Forbidden Bliss

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Forbidden Bliss Page 16

by Ramona Gray

  “Okay?” he said.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Dane said.

  “Not you, jackass.” Mason’s voice was tight, and I giggled when Dane’s cheeks turned red.

  Both men groaned when I giggled, and I squeaked in surprise when they made two rough thrusts.

  “Fuck!” Dane ground out as Mason’s hands moved to my hips and gripped hard. “Oh fuck, this might have been a bad idea.”

  The pain was completely gone now, and I was growing used to the feeling of being stuffed full of cock. In fact, I decided, I liked it a lot. A whole lot.

  “It isn’t,” I said. “It feels really good. I like it.”

  “That’s great, sweetheart.” Mason’s voice sounded weird and I craned my neck to look over my shoulder.

  “Mason? Are you all right?” I moved experimentally and grinned when both men groaned again.

  “Fuck, stop moving,” Mason said. “Just for a goddamn minute, I am fucking begging you.”

  “You guys act like you’ve never double teamed a girl before,” I said before rocking between them.

  “Oh my God!” Dane’s hands grabbed my waist and he made another three hard thrusts as Mason bellowed out a curse behind us.

  Their reaction was like a damn drug to me. I’d never seen either of them lose control like this so quickly, and I was determined to tease and torment.

  “Control, gentlemen,” I said, then squeezed my pussy and my ass simultaneously.

  They both cried out, and I laughed before kissing Dane’s chest and propping myself up on my hands above him.

  “Naomi, please,” Dane moaned.

  “Fuck me,” I said. “Fuck me hard and fast. Both of you.”

  They didn’t need to be told twice. I grabbed Dane’s shoulders and held on as the two men thrust in and out in a smooth and practiced rhythm. My delight at their lack of control, my desire to tease them, had disappeared in a haze of pleasure so thick I was drowning it. The feel of their thick cocks in my body, the hard and heavy strokes as they drove in and out was sending waves of bliss throughout my body.

  I strained for my pinnacle as both men moved faster. I knew I was on the knife edge of the best orgasm of my life. When Dane’s hand slipped between us and his rough fingers rubbed my clit, I screamed and came so hard that bright stars of light flashed in my vision.

  Vaguely I heard Mason bellow my name and hot wetness flooded my ass as his hands dug into my hips. Dane followed shortly after, moaning my name repeatedly as he thrust hard into my pussy. I collapsed against Dane, his heart a frantic staccato beat beneath my ear. Mason’s forehead rested between my shoulder blades, his breath hot against my skin.

  “Mason,” Dane groaned, “move before you crush us.”

  Mason huffed out a breath before easing out of my ass and falling onto his side on the bed next to us. Dane kissed the top of my head and I kissed his chest before sliding off his body onto the mattress between them.

  Dane ditched the condom and the three of us laid silently, our combined panting filling the bedroom. After about five minutes, I reached for both of their hands and squeezed them tight.

  “Holy shit,” Dane said. “That was incredible, baby.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a small grin. My eyes were still closed, and I squeezed Mason’s hand when he didn’t say anything. “You okay, honey? Was it a good birthday gift?”

  “The fucking best birthday gift,” Mason said. His voice sounded dazed and I cracked open one eye. He was staring at me, his gaze hazy with remembered pleasure. In a voice thick with satisfaction, he said, “Thank you for the birthday gift. I love you, sweetheart.”

  I froze, opening both eyes in a hurry as Dane sat up behind me. “What the fuck, Mason?”

  Mason stared blankly at us, shaking his head as if to clear the fog. “What?”

  “You just told her you fucking loved her!”

  “I… what? No, I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you goddamn did,” Dane said.

  For some reason, Dane looked flustered and worried. I stared up at him as he placed a staying hand on my hip. “Baby, don’t panic.”

  I blinked at him. “I’m not panicking. I think you might be panicking.”

  “I’m fine!” Dane was almost shouting. “Just don’t freak out or leave, okay? We can work through this.”

  “Work through what?” I said.

  “The fact that we’re both fucking in love with you, that’s what!” Now he did shout, and Mason winced.

  “Dane, just chill out.”

  Dane glared at him. “If she leaves, I’ll never fucking forgive you, Mason. You told me not to say anything about being in love with her and then you just blurt it out!”

  “I couldn’t help it. I just had the best goddamn orgasm of my life,” Mason said.

  “So did I, but you didn’t see me telling her how much I love her. Jesus Christ.” Dane ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t believe you did that. If she leaves…”

  I sat up, the excitement coursing through my body giving way to confusion. “Why would I leave?”

  “Because we love you,” Dane said. “And Mason said it’s too fucking early to tell you that, which I disagreed with by the way – I wanted to tell you immediately – but he said if we did, you’d freak out and leave. So I kept my goddamn mouth shut and then jackass over here just fucking says it and -”

  “It was an accident!” Mason glared at Dane. “I didn’t mean to tell her, but I was so happy and -”

  “Like I’m not?” Dane said. “I’ve been walking on the fucking moon since she moved in with us, but I kept my damn feelings to myself for the last two months. You manage to keep it a secret for what… two hours? Is that when you realized you loved her too – two hours ago? Jesus, two fucking hours, Mason.”

