Using Her Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Omega Book 3)

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Using Her Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Omega Book 3) Page 3

by April Canavan

  “As fun as that would be, I don’t want him to fuck it up before we even get started. This is something he shouldn’t refuse, even if he really wants to. Drake is king now, even if he’s our friend. When the Dragon King asks you to do something, you do it.”

  Adam was drunk. Or as close to drunk as he could possibly get and still able to wipe the floor with his competition. They’d started at darts, and after six rounds and over a hundred dollars, the men he’d been playing against suggested that they try their hand at pool.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said honestly when the other man was looking at the money in his hand greedily. “I don’t want to lose all the money that I’ve just won.”

  Adam was tall, just over six-three, and the man in front of him was even taller. He was thin and wiry, while Adam was all muscle. It wasn’t just a vain thing. He was a lieutenant in the Dragon Military. If he couldn’t defend himself, he would be killed there was no escaping it. Just like there was no escaping the fact that he was about to wipe the floor with the human who had challenged him at pool.

  “I think this is an amazing idea,” the man said. His eyes had just started to show the beginning signs of inebriation. Glossy, but not bloodshot.

  Adam shrugged. “Okay,” he said with a slight slur for good effect. “Let’s get another round, too.”

  After he used the dart winnings to pay for their round, Adam proceeded to wipe the table with the man in front of him.

  “Eight Ball, corner pocket.” He pointed the cue at the pocket furthest away from him and banked the shot easily.

  While he picked up the cash, he watched his now drunk opponent out of the corner of his eye. Rage briefly flashed over his features, and Adam was sure that he was about to have a fight on his hands, but the man walked away with a grunt. The door to the bar swung open, and he groaned when he saw Matthew walk in followed closely by Stefan.

  “What are you two doing here?” He called out across the crowded room. There was a brief pause when he spoke, but activity quickly picked up again when the bar patrons saw there wasn’t a fight brewing.

  “We came to save whatever poor soul you’re beating at pool,” Matthew said with a smile. “But I see we’re too late. Let’s get a round instead.”

  They took a shot together, and Matthew bought beer before they sat down at a table in the corner.

  “Really, though. You guys don’t have to come out. I know you’d rather be sleeping.” Adam looked at Stefan, who had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

  “Why are you drinking away your sorrows?” Stefan asked pointedly, “You weren’t with her that long.”

  “I’m not drinking because of her,” Adam admitted while looking at the waitress who’d just brought their drinks. “I’m drinking because she left me and took my pride with her.”

  “Isn’t that the same thing?” Matthew turned to Stefan. “I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing.”

  “Shut up,” Adam snapped. “It’s not the same thing. I trusted her, gave her a piece of me. Not love or anything ... trust and respect. She went and cheated on me, left me for another wolf. It’s bullshit, and you know it.”

  He downed the beer in his hand, and waved the waitress back over for another. When she leaned down and whispered in his ear, he knew that he could have her if he wanted. Instead, he shook his head and sent her on her way. Any other night, and he’d be game. At least that’s what he told himself. The truth was, he was getting older. Knowing that he wouldn’t find a mate in their world stung, and it hurt even more that another shifter didn’t think he was good enough.

  “We’ve got a mission,” Stefan said breaking through his melancholy. Adam’s interest was piqued and he raised an eyebrow waiting for his friend and roommate to continue.

  “Drake wants us to protect the princess,” Matthew said with a chuckle. “Glorified princess protection.”

  Adam snorted. “No thanks. Hard pass.”

  “You can’t,” Stefan insisted. “I need you to step up. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.”

  “Stefan.” Adam tapped his fingers on the table top. “She’s a princess. In Gilcurry. The only safe place in the world for magical people. No one would touch her. I’m not doing it.”

  He stood up, ready to walk away and keep drinking, but there was something in the way that Stefan was looking at him that had him pausing before he got too far.

  “What?” He said when he saw the look on Stefan’s face.

