South Coast Brothers: Part One

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South Coast Brothers: Part One Page 44

by Hamford, Kacey

  I had kept myself busy for the last two weeks, I focused all my attention on decorating and furnishing our new home with the help from Ashlyn. I started working at the beach last week and it was fun, I enjoyed chatting with the people who wanted ice creams and beach supplies. Now we were getting into the start of summer the beach was getting busier which meant that I could work more.

  “Cam?” Mason called out as he walked in the front door of our new house, tonight was going to be the first night of the rest of our lives and although I liked living at the clubhouse, being here just felt right.

  “In the kitchen.” I looked up when I felt his presence. I was chopping vegetables and throwing them into the slow cooker along with the chicken.

  “You look good here.” He smiled. “You’ve done a great job decorating.” In the kitchen we now had a pine table and chairs, black kettle and toaster set and black and white spotted tea, coffee and sugar canisters. “You almost done?” He nodded towards the slow cooker.

  “Yeah, that’s the last of it.”

  “Good.” He stalked into the kitchen as I washed my hands and gathered the dirty knife and chopping board and placed them in the dishwasher. I felt him close behind me and I leant back against him as he moved my hair off my neck and draped it over one shoulder. His stubble tickled me and I giggled.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he whispered in my ear, the heat from his breath sending goose bumps all over my body.

  “Oh yeah, is it this?” I moved my ass onto his growing cock and he moaned behind me, clamping his hands down onto my hips.

  “It wasn’t.” He groaned and spun me around and slammed his mouth onto mine. Our kiss was heated and it was like we hadn’t seen each other for a week, our teeth clashed and our hands collided as we attempted to rid each other of our clothes. Once Mason had my leggings and underwear down my legs, he picked me up and placed me onto the kitchen worktop; this way I was the same height as him. I fumbled with the tie on his shorts and once it released I slipped my hand inside and pressed my fingers onto his barbell piercings, his breath hissed out and I ran my hand up until I could flick the Prince Albert piercing too. I used my feet to push his shorts and boxers down until they fell to the floor. I had already managed to pull his t-shirt off, his chest was glistening with sweat after his run, he yanked at my hips until I was almost hanging off the side and I placed my hand behind me to balance, he entered me in one swift movement and I cried out, clutching my free hand onto his shoulder. He stilled his movements and gathered the bottom of my t-shirt into his hands and ripped it off over my head causing me to wrap my legs around his waist for balance as both of my arms were in the air.

  “Fuck, you’re so sexy. You ready, sweetheart?” I nodded and he unwound my legs from around him and hooked an arm under each one, spreading me. He used his hands to hold onto my ass and he pulled me towards him at the same time as thrusting into me. The sound of our body parts slapping together made me wetter and I loved how he took control of my body. Both of my hands were behind me, flat on the worktop causing my breasts to stick out as my back arched.

  “I fucking love watching your tits bounce,” he panted as he picked up his speed. “Come on, Cammie, let go.” I reached one hand up and palmed my breast, they were both aching and one squeeze of my nipple had my walls clamping down, I threw my head back as I screamed out as the orgasm took over my body. I looked up immediately when I felt Mason pull away to see that he hadn’t been wearing a condom and his release covered my body.

  “You like making a mess.” I laughed.

  “Once your lips touch mine I forget who the fuck I am, let alone remembering to wear a condom.” He shook his head. “I’ve never forgot before. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” He reached down for his boxers and shorts and pulled them back on. He grabbed a piece of kitchen roll and wiped me clean. After throwing it in the bin, he picked me up and walked upstairs to our en-suite bathroom, he placed me in the shower and turned it on. I stood under the heat and watched as he rid himself of his clothes and joined me.

  We climbed into the car that Mason had bought me, it was a black BMW; it had only had one previous owner and was kept in great condition. He always insisted on driving when we were together.

  “Where are we going? Why aren’t we on the bike?” I angled my body towards his, I loved watching him drive, I loved the concentration on his face and the way his muscles flexed when he changed gear.

