Princes of the Underworld

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Princes of the Underworld Page 18

by Olivia Ash

  The dragon gave what Sadie considered to be a dragon’s version of a purr.

  “You need a name, my fiery pet.” she said, scratching the back of her dragon’s ear. “Pyra. I’ll call you Pyra.”

  The dragon lifted her head and roared, smoke coming out of its mouth. Sadie smiled at it, though her heart felt heavy.

  She walked back toward her fortress. Although she should’ve felt relieved for successfully defending her fortress, her heart hurt. It broke for her sister. The hope she tried to hold on to ebbed away as Kaiser and Damien’s words replayed in her mind.

  Blair was probably dead. Her soul robbed from her body to feed Mara’s desperate need for the amulet.

  She felt her men and her dragon keep a watchful eye on her. Maybe she should check if they were completely unscathed. But her tears were falling now. And she couldn’t let them see that.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Kaiser stormed through the halls toward the guest sitting room, scratching his head in agitation, scrambling for any plan at all to avoid nearly losing Sadie like that again. He couldn’t think of any way to keep her safe, but maybe his brothers had some ideas. He knew they cared for her just the same as he did. And it was high time they put their differences aside to protect the one person they all obviously wanted.

  He opened the door without knocking, catching Steele, Mordecai, and Damien off guard. They each had looks of concern as they took in his storm-filled steps to the center of the room.

  Steele sat on the couch with a book in his lap, his legs propped up on an ottoman. He chuckled. “Even when you open the door like that, we still don’t see you coming.”

  Kaiser ignored his ever-jovial brother.

  “Do you even smile, Kaiser?” Mordecai asked, smirking. He reclined on the sofa, casting two miniature smoke fighters atop horses that dueled with each other above his palm. Damien sat in front of him, a chess board set on the coffee table between them. Damien moved a piece Kaiser supposed was the bishop.

  “Checkmate,” Damien said, grinning.

  Kaiser looked at his brothers. The room was relaxed, devoid of the animosity and irritation that crackled between them when they had been reunited because of the demon queen. Kaiser almost smiled as he sucked in a calming breath.

  This feels nice. Very much like old times.

  Mordecai swiftly sat straighter, the smoke figures on his hand puffing out. His eyes widened and squinted, scrutinizing the chess set. Kaiser approached and examined the pieces himself.

  Kaiser pointed at Mordecai’s remaining chess pieces. “See, if you would’ve just moved your rook here, you could’ve avoided losing, and you would’ve been able to checkmate him in three moves.”

  Mordecai’s jaw fell open. He scratched his head. “How could I have missed that?”

  Steele glared at him, but him being Steele, it only looked comical. He scrunched his nose. “Maybe because you were too busy thinking about that make out session with Sadie.”

  Damien’s eyebrows rose in high arches on his forehead. Kaiser noticed the twitch under his right eye.

  “You made out with Sadie?” Damien asked.

  Steele sniffed. “I know. Before me. And that’s quite unfair.” Steele looked at Kaiser. “Maybe she’s not picking you after all.”

  A twinge shot through Kaiser’s chest. He couldn’t think about Sadie not choosing him. The mere mention of the possibility nearly crippled him each time. He would have loved to strangle Mordecai for making out with Sadie. Hell, he wanted to stab Steele for even mentioning the make out session, not to mention the threat of not being chosen, but he wasn’t here to argue with anyone. He needed their help.

  Kaiser shook his head. “I’m here because we need to make sure we’re keeping an eye on Sadie. After what happened, we need to make sure she’s safe.” He looked at each of his brothers. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s what you want, too, right?”

  Steele placed his feet on the floor and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “What’s your plan?”

  “I actually don’t have one. At least none that wouldn’t piss her off,” Kaiser said. “I was hoping you would have suggestions.”

  Steele looked at Damien and Mordecai. Steele glared at them. “Forgive me if I say I’m not too inclined to help you.”

