Symphony (Finding Their Muse Book 4)

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Symphony (Finding Their Muse Book 4) Page 19

by Bea Paige

  “You’ve always underestimated me, Viktor,” I say, not bothering to address him as father since he’s never been one to me.

  “And you’ve always disappointed me, Anton,” he lashes back. But his words no longer have the power to hurt me, not when I know how it feels to be truly loved. The strength I find in that spurs me on.

  Ignoring his look of disgust, I walk over to his walnut cabinet and open the drawer, finding the handgun he keeps in there still. Picking it up, I check to see if it’s loaded. Finding that it is, I hold it up and aim it at my father.

  “Anton!” Rose cries.

  “It’s okay, Rose. Trust me,” I murmur.

  Viktor barks out a laugh. “You don’t have the balls.”

  Striding over to him, I place the gun against his forehead. “You’ve no idea what I’m capable of. But believe me, by the end of this conversation it won’t be me firing the gun.”

  Viktor bites out a sharp laugh and sitting forward in his chair, presses his head against the gun. “What the fuck are you talking about, boy?”

  Turning to Rose, Ivan and Erik I motion for them to leave the room. “Wait outside. I’ll be with you soon,” I say.

  “I’m not leaving,” Rose insists.

  “Erik, get her out of here,” I snap. He doesn’t hesitate. Not giving her a choice, he picks her up and strides from the room. I wince at the sound of her anger. She’ll get over it, she’ll forgive us.

  “Anton, I can stay,” Ivan says, hovering at the door.

  “No. No you can’t. Go.”

  Nodding tightly, he too leaves the room.

  “Isn’t that sweet how much they care for you. Can’t see the attraction myself, I only reserve my love for those who truly deserve it.”

  Laughing, I step back suddenly, placing the gun on his desk. “Uncle Saviano and I had a really long chat today. Looks like he’s rescinded his investments in your companies. Every. Last. Penny. Fifty million pounds, I think he said.”

  “What?!” Viktor snaps, sitting up. Panic flashes across his face. He taps at his keyboard, his face turning a sickly white as the truth of what I’ve said becomes apparent.

  “What the fuck have you done?” he whispers, unable to believe what he’s seeing.

  “Did you know that Mum was his favourite sister? Turns out he never liked you, and he sure as fuck doesn’t take kindly to his nephew being treated like shit or threats being made to my girlfriend. Without his money, you’ve nothing to keep your businesses afloat. Looks like your cash cow has finally dried up.”

  “He can’t do that.” Viktor says, panicking.

  “He can do whatever the fuck he likes. You forget that you’re not the only man with money and contacts in high places.”

  “I have other investors, they will cover the deficit.”

  I laugh, really laugh at his arrogance. “No, you don’t. You married into wealth. All your contacts were made through my mother’s family and there’s no one left who’ll support you now Uncle Saviano has decided to cut you off completely. Those calls I made yesterday that forced you to send that man after Rose, they were my first mistake. There was really only one person I needed to call, and now that’s done, you’re well and truly fucked.”

  “Do you realise what you’ve done?”

  “I learnt a hard lesson today by not going straight for the jugular. Now that I have, this is over. You’re finished.”

  “I will be back. Watch me,” he threatens.

  “Stop lying to yourself. The truth is, all this time you thought you had the power when really it belonged to me. I’m the last born son of the Ricci family. Their blood runs through my veins. The only reason they kept funding your businesses was because they believed I would take it over eventually, that you were building it for me.” I laugh at that bitterly. “But that changed the minute I told Uncle Saviano everything you’ve done. There’s nothing he doesn’t know…” I say slowly, loving the look of fear running rampant over his features.

  “You son of a bitch! Do you know what you’ve done? He’ll kill me.”

  “It’s no more than you deserve. You killed my mother, all’s fair in love and war,” I shrug.

  “She killed herself. I didn’t force feed her prescription drugs, she did that all on her own.”

  “Because of you, Viktor. You might not have murdered her yourself, but you sent her to a place she couldn’t return from.”

  “After all this time, why act now? Because of that whore you call your girlfriend?”

