Dead State (Book 5): Evolved

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Dead State (Book 5): Evolved Page 10

by Shupert, Derek

  He grimaces in pain and grits his teeth. “Get this damn dog off me and your word that you’ll let me go, and I’ll tell you.”

  “Screw that,” Bill counters without pause. He looks at me. “Can’t trust this guy. We let him go, and your family is as good as dead.”

  “You don’t and you won’t ever find them!” Shane counters in a pitiful groan.

  I push Bill out of the way, and straddle Shane’s waist. My fingers grab a handful of his bloody shirt. I’m done messing with this guy.

  “Tell me where they are, now, or I’m going to have my dog rip your arm off!”

  “Go to hell!” Shane yells. “You agree to let me go, and I’ll tell you!”

  My right hand releases his shirt and balls into a fist. I punch him in the face as hard as I can. The back of Shane’s head bounces off the floor with a thump. I pull my hand back and try to shake away the stinging bite burrowing into the bone.

  That’s the first time I’ve ever punched anyone. It hurts like hell.

  Shane turns his head to the side and spits a wad of blood to the planks. “Christ. You hit like a little girl.”

  I massage my knuckles while starring at him. “Go ahead, boy.”

  Duke thrashes his head from side to side. Shane yells out as blood seeps out from around Duke’s maw.

  “Fine! You win! Just get this damn animal off me!”

  I get off Shane, and grab Duke by his collar. “Come on, Duke. Let him go.” Duke’s jaws are locked tight, and his body is rigid. He has been known to hold a grudge.

  After a few seconds of me speaking to him and petting his head, he finally releases Shane.

  Shane gasps, and breathes a sigh of relief. He isn’t out of the woods yet.

  Duke stays crouched a scant inch away from Shane’s shoulder. A subtle growl escapes his blood-stained snout as he bares his fangs.

  I kick Shane in the side, and he recoils from the blow. “All right, he’s off. Now talk! Where are they holding my sister and friend?”

  Bill hovers at the end of Shane’s feet. He keeps the pistol fixed on his skull in case he thinks of doing anything stupid.

  Shane palms the wound and grumbles in pain. His fingers can’t stay the flow of blood that streams from the mangled flesh. “You remember that old factory we hit up a month or so back?”

  Bill shifts his gaze to me, then back to Shane. “Yeah. What about it? That place was a rat-infested dump. I couldn’t see Ranger wanting to set up shop in such a place. He’s too high and mighty for that.”

  Shane peels himself off the floor and struggles to sit up. He grits his teeth and breathes heavily while acting wary of Duke who looms over his shoulder.

  “Maybe so, but it was solid and had impenetrable walls that the infected couldn’t breach. Ranger wanted it as a backup just in case they breached our main base. With the chasers evolving and becoming more intelligent, it’s harder to keep them out.”

  Shane removes his blood-covered hand. He stares at the gnawed skin with disgust. “Before the boys and me went on our run, he said they might hold up in there since no one knew about it. He’s grown worried that the infected are going to find a way through the walls at our main place.”

  I stoop down, and stare deep into Shane’s glassy, bloodshot eyes. “You’re not trying to screw us over here, are you? Send us on a wild goose chase that leads us into a death trap.”

  Shane sways to and fro, his body shivering as he shakes his head. “I’m telling you what I know, all right. I can’t say one hundred percent for sure that’s where he is right at this moment, but that is what he told me. If I was a betting man, I’d put money on that’s where he is.”

  I glance at Bill, who has a scowl on his face. There is no love lost among these two men. They seem to want nothing more than to see the other dead.

  “Is he telling the truth?” I ask.

  Bill shrugs. “Hard to say. It’s possible. I remember the place he’s talking about. It was solid and didn’t offer many entry points for the infected to get through. We had a hard time trying to get inside. I don’t recall Ranger eluding to ever using it, though. Then again, he didn’t share that sort of info with just anyone.”

  “Hey, listen, he only shared it with a few of us. Incase things went south with other members, or the chasers broke through our defenses, he’d have a fallback plan.” Shane interjects, his voice rising in anger.