  Damien stood and began to pace. “I might agree with Kaiser. Dangerous demons are after Sadie. And she’s too headstrong for her own sake. We need to put our differences aside and agree to this temporary truce, at least, just to make sure she’s safe.”

  Steele breathed out an exaggerated sigh. The mischievous glint in his eye returned. “Fine. Do we spit swear?”

  Mordecai grinned at Steele. “I will if you will.”

  Steele pocketed his hands. “Eww.”

  Damien looked at Mordecai. “I think it’s time for you to go get it.”

  Mordecai seemed to understand because he nodded and disappeared into smoke and shadow.

  “What are you up to?” Kaiser asked Damien.

  “There’s an artifact—a small, golden charm—that can track anyone, anywhere,” Damien said. “It’s deep in the vaults at one of my ally’s castle, and I intend to borrow it. The catch is, it can only be placed on her and used by someone she trusts.”

  Kaiser mulled over this and didn’t answer, not getting Damien and Steele’s pointed looks right away. When he did, Kaiser stepped back.

  “What? No.” That would be a violation of her trust. He wasn’t doing it.

  “Sadie might have kissed Mordecai, but everyone knows she’s clearly favoring you so far,” Steele said.

  “You’re probably the only one who would be able to use it. Don’t you want it? With the charm, you can use it to feel and sense where she is, anywhere on any world,” Damien said.

  Kaiser crossed his arms. “Why would you grant me this if you all want her?”

  “I’ll just have it removed magically when I win.” He winked and smiled. “For now, all we need is to monitor her.”

  Kaiser opened his mouth to ask what he meant by removing it magically when Mordecai solidified beside him and grabbed his arm to place a small, golden symbol in Kaiser’s hands. It was circular, like a pin, and embossed like a compass. Runes bordered the circle and intricate designs inlaid the compass symbol.

  “Put it on her lower back, where she isn’t likely to notice it,” Mordecai said. “It won’t hurt at all, she’ll just feel warmth in the area for a fleeting moment and any time it’s in use. Once embedded, it will look like a golden tattoo.”

  Kaiser pocketed the trinket. “I’m still thinking about it. I won’t promise anything.”

  He got what he wanted—a way to keep her safe. Now, however, he wasn’t sure if he should use it. Before he made his decision, he would consider his own option, which was to chain her inside her damn room.


  Sadie lay in bed, staring at the coiling lines on her ceiling, mind buzzing with everything that had happened. She thought about Blair, and her chest ached. She wouldn’t let herself cry anymore. All her life, Sadie had always been practical. Nothing would get accomplished if she stayed here, doing nothing but mourn her sister. It might’ve been a selfish way to grieve, but she couldn’t let her sister’s loss consume her while walking about the fortress halls or in the gardens, or with any of the princes.

  Besides, without hard proof Blair was dead, she still held on to frail hope that her sister was alive somewhere, perhaps looking for her. If Mara really did kill Blair, wouldn’t she have said so, in order to hurt her? So, until she had undeniable proof either way, she would prevent any more tears from falling and gain a strong sense of composure before showing herself to anyone.

  Sadie’s thoughts shifted to the princes. After the way her men had come to her rescue, she couldn’t help but smile. She loved how they were there for her, and that made her choice even more difficult. She considered asking them all to stay again, but she still wasn’t sure they would
agree to that. Until she could decide on just one, or all, she would wait.

  And Kaiser. Sadie grinned, feeling touched as she remembered how he had seemed so ready to rip the world apart just to get to her. To protect her. With the other three here, with everything happening so fast, she hadn’t gotten to spend a lot of time with him. Sadie found that she missed him.

  Sighing, Sadie got up from the bed and walked out of her room into the gardens nearby. She lay down on the soft moss, looking up at the countless crystals that glimmered in her realm’s sky. She quickly became hypnotized, unable to look away, mesmerized by their colorful flickering. She found the purple crystals were the smallest in number. She traced constellations with them, smiling to herself when she formed a crown.

  Beautiful. This place felt absolutely like home.

