart leap in my chest. Brendan turns to me and his eyes are full of emotion.

  “Will you Keeley, Marry me?”

  I nod, to overcome to speak. Caitlin claps and gives a little cheer, while my father sinks down into the seat next to her, his head in his hands. Cormac smiles down at him sympathetically.

  “I’ll get you a Guinness Michael,” he says and goes off to the bar. Brendan sits down next to me, opposite my dad.

  “I’m sorry Michael,” he says and he looks genuinely pained at my father’s distress. “I wouldn’t have told you like this. But I mean it; I really love your daughter and want to marry her. I can promise you now that I’ll never hurt her.”

  Dad looks at me.

  “Are you sure this is what you want Keeley?”

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation.

  He nods, and then looks a little brighter as a thought occurs to him.

  “We can build quite the little empire eh, the Killanney’s and the Malones?”

  Cormac comes over with the Guinness and they start to toast each other. Caitlin looks at me and rolls her eyes.

  “Men,” she says.

  I smile, and squeeze Brendan’s hand under the table.

  I know I’ve found my man.



  Seven months later

  Seven months later

  Brendan turns to look at me as I walk towards him and I feel my heart leap in my chest with happiness.

  I’m already his woman...but today I’m also going to become his wife.

  My dad squeezes my arm in reassurance as we walk up the aisle, or maybe it’s to make sure that I don’t fall over. After all I’m getting big now. I had to have my dress taken out three times.

  I’ve chosen a long flowing wedding dress in a soft ivory that brings out the gold in my hair. The tight top pushes my breasts up to their full advantage, but then the rest of the dress falls away in flattering folds, with a comfortable space for my ever-growing bump. I see Brendan look me up and down as I approach and his eyes fill with lust, and I know he app
roves of the dress.

  The bigger I get the sexier Brendan seems to find me, especially as my breasts and hips grow, and the surge of pregnancy hormones has made me just as rampant too. We can’t get enough of each other, and although I know we might be a bit more limited for time once the baby is here, I can’t imagine ever not wanting him the way I do now.

  Things have quieted down for the brothers too now that the O’Donnell business is sorted, and Brendan is talking about branching out from the family business and opening another bar. Maybe even going fully legit. I’ve told him I support him no matter what. I know he will always do what’s best for us as a family.

  I haven’t been idle either, even though the pregnancy is starting to take it out of me now I’m in the last trimester. I’ve been doing an evening course in photography and I’m doing really well, so much so that I’m hoping when the baby is older it could even become a part-time career. I didn’t know how Brendan would react to me stepping outside of Killanneys, but he has been fully supportive...even buying me all top of the range photography equipment as a pre wedding present. I’ve learned that I’m going to have to get used to being spoiled.

  Finally I reach Brendan, who takes my hand and squeezes it while I pass my flowers to Caitlin behind me. I turn to face Brendan and see his eyes are full of pride. I love you, he says silently. I love you too, I mouth back, feeling like the happiest bride in all of Ireland.

  The ceremony goes by in a blur as we repeat our vows after the priest and nod dutifully through the short sermon. Brendan gazes deeply into my eyes as he pledges himself to me and I can hardly keep the smile off my face. When it comes to the kiss he whispers in my ear, “I can’t wait to get that dress off you,” and it’s all I can think about throughout the speeches, dinner and dances.

  Finally we get to the hotel, alone, and I see there are rose petals strewn all over a luxury four poster bed and a bottle of non-alcoholic bubbly chilling in an ice bucket by the bed. Brendan steps behind me and starts to unlace my dress, kissing the back of my neck as he undoes it. I step out of my dress and turn to face him, watching the desire flare in his eyes as he sees the ivory silk underwear, stockings and garter.


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