  “It’s a surprise, we will be there in a minute.” He reached over and placed his hand on my leg, giving it a gentle squeeze. I closed my eyes and leant my head back against the headrest, I loved days like this, just Mason and I.

  When I felt the car slowing down, I opened my eyes and bounced in my seat to see we were at Southwest Dogs Home.

  “Am I getting a dog?” I asked excitedly.

  “We’re getting a dog,” he corrected me. We both got out of the car and made our way through the main entrance. There was a desk off to the right hand side and a path on the left that led to all of the dogs. Mason released my hand and walked to the desk.

  “Hi, I called earlier…” His voice faded as I walked away from him and down the path toward the kennels the dogs were in. I stopped at each one, reading the info on the front.

  “Lacey, a one year old Westie,” I read aloud. I bent down and stuck my hand through the bars, she licked my hand and was so excited. How was I going to pick just one? It said on her kennel that she would need regular grooming, I needed someone a little less high maintenance.

  “Hi, Bruno,” I said as I stroked the top of the head of a Basset Hound. He was excitable and only six months old.

  “Hello, Candy,” I cooed as I let the four year old Pomeranian lick my hand.

  “Hi, Dyson,” I called out as the large black Rottweiler sat at the back of his cage, trembling. “Come here, boy.” I tried to coax him over to me, his ears pricked as he listened to me. I sat on the floor and placed my hand inside his kennel. “Come on, let me stroke you.” I wiggled my fingers and he stood on shaky legs and slowly made his way towards me. I knew that I shouldn’t so willingly have my hand inside his kennel but he looked scared and frightened, I wanted to comfort him. I let out a light giggle when he nuzzled my hand with his nose, and I fell in love with him.

  “Cammie?” Mason called out, I looked to my right and he was walking towards me with a small dog in his arms. I didn’t take my hand off of Dyson.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “This is Dusty, she’s a two year old Papillion. I saw her on the website and thought she would be perfect to keep you company when I’m away. They reserved her for us.” She was cute and small, she would be a proper lap dog and I loved the long hair hanging from her ears.

  “Oh,” I said feeling disappointed and looking back at Dyson. He hung his head like he knew he wasn’t coming home with me and my heart broke for him. “Can we get two?”

  “I don’t know if they will get on.” Mason looked into the kennel and then read the information about Dyson. “Babe, he’s already eight.”

  “Exactly, I want him to have a couple years of happiness.” I was holding out hope that he would say yes.

  “We could put Dusty back and just get Dyson,” he told me.

  “No!” I stood up abruptly. “Please, don’t make me choose.” I gripped hold of his free hand and squeezed it.

  “Let me see what I can do, at least he looks fierce.” He pointed towards Dyson. My heart soared at the prospect of getting two dogs. I wanted to take them all home really.

  A couple of minutes later, Mason was walking back towards me with someone in a Southwest Dogs Home hoodie.

  “Dyson has been here for nearly a year, he’s not great with other dogs. I don’t think it will possible to take both of them,” she told me.

  “Please can we try?” I begged.

  “Ok, let’s take them to the exercise area and see how they behave.” She unclipped a dog lead from around her torso and unlocked Dyson’s kennel. He sa
t at the back of the kennel in his bed.

  “Come on boy. Dyson,” I called out and his ears pricked up again. He slowly got to his feet and walked towards us. The woman clipped his lead up and I eagerly took it off her. “Come on,” I sung happily. We followed her towards the exercise area.

  “It’ll be best to take him off the lead, then he won’t feel restricted. He can’t get out.” I nodded and unclipped his lead. He didn’t move, he sat next to my feet. I scratched the top of his head and Dusty barked happily in Mason’s arms. He placed her on the floor and she bounded up to Dyson, he didn’t take any notice of her and after she sniffed him she went off sniffing around the garden.

  “Looks like they’re good,” I announced.

  “They may be different when they are forced to live in the same house. We will fill out the foster paperwork and if everything is good in a month’s time we can proceed with the adoption. Please don’t hesitate to bring either one back if they don’t get on.”