  I fold my arms across my chest and give Shane a pensive stare. I’m hesitant to believe him, considering he’s nothing more than a skid mark on the underpants of what society remains, but I’m kind of cornered here. It’s a tough call, but one I’m going to have to make. “You better hope this pans out, and they’re safe. If they’re not, or you’re leading us into a trap, I will make it my mission to track you down and end your life.”

  Duke snarls and inches forward a bit more. Shane flinches and peers over his shoulder at Duke. “Listen, kid. I’m telling you what I know. I might be a low-life piece of crap, but I’m no liar. Ask Mr. Righteous here. He won’t want to admit it, but he knows I’m right.”

  Bill rolls his eyes, lowers the pistol, and eases off. “As much as I don’t want to agree with him, he’s always shot me straight. Besides, he knows how much I want to kill him. If I thought he was lying, I’d place a slug in that head of his.”

  I wave my hand at Duke, then say, “Heel.”

  Duke licks around his snout and backs off. He sits down on his hind legs, but remains close to Shane.

  Bill keeps his finger over the trigger and watches Shane with a vigilant gaze as he struggles to get off the floor. “If we’re going to check out either place, we’re going to need a ride. It’ll be hazardous for us to navigate the city on foot.”

  I shrug in response. “If you’ve got any suggestions, I’m all ears. This is your city, after all.”

  Bill nods at Shane. “They should have a vehicle of some sort close by. They wouldn’t have come into the city without one.”

  Blood drips from Shane’s fingers and splatters against the floor as he tries to keep his balance. His face is long, and his eyes are heavy. He’s losing a lot of blood. I don’t think he’ll make it far.

  “Where’s your ride at?” I demand.

  “We have a Jeep parked a few blocks over from here. Down over on fifth street. What the hell am I going to do? Those things out there will rip me apart in no time in this condition.”

  I hold my hand out to Shane, unconcerned with his well-being. His gaze darts from me to Bill, then back to me as if he’s looking for mercy. He’s already been shown what little I have left to spare.


  “That’s your problem. Not ours,” I retort to Shane’s plea. Bill doesn’t have to say anything. The spiteful look on his face says it all. “I’ve run out of mercy for people like you. Scum of the earth. You’re lucky we haven’t killed you right here considering you were going to snuff both of us without batting an eye. I’d suggest you get moving before Bill here reconsiders letting you walk.”

  Duke snaps at his legs, which sends Shane scooting away from him and us.

  “All right. Fine!” His voice is infused with rage. It sounds like a hoarse growl. He has no one to blame here except for himself.

  I hold out my hand, and wiggle my fingers. “Keys, please.”

  Shane mumbles under his breath. He looks at us with contempt as he digs his hand into each pant pocket. He grunts and grits his teeth, the movement obviously punishing him. I can’t help but enjoy it.

  He pulls the keys out and throws them at my feet. A malevolent glare levels at me from under his furrowed brow as I bend to pick them up.

  I scoop the keys up from the floor, and hand them to Bill.

  Shane glances to the room where his friend’s dead bodies lay. “Can I at least get one of the pistols? A pack? Something?”

  Bill snickers under his breath. “Yeah. So, while we’re leaving, you can shoot us in the back? Not a chance.”

  I shrug. “You heard
the man. No dice. There’s nothing here for you.”

  Shane palms his shoulder, turns, and heads for the door. He trudges across the room as if it’s a chore. The fronts of his boots grate over the wooden planks of the floor. He grabs the doorknob and pauses. He looks over his shoulder at us, offering a scathing gaze that speaks volumes.

  We give no final words, though. None need to be spoken.

  Shane cracks open the door and peers out into the dark hallway. He leans against the jamb and checks for any demons within the veil of blackness. He rolls out into the hallway and disappears from our sight.

  Good riddance.

  I head for the window that’s in the corner of the loft. I part the thick, brown curtains that cover the film-coated glass. It’s night time, which means I have been out for a while.

  “How long have we been up here?” I inquire.

