Don't Let Go

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Don't Let Go Page 21

by Rebecca Deel

  Simon dragged a hand down his face. “We need help covering shifts. We can’t stay on duty 24 hours a day.”

  “Trent’s on the fourth floor, east wing.” Matt sipped his drink. “Talk to Trent about the security arrangements. We have your father covered.”

  “Do you want to wait here or go with me?” Simon asked Zoe.

  “I’ll go, too. If we find a steak and baked potato on the way down, I’m ordering a meal to go. Maybe dessert, too.”

  The operatives chuckled.

  “We’ll see if the cafeteria has something acceptable for dinner.” Simon glanced at her. “I owe you a steak dinner with all the trimmings.”

  “That’s a deal. I can wait knowing I have that to look forward to.”

  “Be back in a few minutes with food,” Simon said to his teammates, and guided Zoe to the elevator.

  As soon as the doors close, she asked, “Is your father all right?”

  “I think so.” Simon wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He rested his chin on the top of her head. “He wanted to know my intentions toward you.” He sounded amused.

  Surprised, she looked up at him. “Did that make you angry?”

  He laughed. “No, that’s what I expect from my father. All I’ve done for months is tell my folks how crazy I am about you. He wanted to make sure I wasn’t stringing you along, that I was being upfront and honest with you about everything.”

  Zoe scowled. “Did he ever consider I might have been the one without honor, out to sponge meals and have you cater to my every whim without any intention of being in a serious relationship with you?”

  “Um, no. I didn’t have the best rep in high school. I was an All-State football player and used that to my advantage with the ladies. You wouldn’t have liked me when I was younger.” His smile faded. “This relationship won’t be easy. You still have time to back out if you want although I’m praying you don’t. I think I’m too far gone to back away now.”

  “I’m in this as deep as you are, Simon. Being with you is worth every challenge.”

  Simon’s expression softened and he pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth as the elevator slid to a stop. When the doors opened, he escorted her into the hall and turned left.

  She eyebrows winged upward. Did he have a map in his head? “How did you know where to turn?”

  “Matt said Trent was in the east wing. It’s this way.”

  “I need landmarks to find my way around,” she muttered. “Maps remind me of a child’s scribbles. Colorful, illegible, and full of information I can’t figure out how to use. I rock at using GPS, though.”

  Simon blinked. “Good to know.”

  “Don’t laugh.”

  “No, ma’am. I’m smarter than that.”

  She smiled. Smart aleck. Liam and Trent stood in the hallway, keeping watch outside the entrance to the surgical suite.

  “Sit rep,” Trent said.

  Simon updated his team leader, ending his report with, “Is the Texas team available?”

  “Let’s find out.” Trent grabbed his phone and called their boss. “It’s Trent. We have another complication in Hanover.” He explained about Hollister and the threat looming over both the trainee and Simon’s parents. “We need another team to help cover security shifts.”

  Bravo’s leader listened a moment, then said, “Yes, sir. Bravo could use four hours at least to function at peak capacity. If another team is assigned, Bravo will turn its attention to hunting down the shooters.”

  After another short conversation, Trent ended the call. “The Texas team will be here in two hours. As soon as we talk to Brody, we’ll go to the hotel for the night.”

  “We’ll stay on Hollister until Texas relieves us,” Liam said.

  “Do you need food or drinks?” Zoe asked.

  “I’d love coffee and a sandwich. Trent?”

  “Same. I’m not picky. Whatever looks good.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “We’ll take care of it,” Simon corrected. “I’m not comfortable with you wandering around the hospital on your own.”

  She had to pick her battles. This one wasn’t worth causing Simon more stress. “Probably wise. I’ll have a difficult time carting food and drinks from the cafeteria for your team. You make a great tote goat.”

  He gave her a smart salute. “At your service, ma’am.” Simon turned back to Trent. “Any estimate on how long Hollister’s operation will take?”