  “We will, I promise.”

  Mason followed the lady back to the reception and I stayed in the garden with the dogs, it was a nice sunny day and Dyson laid beside me as Dusty ran around. She was going to be the trouble maker out of the two of them.


  “You sure you’re going to be ok here? You don’t want to stay at the clubhouse?” I asked Cammie as she dished out the dog food. Dyson was laying on the floor by her feet and Dusty was bouncing around, barking.

  “Babe, this is why we got them. Besides, Ashlyn is coming over later after I’ve finished work.”

  Dyson and Dusty had been living with us for three weeks and they got on great, they slept in the same bed and Dusty constantly followed him around the house and garden. I was heading out on a run with Solar and Tat, we were headed back to the Pirates MC. The Devil Descendants would be meeting us there and I needed to know why they gave us the wrong Intel on Switch. Toes had been trying to track him down and it was like he had disappeared off the face of the earth. Screw didn’t give up any information even after hours of torture, he eventually bled out and the brothers had buried the bodies in the woods a couple miles away from the clubhouse.

  “Call me or Prez if you need us.” I dragged her into my arms after she had placed the dog bowls on the floor. “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, I’m hoping only a day.”

  “We’ll be fine.” She placed her hands on my chest and looked up at me smiling.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too. Stay safe.” I kissed her hard on the mouth not wanting to leave.

  Solar and Tat followed me into the Pirates clubhouse, the Devil Descendants were already here. Their bikes were lined up outside.

  “Here we go,” I mumbled as we walked towards the bar, the Devils were sitting around a large circular table and the Pirates were gathered by the bar.

  “So, what can we do for you VP?” The VP from the Devils asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I strolled towards him and placed my hands on the table getting close to him.

  “I wanna know why the fuck you gave me false Intel!” I shouted.

  “It’s time I called in my favour.” He smirked at me. “I gave you information, you said you owed me. Here’s what I want… Him dead.” He pointed at a picture before he pushed it closer to me.

  “What the fuck! A cop! You want me to kill a fucking cop!” I roared and Tat and Solar had to pull me away.

  “Calm down, brother,” Tat said in my ear.

  “I don’t owe you shit! You gave us the wrong Intel and I’m still waiting to hear why.”

  “In that case, we’ll just have to take you instead,” he said as he nodded his head and two guys grabbed me, Tat and Solar were pinned up against a wall both with guns aimed at them.

  “What the fuck!” I shouted.

  “This is not what our clubhouse is used for!” the Pirates’ Prez shouted. “We are the neutral ground, for compromising, not for this.” He waved his arms around. I saw something out of the corner of my eye it looked like fire.

  “Everybody out!” someone screamed.

  “Petrol bomb!” someone else shouted. I was instantly released and we all fled the building as fast as we could. Tat and Solar were hot on my heels as we stormed out of the clubhouse to find shelter, we were blown off our feet as the Pirates’ clubhouse exploded into flames.


  I had just finished my shift at the beach and looked up towards the clubhouse. I wondered if Mason was back yet. I decided to go and check. I had my car with me but it seemed silly to drive up there when it was a two minute walk across the beach. When I reached the back entrance to the clubhouse there was a commotion and I hurried inside to see what was going on. As I went to walk in, I noticed that Daisy and Titch were arguing on the cellar steps.

  “What’s going on? Daisy are you ok?” I touched her gently on the arm and she recoiled from me. She had dark bags under her eyes, her blonde hair was dirty and limply hanging around her face. Her jeans and t-shirt were crumpled and smelly. I hadn’t seen her around the clubhouse for a little while and I felt bad that I hadn’t tried to find out why.

  “Do you want me to call Heather?” She didn’t answer me, she kept her focus on the door Titch was blocking.

  “I caught her trying to get in, no one is supposed to go in here,” he explained to me.

  “Daisy, why don’t we go and get you cleaned up?” I softly spoke.

