The Seduction of Mr. Yarnsby

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The Seduction of Mr. Yarnsby Page 11

by McQueen, Hildie

  Her stomach sunk. Where was Alexander? Perhaps he’d changed his mind and would not marry her after all. “What is it? Tell me without hesitation. It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “Don’t be silly. This was your idea.” Clara tugged her. “Please move faster.”

  When they walked past an arched doorway, they entered a dome-covered courtyard. In the center was an elevated arbor. It was there Alexander stood with a clergyman.

  He hurried down the steps, put his hands at her waist, and lifted her for a kiss. “Surprise, my love.”

  “I can’t cry,” Vivian exclaimed. “It will ruin everything.” She managed a wobbly smile.

  “Join us.” He held her hand and led her up the steps to stand before the cleric as everyone burst out into the atrium. There were exclamations and applause.

  Vivian looked to her mother and Duchess Torrington, and both had smug expressions of having known all along.

  She turned to Alexander. “How long have you been planning this? I thought it was my idea.”

  “Since the day after I proposed. It is actually my aunt and your mother’s plan. They suspected we’d not wait long to be intimate.”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked to the clergyman. Thankfully, he was too busy looking around the room at everyone who was trying their best to get settled.

  “This is so wonderful,” Vivian said with a sniff.

  “Dearly Beloved...” The clergyman began, and everyone settled to witness the exchange of vows.

  Vivian heard very little. In the moment, she was lost, her every thought on the fact that she was to be Alexander Yarnsby’s wife. Repeating the vows took concentration as her entire being hummed with anticipation of what was to come—a lifetime of happy moments like these surrounded by the most wonderful group of people in her life.

  “Thank you,” she said, looking to the group after she and Alexander were pronounced husband and wife. “I am so very lucky to have each and every one of you in my life.”

  Even Lady Yarnsby, who wiped her eyes, showed emotion. Vivian smiled warmly at Mary, who stood with Penelope and Clara’s companion, Molly.

  It was the most perfect of days.

  Chapter 13

  “I wondered where we would spend our wedding night. I didn’t expect it to be here,” Vivian said, her voice trembling.

  They were still at Haven in a large bedchamber that was decorated beautifully. The air was perfumed since there were several vases spilling over with beautiful greenery and red berries that must have taken hours to find.

  Her hand trembled as she pulled pins from her hair, unsure exactly what to do after. Should she brush it out and change in front of Alexander?

  Sure, he’d already seen her in her nightclothes, but this was to be so very different. The last time they’d been alone. They’d talked for hours, then he’d helped her into her robe and ensured she returned to her own bedroom without being seen.

  “You think too much.” Alexander pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Turn around.”

  Vivian did as told, trembling when his fingers touched her skin as he unbuttoned the dress and slipped it from her shoulders.

  He removed the next layer, his gaze holding hers in the mirror the entire time. Vivian could barely breathe as more and more of her body was exposed.

  When she stood in only her stockings, he rolled them down, deftly pulling them and her slippers off.


  She looked at his face. His warm gaze met hers for a moment before moving down the length of her body.

  For some reason, the way he seemed to appreciate what he saw emboldened her, and Vivian was not embarrassed.

  She moved closer to him and undid his cravat, followed by his vest. When she fumbled with the jacket, he yanked it off and tossed it. Soon after, he stood bare from the waist up.

  They crashed into each other, his mouth claiming hers like a prize that was offered freely. Vivian wrapped her arms around his shoulders and shook with anticipation.

  As if needing to ensure she was there, his hands traveled from her upper back, down to cup her bottom, then up her sides. Every place he touched felt like she was being branded as his and his alone.

  Vivian wanted more, needed to be overtaken. If only she wasn’t so untrained in what to do. Perhaps she should have read Penelope’s lovemaking book. She raked her fingers down his back to his waist.

  When his mouth pressed on the side of her neck, she allowed it to fall sideways, her eyes closing.

