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Raven Page 1

by BE Kelly


  Reckoning MC Seer Book 3

  By BE Kelly

  Raven (Reckoning MC Seer Book 3) Copyright © 2020 by BE Kelly.

  Cover design: Lee Ching with Under Cover Designs

  Imprint: Independently published

  First Print Edition: March 2020

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents




























  Remi walked into Reckoning and looked around the bar. She wasn’t sure if she was crazy for going back there or just plain stupid, but she was pretty sure it was the latter. She had seen him again—Jag, and if she didn’t get to him before midnight, she might be too late to save him. Remi looked around the crowded bar, hoping that she’d get lucky and spot either him or his friend, Texas.

  “What are you doing here, Honey?” Tank asked. “You aren’t supposed to be back in town for another couple weeks. Do Beth and Lyra know that you’re home?” he asked. Remi had spent the last month in the desert, on a vision quest, as her grandmother liked to call them. It gave her an excuse to go home and visit with her aunt and grandmother for a few weeks and sort a few things out. When she got back from her visits home, she was usually refreshed and her mind was clear, but this time was different.

  This time, while she was in the sweat lodge with her grandmother and aunt, she saw Jag and he was laying on the side of the road. Her Aunt Joanna had the same vision and even saw today’s date. He had crashed his bike and from what Remi remembered seeing, he didn’t make it. She couldn’t let that happen. Not after he and Texas saved her life. She owed them both and if cutting her trip short to rush home and save Jag’s ass was what she had to do, then so be it.

  “No,” she said. “I just got back into town and haven’t had a chance to call either of them. I saw something and I think one of your guys needs help.” She didn’t miss the flash of concern on Tank’s face.

  “Who?” he asked. Having someone outright believe that she could see their future was kind of new to Remi. She usually had a whole lot of explaining to do to convince the person she was trying to help that she was on the up and up. Hell, the first time she met Lyra, she had to jump through hoops to get her to believe her and Lyra was a seer too.

  “Jag,” she almost whispered. Tank nodded to the corner of the bar where she spotted both Jag and Tex. They were playing darts and apparently not at a loss for female company. A pang of jealousy ran through her and honestly, she had no reason to feel that way. Jag and Texas made it very clear that they were both interested in her on her first visit to Reckoning. She was the one who turned them down, not sure that she was ready for what they were asking her to give them. Jag and Tex told her that they liked to share women and when they proposed that the three of them end up at Jag’s place for the evening, she politely declined. They had asked a few other times, but each and every time, she found some lame excuse as to why she couldn’t end up between the two of them. God, she wanted to agree to what they were asking her for but that would mean allowing herself some happiness in life and she couldn’t let that happen.

  Not since she lost her sweet Aria. She should have seen that drunk driver before even strapping her two-year-old daughter into the car and heading down the highway with her. She had seen countless other accidents and prevented them from happening, but she couldn’t stop the unthinkable from happening to her own baby. No, she didn’t deserve to have any happiness in her life—not anymore. For the most part, Remi was content with following her instincts and listening to her visions to help as many people as possible. It was her turn to pay back Jag’s kindness and then she’d be on her way.

  “Thanks, Tank,” she muttered, stumbling around bikers and some barflies looking for a quick hook up, to make her way over to where Jag and Texas looked to be having a heated debate over who was closest to the bulls’ eye. Remi picked up a dart and threw it at the board, hitting dead center.

  “There you go, boys—settled it for you. I’m closest.” Both guys turned around and the way they looked her over like they wanted her to be their next meal, made her rethink her trip into the bar. The blonde who had been hanging all over the two of them pouted at their lack of attention. She was at least bright enough to pick up the hint that she wasn’t going to get what she wanted from either of them tonight and slunk back to the bar.

  “Sorry about that, guys,” Remi lied, nodding to where the pretty blonde started chatting up another biker. “She seemed like a sure thing.”

  “Why are you here, Remi?” Jag growled. She knew they hadn’t parted on the best of terms. Remi was sure that turning them down so many times wore out her welcome, but she had no choice.

  “I’m here to see you, Jag,” she said.

  “Well, fuck,” Tex grumbled.

  “It’s not like that, Tex. I think you’re in danger, Jag and I’d like to help,” she said.

  “In danger how? Stray dart or pretty blonde? Which one will be the end of me?” Remi knew he was being a smart ass but she had to admit, his remarks hurt her feelings. He had seen firsthand what she could do when she helped Lyra and Beth.

  “Bike accident—off of highway twelve, tonight,” she said.

  “Damn,” Texas said. “That’s pretty specific, Honey.”

  “Well, I can only tell you what we saw and you can do with it what you’d like,” she said.

  “We?” Jag asked.

  “Yeah, I went home and did a sweat lodge with my grandmother and aunt. My aunt saw today’s date and I saw the accident and you lying on the side of the road.”

