South Coast Brothers: Part One

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South Coast Brothers: Part One Page 35

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Cam, you need to stop.” I shook my head and palmed his balls with my free hand. I felt the first burst hit the back of my throat and I swallowed it down. I moaned at the taste, the vibration must have set him off as he swore, held my head still and filled my mouth with his release.


  It literally scared the shit out of me when Cammie told me she was leaving me a few days ago. I was glad that she had opened up to me, showed me her scar. To me it didn’t change the way I felt about her, though it did give me more information to do what I set out to do.


  “Ok, church is in session!” the Prez called out after he slammed the gavel down. “First up, there has been some trouble down at ‘Maze’. Tat and Solar, I want you to go down there and find out what the fuck has been going on. Brandon, the head bouncer was very vague on the phone.”

  “Sure thing,” Solar answered.

  “VP, you’re up.” Prez gave me the control of church.

  “We had the meeting with the Devils, they gave us all of the info we were looking for and more information has become available. Toes, I need all the info you can get on Switch, the VP of the Satan’s and some little shit called Preppy.”

  “On it.” He didn’t wait, he started tapping away on his laptop.

  “What’s the plan when it comes to the Satan’s?” Drake asked.

  “We don’t rest until they are all dead. I want Switch for myself. No one else touches him, I want him alive.” They all nod in agreement.

  “Drake, make sure the girls have the bar full and ready for the party tonight. We have dancers coming in too. Make sure the stage is clear,” the Prez ordered.

  “Got it.”

  Prez slammed down the gavel and we all went about our business. As I left church, I looked around and saw Cammie in what looked like a heated discussion with Daisy. Daisy looked unsteady on her feet and Cammie looked like she was trying to hold her up. As I got closer, I heard some of the conversation.

  “What is it exactly that you have been doing?” Cammie asked.

  “None of your business,” Daisy slurred.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I stepped up beside Cammie. She looked relieved, like she welcomed the support.

  “VP!” Daisy sung in her drunken state.

  “Daisy, it’s eleven in the morning, have you been drinking already?” I questioned her.

  “No, I haven’t stopped since last night.” She smiled, pleased with herself.

  “Ok, I think you need to sleep this off.” I grabbed the top of her arm and began pulling her towards the bedrooms.

  “Oh, am I gonna get lucky with the VP?”

  “No, you’re going to sleep,” Cammie said as she pushed Daisy’s bedroom door open. It was a complete mess, clothes everywhere, dirty cups and dishes on the floor. I pushed Daisy through the doorway and onto the bed, when I turned around Cammie had started picking up the dirty dishes.

  “Leave that, she can sort her own mess out and if she’s not careful she’ll be homeless soon too.”

  “I’m just clearing away the dishes and mugs, they are starting to grow mould.”

  “Fine, give them here.” She passed me the dishes and I threw them straight in the bin, grabbed the bin liner and walked out the door to chuck it in the outside bin. When I walked back into the clubhouse, I couldn’t see Cammie. I went to check our room and as I walked past Daisy’s room, Cammie was in there with her.

  She was great with other people, she was kind, compassionate and mainly, she was all mine. A glimpse of our future popped into my head, Cammie sitting on the side of the bed of one of our sick children, reading to him, giving him medicine, being the mum I know she wants to be. Just seeing her with Heather and Blade’s kids showed me how great she would be. She would be a natural and I couldn’t wait until the day I’d feel our baby growing in her tummy.

  “Hey, you ok?” Cammie asked as she stepped out of the room and quietly shutting the door behind her.

  “Yeah. Let’s go for a walk.” She smiled and nodded her head. I took her out of the back door and led her down the steps to the beach. It was fairly quiet, with only one small shop and a lifeguard hut. With the weather warming up it would soon be busier.

  “This is nice,” she said as I wrapped my arm around her back; her blonde hair was blowing in the wind. She stopped and stood in front of me and tucked her arms around my waist underneath my cut, nuzzling her face against my chest, yawning.