  “Can I join you?” Kaiser asked.

  Sadie gasped. Damn him for always being so quiet. Sadie didn’t get up. Instead, she said, “Sure.”

  He lay next to her. Sadie felt a little calmer. She scooted closer to him, and she noticed him barely hiding a contented little grin.

  Sadie twisted so she was lying on her side, facing him. They were almost nose-to-nose, so close that Sadie’s heart skipped a beat. She looked into his eyes that shifted to a scarlet color as he stared back at her. She could compare his eyes to her stars, but she wouldn’t do his gaze any justice. She would choose being mesmerized by his eyes over her sky full of stars any day. Sadie leaned over and kissed him. She sighed, grazing the shadow of a beard along his cheek.

  This, too, felt very much like home.

  Kaiser placed a hand on her hips, pulling her closer to him. Their lips moved against each other’s. Kaiser held her like he might lose her at any second. He pulled her on top of him so that she was straddling him, not stopping their kissing. Sadie kissed him harder with more need and hunger. He responded, his own kisses becoming rougher, more passionate. His tongue entered her mouth and Sadie moaned. The sound she had made must have had an effect on him because he pulled her closer to him and his hand drifted lower, lifting her skirt and running his hand up her thigh, teasing her.

  She pulled away enough to keep their lips separated. Everything was moving just a little too fast for her taste. Not that she minded being with him, just that she had yet to make a decision on who to choose and going further with him would make that choice much more difficult.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, brushing his nose against hers.

  “Nothing, it’s just—”

  “Do you want me to protect you, Sadie?” he asked, interrupting her.

  She narrowed her eyes on him. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you want what I have to offer? Do you want me to protect you no matter what?” He kissed her eyelids and Sadie’s eyes drifted shut. His fingers grazed her neck.

  “Yes,” she said, sighing. She wanted that and so much more.

  “Do you want me to watch over you by any means necessary?” He looked at her now, and it felt so intense that Sadie hesitated, sensing something deeper in the question. She set the thought aside. Because in her heart, she trusted him.

  “Yes,” she said, voice coming out soft.

  He seemed to relax. Sadie didn’t realize how tense he had been before he exhaled a breath.

  “Is something bothering you?” she asked.

  He caressed her cheek and kissed her ear. “I just wanted to know where I stand with you,” he said in a whisper. “Just know that I’m going to protect you no matter what.”

  Sadie’s heart skipped a beat. His words felt like a declaration of love and devotion. And she realized she couldn’t see herself without him.

  His hand pressed against the small of her back. Warmth radiated from his palm. She gasped as she felt her every nerve ending explode with the sensation. And all of it shot down her spine, to her core, and collected between her thighs. The spot became even wetter. But the entire feeling ended. It was over.


  She kissed him deeply, craving him.

  “What did you do?” she asked in between kisses.

  He smiled against her mouth. “It’s a protection spell of sorts.” He gently cupped her cheeks and stared her deep in the eyes. She fought the shiver as he asked, “Are you mad?”


  She didn’t care about that. She just wanted. Needed. She kissed him again. He shifted his legs, and she moved, adjusting, until the bulge in his trousers pushed against her entrance. She moaned.

  Yes, that.

  Her clit throbbed, and she ground against him, not caring that there were clothes between them, or they could be seen, or anything that resided outside of the two of them. She just needed to feel.

  Kaiser growled. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her. Sadie yelped when he extended his wings and flew. He carried her up to her room through her balcony and gently laid her on the bed. Without a word, he crawled above her and stared into her eyes, the red in his eyes swirling.

  “So beautiful,” he said.

  Yes, you are.

  He spread kisses on her jaw and neck. He paused, sitting up again to look at her. “Tell me you want this.”

  Sadie reached for him, clenching fistfuls of his shirt as she pulled him back to her. She bit his lower lip. “If you stop one more time, I think I’m going to die.”

  “Good answer,” he said against her mouth as he reached the neckline of her shirt. With a swift jerk, he tore the shirt from her.