  Bill secures the pistol in his waistband. His face looks like lumpy oatmeal. He probes the puffy skin around his eye, and winces.

  “Damn it,” he hisses. “Not sure. It’s been a little bit, though.”

  The buildings close by are so dark and empty looking. It makes me wonder if the infected are roaming their halls for any living creature to satisfy their hunger.

  “Do you think we should hang here till morning, or are we good to head out now?” I turn away from the window to face Bill who heads for the other room.

  Bill skirts the jamb and darts inside the room. He doesn’t answer, which makes me wonder what that means.

  I scan for my pack, and locate it near the wall next to the lantern. Duke trots over to my side and walks with me. He’s such a good dog. I’m so thankful that he’s here with us. He’s a life saver.

  I grab the thick straps of the rucksack, and pull it off the floor. It feels lighter than it was before. They must’ve rummaged through the contents while I was out.

  My sidearm is missing. It’s not on the floor or the crate. I turn and scan over the periphery of the loft. Still nothing.

  I sling the straps of the pack over my shoulders, and face the room Bill is in. I can see his shadow playing off the wall near the door. He’s bent over doing something.

  “Is my pistol in there? I can’t find it anywhere out here.”

  A dense thud hits the floor, followed by Bill cussing loud enough for me to hear it.

  “Yeah. They took our weapons. I’m getting our stuff back and checking to see if they have anything of use before we head out.”

  Duke sits by my side. He yawns, then shakes the sleepiness from his body. I know how he feels. I’m just as tired.

  Bill stomps out of the room with his pack secured on his back and his hands full of firearms. He approaches me with his arms extended out. “Take your pick.”

  Doesn’t matter what I grab. Anything is better than nothing.

  I take one of the smaller, black guns from the top.

  Bill tucks one in his waistband behind his back and keeps the other out.

  “That Glock should be good to go. The ammo we pilfered from that gun shop will work in it.”

  I eject the magazine from the well and glance over the ammo. It’s stocked to the brim. A welcome sight. I slap it into place and cycle a round. It’s amazing how proficient I’ve become with the various weapons I’ve had to use over these past few months. Never thought I would have a use for them. Guess the world had other plans.

  “How far away is this place Shane was referring to?” I inquire.

  Bill double-checks the ammo in the sidearm he’s holding. He pushes the magazine into place and chambers a round. “As long as we get our hands on that set of wheels, it shouldn’t be much more than a few hours’ drive from here. On foot, that’ll be a different story.”

  He pauses, then spreads his arms out to either side of him as if he’s losing his balance. I grab his forearm and hold tight. “You sure you’re all right to move?”

  Bill offers a single tilt of his head. “Yeah. I’ll be fine. This isn’t the worst beat down I’ve ever gotten. I grew up in the projects, and got my teeth kicked in more times than I can remember.”

  Despite what he says, I’m not convinced he’s going to be able to move at a good clip, which is going to be crucial for us with the infected crawling all over the place.

  “That might be, but you weren’t being chased by ravenous freaks who wanted to rip you apart.”

  A faint scream calls out from the hallway. I flinch and spin toward the partially cracked door. I stand close to Bill as we both take aim at the entrance of the loft.

  A wave of goose bumps floods my skin. The beating of my heart jumps from normal to manic in a blink. I gulp and listen for any movement.

  Duke growls at the unsettling sound. Regardless of how spent he is, protecting his family is job one.

  Bill stalks toward the door. One step in front of the other, he moves with caution.

  Duke and I fall in line behind him. We can’t stay here. It isn’t safe. The numerous holes in the walls wouldn’t help us out any.

  Bill stops, then points to the lantern. “Kill the light.”

  I dash across the floor and snuff the flame. Darkness floods the loft. I can’t see anything within the void.

  A stark white beam flickers into existence from Bill’s hand. He’s clutching the Maglite. It dims and acts as though it wants to die. Bill raps it against his palm, trying to revive it.

  “Damn thing needs new batteries. Not sure how long it’s going to last.”