  Alexander lifted her easily into his arms, then carried her to the bed, lowering her gently. The cool bedding sent awareness of what was to happen through her, and Vivian sat up.

  What a reward it was to see Alexander finish undressing. His body was like a work of art. Every part of him was so very different than her own. His chest was wide with a sprinkling of hair, his arms well formed. There were ripples that went from under his ribs to a flat stomach. Between his legs, just below a patch of hair, was something she’d never seen before.

  Vivian could not pull her eyes away from his arousal. It was as she’d often heard said, the male species had an appendage to use to mount the female species.

  As much as she’d tried to picture what they had, she’d not dreamed of what she saw now.

  Her hand itched to touch and feel it.

  “May I touch you?” Her voice sounded hoarse as her mouth had turned dry.

  Alexander nodded and walked closer.

  Meeting his gaze, she felt her cheeks warm. “Will it hurt if I press on it?”

  “It is like any other part of my body. A bit sensitive right now as I am aroused.”

  At first, she was tentative, sliding two fingers from the base to the tip. Alexander watched her with curiosity but said nothing.

  When Vivian wrapped her hand around it, his sharp intake of breath made her draw her hand away. “I am sorry.”

  “It did not hurt,” he said in a strained voice. “It excites me when you do that.”

  “Oh,” Vivian replied, studying him and then his staff. “It is soft to the touch and yet hard.”

  Alexander lowered to the bed, and she was disappointed as she’d hope to explore his sex more.

  When he pulled her closer, his mouth taking hers, Vivian forgot about the curiosity that was soon replaced with ardor.

  “Breathe,” Alexander instructed between kisses when his fingers slid down the center of her legs. Each touch made her jump at the unusual sensations.

  “Relax. Close your eyes,” he told her next when she pushed his hand away. “Enjoy it, Vivian.”

  Forcing herself to do as he said, Vivian let out a breath and waited. The warmth of his kisses felt wonderful as he trailed his mouth down from her neck to take first one breast tip into his mouth, then the other.

  When she began to wiggle as heat pooled between her legs, Alexander once again touched her. This time his fingers circled her core, each caress spreading heat down her legs.

  Vivian gasped and her breathing became jagged whenever the sensations threatened to overtake and send her reeling.

  Finally, when she could not stand it any longer, he came over her. She searched his face for answers as to what he’d do next, but he looked down between them.

  Taking himself in hand, Alexander guided his staff to her entrance.

  She tensed, waiting for him to impale her, but instead, he did what he’d done with his fingers and slid it up and down her sex. The sensation was absolutely wonderful, and soon, Vivian was lost.

  A sharp pain cut through her excitement, and she cried out.

  “What did you do?” she said, pushing at his shoulders. “It hurt.”

  “Shh.” Alexander kissed her face. “It will lessen, I promise.”

  It did. He began to move, immediately sending all thoughts of pain away.

  Lovemaking was like nothing Vivian could have ever conjured up on her own. If his kisses had made her knees weak, his caresses sent her to swoon, and this, the joining, made her fly.
  Vivian begged him not to stop moving as it was so utterly wonderful. Indescribable sensations that she would never be able to explain assaulted her, one after another.

  Through the haze of movements, touching and kissing, Alexander’s masculine grunts permeated, making it even more enjoyable.

  Suddenly there was a change, and her body became uncontrollable. Vivian fought to keep herself from it, but then it was as if she were a crystal that broke into millions of pieces.

  Languid and unable to move, Vivian was sprawled over her husband. She’d demanded the repeat lovemaking again, and now it was almost dawn.

  Both were too spent to do more than lay in a pool of bedding.

  “I think we will not make breakfast this morning,” he said groggily.

  Vivian’s lips curved. “We may not make midday tea either.”

  His deep chuckles made her stomach do funny things, and she let out a sigh.

  “I love you, Alexander Yarnsby.”