  “Two hours, maybe more. Depends on the extent of the damage.”

  “Did you talk to him?”

  “For a minute. He apologized for not coming to us when the Barones approached him and Lyons. Hollister and his buddy didn’t know what they were up against.”

  “Maybe. I’m still angry that they thought so little of me and Liam that they assumed the Barones told the truth despite a lack of evidence to back up their claims.”

  “Water under the bridge.” Liam leaned against the wall. “Focus on the fallout.”

  “After you deliver the food and drinks, take Zoe to the hotel,” Trent said. “We can’t do anything more tonight. We’ll put together a plan after sleeping for a few hours.”

  A nod from Simon. “I’ll have breakfast delivered to the suite for the team. Once we make our plans, we’ll coordinate with Texas.”

  When Trent’s phone signaled an incoming call, Simon and Zoe headed for the cafeteria. They loaded up on sandwiches, chips, and drinks, and delivered the bounty to the members of Bravo.

  That done, she and Simon returned to the sixth floor to check on his parents and eat their meals with Simon’s mother and the other two operatives. The chicken sandwich wasn’t bad, Zoe decided. She couldn’t wait to return to a kitchen again, though. She longed to inhale the scent of chocolate chip cookies or cinnamon rolls baking in the oven.

  After speaking to his father for a moment, Simon hugged his mother, explained about the second team soon to arrive, and promised to return in a few hours. “Get some rest, Mom. If you need me for any reason, call me. We’re staying at the Westgate.”

  Lisa rubbed his back. “I’ll be fine. If your father’s condition changes, I’ll call. Go rest and take Zoe with you. She looks like she could sleep standing up.”

  An accurate description of how she felt. “Do you need anything before we leave?”

  Simon’s mother hugged her. “No, dear. The sandwich and green tea you brought me were perfect. If I need something else, I’ll get it myself.”

  “Ask one of the bodyguards to go with you. The danger to you and Dad isn’t over,” Simon said.

  “There are security guards everywhere,” Lisa protested.

  “The men we’re after are dangerous, Mom. You need one of us.”

  She kissed his cheek. “All right. Go rest so I won’t worry about you.”

  Simon escorted Zoe from the room and looked at Matt.

  The medic nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”

  Simon and Zoe walked to the elevator. “Do you need anything before we go to the hotel?”

  “Like what?”

  “Tea, coffee, ice cream?”

  They stepped inside the car. As soon as the doors slid closed, Zoe turned into his arms and hugged him. “I’m fine, Simon. Please don’t worry about me.”

  “You’re important to me.”

  “Makes things nice and balanced because you’re important to me, too.”

  His arms tightened around her. Twenty minutes later, Simon opened the door to the suite and set their bags against the wall. After turning on the light, he held his finger to his lips in a bid for silence.

  Zoe watched in fascination as Simon toured the room with a small black gadget in his hand. The chaser lights remained green as he walked around the suite.

  When he returned, he said, “It’s safe to talk.”

  “What were you checking for?”

  “Electronic signatures of cameras and listening devices.”

  “Is it likely the Barones wou
ld break into the suite to spy on us?”

  “Zane reserved the suite in my name. A resourceful person could pass along a few twenties to find out which room we’d been assigned. If the roles were reversed and we needed information on our targets, I’d offer a bribe. Which bedroom do you want?”

  “If it doesn’t matter to the security arrangements, I’ll take the room on the right.”

  He carried her bag into the room she chose. Simon turned and drew her into his embrace. “You must be exhausted. Are you too tired to sit with me a few minutes? We could watch an episode of something fun or part of a movie.”

  “Don’t you need to sleep?”

  “I need you more.”

  Zoe’s heart squeezed. Simon needed comfort and a distraction to get his mind off the circumstances for a few minutes. She understood that. Simon had been her respite for the past week. She was thrilled to provide the same comfort for him.

  She led him back to the living area. “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Something relaxing. Maybe an action movie.”