  “Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Everyone leave me alone!” she screamed over and over again.


  Shit, that explosion knocked me on my ass.

  “Everyone ok?” I asked, looking at Tat and Solar.

  “Yeah,” Tat answered rubbing his fingers over the back of his head.

  “What the fuck was that?” Solar complained.

  I looked around and the Devils MC looked like they had already left, their bikes were missing.

  “We need to check on everyone else.” I stood to my feet, groaning in the process. The clubhouse was still on fire and I could hear sirens in the distance.

  “Shit, we need to get out of here. Cops could be coming too!” Solar exclaimed.

  “Fuck!” I cursed. I hated leaving the club without helping but my priority was my club and Old Lady. I wouldn’t be any good to them behind bars. We climbed onto our bikes and drove out of the compound. Once we were a mile down the road, I saw a Harley Softail on the side of the road. I recognised it, but I couldn’t put my finger on why or how. I pulled over to the side of the road, climbed off my bike and pulled my gun out. There was movements in the bushes and we all froze, drawing our guns and aiming at the movement.

  “Holy shit! You fuckers scared me.”

  * * *


  Once Daisy had finished screaming, we heard another scream and it came from in the cellar.

  “Is there someone in there?” I asked Titch.

  “There shouldn’t be.” We heard the screaming again and it sounded like a woman.

  “Open the door,” I demanded. He hesitated. “Titch.” He nodded and quickly fumbled with the locks.

  “No, you can’t go in there!” Daisy objected. We both ignored her and carried on through.

  “I can’t see a thing, is there a light switch somewhere?” I asked Titch.

  “Yeah.” I could hear him searching for the switch and once it turned on I gasped at the sight in front of me.

  “Please help me, please. Before she comes back.” There was a woman lying on a dingy mattress, her hands were tied above her head to a pillar post. She had long blonde hair, her clothes were dirty and tattered, she had track marks up her arms from drug abuse and she looked to be about nine months pregnant. She didn’t look more than about twenty years old.

  “Everybody stay back!” Daisy screamed as she stood between the girl and us, pointing a gun. Her hands were shaking and Titch pushed me behind him.

  “What’s going on here, Daisy?” he asked calmly.

  “Nothing, I need yo
u to leave and forget what you saw.” She tried to shoo us away with the motion of the gun and neither one of us moved.

  “Who is she, Daisy? Why is she here?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer. She stayed quiet. “She’s having a baby, this isn’t good for her.”

  “That’s mine,” she stated. “That’s my baby!” she screamed. “She fucked my husband, that’s his baby. So therefore it’s my baby. It’s all I have left of him!” She was screaming and waving the gun around. I didn’t know what to do, the woman on the bed was crying and all I was thinking was that the stress could kill that baby, I needed to get Daisy away from her.

  “Daisy, please, let her go,” I pleaded.

  “No! Nooooooo.” she screamed even louder this time.

  * * *


  We entered the clubhouse through the front entrance and all we heard was someone screaming. We all rushed to the back of the clubhouse and the brothers were standing in the doorway to the cellar.

  “Out the way!” I demanded. I could hear Cammie’s voice. Shit, I needed to get to her.

  “Daisy!” She stopped and spun around to face us.

  “Ryan?” she cried, not believing that he was standing there. She threw the gun on the floor and ran towards him. I watched the gun fall all in slow motion, the safety must have been off as when it hit the ground a shot fired and I heard Cammie scream.

  “No!” I shouted as I dove for her. I grabbed her and searched her for a bullet wound.

  “I’m ok, I’m ok. I wasn’t hit,” she reassured me. I looked behind her and saw Titch laying in a pool of blood.

  “Shit!” I dropped onto the floor next to him looking for the wound. It looked like it was coming from his leg. “Where do you hurt?”

  “Thigh.” He coughed. I saw the patch of blood and the hole where the bullet went in so I ripped the rest of the leg on his jeans open. It was oozing blood, I threw off my cut and ripped my t-shirt off over my head so I could try and stop the bleeding.


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