  “Fuck,” Texas swore.

  “You seem to be taking this better than your friend, Jag. Aren’t you the least bit worried?” Remi asked. Jag shot Texas a look and they seemed to do the whole silent communication thing they were so good at.

  “I’m not too worried about what you saw, Honey,” Jag admitted. “I think you came here to help me change the outcome of your vision. Am I right?” he asked. Jag knew the score. He was the one who helped her and her sister, Nena find Lyra in that hospital room where the government guy was holding her. Jag was the one who found Remi some of Lyra’s personal effects so she could get a read on her. Remi liked to hold something that belonged to the person when she was trying to see them. He had brought her one of Lyra’s favorite pictures of her and her daughter, Delilah to hold onto. Seeing Lyra with her sweet little girl made her long for things that would never be for her and she wondered what Aria would look like as a six-year-old instead of being forever frozen in her mind as a precious toddler.

  “I hope we can change the outcome of my vision, Jag. I think you are a nice guy and I’d hate to find you dead on the side of the road,” she admitted. Jag’s blue eyes looked at her as
if he could see right through her. He shoved his overly long blond hair back from his face and smiled.

  Jag laughed, “There ain’t nothing nice about me, Honey. Hell, no one has ever accused me of being a nice guy in my life.”

  “Well, I see through your tough, biker routine, Jag. You and Tex both seem like stand-up guys and I’d like to help you.” She knew she was laying it on a bit thick, but the idea of Jag getting on his bike and ending up as she saw him in her vision made her sick to her stomach.

  “Thanks, Honey,” Texas said, crowding up behind her. Jag flanked her front and Remi suddenly felt overheated and anxious to be on her way. They were both so different, not just in size but in demeanor. Jag was solid muscle but slimmer than Texas. His fair hair and blue eyes were her undoing and when he’d push up his sleeves to show off his tattoos, she wanted to drool. Tex was bigger than Jag and she knew he had to work out. He had fewer tats than Jag, but he still had a full sleeve up one arm. Tex’s dark hair and eyes reminded her of the boys she used to date back home. He seemed familiar to her and she wondered if that was the reason why or if she had seen him in one of her visions and just didn’t remember.

  “I’m not too worried about your vision coming true, Honey,” Jag admitted. He ran his hand down her arm, eliciting goosebumps every inch of the way.

  “Wh—why’s that?” she stuttered.

  “Well,” he teased, leaning into her body. “How about you repay your debt and save my life tonight?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do,” she said. “Save your life.”

  “Hmm, how far are you willing to go?” Texas whispered in her ear from behind.

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “I traveled all the way back here from New Mexico if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Jag chuckled, “It’s not, Honey. How about you come upstairs with Tex and I and let me thank you properly for your warning?” Tex crowded closer against her back and she was completely enveloped in warm, sexy men. The problem was Remi wasn’t sure that she minded all that much.

  “I already told you that I can’t,” she said.

  “Alright,” Jag barked. “Suit yourself. I’ll just head on home then. Thanks for stopping by,” he said, nodding to Texas and turning to leave.

  “Did he mention he lives off of highway twelve?” Texas asked.

  “Shit,” Remi said. She watched as Jag said his goodbyes to some of the guys and Tank and she thought about letting the big jerk just walk out of the bar. She had done her duty and told him about her vision. Remi warned him and if he ended up dead on the side of the highway, that was on him—right? She sighed and followed him through the bar, knowing that no amount of internal reasoning with herself was going to work. She’d never win that argument. If she had to spend the night with two of the sexiest bikers she had ever met, to save one of their lives, then that was what she would do.

  Jag was just about out the front door when she put her hand on his shoulder to stop him. “Jag, wait,” she ordered. “I’ll do it.”


  “Do what, Remi?” he questioned, turning to face her; his sexy smirk in place.

  “I’ll go up to your room with you and Tex,” she agreed. Texas was still behind her and Jag knew he had heard her.

  “This has to be something you fully agree to,” Jag said. “We won’t force you to do anything.”

  “Except sleep with both of you to save your life,” she grumbled. Texas chuckled from behind her and Jag shot him a look as if he wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up.

  “She does have you there, man,” Tex said. “But, he’s right, Honey. If this is something you don’t want, just say the word. I promise not to let Jag here go off and do something stupid to get himself killed—even if you tell us both no.” Texas was right, but that didn’t stop Jag from wanting to punch him for giving Remi an out.

  The two of them had been working for weeks now to get her to agree to give them a chance. The first time he and Tex asked her if she’d be into the both of them taking her, she turned the cutest shade of red and politely declined. She was the most polished, polite woman he had ever met and God, she turned him completely inside out with her long, dark hair and brown eyes. Her Native American heritage intrigued him and her gift of being a seer, like Beth and Lyra, made him even more curious about the stranger who walked into Reckoning and changed all their lives.

