Toxic (Book Three of the Twisted Series 3)

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Toxic (Book Three of the Twisted Series 3) Page 20

by Emily Rose

  I reached over and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly in my own. When she met my gaze, I made sure to speak every word as clearly as I could. “It’s okay. I get it. Jaxson watched out for you and you got to see the same man I saw. You would be blind not to and that man makes you care, even if you don’t want to.”

  Ray’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at me. “I’m scared. Everything is so messed up, and Jax is not doing as good as you want to think,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  She shook her head and laughed once without humor. “I guess I should just tell you. I mean you’ll find out one way or another.”

  “Tell me what?” My heart started racing, because she clearly knew something I didn’t know.

  Ray met my eyes once more, “Jax has an addiction problem. He’s been taking Xanax for a while now. It was something he struggled with before we knew him, I guess.”

  I released her hand and fell back into my seat as my eyes turned in the direction of his house. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Suddenly, I realized something I hadn’t before. While I knew pieces of Jaxson, I didn’t know everything about him.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t see it,” I said.

  “Don’t blame yourself. None of us saw it,” she said.

  I looked at her. “You did.”

  Ray dropped her gaze and shrugged, “Only because I grew up around it. You know that.”

  I shook my head and glanced back at his house, “I need to go talk to him.”

  “Okay, do you want me to wait here?” she asked.

  My hand found the door handle again and I opened it, “Yeah,” I said.

  She nodded as I got out and closed the door. I shivered in the cool night air and wrapped my arms around myself to keep the chill off as I walked up to his door. I stood there a minute, preparing myself for the conversation I was about to have with him, and then lifted my fist to knock twice on the door.

  He didn’t answer and I looked back at Ray’s car. I could barely see her sitting in the driver’s seat, but it was enough that I saw her shrug. I turned back to the door and knocked again; this time louder. As I waited, my heart started to speed up at the awful feeling that settled in my stomach. Once again, there was no answer.

  I didn’t knock again. Instead, I grabbed the door handle and turned. It was unlocked, so I pushed the door open and walked inside.

  The house was dead silent. No lights, no noise, nothing. It was an eerie feeling. I moved farther into the room and called out his name.


  No answer.

  I wasn’t even sure if he was here. I looked in the bathroom on my way down the hall to his bedroom, but it was empty. When I reached the bedroom, I saw that the door was closed. Maybe he was asleep. As I grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and eased the door open, I saw only darkness in the room. It was darker in here than in the living room and kitchen area. The only sound was of my own heartbeat as it pounded in my ears.

  Finally, my eyes started to adjust to the darkness, and I saw him.

  Jaxson sat on the floor with his back to the bed. His arms were limp beside him and his head was to the side as if he was sleeping, but then I saw the most frightening thing I would probably ever see in my life.

  On the floor next to his hand, was a tiny bag with one bar in it.

  “Oh God, no…” I said and then rushed forward. My knees hit the ground beside him, and I reached up to grab his face, turning it toward me.

  “Jaxson wake up…Jaxson…. please…” I cried as the rush of tears blurred my vision.

  His eyes opened just barely enough for me to see the whisky color. “Danny…” he spoke my name in a voice that indicated he was completely out of it.

  I let out a cry, “Yes, it’s me. I’m going to get help. Stay awake. Keep your eyes open,” I said.

  His head fell limply to the side of the bed, “I can’t…” he said and then his eyes drifted closed again.

  I shook him, “No! Wake up! Keep your eyes open, please,” I said.

  Jax opened his eyes again and stared at me. My heart raced as I snatched up the tiny bag of Xanax and shoved it into my pocket. I stood up and took off running back outside. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen the signs before now.

  Ray looked up with an alarmed expression when she saw me running out of the house. She rolled her window down when I reached her and spoke, “What’s wrong?”

  I was breathless as I tried to speak well enough to make sense.

  “Jaxson…he took…he’s overdosing,” I said as fear spiked my nerves.