  “Someone’s already tried to abduct her. Tonight, in fact. Right in front of Erik, Damon, Cass ... and even Ben and Drake. They were in the Gilcurry Club for her birthday, and someone grabbed her. She was lucky they were there, or she’d be gone.”

  “Shit,” Adam muttered. He looked longingly at the pool table, wishing that he could rewind a half hour and leave before Stefan showed up. There was no escaping it now.

  He waved down the waitress once more. “Coffee, this time please.”

  “So, you’ll do it?”

  “I don’t have a choice, do I?” He sighed and sat back down at the table to hear the rest of what they had to say. “Neither one of you knows how to handle a weapon to save your life.”

  “Why would I need a weapon?” Matthew tapped the table pointedly. “I’ve got claws.”


  Sweat poured down Matthew’s body, and he grunted as he hit the punching bag again. And again. And again. Just for good measure, he hit it until his knuckles screamed in agony.

  The sun wasn’t even up yet, and he was ready to go. After they’d gotten back to the apartment after retrieving Adam, Mathew went to work doing as much recon as he possibly could on the princess.

  Yes, pretty much everything she did was on record. Not because Matthew and the others were obsessed with her, but because there were only three females. Actually, there were only two unmated female dragons left. But their Gilcurry contingent still kept tabs on Danica, because she’d mated with four dragons instead of one. They were fascinated by it and the implications that it brought to their world.

  Everyone in their world had secrets, though. Matthew was the best at rooting them out, and he knew it was because he was better than most at keeping them. He had to be, it was survival.

  After he finished his workout, he took a hot shower to help his muscles. His workout this morning had been especially rough, and he didn’t want to think about how sore he was going to be later. Instead, he let himself out of their apartment and headed to the coffee shop that they had breakfast at almost every morning.

  He was early, like always. When Matthew pulled his phone out and checked while he was waiting for his order, he saw that he’d finished almost ten minutes earlier than usual. But that probably had to do with the fact that he pushed himself harder than usual.

  While he waited for the others, he listened to the sound of coffee beans being ground up in the back. The steady drip of the coffee machine soothed him, and the occasional hiss of the espresso machine reminded him that this was what life was about. His entire life was spent serving the Dragon Realm. He was a soldier. First. Always. Hell, he’d even learned about helping the other soldiers so he could make sure they were all taken care of mentally and physically. There wasn’t anything he wasn’t familiar with when it came to trauma.

  Matthew watched witches and shifters together, there were even a few goblins that were hanging out in the coffee shop. While they all chattered, contributing to the white noise around him, Matthew smiled. Peace, that’s what Gilcurry offered him. Ever since the Mad King had been killed, his life had peace. While he drank his coffee, he ran a hand down his thigh and the familiar way his blade sat against his body helped ease his nerves.

  He didn’t want to work with the princess or any female dragon. He wasn’t about to tell Stefan that, or explain why. So instead, he’d listened to his friend dole out orders the night before, and he prepared himself to go through a little bit of hell. Female dragons were the worst.

he saw Stefan and Adam through the front window, he smiled. Adam was wearing a pair of sunglasses, no doubt to hide that he was nursing a massive hangover. Stefan looked down at his watch impatiently, and Adam said something that Matthew couldn’t hear. They were late, and he knew that Stefan probably had to drag Adam out of bed.

  Once they had coffee in hand, two cups just for Adam, the three of them sat down at the large table in the back.

  “Okay,” Stefan said after he’d taken a drink. “We’re going to have to set up a schedule. One of us is going to have to be at the princess’ house at all times. The easiest way to do it is to work in 8-hour shifts, like Drake told me last night. But then there’s also the fact that she’s not even safe in Gilcurry. We’re going to have to stay glued to her side.”