  “It was a lot longer than that,” Mason said. “I just didn’t want to admit it, but I’ve loved her for as long as you have, Dane.”

  “It’s not a competition. We both love her, end of story. Until you had to go and fuck it up because -”

  “It was an accident,” Mason said. “Holy fuck, I told you that. Look, I screwed up, but we’ll just tell Naomi that it’s okay that she doesn’t love us and we’re not trying to put any pressure on her.”

  “Like that’s gonna fucking work,” Dane said. “You were the one freaking out earlier about her leaving us, and now you’re acting like -”

  “If she leaves us, I’ll fix it.”

  “How? How the fuck are you gonna fix it? You’ve blown it, Mason.”

  “Stop being so negative, Dane. Christ, I -”

  “Negative? I’m not negative. I’m simply pointing out that -”

  I put my hands over both of their mouths, stopping the flow of words and the argument. Before they could say anything, I said, “I love you too. Both of you.”

  I could feel their jaws dropping open behind my palms. I lowered my hands and said, “I’ve been in love with you for weeks now. Since you barged into my father’s house and rescued me.”

  “You love us,” Dane said.

  “Why do you look so surprised?” I said. “I should be the one who’s surprised you’re in love with me. If we’re being honest, I bring nothing to the relationship and I still can’t believe that you guys love me.”

  “You are everything to us.” Mason cupped my face and kissed me hard on the mouth. “We’re lost without you.”

  Dane pressed up against me, turning my face so he could kiss me too. “He’s right, baby. We love you and we’re never giving you up.

  Happiness was filling every molecule of my body. They loved me. Holy crap, they loved me.

  “Never,” Mason said. “Your ours forever, sweetheart.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I said.

  “We do too,” Dane said.

  I relaxed on my back, pulling both of my men down beside me. They curled into me, stroking my body with their warm hands as I smiled contently. They loved me. It wouldn’t be easy having a relationship wit
h both of them, but we’d make it work. I knew it without a doubt.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “What are you up to?” Naomi kissed my cheek before sitting on the stool next to me.

  She sipped at her coffee. The early morning sunlight beamed in through the window and across the island to the far wall, lighting up her dark hair and making it shine even more than usual.

  “Trying to find out some information,” I said as Mason wandered into the kitchen.

  It’d been over a week since we’d all confessed our love and it’d been the happiest time of my life. Spending time with Naomi and Mason, in and out of the bedroom, was exactly what I wanted, and I had no fucking idea how I’d gotten so lucky.

  Still, there was something that I wanted to do for Naomi, and it was bugging the shit out of me that I couldn’t do it.

  “Information on what?” Naomi said.

  I glanced at Mason. He knew what I was up to, I’d talked to him about it yesterday at work, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted Naomi to know yet.

  “You should tell her,” Mason said.

  “Tell me what?” Naomi asked.

  I cleared my throat. “I’m trying to find the guy that your sister is with.”

  Naomi paused with her coffee cup halfway to her mouth. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been doing some googling, but I think the name you told me is a fake one. The guy who keeps coming up is a lawyer from Connecticut.”

  Naomi set her cup down and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me hard before pressing a kiss against my lips. “I love you. Thank you for trying. Can I see the picture of the guy?”

  I turned my laptop toward her, and she studied the guy on the screen before shaking her head. “It’s not him.”

  “You’ve seen him?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, he came to the house to get Joy.”

  “Jesus,” Mason said. “I can’t believe that your father just gave her to some fucking rando.”

  Naomi’s face was pale, and she fidgeted on the stool. “I think about her every day and worry about her so much.”

  “I know, baby,” I said. It was why I wanted to find her sister. I hated that Naomi wasn’t completely happy.

  I took a sip of my own coffee before closing my laptop. “I want to suggest something, and I’d like you to consider it. Don’t just automatically say no, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Mason and I want to hire a private detective,” I said.

  “But if we don’t even know the guy’s real name, how will that help?” Naomi said.

  “You’d be surprised what they can dig up,” Mason said. “He’ll talk to some of the other members in the cult your father belongs to, he may be able to get some true information from them. It’s worth a shot, right?”

  “How much will that cost?” Naomi said.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I said. “We want to do this for you, baby. Let us.”

  To my shock, she nodded. “All right. Thank you.”

  Mason grunted in surprise and Naomi smiled wanly. “I love her, and I just want her back with me where she’s safe.”

  “We’ll do everything we can to make that happen,” I said.

  Naomi stared into her coffee cup. “I might be able to help.”

  “What do you mean?” Mason said.

  “I’m having coffee with my mother in about half an hour. I could ask her about the guy. See if she knows his real name or has more information about where he’s living. I know it’s some sort of commune just outside of the city, but -”

  “You’re having coffee with your mother?” Mason’s voice was hard.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “No, you’re not,” I said.

  Her face turned red and she slid from the stool. “Don’t, Dane.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” I said. “Naomi, you can’t have coffee with her. It’s probably a trap.”

  She snorted and turned to Mason. “Tell him how ridiculous he’s being, please.”