  “First thing first, motherfucker, she’s not a whore,” I snarl, reaching for his collar and yanking him towards me, spitting in his face, then pushing him forcefully back in his seat. “Yes, I do this for Rose, but I also do it for my mother, for me.”

  “I’ll fucking kill her,” Viktor spits, glancing at the gun on his desk. I can see the thoughts running through his head. He could pick up the gun and shoot me, shoot us all. But I know my father, if he’s going to commit murder, he’ll make damn sure he’s not the one pulling the trigger. Yesterday proved that to me. If he fires that gun now there’s no going back and he knows it. No, my father will try to wheedle his way out of this, still arrogant enough to think he can talk my Uncle around. Thing is, I’m counting on that arrogance. Rose is safe. He, however, is not.

  “Empty threats are exactly that, Viktor… Empty,” I say, repeating his own words back to him.

  “You little bastard,” he spits, his face puce with rage.

  I bite out a laugh. “You’ve treated me like your bastard son my whole life, you’ve destroyed lives and you tried to take Rose from me. This is the consequence, Viktor. As of now you’re a pauper and no longer a part of this family. Like Ms Hadley, you have nothing.”

  “I still have assets. I have this house. It’s worth a few million. I’ll sell it.”

  “You could try but believe me when I say there is no one who wants to do business with you now. Besides, even if you did manage to sell, it won’t be enough to cover the millions you’re in debt, and you know it.”

  Viktor flinches, real panic littering his face.

  “Well, there’s really nothing left to discuss. Goodbye, Viktor. Enjoy an eternity in Hell.” I say, turning away from him.

  His silence is deafening.

  Half of me expects him to pick up the gun and shoot me in the back, but I know that he won’t risk pulling the trigger until he’s checked for himself that he really, truly has no chance of getting my uncle back on side. No, he’ll try to spin this all on me. I’m more than certain of that fact. Leaving the room, I pull the door closed, clicking it shut behind me. A few seconds later I hear him begging my uncle for forgiveness.

  But forgiveness isn’t something he’ll ever get from the Ricci family. The fact of the matter is, if my father doesn’t pull the trigger on himself, then Uncle Saviano has his own hired assassin waiting to do just that. When my feet hit the pavement outside, I hear the muffled sound of a gun firing. I don’t look back.

  Instead, I walk towards the only future that’s worth having, I walk towards my heart, my brothers, safe in the knowledge that Viktor will never be able to hurt us again.

  Chapter 26


  We hear of Ms Hadley’s death a few weeks later.

  Like Viktor, she died alone. There was no one holding her hand, no one whispering comforting words as she left this world. She’d been dead two hours before the nurse made her rounds. We didn’t mourn her loss, there were no tearful laments, or talk about what a wonderful woman she’d been. The day had passed like all the others, with laughter, happiness and love. In fact, the sun had shone so fiercely that we all took a walk in the grounds of Browlace, accompanying Ivan as he placed a bouquet of flowers on Svetlana’s grave. We mourned her, not Ms Hadley, and then moved on.

  This morning, as I warm up in my dance studio, Erik tuning up his violin, and Anton sketching, I feel a sense of deep, blissful peace.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Anton asks as he places his
sketchpad on the floor and pads silently over to me on bare feet.

  “I’m thinking about us, this,” I explain. “Until I met you all, happiness was an emotion I didn’t often feel. I feel so fortunate…” My voice trails off as I think about what Anton’s been through these past few weeks, years even. Knowing that Viktor shot himself in the head, blowing his brains out across the back wall of his office isn’t a comfort, not really. I mean he’s out of our lives for good, and I’m glad about that, but it doesn’t detract from the fact that he got away with Isabelle’s murder. If there is a hell, I hope he’s fucking burning alive day in day out on a perpetual cycle for all the hurt he’s caused.

  “Hey, don’t do that. Don’t think about him,” Anton says, reading me well. “I’m just glad that he’ll never be able to hurt anyone ever again.”

  “Me too,” I agree kissing him gently.

