Bound By Her Alien

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by Tempest Luna

  Bound By Her Alien

  Tempest Luna

  Copyright © 2019 by Tempest Luna

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author


  Six Revolutions Ago (approximately five Earth years)


  Across the landscape, Ro’s twin, Vrax, threw a rock towards their younger brother, Zaden. “Pay attention, lavok,” Vrax shouted. “You are about to trample those nissal seedlings.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Zaden retorted, picking up the rock to show the tiny nissal plant crushed underneath.

  In the light from the twin suns, Zaden’s silver hair almost glowed as he threw his head back and laughed. Ro strode forward and gave Vrax a light-hearted punch to the shoulder. The two were identical, except for their eyes. Ro’s were light gray, almost the color of Zaden’s hair, while Vrax’s eyes were gold. “Cut it out. Both of you. Or you can explain to Mother and Father why we only managed to plant half the seedlings this sun cycle.”

  A speedster approached, the motor getting louder as it crested the hill to the west. Ro held his hand to his forehead, shading his eyes from the sunlight. Ja’la and her mate, Cark.

  As the craft slowed to a stop, Ro rested his pickaxe on his shoulder and headed for his sister. “We did not expect to see you for another three sun cycles,” he said with a smile.

  “You must hurry,” she said as she grabbed Ro’s hand and tugged him towards their parents’ small home. “Vrax! Zaden! Come now!”

  Cark raced towards the brothers as Ro followed Ja’la inside. “Father. Mother.” Ja’la said as she waved Cark, Vrax, and Zaden inside. “We must prepare.”

  “For what?” Ro asked. “Ja’la, you are frightened.”

  A dull roar and a hum filled the air. The wood and stone walls started to vibrate, and one of their mother’s sculptures of the four siblings fell off a high shelf and shattered into pieces. “It is an invasion! Ma’fe lives not far from the Citadel, and before her communications array went dark, she told me of large flying crafts shooting fire.

  An explosion rocked the ground, and Cark opened the heavy wooden door a single hand’s width and peered outside. “We must hide.”

  Ro’s father pushed to his feet. At more than seventy revolutions, he longer moved quickly or easily. His knees popped, and he groaned as his mate took his arm. “Ni’ma and I are too old to run. I have seen this, my sons…my daughter.”

  “Seen this? Seen what?” Ro dropped to his knees and took his father’s hands. Vrax and Zaden did the same, while Ja’la clung to her mate. “Father, explain.”

  “We have little time,” the elder Balrovian said as he glanced around the room. For many moon cycles now, I have seen them in my dreams. The invaders. They will destroy our planet and her people. Everything. There is no escape.”

  “Boltrak.” Ro strode over to his father’s weapon cabinet and withdrew four blasters, tossing one to each of his brothers and Ja’la’s mate. “We will fight them.”

  “No!” His mother grabbed Ro’s arm, digging his fingers into the bulky muscle. “If you fight, you will die. Stay alive. You must all stay alive. One day…hope will come. In a burst of fire from the night sky. Until then, submit. Do as they say. And remember what I taught you, my sons. My daughter. Always.”

  * * *

  For two dozen sun cycles, the battles raged. Ro, Vrax, and Zaden patrolled around Ja’la and Cark’s home, killing any of the green-skinned invaders they could. Cark, the only one of them capable of flying one of Balrov’s few skycrafts, joined with hundreds of other males in battle. But with each rise of the twin suns, fewer and fewer Balrovians remained free.

  The Sypians, with their armored scales, superior weapons, and faster sky crafts, captured settlement after settlement, moving across the small planet with little resistance.

  Ro, with a rucksack slung over his shoulder, set off at first light to climb the mountains behind Ja’la’s home. He did not tell his brothers he was going, for they would have insisted on going with him, and he could not take that chance. The Sypians were getting closer each sun cycle, taking their time, searching each home, each crevasse, to find any Balrovians hiding, and Ro feared they would all soon be forced to submit…or die.

  As the second of the two suns crested the horizon, Ro stumbled and fell to his knees. Far in the distance, where once the great Citadel had stood, now, there was only a pile of rubble.

  The buzz of a skycraft sent Ro’s heartbeat pounding in his ears, and before he could hide, a voice boomed all around him. “Balrovian. You are now property of the Supreme Ruler Trexu. Lie on your belly and lace your fingers behind your head…or die.”

  Chapter One

  Present Day


  Giant hands cupped her ass and held her against a hard, sculpted body. Tessa ached for him, this male she couldn’t see, but knew as well as she knew her own name.

  Firm lips pressed to hers, and when his tongue sought entrance, she obliged immediately.

  His deep growl accompanied his fingers tightening on her butt cheeks, and Tessa gasped as he pushed her against a hard surface—a table. She braced her hands on the smooth wood, throwing her head back to offer him her breasts.

  The man worshipped each nipple, his hands traveling to her hips to hold her still. He didn’t speak, and as Tessa tried to focus on his face, she saw only a dark blur. Damn her dreams. Never clear. Always muddy. Almost as if a purple haze obscured her vision.