  Ray’s face paled as she grabbed her phone from the center console and rushed out of the car. We started back toward the house as she dialed 911. When we got back to Jaxson, I dropped to my knees beside him and grabbed his head once more, forcing him to look at me.

  “Jaxson, wake up!” I said.

  “Oh God,” Ray said as she kneeled on the other side of him, the phone still to her ear. They answered and she spoke quickly, “Our friend. He’s overdosing. We need an ambulance right away,” she said.

  “Jax…look at me,” I said.

  He opened his eyes again, “I’m sorry. I messed up. I can’t do it anymore,” he said and then his eyes fell shut again as he struggled to stay conscious.

  “Jaxson, don’t you do this,” Ray said and then she spoke to the operator, “Xanax. He took Xanax, and he’s having a hard time staying awake right now.”

  I focused my attention on him as I shook him once more. He opened his eyes again, barely, and looked at me. “I’m sorry….” He said again.

  Tears slid down my cheeks as I watched him. It was the most frightening thing I ever had to witness, and I could only pray he was strong enough to keep fighting.

  “Jaxson…please stay awake. Help is coming,” I cried weakly as his eyes drifted shut again.

  Ray reached up and touched the area on his neck where his pulse was, still speaking with 911. “His pulse is weak. I can barely feel it,” she said.

  “God, please don’t do this. Please,” I said as I dropped my head to his chest and closed my eyes. I could feel him barely breathing and it was the most heartbreaking moment I would ever have in my life.

  “Ok, thank you. Danny, keep him awake. You have to keep him awake,” she said.

  I lifted my head and looked at him as she stayed on the phone with the operator.

  “Hey, do you remember that time you took me to get chocolate ice cream? You hated it, but you tried it for me?” I said as the tears still rolled down my cheeks, leaving a path of coolness behind them.

  Jaxson stared at me, drowsiness clear in his voice and eyes. “Yeah….”

  “I need you to do that again. I need you to try and stay awake,” I said and then met Ray’s eyes where I saw that she was crying too.

  “I’m…. trying….” he said weakly.

  I let out a sob, “Good, keep doing that. Keep trying. You’re stronger than this, Jaxson Steele. You are fucking amazing and we need you here,” I said.

  “I’m….” his head fell limp and I tightened my hold on it as his eyes closed again.

  “No, wake up!” I said as I heard the sirens nearing the house.

  “Jaxson….” Ray said his name with pure sadness and then reached over to place her hand on his arm, “Please, wake up…” she cried.

  His eyes opened again, and he looked at her. “Ray….”

  She nodded, “Yes, it’s me. I’m here too.”

  The sirens were right up on the house now and I heard the paramedics as they came in through the front door.

  “Back here!” Ray called and then hung up the phone.

  They reached us and I stood up to get out of their way. My mind and heart were numb as they gently laid Jaxson down flat and pulled the stretcher up next to him. Ray stood on the other side, watching with the same broken expression I’m sure I had as the paramedics moved Jaxson onto the stretcher and s
tood it up.

  That was when he moved for the first time. I watched as he reached out, so that his arm hung off the side of the stretcher and he opened his hand, but I wasn’t the one he was reaching for. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as Ray barely grazed his hand a second before the paramedics started out the door with him.

  My eyes met hers as she stared after them and that was when everything clicked into place. All the lies, all the gut feelings. It all made perfect sense, because the look in Ray’s eyes as she watched them take Jaxson away held just one emotion.


  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “So, are you going to tell me what the hell we’re doing on this side of town?” Kevin asked as we drove down the one-way road slowly.

  I sat in the passenger seat with the hood of my jacket pulled over my head, looking out the window at the shit houses that lined the street. There were so many cars parked on either side of the road that you could barely make it through and almost every porch had people sitting outside, gazing at Kevin’s truck as it eased by.

