Forever With His Boss

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Forever With His Boss Page 14

by Rheland Richmond

Ford took Callum and left the room without a word, but there was a look of thanks on his face as he walked by, and that warmed Sawyer to know he did the right thing.

  Paying close attention to her movements, it didn’t seem like Cynthia was using at the moment, but Sawyer had read up on addicts. He knew they were skilled liars and many could project acting sober even when they were high.

  “Outside?” Her voice was measured, but Sawyer saw her tic in her jaw. “I’m only spending one night with my babies. I want to be close.”

  Her voice was challenging, and he could almost hear the “Hah, take that.”

  “You can sleep in my room, Mom,” Gavin spoke up. “I have a bunk bed.” He was so proud at his declaration, and Sawyer wasn’t sure if his brother could feel the tense undercurrents.

  “I’m sorry, buddy. But tomorrow is a school day. You’ll get to see your mom in the morning before she leaves.” He was glad he was able to keep his tone level and calm as he spoke to Gavin. “It will be best if she slept in the guest house. And you know how comfortable it is out there...” He gave his brother a smile when he finished talking.

  Gavin looked between his mother and Sawyer, but Cynthia was too busy glaring daggers at Sawyer to pay attention to the dilemma her son was having. Finally, Gavin stopped wringing his hands and looked at Sawyer, his eyes bright with unshed tears.

  “Okay,” he said with a quivering voice.

  It pained Sawyer to have to do this, but he knew it was for the best since Cynthia couldn’t be trusted, and he didn’t want her around the kids unsupervised, especially if she had any drugs with her.

  “Why don’t you go and get yourself ready for bed, and then you can say good night to your mom before heading to bed. Deal?”

  “Deal.” Gavin seemed somewhat pacified now, turned around and left the room, and Sawyer heard him stomping up the stairs.

  Cynthia’s jaw was ticking as she rounded on him, fists on her hips. “Really, Sawyer? These are my children, and I have every right to be around them if and when I want. Her voice was cold as she spoke.

  Ahh there she was. Sawyer knew the pleading and begging when he first met her had all been a facade. He’s hoped it wasn’t but… well.

  “Cynthia, this is not up for discussion, and I am not going to keep repeating how you’ve lost visitation rights until you fulfill the terms set by the court. You will be staying in the guest house, and if you have a problem with that, then you are welcome to get back into your car and leave.” Who did this woman think she was and what the hell had their father seen in her?

  She was nothing like his mom that was for sure.

  He held Savanna’s gaze, and thankfully, she didn’t look away. “I have some work to finish up. Can you help Ford make sure it’s ready for your mother?” Savanna didn’t make her opinion known either way, and as much as Sawyer wanted to ask her how she felt about the whole situation, he knew now was not the time.

  “Thank you,” Cynthia replied through clenched teeth.

  Sawyer ignored her while he waited for Ford to come back down so he could let him know what was happening, and then, once Gavin had hugged Cynthia and gone back upstairs and the three of them left, he took a moment to check if there was a message or missed call from Madison. Unfortunately, there was nothing yet, and that just added to his irritation.

  Sawyer made his way to the office to give himself time to calm down, and it was only after he heard Ford and Savanna come back in and go upstairs that he followed.

  “Have a good night!” Sawyer called out as he walked by Gavin’s room.

  “Goodnight, Sawyer,” Gavin replied, albeit with a sad lilt.

  Savie’s door opened before he could make it further down the hall, and she looked at him. He walked over to her door and stopped a couple of inches from her, close enough that they could hear without having to speak up.

  “Night,” she said in a low voice.

  “Goodnight, Savanna.”

  He waited a beat to see if she would speak. When it didn’t seem like she would, he turned to go.

  “She’ll leave as quickly as she came,” she murmured. “She always does.”

  Sawyer turned and found the door closed and let out a sigh.

  Fuck… they’d been happy, and now Cynthia had shown up, disrupted their plans for the evening, and upset Ford and Savanna. If his sister was right, their mother would only disappoint Gavin again.