  Right. That wouldn’t have been Zoe’s first choice. However, Simon probably thought those types of movies were fun. “I’m disappointed. I thought you’d choose a romantic comedy. Too bad we don’t have popcorn to make the movie choice tolerable.”

  He grinned. “I can buy soft drinks and candy bars from vending machines.”

  Contemplating either of those options this late at night made her stomach churn. “Pass. I’d prefer kisses during commercials instead of soft drinks and candy any day.”

  His eyes heated a little. “Great plan.” They sat on the couch and Zoe handed Simon the remote.

  “You can choose. I’ll watch anything as long as I can hold you for a while.”

  She shook her head. “You need to control something right now.”

  Simon rested his forehead against hers. “You’re right. Everything is out of my control and I hate that.”

  “Everything is out of control for the moment. We start again tomorrow morning after a good night’s sleep. The Barones are as good as smoked out of hiding.”

  “I like the way you think.” He cradled her against him for a minute, then eased back, his expression serious.

  Uh oh. She knew that look. “You want to talk before we watch television.”

  “The Barones will keep coming after you and my family unless we stop them, and they have the skills to do the job, courtesy of Uncle Sam. We should hide you in one of the Fortress safe houses.”

  Stunned, Zoe stared at him. “You’re willing to trust my safety to another operative?”

  Simon scowled. “No. I’ll ask Maddox to send us to one house, my parents to another, and Liam and Piper to a third. That will give us time to regroup and track down the cousins through their electronic footprints.”

  “Fortress has that many safe houses?”

  “We have them all over the world. Some we rent for short term assignments. Others belong to a holding company to hide the Fortress name.”

  “Wow. Impressive. I won’t outright refuse, but I think your parents will. We don’t know how soon your father will be released from the hospital and when he is, he’ll need to be close to good medical care in case of a problem. He’ll have follow-up appointments, too.”

  “Fortress has a doctor on staff in Bayside, a few hours from here. Dr. Sorenson is one of the best trauma surgeons in the country. Dad couldn’t be in better hands.”

  “You still have to convince your parents. You said yourself that your father will want to recuperate at home where he can direct the ranch hands and organize their duties.”

  “I want them safe. It’s impossible to monitor and control access to 500 acres.”

  “I understand, but I know you can keep them safe on the ranch. Your father will heal faster at home, Simon.”

  “I’m still going to talk to them about it when the doctor gives us a release date. Will you consider the safe house?”

  “I can’t be stashed away for long. I have a business to run and now I don’t have an assistant to keep the place going while I hide. If I’m closed for too long, I won’t have money to pay bills.”

  Zoe kissed him with a gentleness that she hoped showed him her heart. “Liam won’t want to run with his pregnant wife. Like you, he’ll want to hunt for the men who are threatening Piper. Neither of you will allow danger to stalk those you care about.”

  “How did you get to know me and my teammates so well?”

  She laughed softly. “What else would I do for those long months while I waited for you to ask me on a date? I watched and listened to you and the others talk in general terms about your missions and deduced the rest.” Her face burned. “I also dogged Del, Josh’s wife, for books about the military, military units, and deployments. The stack she gave me included several books about Special Forces soldiers. I put the information together and figured out you and the others weren’t ordinary front-line grunts. All of you are alpha to the max. You won’t wait for the Barones to find you. You’ll go after them.”


  Simon woke the instant the key card slid into the lock. Sig in hand and aimed, he was on his feet before the door opened to admit Liam. Simon returned his weapon to his holster.

  “Your parents are safe. Matt said your father is stable and resting comfortably. The Texas unit’s medic took the watch for him. Jesse Phelps won’t let anyone past him.”

  Jesse was a big man and as fierce as they came. His parents were in good hands. “Thanks.”

  “How’s Zoe?”

  “Finally sleeping. Took her a long time to unwind.”

  “How much have you slept?”

  “Enough. I’ll take the watch. Go sleep.”