  He lifted his head and hitched an eyebrow. “I hope so, Mrs. Yarnsby, since you have thoroughly seduced me.”


  Spring 1818, Berkhamsted

  “You absolutely must come for at least a month,” Penelope demanded. Draped across a settee in the sitting room of the huge Yarnsby home, she looked every bit a damsel in distress.

  Her sister had been doing her best to convince both her and Clara to come to London to attend the balls.

  “Clara’s title will do much more for you this season that I could ever hope for,” Vivian replied indulgently. “Even though Alexander has a title, he still refuses to use it.”

  “What about when you have children? Won’t your first son have a right to it?” Penelope straightened when Mary entered with a tray. “Mary will you please convince my sister that it is imperative she come to London for my coming out.”

  Vivian could not stand it any longer. “Very well. If you do not stop clamoring, my head will split in two.”

  Although it was early morning, the day was already sunny. The duchess would arrive soon, and they planned to go birdwatching. It was exciting as they’d never ventured out in the area around Alexander’s family home. Later that day, once Clara and William arrived, a picnic was planned on the grounds.

  “Married life suits you,” Penelope announced. “You’re glowing with happiness. I’m going to look like you when I marry Tommy.”

  Unable to keep from it, Vivian let out a happy sigh. “I am so very happy.” She studied her sister for a moment. “Have you seen Gideon since his return?”

  “He rarely leaves home. Lady Barrow says she is afraid he may have some sort of ill-affect after being away at war for so long.”

  “Poor dear,” Vivian said. “You should make an effort. Go visit him.”

  Penelope sat up and shook her head. “I tried and he practically threw me out. I am not going to put myself out to be mistreated. I promised Lady Barrow to attempt again. Perhaps I will bring a stick and beat him with it, if he acts the same.”

  “He did seem changed,” Vivian replied. “If anyone can get someone out of their shell however, it is you dear sister. It is a challenge you will definitely fight and win.”

  “Of course, I will win,” Penelope said. “I never lose a fight.”

  * * *

  Two days later, they traveled to Lark’s Song, where they were to spend the next week. Alexander insisted it would be easier for everyone to gather if closer to the Duke and Duchess. Vivian had to agree. As much as she loved the huge estate where she now lived, it was much too far from everyone.

  Alexander had left the day before along with, Clara and the others. Vivian considered that she’d noticed Alexander being extra secretive the last few days.

  “Mary?” she asked her companion. “Have you heard anything from Harold about my husband’s latest project? He and William have meet with an army of men as of late. He insists it has to do with building the larger stables, but they have never gone out and walked around the grounds.”

  Her companion shook her head. “I can ask Thomas,” she said referring to the coachman, who Mary was sweet on. Thomas had already declared himself, they were just waiting on their parents to arrive to make is formal.

  Vivian looked forward to entertaining both Thomas’ and Mary’s parents. She’d insisted rooms be prepared for them on the bottom floor. There were enough for an army of servants.

  Upon nearing Lark’s Song, Thomas rode past the normal turn, and continued down a narrow road.

  “Where are we going?” Vivian asked.

  Mary stuck her head out the window and called out to Thomas, asking the same question. She ducked back in. “He said to be following Mr. Alexander’s instructions.”

  “Oh, a surprise,” Penelope exclaimed with a bright smile. “I do adore surprises.”

  Vivian frowned. “I am not sure I share your enthusiasm for them. If anything, it makes me feel anxious. What if something is wrong? Or if I do not like whatever it is? Do I have to feign to be excited?”

  “You make too much of it,” Penelope said. “Sit back and enjoy the moment.”

  It was just a few minutes later when the carriage came to a stop. She looked out, and other than there being some sort of wall structure, Vivian could not see anything else, in the large empty field.

  Alexander came to the door and opened it. “If you will excuse us ladies,” he said looking to Penelope and Mary. “I must speak to my wife.”