  Sawyer slowly walked to his bedroom, Ford came out from Callum’s room and went into theirs, he didn’t acknowledge Sawyer. Man, he felt like he’d gone a couple of rounds with a heavyweight. He said a prayer that he was doing the right thing, especially knowing how Cynthia had treated Gavin… all the kids in the past.

  Sawyer shut the door and leaned his back against it. Ford went into their walk in and he followed to find his boyfriend already getting ready for bed.

  “I know you’re not pleased with the situation, and I’m not either, but I don’t know what the next step should be. I haven’t heard back from Madison yet, and poor Gavin looked so happy.” Sawyer didn’t bring Savie into the equation because he honestly didn’t know how she felt. “I’m just trying to make them happy.” He took a step closer to Ford. “It’s only one night, and she is locked out of the house.”

  Ford sighed and turned to him. “I do understand. I don’t want them mad at me, either, but that woman is bad news. I could feel the waves of anger rolling off of her. And how she talked to me? I’ve got one word for her. Bitch with a capital B.”

  Sawyer nodded. Ford wouldn’t hear him disagreeing to that. He’d seen her in action himself.

  Sawyer wiped his face and let out a breath. “She is going back to rehab tomorrow, and she’ll be out of the kids’ lives for months, if not longer for leaving without permission. After that, we’ll see what comes next.”

  Sawyer had planned to get her back to supervised visitation once she had completed rehab and showed herself to be responsible and free from using. Right now, that idea was up for debate seeing what she had just done.

  He didn’t know if the drugs made her treat Gavin and Savie the way she did, or if that was who she really was. Either way, he had no intention of leaving her alone with the kids. And Sawyer was willing to go to court if he had to, though he hoped it didn’t come to that.

  “Let’s go to sleep. At least she’ll be out of here soon after we wake up tomorrow.” He quickly got changed and then put a hand out for Ford to take, and he did. Sawyer thanked his stars that Ford at least wasn’t pissed at him anymore. He pulled Ford into him. “Do you trust me?”

  Ford groaned and nodded. “I trust you, but, babe… it’s her I have doubts about. I feel like she’s up to something, and it bugs me that we don’t know what it is.”

  Ford was right about that, but they just needed to get through the next few hours and hope that tomorrow came without any upsets.



  Ford tried hard to fall asleep, but sleep made him its bitch. All he kept doing was checking the alarm clock, but it felt like time was moving at a snail’s pace.

  Sawyer seemed to be in the same boat, only he stared into space after dropping the pretense of reading. He considered suggesting they dig through the cabinet where all the board games had been stored after their family game night or something, just so they could get through the night together.

  However, this was one of those times silence worked best, so he just watched that clock as the time inched closer and closer to the morning and the time when the witch would be gone from their lives.

  Maybe he was being petty calling her that, but he didn’t care. She ruined Callum’s birthday and upset Savie, and she would surely break Gavin’s heart.

  He must have dozed because the next time he woke up, the clock read 3:07. Last time he checked, it had just turned midnight. Ford frowned, not sure what had woken him up. He checked his bladder, but he didn’t need the bathroom… so it wasn’t that.

  He turned to Sawyer and smiled wh
en he saw his mouth open with a bit of drool down the side of his cheek. It was nice to know that the man wasn’t totally perfect.

  Ford heard a noise and he bolted upright. What the hell was that? He listened for it again. The nightlights that lined the hallway cast moving shadows under their bedroom door, and there were hushed voices.

  Ford looked over to Sawyer. He had his arm draped over his eyes and his lips were turned downward, but from his even breathing, Ford could tell he was still asleep.

  He tossed back the covers and quietly moved to the bedroom door and pressed his ear against it. He heard Cynthia’s voice.

  “Savanna,” she hissed. “Grab Callum while I finish getting Gavin ready.”

  Ford jerked. She was trying to take the kids. Ford ran over to the bed and shook Sawyer. “Sawyer… wake up… wake up.” He whispered so Cynthia didn’t know he was awake.

  Sawyer groaned. “Five more minutes.”