  When we finally stop kissing- which I must admit, is a good five minutes later- Anton scrapes a hand over his beard, grinning. I lean over and give it a gentle tug. “It’s getting quite long. I’ll have to start calling you grizzly from now on,” I say with a light laugh.

  He captures me in his arms, pulling me close so he can graze his beard over my cheek. “You weren’t complaining last night when my head was between your legs. Nothing like a bristly beard to heighten the pleasure, hmm?” Anton teases, brushing his lips against my ear.

  I giggle, laughter bursting free as he picks me up and spins me around.

  When he settles me on my feet, his face becomes serious once more.

  “What is it?”

  “I’ve just received my father’s will. He left the house to Erik,” he says, glancing over at Erik who is staring at us both with a sombre gaze.

  “I told you, I don’t fucking want the house. Any of it. It’s all tainted,” Erik says, tucking his violin into its case.

  “I’m sorry, Anton,” I say softly, cupping his face in my hand.

  “I’m not. Besides, we’re going to give the money for the sale of the house to charity. At least some good can come out of this fucking mess.”

  “That’s a good idea. What charity?” I ask him.

  “I’ve been talking to one of Ivan’s business associates; the Freed brothers. They fund a reform school called Oceanside for kids who’ve taken the wrong path in life, they wanted to help those kids who everyone else has given up on. The sale of the house will be going towards funding more spots at the school and extending it to meet the growing needs of kids who’ve ended up the wrong side of the tracks.”

  “Wait, Oceanside?” I exclaim, surprise and happiness lighting my face. “That’s the school Alicia went to, her and her boyfriends.”

  “It is? Small world,” Anton agrees, smiling broadly. “Well then, she turned out pretty great, despite her weird choice of hair colour. So I guess that has been a good decision well made?”

  “Pretty certain she’s a fishwife in disguise,” Erik laughs. “Her swearing can rival any hardened sailor.”

  “Pretty sure she’s going to be a friend for life,” I retort, knowing in my heart I’m right. “So, what are your plans for the day?” I ask Anton and Erik.

  “Ah, well, interesting you should ask that question,” Erik says, approaching us both with a naughty look on his face.

  “Oh, yes?” My cheeks heat under his scrutiny, as his eyes rove appreciatively over my body.

  “Now as much as I adore that look you’re giving me, I’m not talking about sex, Rose.”

  I pout, and both Anton and Erik laugh.

  “Remember a few weeks back we mentioned a surprise?” Erik asks.

  “Yes,” I say carefully, glancing between them both.

  “Well, it’s ready,” Anton finishes for him, just at the same moment Ivan strides into the studio. He’s dressed in soft black trousers and a button down grey shirt. I’ve not seen him all morning and I greet him with a hug and a gentle brush of my lips against his mouth. “Morning, beautiful,” he responds pausing momentarily, still surprised at such overt affection that’s normally kept hidden behind closed doors, at least between us two. Though even that’s changing now, evolving I suppose. I’m still his Dom in the bedroom, that will never change, but where once before there were rules around being affectionate outside of our private time, that has changed. I’m more than happy for him to touch me and kiss me how he sees fit and in return, I do the same. It works.

  “What’s this I’m hearing about a surprise?” I ask, chewing on my bottom lip trying to suppress a squeal of delight.

  “Well, we’ve all been working hard on something I think you’re going to really appreciate!” Anton says with a wink.

  “Stop teasing me and fess-up. I need to know!”

  “First things first, you need to get dressed,” Ivan says. “Wrap up warm and meet us on the drive.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “That’s a surprise. Now go on, get that peachy arse dressed,” Erik says, giving me his most smouldering sexy looks. My arse happens to be his favourite part of my anatomy given he loves to spank it so much.

  “Eek, should I be worried?” I ask, pulling off my t-shirt, revealing my tight fitting leotard.

  Anton and Ivan groan almost simultaneously, a look passing between them. Erik shakes his head, capturing their heated gaze. “There’s plenty of time for that later,” he admonishes with a wink.

  “Spoilsport,” I mutter making sure I sway my hips as I walk away, a huge grin spreading across my face at the sounds of their appreciation.