  This wasn’t the type of neighborhood you wanted to be caught in by yourself, especially if you were a woman. You could tell that by just making one drive through.

  But I had been here more than once, and I knew exactly where I was going now. “Just keep driving. It’s just right up here,” I said.

  Kevin sighed, but he didn’t argue as we continued to make our way down the lines of houses. “I can’t believe this shit. I mean there’s fucking kids out there, man. Just in diapers and surrounded by druggies. It’s too cold outside right now for those kids to be wearing just a diaper.”

  I looked to where he was gazing and sure enough, I saw a kid sitting on the steps of the porch in just a diaper. He looked around two or three-years-old and he was playing with what I thought was a Hot Wheels car. The druggies Kevin was referring to all stood on the porch, a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. A rage ignited inside me at the sight of the poor kid, but I turned my gaze away. As much as I hated the thought of some young innocent child living this kind of life, I wasn’t here for that.

  I had other business to attend to.

  “I mean, it’s fucked up,” Kevin said as we continued easing forward at a slow speed.

  “It is, but we aren’t here for that. Just keep driving,” I said.

  He sighed, “Miles, what the hell happened at Twisted tonight? I mean did you seriously fire Jax?”

  “I don’t want to explain it. I gave him a choice. He was the one who walked out,” I said.

  “Damn, I don’t even know what the hell to think anymore,” Kevin said.

  I couldn’t agree more. Shit was fucked up for sure, but I wasn’t about to sit back and take it. It didn’t matter what happened from this point forward, I was going to put an end to it all. I spotted the house I was looking for, and spoke, “Pull over here,” I said.

  Kevin parked against the curb and shut the truck off as he gazed at the house. It was packed full of cars and the music was loud enough inside the house that I could hear it, while sitting here. There was obviously a party going, but that didn’t matter one bit to me.

  “Who the fuck lives there?” Kevin asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just back me up,” I said.

  He nodded, “You got it.”

  We both stepped out. I zipped my jacket up but kept the hood over my head as I shoved my hands into the pocket of my jeans and stepped off the curb with Kevin following close beside me. We crossed the street and walked up the small sidewalk toward the front door.

  People didn’t even seem to notice us as we walked up the steps and through the front door. The music grew louder when we made it inside, and the house was packed shoulder to shoulder. Lights flashed with the beat of the song, making a disorienting sensation wash over me as I stood just inside the front door with Kevin beside me.

  The women at this party were dressed for sex. That wasn’t hard to figure out. They wore clothes that barely covered their skin and the guys here clearly didn’t mind. I ignored the looks some of the women gave me and Kevin as I scanned my eyes over heads, looking for a certain person.

  That was when I saw him. He sat in a chair, a cigarette in one hand, while his other hand rested on some girl’s bare thigh as she sat on his lap, smiling down at him.

  My rage flared instantly, and I started toward him. I knew Kevin was close behind me as I shoved through the crowd of people until I came out directly in front of him. It didn’t take him long to notice me as his eyes scanned my frame from bottom to top.

  He tapped the girl’s leg, “Excuse me, sweet thing. It looks like I have some company.”

  The girl stood up, eyeing me and Kevin as she vanished back into the crowd. Once she was gone, Jared got to his feet and stepped toward me.

  “I’m not surprised to see you. Tell me. How is Jaxson doing after that ass kicking?” he said.

  I knew Kevin was listening and he would clearly have questions after tonight, but I didn’t care. At that moment, my only focus was Jared Austin.

  My hands clenched into fists as I stared at him, half tempted to knock that goddamn smirk off his face, but I knew Jared had his bitches somewhere around and they were watching my every move. I didn’t come here to fight Jared. I came here to warn him.

  “I’m only going to say this once. Stay the fuck away from my family or you won’t like what I do next,” I said firmly.

  Jared smiled, “Easy, Miles. You might want to think about who you’re barking orders out to.”