  “We don’t have five minutes. She’s going to take the kids.” He shook Sawyer’s shoulder again, harder this time. “Wake up. We have to do something.” His heart was racing. Ford was worried it would beat right out his chest.

  He couldn’t let her get away. The kids were theirs to protect.

  “Sawyer, wake up now.” Ford smacked his shoulder this time.

  Sawyer sat up and almost headbutted Ford.

  “She’s taking the kids.” He repeated again.

  When his words penetrated Sawyer’s sleep-addled brain, he let out a growl a mama bear would be proud of and jumped out of bed like a match had been lit underneath him and the bed was on fire.

  “Like hell she is. How the fuck did she get inside the house?”

  They ran out of the room, down the steps, and caught Cynthia along with the three kids at the front door. She was whispering to Savanna as she fiddled with the door handle.

  “And where the hell do you think you’re going?” At the sound of Sawyer’s voice, Cynthia spun around. Ford turned on the light since they’d been creeping around in the dark, illuminating the stunned look on the woman’s face. “You are not taking the kids anywhere.”

  Cynthia’s eyes widened. She had Callum in her arms, and there were four suitcases by the door.

  Savanna and Gavin's eyes looked like saucers, but Callum appeared to be still half asleep. “These are my kids.” Cynthia’s voice was harsh. “Your father was a fool to leave them with you. You have no right to them.”

  “Legally, I do.” Sawyer walked towards her slowly like you would a wild animal. “Social Services watched over them until they could get in contact with me per my father’s wishes because you proved incapable of taking care of them. You’re not right, Cynthia. Go back to rehab and finish your time there. Doing this”—he waved his hand at the scene in front of him—“will only harm your chances of being in their lives in the future.”.”

  She shook her head. She looked to Savanna and Gavin who were still motionless and wide-eyed. “I’m taking them, Sawyer. You can’t stop me.” She backed up to the door, her hand again on the handle.

  “Legally, you can’t take them, Cynthia. You’re well aware of that.” Sawyer used that same soothing voice, and all Ford could do was stand there and pray. Even though Sawyer was doing his best to reason with her, Ford was worried he wouldn’t get through in her current state.

  “No one will find us. Not you… not Social Services… no one.” Her voice got higher and higher. Ford looked to Gavin and Savanna, and he saw how scared they were becoming. He wanted to run to them, hold them, comfort them, and then tell them that everything would be alright, but he didn’t dare move.

  Savanna suddenly spoke for the first time. She looked at her mom. “Where are we going, Mom? Why won’t they find us?”

  Cynthia looked over to her oldest. “Shut up,” she snapped. “The adults are talking.”

  “Don’t speak to her like that.” Ford finally spoke up, hating the way Savie’s face fell and how her eyes glistened with unshed tears. He took a step forward, but Sawyer reached out and stopped him, blocking him with his arm. He looked over to Ford and shook his head, mouthing, “Patience.”

  Ford swallowed and nodded, but it took everything in him not to give in to the panic, and not because he thought Cynthia would get away, but because Ford wasn’t sure what Cynthia would do. The woman was clearly unstable.

  Sawyer faced Savanna. “Savanna, will you please take Callum and Gavin into the living room while we talk?” She held Sawyer’s gaze for a brief second, but slowly nodded. “It’s going to be alright. I promise, honey. Please take your brothers.”

  Savanna turned to her mom and held out her hands to take Callum, but Cynthia blocked her. Mother and daughter stared at each other. “Please, Mom.”

  Ford watched closely, praying Cynthia listened to her daughter and did as she was asked.

  When she handed Callum to Savie, Ford released a breath he hadn’t known he was holding, and he saw some of the tension leave Sawyer’s body.

  “Come on, Gavin.” Savanna held her free hand out to her brother, and he grabbed it quickly. The rest of the tension left Sawyer when the kids were out of sight.

  Cynthia shook her head and crossed her arms. “No need for all the theatrics, Sawyer. You can’t stop me. Those three kids are mine, whether you like it or not.”