  Chapter 27

  “What are we doing here?” I ask, frowning as we step out of the car and onto the promenade. The sea is surprisingly calm for a winter’s day. Christmas is still a few weeks off and usually the December tides are rough and squally, not today. Today, it’s the same slate grey as the cloud filled sky, tiny waves tossing the surface gently.

  “You’ll see,” Erik responds, pulling out a length of black silk from his pocket.

  “What’s that for?” I ask.

  “It’s part of your surprise. Turn around, Rose,” he commands.

  Of course, I can’t deny him, though I can’t help but comment. “This takes kinky to a whole new level, are we exhibitionists now?”

  Erik laughs, ignoring my remark and guiding me forward. “Take Ivan’s hand, Rose. All will become clear.”

  “This is verging on creepy,” I snigger, linking arms with Ivan and letting him lead me blindly onwards.

  “Watch the steps,” he says, steadying me as we descend one at a time.

  “What have you been up to?” I ask.

  This clearly has something to do with my old ballet studio, or rather the wreck of it that I’ve owned since Sylvia left it to me in her will. I miss her, she was a wonderful teacher and a friend to me growing up. The shell left behind is all I have left of her and the only happy memories I had as a child dancing in her studio whilst the ocean crashed against the shore outside.

  “What’s going on?” I repeat, feeling a little anxious now as Ivan removes the blindfold. He has me facing away from the studio, my line of sight out to sea and toward the tiny fishing ships far away on the horizon.

  Ivan pulls out a key from his jacket pocket. His cheeks are flushed from the cold and something else, excitement maybe? “Happy Christmas, Rose,” he whispers, handing me the key.

  “Christmas is weeks away.” I point out.

  “Well, happy early Christmas then,” Anton says as he and Erik catch up with us.

  “Turn around, Rose,” Erik says softly, his amber eyes alight with joy.

  “You haven’t?” I say quietly, glancing between the three of them. It suddenly dawns on me just what they’ve done. “You didn’t! It’s too much.” My eyes fill with tears before I’m even able to see what they’ve done to the studio.

  “Rose, nothing is ever too much for you. Turn around and take a look,” Ivan urges, squeezing my arm.

  My breath catches as I look at my old decrepit dance studio, that is
no longer weather worn and derelict. It’s been completely rebuilt, painted a brilliant white and almost exactly how I remember it looking when I was a kid, except for the sign above the door.

  “Do you like it?” Anton asks, pointing to the sign. On it is a painting of a ballet dancer that looks exactly like me, written next to it in beautifully artistic cursive are the words; Rose’s Ballet School. It’s not graffiti writing exactly, but it’s similar in style and unlike anything I’ve seen Anton produce before.

  “Are you trying out a new style, Anton?” I ask.

  “I painted the ballet dancer. The signage was done by someone else.”

  “It’s stunning… who?”

  “A friend of yours… Rainbow,” he grins.

  “Alicia? I had no idea she was artistic.”

  “Turns out she’s quite the graffiti artist. Her work is dank,” Anton says, smiling with mirth.

  “Dank?” I laugh, “As in damp and cold?”

  “No, as in ‘awesome’, ‘cool’,” he explains. “I’ve learnt quite a few new words from Alicia.”

  I shake my head in wonder, my attention drawn back to my refurbished ballet studio. It’s beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of. How have they managed to pull this off? We’ve spent so much time together.

  “This is just… You did this all for me?” I have no words as a sob escapes my throat. Emotions flood my chest, making my heart burst with affection, with love. I’m so full of it, so damn happy.

  Anton wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. “You deserve this and so much more, Rose.”

  “But I already have a job,” I blurt out suddenly, glancing at Ivan. Well, at least I think I do. I’ve not actually worked as his personal assistant for weeks now. His office is filled with tons of paperwork and a shedload of filing, and even though I’ve returned pretty much to full health, Ivan hasn’t asked me to return. If the truth be known, I haven’t wanted to either. Not because I don’t want to spend time with Ivan, but because working in an office isn’t really my thing. Before I needed the job to survive, and whilst I still want to find my own way to earn money, I don’t want to do that behind a desk with the man I adore as my boss.


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