  His black hair tumbled long and loose over his shoulders, and she sunk a hand into the silky locks to find the deep scar along the back of his neck—so familiar to her now, though she had no idea how he’d received it or when she’d first noticed it.

  “More,” she moaned, and he pushed her down, her back against cool wood.

  “Do not move,” he ordered in a deep, commanding voice. When he braceleted her wrists, she whimpered and tugged at his hold. “My little human. So delicate. So sweet.” Dipping his head, he flicked his tongue along her slick folds, and Tessa cried out as she jerked her hips. “I wish to take my time with you.”

  “I can’t…please…”

  Laying his arm across her hips, he pinned her down, then attacked her throbbing nub with abandon, licking, sucking, biting. Two fingers thrust deep inside her, twisting until he found her G-spot.

  Pressure built in Tessa’s core, making her gasp, beg, curse…all in an attempt to get him to exert just a little more friction.

  “You are mine, Tessa. For the rest of our days.”

  His words sent a thrill rushing through her, and she forced herself to hold on, to draw out the pleasure as long as possible.

  The male kissed a trail between her breasts all the way to her mound and the patch of blond curls she knew had to be drenched.

  “You taste like the sweetest fruit. The freshest rain. Perfection.”

  Lapping up her essence, the man drove his tongue deeper. How could anyone’s tongue be that long? That…talented?

  “Come, my sweet one.” One scrape from his teeth agai
nst her clit, and Tessa flew apart. The scream that ripped through her throat hurt, but she didn’t care. Especially not when he gathered her into his arms. His cock slid home in a single thrust, and the exquisite pain drove her even higher.

  “More!” Tessa cried. “Claim me!”

  The giant growled and bit down on the side of her neck as he took up a punishing rhythm. Something broke inside her, a primal need, an all-consuming pull to make this man hers. When he reared back, she tightened her fingers in his hair and yanked—hard. He surged into her once more, and Tessa clamped her teeth around the throbbing tendon along the side of his neck.

  He roared, and all of his emotions, his desire, his love flowed over the bond between them.

  Tessa opened her mouth to scream his name, but then everything went white.

  * * *

  “Tessa! Wake up!” Maren stood over her, fear pinching her reddish brows.

  With a groan, Tessa fumbled for her friend’s hand. “Sorry… Was I screaming again?”

  Maren sank down onto the edge of the tiny cot. “Yeah. Woke up half the dorm.”

  Cheeks aflame, Tessa pushed herself up on an elbow. Two dozen sleepy faces stared back at her. “Fuck.”

  Everyone understood Tessa had…nightmares. Only Maren and Naomi knew the truth. She’d inherited her mother’s visions. All her life, she’d fought them. Until she’d signed up for the Tyrio-Alpha harvesting crew. The neural implant all harvesters were required to have dampened the visions. Once the chip had been inserted behind her right ear, she’d been able to go weeks without a vision. Sometimes longer.

  But the past few weeks, they’d been coming more frequently. Thankfully, only while she slept.

  “What happened?” Maren offered Tessa a flask from under the cot.

  After a generous gulp of the synthetic vodka, Tessa cleared her throat. “I dreamed about him again. The big guy.”

  “Ooo. So…spill.”

  Naomi climbed down from the top bunk, grabbed the flask, and polished off the liquor. “Who has a refill? Listening to Tessa’s sex dreams is going to kill me without another shot. It’s only been…what?…five years for me?”

  Tessa rolled over and dug her own flask out of her tiny set of drawers. “Don’t drink it all. After all, I’m the one who got all hot and heavy and then never came.”

  The three chuckled quietly as the rest of their dorm-mates settled back in their bunks. Tessa, Maren, and Naomi were too keyed up to sleep. In the morning, they’d set off on their next harvesting run.

  “Well, this time…he said I was his. Forever…”

  * * *

  Tessa strapped herself in, then glanced at Naomi, sitting at the first officer’s console and making the final tweaks to their flight path. “We good?”

  “Five-by-five. The solar storms died down overnight, so it should be smooth sailing all the way to Bayone.” Naomi tucked an errant curl behind her ear. “Let’s just hope when we come out of hyperspace, we don’t land on top of another ship like last time.”

  Tessa shuddered. She’d had to work some pretty fast evasive maneuvers to avoid a crash on that last mission. Poor Maren had lost her lunch, and the ship had reeked of vomit for half their time in space.

  “Hey. I didn’t have breakfast this morning for just that reason,” Maren called from behind them.

  “Good. Everyone got their stasis pills ready?” Tessa patted the tiny pocket in her uniform. Once they reached hyperspace, the three of them would pop the pills, enter their stasis pods, and sleep for the nineteen days it took to reach Bayone—just outside the Alpha Star Nebula.

  “Ugh. Why don’t they just let us stay awake? I could get so much reading done,” Naomi said as she checked her own pocket.

  “Because then they’d have to feed us.” Maren snorted. “I swear, half the reason they send us up is so they can save money on protein bars.”

