Road Trip with the Best Man

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Road Trip with the Best Man Page 1

by Sophie Pembroke

  A jilted bride, a best man...

  And a journey that will change their lives!

  With her dream wedding in tatters, Dawn Featherington resolves to track down her errant groom and demand answers. But there’s one obstacle in her way—billionaire best man Cooper Edwards! Not trusting her intentions, the cynical divorcé refuses to let her go alone. But with each passing mile, Cooper begins to realize they could be on the road to happily-ever-after!

  “How far exactly is it to the beach house, anyway?” she asked as nonchalantly as she could. However far it was, it was where she needed to go.

  But she had a nagging feeling it might take a little longer than the day or so she’d imagined when she suggested driving there.

  “About three thousand miles,” Cooper replied, equally casually. “Give or take.”

  “Three thousand miles.” Dawn swallowed. Hard. “We’re going to need to stop overnight, then,” she said.

  “Over several nights,” Cooper corrected. “Even if we split the driving, we’ll both need to rest. Plus this car is a classic, vintage model. It’s been refurbished, of course, but still. It’s not exactly covered for nonstop cross-country travel.”

  “How many days do you think it will take us?” Dawn asked, staring at the hard planes of his face, the set jaw. Two days ago, she’d never even met this man. Yesterday she’d realized he seriously disliked her. And now it looked like they were going to be spending an awful lot of time together.

  Maybe this wasn’t the best idea she’d ever had.

  Dear Reader,

  Not long after I got married, my husband and I went on a road trip around just a small part of America to visit his stateside family. The sheer size of the country amazed me. As did the way the sat nav could give us instructions like “turn left in four hundred miles!”

  We had a fantastic time, meeting new friends and old, exploring the wonders and incredible sights around us and indulging in delicious meals wherever we stopped. We sang along to the same four songs on the radio and stocked up on car snacks at gas stations on the way. And we talked—about our lives, our future and everything that mattered to us. It was an amazing experience.

  I always promised myself that one day we’d go back and do a bigger road trip, maybe even all the way across the country. But ten years and two kids later, it hasn’t happened yet. Writing this story was my way of taking that trip, and reliving all those brilliant memories, until I get the chance to do it for real. I hope you enjoy it!

  Love and lots of car snacks,

  Sophie x


  Sophie Pembroke

  Sophie Pembroke has been dreaming, reading and writing romance ever since she read her first Harlequin as part of her English literature degree at Lancaster University, so getting to write romantic fiction for a living really is a dream come true! Born in Abu Dhabi, Sophie grew up in Wales and now lives in a little Hertfordshire market town with her scientist husband, her incredibly imaginative eight-year-old daughter and her adventurous, adorable two-year-old son. In Sophie’s world, happy is for ever after, everything stops for tea and there’s always time for one more page...

  Books by Sophie Pembroke

  Harlequin Romance

  Wedding Island

  Island Fling to Forever

  Wedding of the Year

  Slow Dance with the Best Man

  Proposal for the Wedding Planner

  Summer Weddings

  Falling for the Bridesmaid

  Stranded with the Tycoon

  Heiress on the Run

  A Groom Worth Waiting For

  His Very Convenient Bride

  A Proposal Worth Millions

  The Unexpected Holiday Gift

  Newborn Under the Christmas Tree

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  For everyone who ever wanted to take to the open road and find themselves. It’s never too late.

  Praise for

  Sophie Pembroke

  “A poignant, feel-good and irresistible romantic treat that I struggled to put down, Slow Dance with the Best Man is a fantastic tale about second chances, healing from old wounds and finding the courage to fall in love that will touch the hearts of romance readers everywhere.”




















  DAWN FEATHERINGTON STARED down the aisle at the perfect floral arrangements tied to each row of chairs set out on the grass. The string quartet was playing Pachelbel’s Canon—again—the officiant smiling serenely at the foot of the pagoda steps. The late-afternoon sun shone down on the manicured lawns of the Californian coastal mansion Justin’s mother had insisted would be the perfect venue for the two hundred and fifty guests they needed to invite, lighting up the delicate white ribbons and lace strung around the pagoda.

  Everything looked perfect. Until she turned her attention to the expectant guests, all waiting slightly less patiently than they had been twenty minutes ago, and felt her stomach twist.

  Because the only thing missing now was the groom.

  Dawn ducked back behind the screens that the venue staff had put in place to keep the bridal party’s arrival a secret until the last moment. Behind her, her four sisters whispered amongst themselves, their rose-pink silk bridesmaid dresses rustling with them. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but then she didn’t really need to.

  Can you believe this is happening again?

  No. They were wrong. Justin loved her, he wanted to marry her. He’d hated even having to spend last night in a different hotel—although he’d insisted they had to, for tradition’s sake. He’d be here any moment. Probably.