  “Wake me at five if I’m not up. Trent wants to meet at six.”

  His partner closed himself inside the second bedroom, fatigue evident. He had a feeling Liam hadn’t slept much after Piper’s injury and learning she carried their child.

  Simon prepped the coffee maker and waited impatiently for the brew cycle to finish. When the pot was full, he poured the steaming liquid into his mug and walked to the balcony doors where he could survey the front of the hotel and watch the door in case the Barones attempted to infiltrate the suite, hoping to catch him off guard.

  When he was satisfied all was as it should be, Simon returned to the couch and grabbed his laptop. This was a good time to look into the Barone cousins’ background.

  His frown deepened the further he read through the information Fortress had amassed on the cousins in the past few hours. Both men had been Army Rangers. Simon’s jaw clenched. So had he, but he didn’t remember hearing about them. With men like the Barones, their reputation usually made the rounds of the Special Forces units.

  While Zoe hadn’t been able to access their military records, Zane had. The more Simon read, the lower his opinion became of the Barones. They might have been Rangers, but they didn’t have the honor or code of conduct of elite soldiers.

  He wondered if Ethan knew Blake and Garrett Barone. A glance at the corner of his screen told Simon it was too early to call the Otter Creek police chief. A text would elicit results in a few hours.

  He slid his phone from his pocket and sent Ethan a text message. That done, he turned back to the computer only to have his attention diverted by a call.

  Simon checked the screen and sighed. “Sorry to wake you,” he said, careful to keep his voice pitched low enough that he wouldn’t disturb Zoe.

  “I was up anyway,” Ethan said. In the background, a child wailed. “Lucas has an ear infection.”

  “Ouch. Poor kid. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, me, too. There’s nothing worse than knowing your child is in pain and you can’t do much to stop it. Hold a second.” Ethan’s voice became muffled as he spoke to Serena, his wife, and gradually, the cries faded. “Tell me what’s going on, Simon.”

  “We found Chris Hollister in the foothills of my family’s ranch. He’d be
en shot twice, once in the thigh, once in the side. Both were through-and-though.”

  “Is he alive?”

  “Yes, sir. I received a text from Trent an hour ago confirming that.”

  “He’s not responsible for shooting your father.”

  A statement, not a question. “No, sir. Hollister knows who did.”

  “He recognized the shooter?”

  Simon told him about the deal between the trainees and the Barone cousins, the solicitation to murder, and the bounty on him and Liam.

  “What else?”

  “Blake is skilled at knife work and has a reputation for enjoying it.”

  “Garrett’s the sniper, then. What do you need from me?”

  “I’ve lost touch with my unit, but you’re still connected to the Special Forces network while not being in the circle. Have you heard anything about these two men?” Simon had his own suspicions about them.

  “I’ve heard rumors. Nothing confirmed.”

  “Come on, Ethan. My life is on the line and so is Liam’s. Zoe is in danger as well as my family, and all of Bravo’s families.”

  Silence greeted his outburst. Finally, Ethan said, “If Serena was in the line of fire, I’d feel the same. I don’t have proof of what I’m going to tell you, but I know the CO of their unit. He’s a friend. We served together for two tours. Rothchild mentioned a couple incidents that occurred while the Barones were under his command, incidents that led him to demote them and recommend they be sent back to a regular unit.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Go on.”

  “Blake and Garrett were sent on a scouting mission in Afghanistan to collect intelligence and return to the base camp. They returned two hours late. Rothchild caught Blake washing blood from his hands. The CO questioned him and Blake claimed he defended himself against a wild animal and his cousin backed him up. Three days later, Rothchild learned that a woman had been raped and knifed to death in a village in the area where the Barones were sent to scout. When my friend confronted the pair, the Barones denied any knowledge or involvement. No one in the village saw or heard anything since the woman was attacked and killed outside the village. The CO believed Blake was guilty, but he didn’t have proof.”


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