  Remi looked torn and Jag knew if he didn’t act fast, she was going to take the easy way out of this and take Texas up on his offer to keep Jag from going off and getting himself killed. He was done waiting for her to make up her mind. They must have asked her a half dozen times to be theirs and she turned them down flat, each and every time. He could see the indecision in her dark eyes. Jag knew she was toying with the idea of agreeing to be theirs and now that she finally had, he wasn’t going to let her change her mind. Not without a fight, at least.

  “Don’t change your mind, Honey,” he begged. “I’ll do whatever you tell me to do but don’t renege on taking Tex and me up on our offer. Just give us one night—that’s all. Then, you can be on your way and won’t have to ever deal with us again.” Remi looked between the two of them and damn if he didn’t see a flash of disappointment in her eyes. It was giving him hope she’d say yes and one word from her now was all either of them would need to carry her up to the room, they rented from Tank, and make her theirs.

  Jag could feel the excitement rolling off his friend’s big body. He and Texas had known each other for years. When Jag got out of the military, Tex and he became fast friends. Women seemed to take notice of them both and when they’d go out to bars, Tex was his wingman. It took Jag longer to warm up to women and talking to them was more Tex’s thing than his. Women seemed to really like his friend and when Tex came up with the idea to share them, Jag thought he was crazy. The first time they shared a woman seemed to work for them and the two of them had been doing it ever since. Tex was the smooth talker that women seemed to like and he was the alpha, barking orders and making sure everyone had what they needed from their night together.

  It worked for them and when Remi strolled into Reckoning, Texas got that same look in his eyes—the one that told Jag that he wanted her and usually that was all it took. But, Remi gave poor Tex a run for his money and seeing his friend, standing behind her, suffering in silence was almost comical.

  “Come on, Remi,” Jag begged. “If not for me, then do it for poor Tex,” he said. “I mean, just look at the guy. He’s wanted you for months now.” Remi looked over her shoulder to Texas and smiled and then turned back to face Jag. She was so close; he could feel her warm breath on his cheek.

  “How about you, Jag?” she questioned. “Do you want me?”

  “I do,” he breathed. “More than I want my next breath.” Admitting that to her was easy because it was true.

  “If I agree to this,” she said. “It will only be for one night and I’m only doing it to save your life and stop my vision from happening.” Remi looked between them and Jag smiled over her shoulder to Texas.

  “What do you say, brother?” he asked.

  “I say fuck yeah,” Texas said, making them both laugh.

  “Can I at least get a drink before we head up to your room?” Remi asked. Jag wanted to be a complete ass and deny her request but he nodded.

  “Shots,” he agreed. “They work faster and we can get you upstairs. Times wasting, Remi,” he said. She giggled as if he was joking but he wasn’t. If she was only giving him and Texas one night, he didn’t want to waste a second of it. They had both waited too long for the dark-haired raven who mysteriously changed their lives and in his case—saved him.


  Texas watched as Remi drank her shot in one swallow, her long neck thrown back as she downed the liquid courage. He knew she was nervous about spending the night with them and he had to admit, he was too. Tex hadn’t wanted a woman, really wanted one, for so long, but when Remi walked into Reckoning, a few months back, he nearly
swallowed his damn tongue.

  She was his walking wet dream but there was more to it than that. He felt oddly drawn to Remi and if he wasn’t mistaken, Jag felt the same way about her. Texas wasn’t blind; he noticed the way his best friend watched the raven-haired beauty. His eyes never left her every time they were in the same room together and tonight was no exception. If she followed through with her promise to spend the night with them, there would be no way that either of them would let her walk away again. They already made that mistake once—the night that they went in to rescue her and her twin sister, Oryana.

  Remi had been looking for Nena for weeks and when she finally caught up to her, it was almost too late for both of them. Remi had walked right into a trap and if Lyra hadn’t called to tell them about her dream, of seeing Nena and Remi locked away in that warehouse, he and Jag might have lost her.

  Texas knew the score—women liked him because he was a sweet talker and they liked that. When it came to looks, he’d never be able to compete with Jag. He was usually fine with that but seeing the way Remi looked at Jag made him feel things he’d never had to deal with before. The worst being jealousy; which was crazy since Jag was his best friend in the whole world. Tex met Jag just after he got out of the military. His friend was broken and needed a wingman and he was happy to be that for him. Things eventually turned into more than him just talking up his best friend. Women were agreeing to be with them both and Jag seemed to like the idea. Texas was always up for some fun and sharing women with Jag just felt right. Remi was no exception, but Tex was going to have to work harder to tamp down his green-eyed monster before things got too out of hand. The last thing he wanted to do was take his jealousy out on either of them. That wasn’t what this was about. Remi had finally agreed to give them a chance and he needed to concentrate on that fact and leave the rest of his baggage at the door.


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