  “Tired, sweetheart?” She nodded, kissing my chest.

  “Well, someone did wake me up early.”

  “Oh? And are you complaining about that?”

  “No, it was a nice way to wake up. An orgasm is the best way to start the day.” She laughed.

  “It certainly is.” I loved that Cammie now slept beside me naked, she wasn’t as self-conscious about her scar and she had started using this special cream that helped it fade. I got the idea from Tat when I asked if he could cover it with a tattoo. He said that tattoos normally looked better when the scar was over a year old. It would be completely healed and not absorb the ink too much.

  “Let’s get an ice cream.” She started pulling me towards the shop, she stopped before going in the door. “Oh.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s shut, look.” She pointed at a poster that said closed, position available. “Mason, I can work here. It says enquire at the lifeguard hut. Come on.”

  “Hold on.” I pulled back on her arm, to stop her walking away.


  “You don’t need to work, babe.”

  “I want to work, this place is perfect. It’s close to the clubhouse. Please?”

  “Let’s at least see what they are offering, hours and pay.”

  “Thank you.” She beamed up at me as she jumped into my arms and kissed the hell out of me.

  “Well, it may have its perks, there looks like there is a back room.” I winked at her and she giggled as I put her on her feet.

  “Let’s head over to the lifeguard hut and see if I can fill out an application.” I loved seeing her smile and who knew that the prospect of a job would make her this happy.

  Cammie pushed open the door to the hut and we couldn’t see anyone.

  “Hello?” she called out.

  “Well hello.” A young guy came walking out of the back room, long blond hair, wavy, I guess from being in the sea. He wasn’t wearing a top and had on a pair of red board shorts.

  “Hi, I’m Cammie.” She held out her hand for a handshake and he shook it. “I’ve come to ask about the position available in the shop.”

  “Oh, have you now?” He looked her up and down and I took a step closer behind Cammie to let my presence known and to show him that she was mine. I placed my hands on her hips and kissed the side of her neck that was exposed from her hair. She smiled up at me and the guy cleared his throat.

  “I’m Stuart, let me get Dan… Hey, Dan, there is a chick here about the job in the shop.”

  “Ideal!” Dan called back. He ran down some steps as Stuart ran up. I guess that was the lookout for the sea. Not that there was anyone in it.

  “Hi, I’m Dan. Nice to meet you.” He held his hand out for Cammie and then to me. That was polite, I respected him for that. Though I wasn’t keen on the fact that neither of these guys seemed to own a t-shirt.

  “Hi, I’m Cammie and this is M…”

  “Holes, VP of the Cornish Crusaders,” I cut Cammie off.

  “Oh, yeah. I think I recognise you. Me and my mate Cory have been up to some of your parties. They’re wild.” He laughed.

  “So, my girl wants some details on this job.”

  “Oh, sorry. At the minute, it’s quite quiet so we only open four days a week, ten to four. In the summer, it’s a lot busier and the shop will be open seven days a week, nine to seven, but we always get extra help in as that’s a lot of hours for one person.”

  “Sounds great, can I get an application form?”

bsp; “No need, the job is yours if you want it?”

  “Really? Yes, I’ll take it.”

  “Great, let me just go through the days and how it runs. Take a seat.” As he walked away, Cammie threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I held her close to me and stood at my full height which caused her feet to come off the ground.

  “You don’t mind, do you?” she asked.

  “I didn’t realise I had a choice in the matter.”

  “If you really didn’t want me working here, I won’t. I want you to be happy too.”

  “You can work here, on one condition.”

  “Oh yeah? Daily blowjobs?”

  “You already do that, babe.” I laughed. “You be my Old Lady…”

  “I already…”

  “Jacket and everything, it’ll protect you. If people see you wearing that, they won’t mess with you.”

  “I’ll think about it.” She kissed me quickly on the lips and I put her down once I heard Dan making his way back towards us.

  “I’ll be outside when you’re done.” I kissed her again and nodded my head towards Dan.