  Dawn bit back a sigh. It wasn’t as if this exact thing had happened before, anyway—whatever her sisters were whispering. She’d never got quite as far as the altar with any of the others. They’d all called it off before it reached this point.

  Two broken engagements—one at the rehearsal dinner, but that still wasn’t the actual altar, right?—three long-term cohabiting relationships that had never even got as far as the ring and now Justin. Forty minutes late for his own wedding.

  It wouldn’t be quite so bad if every single one of her boyfriends hadn’t gone on to marry someone else within twelve to eighteen months. Including, in one particularly soul-destroying case, marrying her own sister.

  ‘The Dry Run.’ That was what her sisters called her. Dawn was the woman that guys tried out settling down with before they picked the woman they actually wanted to spend the rest of their lives with. And for some reason that woman was never Dawn.

  But Justin was different. Wasn’t he?

  From the moment they’d first met, she’d felt it. She’d been at a work event, one held at an estate
not unlike this one, with vineyards stretching back from the gleaming white house. She’d been standing on the terrace, looking out at the sunset, when he’d approached her and made some comment about the hosts that she could barely remember. All she had taken in was his smile and his charm. They’d talked all evening—well, okay, mostly he’d talked, but he had so many interesting things to say! Then, the next day, he’d sent flowers and a note to her office, asking her to meet him at some ridiculously exclusive bar across town.

  She went, and the rest was history. They’d announced their engagement four months later and, now, here they were.

  Or rather, here she was. Justin’s whereabouts were still a mystery.

  The whispering behind her grew louder and Dawn turned to see the best man, Justin’s older brother Cooper, striding across the lawn from the main house towards them. He wasn’t smiling. Then again, she hadn’t seen him smile yet in the twenty-four hours since they’d met, so that might not actually be a sign.

  Dawn sucked in a breath and braced herself.

  ‘He’s not coming.’ Cooper stood a few feet away, his expression blank. As if he hadn’t just torn her whole world apart with three little words.

  She’d suspected that Cooper didn’t like her since she’d first met him at the rehearsal dinner. But then, he’d never seemed particularly enthusiastic whenever Justin had talked to him on the phone either. And, really, what best man didn’t make the effort even to attend the engagement party?

  ‘Way to break it to her gently,’ her sister, Marie, said sharply. She wrapped an arm around Dawn’s shoulders as their other sisters made sympathetic cooing noises.

  Dawn would probably have felt a lot more comforted if Marie hadn’t married her ex-boyfriend two years ago.

  She could feel all the usual emotions swelling up inside her—the anger, the despair, the gaping emptiness—but she clamped down on them. No. This wasn’t going to happen again. It couldn’t.

  And, if it did, she wasn’t going to give any one of her perfect sisters—or Justin’s sanctimonious brother—the chance to see it break her.

  ‘Is that for me?’ Dawn pointed to the envelope in Cooper’s hand, proud of how steady her voice was. Her finger didn’t even shake.

  She could almost believe she wasn’t actually dying on the inside.

  Cooper gave a short nod and handed it over—but not, she noticed, before removing a second envelope. One that had his name on it.

  Apparently Justin had more to say than just to the bride he’d stood up.

  Focusing on keeping her hand steady, she took her letter and untucked the envelope flap. So like Justin, to write an old-fashioned letter. He wasn’t the sort to dump a girl by text message—like her second fiancé—or even by email, like boyfriend number three. Justin was a gentleman.

  Or he had been, until now.

  Inside the envelope she found a single sheet of creamy paper covered in his block print writing—one that Dawn was pretty sure Justin must have taken from the elegant writing desk in his mother’s immaculate front room. She scanned the words quickly, then folded it up again and pushed it back into the envelope, making sure not to let her expression change at all.

  They were not going to win.

  ‘Right. Well, it seems we won’t be having a wedding today after all.’ Her voice didn’t even sound like her own.

  ‘Oh, Dawn!’ That was her mother, of course, who’d come to find her father to see what the delay was. ‘Oh, not again, honey!’

  Dawn kept her gaze fixed on Cooper’s face, even as he raised one eyebrow at the word ‘again’.

  ‘Will you help me tell the guests?’ she asked neutrally.

  ‘I believe that unfortunate task does fall to the best man, traditionally,’ Cooper said.

  Traditionally. As if this happened at everyone else’s weddings, not just hers.

  ‘Great. Okay, then.’

  ‘Do you want me to send them home?’ Cooper asked, his voice as bland and unemotional as ever. ‘I believe there was a dinner planned...’

  And an open bar, actually. That might be important later.

  Dawn thought of the tables of canapés and champagne, the four-course meal that Justin’s family had insisted on paying for. There wouldn’t be any refunds at this point, of course, but it wasn’t as though the Edwards family couldn’t afford it. And a lot of these people had travelled a long way to be with them on their not-so-special day.

  Well, the least she could do was feed them. And give them a good story to tell on the dinner-party circuit.