  Tessa didn’t chime in, but she was pretty sure Maren was right. Conditions on Earth were dire. Without the Tyrio-Alpha ore, the planet would eventually die. Two ships a week blasted off for planets and moons with the precious, energy-giving red metal.

  “Enough talk, ladies,” Tessa said as she flipped the switch to ignite the boosters. “Let’s go vertical.” She glanced up at the gray sun—barely visible through the ash and clouds covering the sky.

  “This is Tyrio-Alpha Seven. Ignition in five, four, three, two, one.”

  Chapter Two


  He sat up with a shout, his cock throbbing under the thin sheet. He could not remember his dreams. But for several revolutions, he’d woken so often hard as a rock. Desperate for something he knew he would never have. A mate.

  When the Sypians had come, they’d rounded up all of the females, forcing them to breed with the Sypian males and produce young, who were then sent back to the Sypian home world.

  The males…many worked the mines. Chained and collared and beaten into submission to harvest the planet’s single greatest resource—Foxfire crystals—or to work the Citadel. Once the Balrovians’ greatest pride, where their ruling council lived, was destroyed during the invasion, and then rebuilt using slave labor.

  Ro staggered to his bathing tube and turned the flow as cold as he could. He had to slake this desperate need.

  Wrapping his hand around the thick shaft, he groaned. The ribs on his cock flared as he stroked himself harder and harder, and as he found his release, he prayed to the ancient gods that he’d find peace until the suns rose in the morning.

  * * *


  She sighed as she stared out into the all-consuming blackness of deep space. In this part of the galaxy at this speed, stars were few and far between, and she had little to do beyond monitoring the autopilot. Faster-than-light travel felt a lot like barreling through a tunnel without any headlights.

  Glancing back at her sleeping colleagues, she sighed. Maren and Naomi lay in stasis pods at the back of the ship. The Tyrio-Alpha harvesting mission would keep them away from Earth for almost two months—twenty days out, twenty days back, and nine days crawling through narrow shafts in full protective gear, pushing themselves to their physical limits, and prying the reddish chunks of ore free from the surrounding rocks.

  Perhaps then, she’d finally forget about her latest vision. This one had been different. Sure…she’d seen the massive alien at least half a dozen times. But in this last vision, he’d done more than fuck her. He’d claimed her. And she thought she might have felt more than lust for him. This…was closer to love.

  She didn’t believe in true love. Earth had a thriving Off-Planet Brides program that matched human women with aliens throughout a dozen galaxies. But when she’d started to see him in her visions, she’d wondered. Would she be a good match for the program? It promised a better life. One on a planet with clean water, fresh air, and above all…sunlight. But before her assigned testing date, she’d chickened out.

  So now, she piloted a harvester through uninhabited galaxies. Well, no. She slept through several uninhabited galaxies, then piloted the ship for half a day before waking Naomi and Maren.

  She enjoyed the precious time alone, navigating to the very edge of the Alpha Star Nebula. The auto-pilot warning light started to blink, and Tessa flipped off the system. Time to wake the others up.

  * * *

  “Why can’t they make those pods comfortable?” Maren asked as she stretched and rubbed her eyes. “I can’t feel my right leg.”

  “You should have paid off the cryo-operator.” Naomi, by far the prettiest of the three—at least by conventional standards, grinned as she pushed herself to sitting. “I slept great.” She fluffed her extra pillow and stretched her long legs with a yawn.

  “Well, get over here, then,” Tessa said. “I need a break—and a shower. You take the controls until we reach the edge of the Jewel Cluster. Don’t even try to navigate that minefield without me. They sent us to Bayone this time. The atmosphere is basically tornados that shoot lasers.”

��Lasers?” Naomi squeaked.

  Tessa shuffled off towards the bathing tube. “Yeah. The clouds are filled with hydrogen. Electrical storms ignite the gas and shoot flames through the swirling winds.”

  “How the hell do we get through?” Naomi cracked her neck as she peered out the small port window.

  With a sigh, Tessa glanced back at her first officer. “Autopilot. Ten years ago, a programmer figured out how to anticipate the flames based on weather patterns. We’ll orbit the moon for a few hours, record data about the wind direction and speed, and then…well…we take our chances.”

  “Great,” Maren said after she stretched and shut the lid on her stasis pod. “No wonder they pay us the big bucks.”

  Tessa snorted. Her science officer wasn’t wrong. She wasn’t exactly right either. A Tyrio-Alpha harvesting crew willing to go on three missions a year could afford a secured apartment on the edge of one of the few mega-cities. No luxuries, but they’d be a hell of a lot better off than they were now—crammed into the harvesting dorm, sleeping three high on stacked cots in the worst part of town, unable to leave unless they wanted to be beaten, raped, or killed.

  The government—what was left of it—offered all men and women education and housing until they turned twenty-three. Then…they were on their own. If you knew someone, you might survive—get a decent job in government or infrastructure. Otherwise, you worked the manufacturing lines or the harvesting crews or the brothels and tried to scrape out the barest hint of an existence. Or you joined one of the many off-planet programs that promised an arranged marriage to a male of an alien race who wanted a human bride.


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