  Sadie gasped.

  Kaiser reached behind her to unclasp her bra. He took his time sliding his hands over her shoulders, sending electrifying sensations all over her skin. He tossed the bra to the side and left a trail of kisses down her body as he shifted lower and slipped his hands up her thighs. His fingers pulled down her underwear.

  He kissed the inside of her thighs, teasing her with need. He slowly made his way back up to her lips, busying his hands with a breast. His fingers traced a soft line along her belly as he occupied his mouth with her breast. His tongue flicked her nipples, and he gently grazed his teeth over the tips.

  She arched her back, needing the release he promised her. His fingers played on the waistline of her skirt, further teasing her and enticing her nerves into overdrive. They drifted down again to the hem and inched up her thigh.

  When their lips met, his fingers slipped inside her. Sadie moaned against his mouth. He explored her with his fingers, tracing a line from the entrance to her clit, rubbing back and forth. He was gentle, careful. And as her breathing grew ragged, she realized she didn’t want careful or gentle.

  She moaned a demanding, “Kaiser.”

  His fingers moved rougher, plunging one finger in, and two, and all along he played with her breasts and his thumb stroked her clit.

  She moaned again, crying out his name and panting as she released the built-up pleasure. When the sensation ended, she needed more of him. All of him.

  “Please.” Please, please, please.

  Kaiser took his time removing his shirt and pants, swirling red eyes deepening to nearly black as he held her gaze, rocking her body with shivers of pleasure and need. Her eyes drifted along his naked form and to his rock-hard erection. He climbed over her, hovering as he stared at her.

  Sadie licked his lips. Kaiser moaned and crashed his mouth into hers, roughly kissing her as he toyed with her entrance with the tip of his shaft.

  “I told you not to stop,” Sadie said, pushing him off her and onto his back. With her palms on his chest, she held herself steady as she positioned herself onto him. She slipped him inside her, sighing as she became filled by his girth.

  She moved up again, and down, all the while staring at his scarlet eyes that threatened to undo her. Her hips moved with a back and forth motion as she moved up and down.

  Kaiser gripped her hips and angled his chin to the ceiling. A groan seeped through his lips and her climax grew even more. He guided her hips, moving her with steady rhythm as he pushed against her movements. She moved fas
ter, and the pleasure threatened to release again, increasing every movement.

  She cried out again, lowering herself to Kaiser’s chest as he continued his heated thrusts, grunting as he moved.

  He flipped her onto her back, managing to stay within her and moving without missing a beat. He moved in and out of her, thrusting harder and harder, sending Sadie through another wave of intense pleasure.

  Sadie ground against him, in tune with his rhythm as he slipped his arms under her head, gripping handfuls of her hair and he buried his face into her neck. He grunted and shivered against her as warm liquid shot inside her.

  A knot of trust and contentment became tied in her heart. She knew she could never let go of him now. And she wondered for a moment what that would mean for the other princes, but she left that thought as a blissful sleep came over her.

  Kaiser kissed her lovingly and gently as he pulled out of her and laid next to her. Sadie rolled to her side and placed her head on his chest. He wrapped her in his arm, pulling her even closer, holding her tightly. She closed her eyes as Kaiser planted a kiss on the top of her head.

  Too soon, Kaiser woke Sadie with a smile on his face. He kissed the top of her nose and helped her to sit.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She looked at him with pursed eyebrows. “I’m more than okay. Why?”

  He smiled. “I lost a lot of my self-control. I was trying to be gentler.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him, taking in his scent mixed with that of their sex. “You were magnificent. But we didn’t use protection. What if I get pregnant? I’m not sure I’m ready for a little demon-human spawn baby running around here, are you?”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry. Demons have to take this special potion in order to get pregnant.”

  “Good to know,” she said and climbed out of bed. She wrapped herself in a robe and went to look out over her balcony. Kaiser walked up from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder while she looked at her kingdom, the underworld. At her new life.


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