  “This is ridiculous,” Adam grunted, sounding like he’d rather be sleeping. “I know someone tried to take her. But do we know for a fact that she was actually in danger, or was it a boyfriend or something? Because the very last thing I want to do is babysit a princess.” His words echoed Matthew’s thoughts, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Once we assess the threat, we can figure out a plan.” Stefan’s voice shifted, and Matthew saw Drake there out of the corner of his eye.

  “Don’t get up or anything,” he greeted them with a smile.

  Adam flipped him off, and Matthew rolled his eyes. Stefan smiled.

  “Thank you,” Drake said immediately. “I’m thankful that you guys are willing to do this. Even if you think she’s spoiled.” He stared pointedly at Adam who shrugged.

  “It’s the truth,” Adam said.

  “We don’t actually know anything about her,” Stefan told Adam. “Maybe we should hold our judgement until we meet her.”

  “Danica and Mary are on their way over with Erik and the others,” Drake said. “They’re bringing Arielle with them. Before they get here, I just want to go over what I expect of the three of you.”

  “To watch your sister and make sure she doesn’t spend too much money,” Adam joked.

  It fell on deaf ears. Drake clenched his hands together, and Matthew realized that there was something their king wasn’t telling them. He kicked Adam under the table in silent rebuke and subtly pointed at Drake’s fists. Adam swallowed whatever retort he was about to make.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I had too much to drink last night.” The immediate shift in his attitude set Drake at ease, and the king took the only remaining chair at their table.

  “She needs to be safe.” He rubbed his eyes and pushed his hands through his short hair, stopping to touch the faded scar on his cheek. “She’s not safe. And I can’t help her. I’m not going to pretend to know what’s going on in that girl’s mind. She’s different, and I just can’t do it myself. So protect her. Keep her safe. Even if it’s from herself. Just like I told Stefan last night, something’s wrong. She’s spent almost all of her life in the Dragon Realm, forced to live in the castle. She’s pushing herself, trying to test her limits. I don’t want her to fall from flying too close to the sun. Arielle means everything to me, and I’m not going to let her down that easily.”

  Drake’s words struck Matthew in the chest, and reminded him why he was here. Why he was serving. Why he was doing all of this. It was a bitter reminder of everything that he had to fight for.

  Matthew opened his mouth to tell Drake that they’d protect her, when the coffee shop door opened again, and in walked the crowd of dragons. Danica, heavily pregnant, being ushered by Ben and Cass, with Damon following just behind her. Mary, on the other hand, was standing back with Erik, and they were talking to a short woman that Matthew couldn’t see.

  The seconds ticked by, feeling like hours, and Matthew’s heart started to beat faster with the anticipation of seeing their assignment for the first time. When Erik finally stepped away, and Mary moved toward Drake, Matthew finally saw who they would be protecting. Small, like a doll, with long black curls, and skin that looked like it hadn’t spent a minute in the sun, she was beautiful. She opened her eyes and looked directly at him, sending a shock straight through his body and rooting him to the ground. He couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Her eyes were wide, blue pools, and even though there were dark circles rimming them, he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

  “Shit,” he muttered. Matthew wasn’t stupid. He knew that he’d just met his fate.

  Arielle was drooling, there was no other way to explain it. They walked into the coffee shop to find three hot guys and her brother sitting at a table. Admittedly, if he wasn’t her brother, Arielle would say that her brother was attractive too, but that was gross.

  “Yum,” Mary whispered to her. “They’re all hot. I’d give money to be surrounded by that all the time.”

  “If you gave him a chance, you would be.” Erik’s voice broke our moment of admiring the sexy men, and Mary turned to glare at him.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, so zip it before I make you.”

  Erik held up his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t make me tell Dani on you.”

  Mary sniffed. “She’ll choose me over you every day of the week.”

  “No I won’t,” Dani called from across the café. “He’s the one who gives me sex. Sorry girl, I’m not letting that go. Not when these kids make me horny all the time.” She would have kept talking, but Cass covered her mouth with his hand, his face turning red while he did it.