  To my relief, Mason said, “He’s right. Having coffee with your mother is a very bad idea, Naomi.”

  “I’ve already had coffee with her twice,” Naomi said.

  I pushed back my stool, anger and fear twisting through my veins. “You did what?”

  She didn’t flinch at my angry tone. “She was waiting for me outside the office one day last week when I left for lunch. I agreed to try and have a relationship with her again. She knows that I’m not interested in trying to mend things with my father and has agreed to make this about just us.”

  “Are you insane?” Mason rarely lost his cool, but now he was pacing the kitchen like an angry tiger. “She is using you, Naomi!”

  “No, she isn’t,” Naomi said. “My mother misses me. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “No,” I said, “but your mom isn’t a good mother. She let your father fucking sell you to another guy. Have you forgotten that?”

  “Of course, I haven’t,” Naomi said. Her hands clenched into tight fists. “But she asked for my forgiveness and I gave it to her.”

  “Naomi, you’re being naïve,” Mason said. “She’s getting close to you again because -”

  “Because I’m her daughter and she loves and misses me, and because she’s as much of a victim of my father as Joy and I are,” Naomi said. “I know you want her to be this monster, but she isn’t. You don’t know her the way I do.”

  Before we could argue further, Naomi grabbed her purse from the counter and slipped it over her shoulder. “I’ll be back in a little while. I’ll ask my mother if she has any information on this guy, okay?”

  “Please don’t go,” Mason said. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “It isn’t,” she said. “We’re in a public place and nothing is going to happen. I’ll be fine.”

  “Let us go with you,” I said. “We won’t say anything or do anything but -”

  “No,” she said. “I’m having coffee with my mother alone, Dane.”

  I grunted in reply and Naomi stuffed her cell phone into her purse. “Everything will be fine. I love you both and I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  “At least tell us which coffee shop you’re going to,” Mason said. “Please, sweetheart.”

  She sighed. “Fine. It’s the Starbucks at the corner of Clawson and West.”

  She left the kitchen and Mason slumped against the island when the front door slammed. “Shit.”

  I was already grabbing my phone and stuffing my keys into my pocket.

  “What are you doing?” Mason said.

  “Going to the Starbucks. She shouldn’t be alone with her.”

  I waited for Mason to tell me I was being ridiculous. Instead, he grabbed his phone and followed me out of the kitchen.

  * * *


  “I don’t know anything about him. Your father didn’t give me any details other than his name. I didn’t know it was a fake name,” my mother said.

  The little flicker of hope died in my chest. On the drive over, I’d half convinced myself that my mother would know exactly who the guy was and where his commune was.

  Maybe she does. Maybe she’s lying to you.

  I shoved that voice out of my head. If I was going to have any type of relationship with my mom, I had to trust that she was making an effort and being truthful with me. Constantly doubting her motivations wouldn’t help us create any sort of new relationship. I either trusted her or I didn’t.

  “Can you ask Dad?” I said. “He might know his real name.”

  She stared into her coffee cup, clearly unsettled by my request. The Starbucks was packed with people – not surprising for a Sunday afternoon – and I leaned closer so I didn’t have to raise my voice to be heard over the hum of conversations. “Mom, it’s important.”

  She didn’t reply and I placed my hand over hers and squeezed. “I know you’re scared to ask him, but if it means we can get Joy back, it’s worth the risk, right?”
  “Right,” she whispered.

  “The worse he can do is refuse to give you any information.”

  “But he’ll want to know why I’m asking, and I won’t know what to say.”

  The whine in my mother’s voice made me grit my teeth. She’s a victim too, I reminded myself. It’s not her fault that she’s a scared little mouse.

  “She’s your daughter too,” I said. “You have the right to know who she’s with and how she’s doing.”

  “Your father says she’s fine.”

  I was starting to get a headache. “You can’t trust that he’s telling you the truth. There’s no possible way she can be fine. She’s being held against her will in a goddamn commune.”

  “Watch your language!” My mother’s head snapped up, her cheeks a fiery red. “You know how your father hates it when women curse.”

  “I don’t fucking care,” I said deliberately.

  My mother winced and part of me hated that I was upsetting her, but at the same time she needed to know that I’d no longer be held to any standard my father set.

  “No one cares if a woman curses, Mom. Look, what matters is Joy. If we know where she is, if we even know the real name of the man who has her, I might be able to help her. We can save her. Don’t you want… Mom? What’s wrong?”

  My mother was staring over my shoulder, her eyes wide. “What are they doing here?”

  “Who?” I turned in my seat to see Dane and Mason staring guiltily at me from a table near the door. My heart thudding in my chest, I yanked my phone out of my purse and sent a text to Dane.

  Are you kidding me right now, Dane Wilson?

  He checked his phone, colour rising high in his cheeks as Mason read the message over his shoulder.

  My phone dinged.

  We just wanted to make sure you were safe.

  I was so angry I could barely think straight. I shoved my phone into my purse and stood. “Mom, let’s go.”

  “Go where?” She stared at me in bewilderment but stood up.

  “Anywhere but here.” I grabbed both of our coffees and marched toward the door, deliberately refusing to look at Dane and Mason as I passed by them.


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