  Once I was outside, I grabbed a cigarette and lit it. I tried not to smoke too much around Cammie, she already made it plainly clear that she hated it. I’d give up soon; one day.


  It was party night and I put a little extra effort into my appearance. I was wearing a bright blue bodycon dress, it was low in the front and the entire back was covered in see through lace, stopping just above my bum. I paired it with some black heels, bright red lipstick and I curled my hair too.

  Mason and I still haven’t slept together, we had gotten close several times and he had always stopped it, I think he was afraid that I wasn’t ready and I was.

  “Mmmm, you look sexy.” I looked over my shoulder after I checked out my appearance in the mirror once more. Mason was leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest and his t-shirt pulled in tight across his muscles, showing off his tribal half sleeve tattoo.

  “You don’t look bad yourself.” I giggled.

  He pushed off from the door frame and I thought he was headed straight towards me but instead, he walked past me at the last minute. I watched what he was doing and he went into the wardrobe. I thought he was going to change his clothes.

  “Don’t change, I love those jeans on you.”

  “Oh and whys that?”

  “It shows off that ass well.” I smiled, pinching it.

  “Well, if you can’t keep your hands off me, I’ll never take them off.” He winked at me and then carried on looking through his wardrobe.

  “I much prefer what’s underneath them,” I whispered in his ear from behind. I didn’t have to stretch too much as wearing my heels made me a bit taller. I stepped back when he tried to turn around.

  “Here.” I looked down at what he was giving me.

  “Why are you giving me this?” I took the leather jacket from him.

  “You’re my Old Lady, you need to wear the properties.” He simply shrugged his shoulders.

  “I haven’t agreed to that yet.” I tried to give him back the jacket and he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me. “I’m not taking it, Mason.” I turned away from him and placed it on the bed.

  “You need to wear it so everyone knows that you’re mine.”

  “Well, everyone knows that I’m yours as this is only a club party tonight.” I kissed him on his cheek and he held me closer as I began to move away.

  “Why won’t you wear it?”

  “I will, just not tonight.”

  “You make me crazy, woman. You’ve turned me into a right pussy.” He laughed, shaking his head and running his hand down his face.

  “I hope I haven’t as I’m all about the cock.” I palmed him through his jeans and he growled at me. “Come on, let’s go and get a drink and then you can do manly stuff, like shoot pool, drink shots and grope me on the dance floor.” I winked at him as I walked towards the door, putting an extra swing in my hips.

  The party was quite a quiet one, not one I was used to being around. Some guys were playing pool, some were playing poker and others were sitting around drinking. Me and Ashlyn were sitting at the bar talking.

  “Why are the guys looking so miserable?” Ashlyn asked.

  “No idea.” I looked around until I caught Mason’s eyes. He was leaning over the pool table ready to take his shot. I swung around on my stool and crossed my legs, slowly, causing him to miss the ball. I couldn’t help but giggle, he shook his head laughing to himself.

  “Come on,” I said to Ashlyn. We both grabbed our drinks and walked into the pool room. It was just off to the side of the bar and Mason was playing against Solar as Toes and Drake watched.

  “Hey, baby.” Mason smiled as I walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

  “Holes, your turn,” Solar grumbled. I took a step back and walked over to where Ashlyn was talking to Drake.

  “I didn’t say that!” Ashlyn bit out to him. They stopped talking once I was in earshot.

  “Sorry, everything ok?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Drake’s just sulking as there are no locals here which means he can’t get his dick wet.”

  “We’re all pissed that there are no locals here.” Solar added. “We need some more pussy, man.” He slapped Mason on his back after he had taken his shot. “I’ve been waiting ages for my turn with Missy.”

  “You can’t just expect her to go straight from one guy to the next. She’s not a machine,” I said looking at him.

  “Maybe you couldn’t in your whore days but I love it,” Missy said walking in on the conversation and heading straight for Solar. She slipped her hand in his jeans and his smile increased.

  “Hey, you don’t talk to her like that. She’s my Old Lady!” Mason barked.