  I pat down the pockets of my coat for mine. They’re empty. It could be stuffed in the pack, but there’s no time to look.

  Bill stops at the entrance and listens. I stand off to the side, just behind the rickety door.

  “Do you think that was Shane?” I ask.

  Bill shrugs. “Maybe. Didn’t sound like the chasers. Either way, it’s not good. I was hoping we could slip out of here to the street, sight unseen. Guess all of the ruckus we caused drew the chasers in.”

  I imagine Shane has met a more than nasty demise; nothing but karma being dealt to a bad person who deserved a violent end.

  I don’t probe for a plan or any words of wisdom. It’s pretty straightforward. Get to the street as fast as possible without dying. Then again, that’s always the goal.

  There is one question that springs to mind. Kind of a biggy. “You do know where Fifth Street is, right?”

  More shrills and yowls echo through the corridor. Bill mashes a portion of his palm against the light, snuffing it out. “More or less. If we can’t locate it, we can use the alarm on the key fob as a last-ditch effort to find it.”

  I’m hoping it won’t come to that.

  Bill steps out into the hall with part of his body still inside the loft. I push out from behind the door, and push it back against the wall. The hinges squeak which causes me to cringe and stop.

  Duke stays planted near the wall. I can only make out a vague outline of his body. His panting lets me know where he is.

  Bill sweeps the hall with the light from side to side before covering it back up. “Clear that way. I don’t see any chasers or Shane’s body for that matter.”

  He pivots on his heels and shines the light down the other end of the hallway. I crane my neck, and peer out through the door in the same direction.

  The light washes over a blob of pale, shirtless infected who are skulking down the hallway. There is no mindless wandering, but more of a low, crouched posture as if they’re lying in wait. For us.

  Bill pulls the trigger and sweeps the hall. His canon barks, and fire spits from the end of the muzzle. The chasers’ yowls are hard to hear over the report of the pistol.

  Duke and I funnel out of the loft and behind Bill as he lays down cover fire. It’s dim, but light enough for us to make out the shadowy bodies of the infected.

  Bill moves from target to target, taking out most of the infected with headshots.

  The chasers’ heads snap back in a blink as each round rips through their skulls. Bodies crumble to the f
loor in heaps of decayed flesh and tattered rags. Others are hammered in the chest or go wide, which draws a hoarse growl from Bill.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  The floor behind us creaks, signaling a warning that something is approaching. I turn about face, but can’t see what’s coming.

  “I think we have more inbound from this way as well,” I caution.

  Bill’s sidearm clicks empty as he bumps into me. We back away in the direction of the noise looming from down the hall and head into another unseen nightmare. What infected remain mobile growl and grunt as they advance on us.

  “Here. Take the flashlight.” Bill shoves the Maglite into my hand and ejects the spent magazine.

  I train the beam and Glock at the wall of murk before me. The light pierces the endless void and reveals not one, but a handful of chasers advancing up the hallway. “We’ve got more infected this way!”

  Duke barks at the creatures as they rush at us in a dead sprint. The floor trembles beneath my feet. The clamoring from the chasers’ open mouths sends a wave of fright down my spine.

  Bill continues to push against me as we’re sandwiched between the infected.

  I hold tough, and swallow the lump of fear in my throat. I pick my targets at random and open fire. Each shot hammers in my ears, but I don’t stop pulling the trigger. A few headshots are made, but most strike the chasers in the upper torso or miss them all together.

  “We need to find another way out of here, or we aren’t leaving this place at all!” I advise.

  The yowls from the infected bombard us from every angle. It’s hard to think straight or devise a plan of action with all of the commotion that we’re drowning in.

  “Your guess is as good as mine!” Bill yells.

  The few infected I manage to take down doesn’t stop the rest of the dead from charging us. There’s an opening within the hallway to our right. I train the Maglite away from the chasers and discover another hallway.

  “Come on! I think I found a way out of here!”

  Bill turns around as we veer to the side of the passageway. I fire while on the run, which is futile at best. Each shot goes wide and doesn’t aid us in the least. I’m wasting precious ammo at this point.


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