  “I know exactly who I’m talking to. A guy that thinks he’s tough shit, because he had his bitches do his dirty work for him. Tell me, Jared. Do they suck your dick too?” I asked.

  His smile faded and anger flared in his eyes as people around us started noticing what was going on. I stood rooted to the spot as Jared glared at me and then pointed his finger at my chest. “Watch yourself, Miles.”

  Kevin walked up to my side then and grabbed my arm, “Come on, Miles. Let’s get out of here, man.”

  I stood like a statue as I stared at Jared. I could see out of the corner of my eyes that Kevin and I were being surrounded. I knew what they were waiting on. If I made the first move, Jared’s bitches would jump us, and that would be it. I wasn’t a dumbass, but I wasn’t scared of this little prick either.

  “Miles…” Kevin said as he pulled me back.

  “You should listen to your friend there and step back,” Jared said.

  I grinned and then turned my back on him as Kevin released my arm. We were just a few feet from him when Jared spoke behind us.

  “You know Miles, I’ve been keeping tabs on Jax, so I noticed things. Like for example, that sexy little redhead he’s been hanging around. Even I’m in awe of him for that one, because she has a tight little ass and I hope he was at least smart enough to get some of that,” he said.

  I stopped walking. My jaw ticked as anger coursed through my veins and my hands formed fists once more. I could feel my self-control flying straight out the damn window by the second. Kevin pushed on my back as he spoke behind me.

  “Ignore him. We are outnumbered. It won’t end well, so just keep walking,” he said.

  As hard as it was to not turn around and beat the ever-loving shit out of Jared, I did what Kevin said and started walking again, vanishing into the crowd this time. We didn’t stop until we got outside and crossed the street. That was when Kevin stopped me in front of his truck and held my gaze.

  “What the fuck was that?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath as I tried to contain my rage. “Jared Austin. He sold some pills to Jax, which is the reason we had our disagreement at Twisted tonight. Jax has a problem with addiction, but he was doing good for a while. I don’t know what the hell happen, but he started using again. Only this time, he didn’t just put himself in danger. He put Ray in danger, because now Jared knows about her,” I said.

  Kevin stared at me as this inform
ation processed and then he spoke, “Holy shit. I had no idea. How the hell did I not know? I’ve known Jax longer than you have.”

  I shrugged. “Does it really matter? Jared is not someone you want knowing about the females in your family and now he knows about my fucking wife.”

  Kevin nodded. “Yeah, well don’t worry about that. Those guys won’t touch the girls. Not if I have anything to do with it.”

  I met his gaze. “I need to talk to Jax. There’s something I need to clear up with him.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me. “Are you saying that you think Jax actually did what Jared said?”

  I didn’t answer, because that was exactly what I thought. I didn’t have the proof. I didn’t know what I would do if it was true. I just knew I saw an emotion flare to life in Jaxson when I had mentioned her name.

  And I knew that emotion, because it was the same damn one I felt when Jared said what he had.


  If that was the case and Jared was targeting Ray, I knew that I would have to put what I thought aside, because even if I was confident that I could keep her safe on my own, I couldn’t keep an eye on her all the time.

  I would need Jaxson’s help.

  It didn’t matter how he felt about her or what I thought about it.

  This was Ray’s life this prick was targeting, and I would give my life for that woman, but even if I hated it and I would deal with it eventually, the look I saw in Jaxson’s eyes when I had mentioned her name tonight told me that he would lay his life on the line too.

  And between me and him, Jared didn’t stand a fucking chance.

  “Holy shit….” Kevin said.

  I took a deep breath, “Let’s just get the fuck out of here,” I said and then went around him to get back into the passenger seat.

  Kevin shook his head and then walked to the driver’s side. Once we were both back in his truck, he started the engine and we took off, heading back to our side of town. We got halfway to town when my phone started ringing. I dug it out of my pocket and saw Ray’s name on the screen. I saw Kevin look over out of the corner of my eye as it continued to ring.


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