  Heart hammering and stomach in jumbles, she allowed her husband to help her from the carriage. “What is it Alexander?” She looked around noting that four men were lined up beside the half-erected structure.

  “I wanted to wait to share this with you, but the more they build, the more you would be able to see it, when we visit Lark’s Song.”

  “What exactly are they building?” Vivian said giving the men a puzzled look.

  Alexander frowned. “I hope you will be glad. My uncle, the duke, he clarified needlessly, gave me a large plot of land. I offered to purchase it, but he claims it was already in my name.”

  When he paused, Vivian still did not understand. “Alex, pray tell me what you are doing.”

  His lips curved and he motioned to the men and the structure. “Darling, I am having a home built for us here. Closer to our family.”

  With a squeal of happiness, Vivian did the most uncharacteristic thing and jumped up into Alexander’s arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed and twirled in a circle.

  “I can scarcely believe it. We will be able to visit with Clara and William all the time.” She smiled so wide, her cheeks ached.

  “You are happy then?” Alexander asked kissing her soundly.

  She didn’t care that the men looked on or that Penelope and Mary came running at hearing her scream.

  * * *

  The next story in this series is Mary Asher’s story, Vivian’s companion. When Mary meets the handsome Irish coachman, sparks fly. The Allure of a Reformed Rogue is part of an anthology. Here is the link:

  A Short Excerpt - The Allure of a Reformed Rogue

  Mary took a spoonful of porridge and ate it. It was hard to keep from stealing a glance at the quiet man across the table from her. She peered up, pretending interest in the window behind him.

  His shorn, light brown hair had just a hint of auburn, the same for his eyebrows. There was a shadow of a beard on his jaw, which looked to be a shade darker. His eye color seemed to change between green and blue, she supposed they were hazel if one were to describe them.

  Taller than her by half a foot, he had the masculine build of a man whose work required physical effort. She would not describe him as astonishingly fetching, but he was handsome in an understated way. If asked, she would call him attractive. Yes, that was it. Thomas Sullivan was very attractive.

  “Excuse me?” He studied her. “Who do you refer to?”

  Her eyes widened. The annoying habit of mumbling when she thought often go
t her into difficult situations. “Err... I was thinking that Lottie is right. Mr. Yarnsby and Miss Vivian make an attractive couple.”

  Thankfully, Moira interjected. “Oh, they do, and so well suited.”

  “Indeed,” Lottie, who’d yet to get up, added.

  Thomas ate the rest of his breakfast in silence and then stood, put his bowl on the counter, and walked out. It was as if he’d rather be anywhere but around people.

  “Do you think he is shy or just does not care for our company?” Mary asked, looking toward the now closed door. “Certainly, seems in a hurry to leave our company every morning.”

  “Rarely asks for a second serving,” Moira said. “He does linger at times.”

  Lottie huffed. “Only when you are here alone, Moira. He must dislike either me or Mary.”

  “It does not matter,” Mary said, standing. “I best see about preparing for the day. First I will inspect the garden.”

  Wrapping her shawl around her shoulders, she went out to look over the garden area. It was only ten days that she’d come to live at Woodhall, and the size of the huge home still astonished her. Upon turning to the back of the house, where the garden was, she stopped in her tracks, finding Thomas.

  He stood with his head bent and hands clasped against his chest, as if in prayer. Like most Irish, he was probably a devout Catholic. Mary turned to leave just as Moira’s huge orange cat made its way to the kitchen for its morning bowl of milk.

  Despite her attempt to avoid the animal, the cat weaved around her legs. Mary did her best to walk away to avoid being seen by Thomas and unfortunately lost her balance when the cat continued its pattern around her ankles.

  She fell to the ground on all fours. “Crumpets, George,” she hissed at the cat, who sat at the doorstep and glared at her. “Bad kitty.” While Mary scrambled to stand, the wind blew her shawl over her head, so she couldn’t see.

  “I will help you up.” Thomas took her left arm and pulled her up to stand.


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