  “She’s not wearing properties.” Missy shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back to Solar.

  “She’s my Old Lady and you all know that, don’t give me that shit. Do you wanna be living somewhere else?” he threatened.

  “Chill out, man, we don’t have enough pussy here as it is. You’re ok, you’ve got it on tap now,” Solar said, nodding his head towards me.

  “It’s time to leave,” Ashlyn said. I looked towards her and she nodded her head towards Missy, who was now on her knees and pulling Solar out of his jeans.

  “Fuck!” Drake snarled as he stormed from the room.

  I looped my arm into Ashlyn’s as we walked out of the room and straight up to the bar. Drake was there talking quietly to Penny.

  “You know I can’t. I’ll get kicked out and so will you.” She smiled at him, placing her hand on his chest.

  “You’ve got a hand, Drake, use it,” Ashlyn spat before she walked away.

  “What’s her problem?” Drake asked me, looking confused.

  “Desperation doesn’t look good on you,” I said before I turned away and went in search of Mason. I couldn’t see him sitting with the guys playing poker and I knew he wouldn’t be back in the pool room. I wondered if he was outside having a sneaky cigarette, I noticed that a lot of the time he tried to hide it from me, but I could smell it on him the majority of the time. As I headed towards the front door, I felt a hand grab my wrist, I yelped in surprise. I wasn’t scared, I knew as soon as the electricity zapped through my body that it was Mason that had grabbed me.

  “Where you going?” he asked into my hair as he pulled me up against his body, my back to his front.

  “I was looking for you. I thought that maybe you were having a sneaky smoke.”

  “Me? No, whatever gave you that idea?” He laughed.

  I turned around in his arms and looked at him, eyebrows raised.

  “Ok, you got me. I went back to our room for my cigarettes.” He showed me the pack.

  “Now, the question is, can I tempt you away from them?” I asked quietly in his ear, dragging my lips slowly down his neck.

  “I’m sure you can
find a way.” His breathing was laboured and I could feel his excitement in his jeans, pressing against my tummy. I pushed him flat against the wall and he watched as I trailed my finger down his body, from his throat, over his chest and abs until I stopped at the top of his jeans. His eyes were burning into mine, pale blue eyes into bright blue ones. Though his were turning darker every time I got closer and closer to touching him. I slipped my hand inside his jeans and grabbed a hold of him. He hissed between his teeth and I reached up so my mouth was close to his ear again.

  “I want this.” I squeezed him again. “Inside of me.”

  * * *


  Fuck, what was she doing to me, I never let a woman have this much power over me before but on Cammie it was sexy as hell. I loved how each day I saw more and more confidence in her.

  “You want me inside of you, babe?” I spoke softly. Her eyes met mine, she bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. “Once you’re wearing my property jacket, you can have as much of me as you like.”

  Her head snapped back, looking at me shocked. “That’s not fair,” she complained.

  “Come on, Cam, I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s just a jacket, I’m not asking you to marry me.”

  “You may as well be, it’s just as much of a commitment.” She released me from her hand and took a step back. I missed the warmth her hand gave me, but my hard on didn’t soften.

  “I want to make love to you, as my Old Lady.”

  She took a step closer to me and I thought that I had won her over.

  “Then fuck me, Mason.” I groaned inside, not letting her know that she was getting to me. What was wrong with me? There was a sexy as fuck woman, who I was in love with, standing in front of me asking me to fuck her and I wasn’t doing anything about it, why? My resolve faltered and I slammed my lips down onto hers, my hands going straight for her hair. She moaned and her hips bucked into mine. Fuck she was hot. I tried to slow down the kiss, releasing her hair and letting my hands roam down her back until they found her ass. She moaned into my mouth again as she licked and nipped at me. I could feel her trying to get her body as close to mine as possible. I picked her up and her legs wound around my waist, I turned us and slammed her into the wall. She used her feet to lock her legs around my back and she began to rub herself all over my hardness. I could tell she was getting close to a release as her breathing changed and she stopped kissing me. I pulled away.


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