  “Biologically, you’re right. They are yours.” Sawyer clenched his feet, and Ford put a hand on his shoulder. “I won’t go into what landed you in rehab, but the courts mandated that you go there. They also stripped you of your visitation rights to them long before I ever came along.”

  Cynthia growled and took a step towards them, but stopped short.

  “This doesn’t have to be a fight. Complete your rehab program, and I’m sure we can come to some sort of agreement like the one you had with my… your ex-husband.”

  “Your father was an asshole.” She gave a bitter laugh.

  Sawyer wasn’t going to argue with her. He had no fond thoughts for the man, but that didn’t have a place in this battle.

  “Well, a judge decided to give him full custody. That wasn’t my father’s doing… and certainly wasn’t mine. So, no, Cynthia, you are not taking the children.”

  “Who’s going to stop me?” She took a step closer.

  “I’ll be happy to call the cops,” Sawyer said. Ford handed the phone to Sawyer, and he began to dial.

  Cynthia froze. “Wait!” She raised her hand. “I’ll leave.”

  Sawyer’s gaze narrowed, but he didn’t put the phone down. Not that Ford blamed him. Like Ford, he was probably waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “You want me to go and be out of your lives forever?” Cynthia had a look in his eyes Ford couldn’t decipher. “How much you willing to pay?”

  Ford’s jaw dropped, and he shook his head. “If you won’t call the cops, I will.” He took the phone from Sawyer’s hands. When he unlocked it, Sawyer reached out and covered the phone. Ford looked up, and when they made eye contact, Sawyer shook his head.

  Sawyer turned to Cynthia. “You’re seriously going to use your own children as leverage for money?”

  Cynthia made a sound that could only be described as a cackle. “How do you think your father kept me away. He was as gullible as you are.”

  Sawyer stood there for a moment, a play of emotions crossing his features before a calm seemed to overtake him. He looked at the woman and responded in a monotone voice, “Wait right here. I’ll grab my checkbook.”

  Ford wanted to argue, but he could tell by the set of Sawyer’s jaw that he’d made up his mind. He only glanced Ford’s way to tip his head toward the office before striding off. When he turned back to Cynthia, she was smiling like the Grinch when he had stolen all those presents.

  Why did he feel like they’d been played and this was her plan all along? The children never mattered to her.

  Ford had to control the urge to smack the triumphant grin from her face.



; Sawyer was in the process of grabbing his checkbook so he could head back to the foyer from his office when Ford came in, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. “What are you doing?”

  Sawyer looked up from his desk.. “What does it look like? I’m attempting to avoid that woman walking out of the house and trying to take the kids with her. Telling her I was getting my checkbook will keep her here waiting for the money.” Sawyer started to walk over to the door which Ford was blocking.

  Ford hissed, “You’re giving her exactly what she wants. She couldn’t care less about those children.” Ford’s breathing was ragged like he’d run a marathon. “You paying her off is giving her the exact thing she wants. What happens if, and more than likely when, she decides she needs more money? This isn’t the way to go.” Ford’s hands were folded, his cheeks red.

  Sawyer rubbed the back of his neck before looking up at Ford. "I want her gone as much as you do.”

  Ford nodded and cut in. “So do I.” He nodded down at the checkbook. “But that is definitely not the way.”

  “No, it’s not, and I have no intention of bowing to her demands. We need to call the cops and have her removed from our home, and that is why I wanted you to follow me in here. So that you can make that call.”

  The tension visibly drained from Ford.

  “I am afraid they’ll hate us after this,” Sawyer said. ”But what choice do we have?”

  “Maybe…” Ford sighed. “But in the end, they’ll see that we only did it for their own good. It might not be today or tomorrow, but eventually, they’ll understand. We have to believe that.”

  Sawyer’s heart raced. Fuck he’d… they’d been doing so good with the kids, and this would probably cause a setback.

  Sawyer nodded and handed the phone back to Ford.

  “I can call Owen’s dad. Since he’s the chief of Police, he can send one of the officers out, and if I explain the situation and tell him no sirens or whatever...” Ford’s voice trailed off.


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