  ‘No,’ she said as firmly as she could manage. ‘I’ll go tell the venue to get the bar open and prepare to serve dinner. Everyone else should enjoy the day, at least. Excuse me.’

  And with that Dawn hitched up her heavy, lace-covered skirt and made for the mansion as fast as she could in her satin heels.

  She needed a drink, and a toilet cubicle to hide in, fast.

  That way, no one would be able to see her fall apart.


  * * *

  Cooper watched his brother’s jilted bride make her way towards the ridiculously fancy mansion she’d chosen for what was supposed to be her big day. She seemed strangely composed for someone who’d just had their entire future torn away from them.

  Which, given the contents of the note Justin had left for him, probably shouldn’t have been such a surprise.

  I can’t go through with it, Cooper. I’m sorry for all the upset this will cause Mother, but I know you’ll understand.

  You see, this week I’ve found that I just can’t shake the feeling that Dawn has ulterior motives for wanting to marry me. I thought she loved me as much as I loved her. But now I’m worried she loves my money a lot more. I can’t face her—not now. I need some time away to think everything through, figure out the truth about our relationship, our feelings.

  If I’m wrong I’ll make it up to her somehow. But I can’t marry her when I’m not one hundred percent sure that it’s the right thing to do.

  I’m heading up to the beach house for the week to think. I’m sorry to place this on you, brother, but I knew you would be the only one to understand exactly what I’m going through...

  Yeah, Cooper understood. Apparently neither Edwards brother was any good at spotting a gold-digger until it was too late.

  At least Justin had got out before he reached the altar, which was more than Cooper had managed.

  Justin had done the right thing. Even if it kind of screwed up Cooper’s plans for kicking back, getting hammered on high quality whisky and maybe even seducing an attractive guest to help him forget how much he hated weddings. Traditionally, he supposed he should have lined up a bridesmaid, but since they all appeared to be A: married and B: sisters of the bride, he was happy to spurn tradition on this one.

  Although maybe his plan, such as it was, wasn’t completely ruined—especially since Dawn intended to let the celebratory part of the day go ahead despite not having anything to celebrate.

  He just needed to break the news to the dearly beloveds gathered for the non-event.

  Couldn’t be any harder than facing his father’s shareholders after that debacle with Melanie and the Reed takeover, right? Or telling his parents that he’d been conned by the woman he loved and they were all about to get screwed in the divorce courts.

  Yeah, this was nothing.

  Cooper took a deep breath and walked down the aisle, thankfully alone.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I have some sad news for you all.’ Everyone’s attention was instantly on him, of course, and Cooper smiled his best reassuring smile. ‘I’m afraid that there will not, after all, be a wedding here today.’ The expected whispers and groans went up from the crowd. Cooper knew better than to expect real disappointment from any of them. More likely they were mentally preparing their gloating renditions of this story for a
nyone unfortunate enough not to be there to witness it. Goodness knew there’d been enough stories told about him after his divorce, not all of them even close to the truth.

  Not that he cared. What difference did it make to him what people said about him anyway?

  But he didn’t want them saying that stuff about Justin.

  ‘The bride has requested that you all still stay for dinner, however,’ he added, and a more enthusiastic murmur went up at that. ‘And I believe the bar will be open imminently.’

  Then he stepped out of the way to avoid the stampede.

  ‘Cooper? What’s happening? Dawn’s parents are in pieces over there, and her sisters...well. Where’s Justin?’ A dark-haired woman in a too-short pink dress pushed through the crush to get to him. Cooper frowned at her for a moment before recognising her as someone he’d been introduced to at the rehearsal dinner two nights before. Not a bridesmaid, so not one of Dawn’s numerous sisters. American, so not Dawn’s family, either—apart from her mother’s transatlantic twang, they all had the same regional British accent that she did. A friend, then. There hadn’t been many of those at the dinner—it had mostly been family. So she had to be... No, he had nothing.

  ‘I’m sorry, have we met?’ He smiled his most charming smile, but received only a scowl in return.

  ‘Yes. Last night. I’m Dawn’s friend, Ruby.’

  ‘Right. Ruby. Of course.’ Yeah, no way was he going to remember that more than a few minutes this time, either. Why waste time on people who weren’t going to matter to him in the future? And, since Dawn was no longer going to be his sister-in-law, he didn’t need to worry about it.

  ‘So? Where’s Justin? Where’s Dawn, come to that?’

  ‘Last I saw, Dawn was heading into the venue to demand they open the bar early,’ he replied. ‘And Justin... I can’t say exactly where he is. But I know he’s not coming.’ And if for some reason his brother lost his mind and suddenly appeared to try and make up with his bride—if he decided that his love would be enough for both of them, even if Dawn’s had never existed—well. Then Cooper would be there to stop him. To keep them apart until Justin came to his senses again and appreciated his lucky escape.


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