  Arielle giggled, and turned to admire the men again. For just a second, she could pretend that they weren’t being sent by her brother to make sure that she stayed in line. Just as quickly reality set in and she did her best to ignore the fact that she was insanely attracted to them. Especially the green-eyed man that was staring at her with tattoos all over his forearms.

  “That’s Matthew,” Mary whispered as she saw who Arielle was staring at. “He’s the therapist that I’ve been seeing, because your brother ordered it.”

  Arielle swallowed, trying to figure out how she’d avoid having bodyguards for the foreseeable future.

  “Arielle,” Drake smiled at her and got up from the table. She smiled at him, letting him pull her into a hug before he kissed her forehead. “You look a lot better than you did last night,” he teased her.

  “Thanks,” she whispered. “I think I drank too much, though. I had a headache when I woke up.”

  One of the men at the table snorted behind a pair of sunglasses. “Join the club,” he said. “Hangovers are a bitch.”

  “Arielle,” Drake said before she could answer him. “These are the men who are going to help us figure out what’s going on.” She noticed that he avoided saying they were her bodyguards. Probably because he knew she’d have another meltdown.

  “Stefan,” he motioned to a blonde man who stood up immediately. She saw a flash of something in his brown eyes when she looked up at him, and then it was gone behind a mask of nonchalance. Immediately, she wanted to walk away from him. The aggression poured off him in waves, and Arielle unconsciously shuddered when she thought about being too close to him.

  “Adam,” Drake said and the man with the sunglasses stood up. He took them off, and she was shocked to see that he had eyes almost the same shade of blue as hers, except his had streaks of silver in them.

  “You have pretty eyes,” she said before she could stop herself.

  He glared at her, and then replaced his sunglasses on his face, then took a seat. Arielle knew he was dismissing her completely.

  “And this is Matthew,” Drake finished as the man with the tattoos stood up.

  “I’m Arielle,” she said quietly, introducing herself before Drake could.

  He would probably introduce her as a princess, or say something ridiculous. She didn’t want that label. She wanted to be known as who she was, not because she was royalty.

  “Princess,” the three of them said together, and her hackles raised immediately.

  “No,” she snapped. “My name is Arielle. You’ll call m
e that, or you won’t address me at all.” With that, she crossed her arms and dared any one of them to contradict her.

  Stefan’s jaw ticked, and she was sure that he was about to tell her that he would call her whatever the hell he wanted to, but he didn’t. Arielle was surprised. Obviously, she’d pegged him wrong. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all, especially if they followed an order like that. She let down her walls slightly, only to be shut completely out.

  “We can keep her safer if she’s put on lockdown,” Stefan said to Drake. He turned and cut Arielle out of the conversation.

  “You’re right,” Drake said. “I’m sure we can figure something out that makes it as easy as possible on you and your men.” He pulled out his phone and typed something in. “Give me just a second.”

  Arielle was angry. Angrier than she’d been last night or could ever remember being at her brother. Turning quickly, she saw Mary watching the whole thing with a glare on her face.

  “Hey,” she said quietly. “Didn’t you say that your friend is a manager here?”

  “Yeah.” Mary stared at her with a dawning understanding. “Do you want to go meet her?”

  “Yes,” Arielle said with a smile. “I think I most definitely do.”

  They ignored the questioning looks from those who remained at the table, and went to the front of the café where Mary smiled at an older woman behind the counter.

  “Hey Sharon,” she greeted. “This is Arielle, and she’s looking for a job.”

  For an older woman, Sharon was stunning. In her fifties, she had silver hair that curled almost as much as Arielle’s own dark locks. She also had eyes that seemed more bronze than brown.

  “What does the Dragon Princess need a job for?” Sharon looked questioningly not at Mary, but directly at Arielle, who swallowed.

  “I don’t want to rely on anyone,” she said. “I’m looking to be free, and the only way I can do that is to make sure that I’m fighting for myself.”


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