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Raven Page 13

by BE Kelly

  “Can we help you, man?” Texas asked. The big guy on the other side looked about ready to murder someone and Tex sighed. The guy looked through the small opening at them as if trying to size them up.

  “Two of you?” he questioned.

  “Yeah,” Jag said. “So, how about we handle this like civilized guys and you just leave us the fuck alone.”

  The guy growled and Texas knew that this little confrontation wasn’t going to be as easy as they were hoping for. “Nothing about me is feeling very civilized right about now, Chief. How about you tell Nena that I’d like to talk to her.”

  “Nena isn’t here, Hawk,” Remi said. She was standing behind them and Texas made a mental note to talk to their woman about sneaking around like a damn ninja and letting the two of them handle shit like this. He tried to tuck her behind his body, but she wouldn’t allow it.

  “I’m good,” she whispered to Tex. Remi unlatched the door and pulled it completely open. “Come on it,” she offered, making a grand sweeping gesture with her arms.

  “What the fuck, Baby?” Jag asked. “I thought we explained how things were going to work, here,” he growled.

  Remi smiled at him, going up on her tiptoes to gently kiss his mouth. “You can put your weapons away, guys. This is Hawk. Nena and I have known him our whole lives and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I’m assuming that extends to my two friends, here?”

  Texas turned around to stare her down, “Friends?” he barked. “We aren’t your fucking friends.” The thought of Remi already diminishing what they had promised to each other, pissed him off. He wasn’t her fucking friend. Hell, he wanted her to be his wife, but that was something the three of them needed to work out. He and Jag had friends that did the whole sharing gig and they were in happily committed relationships with their Old Ladies.

  “You’re our ol’lady, Babe. Whether you like it or not, that’s how it is now,” Jag said.

  Remi smiled, “You mean like Lyra is Tank’s ol’lady? I thought you had to be married or something.”

  “We’ll get to that,” Tex grumbled. “But no, we don’t have to be married for the club to accept you as our ol’lady. We’ll make it official as soon as we get back to Reckoning.” They would too. He and Jag knew that letting Remi into the club, without being tied to them both, would be a huge mistake. The guys would have no problem trying to poach her from them and Tex didn’t want to have to beat the shit out of any of his brothers. Especially since he thought of each of the guys as his brothers.

  “While this is all real touching; I need to talk to Nena,” the guy still standing in the doorway interrupted. “I think she’s in danger.”

  Remi gasped and Texas wrapped a protective arm around her. “Why would you think she’s in trouble, Hawk?” she asked.

  “I heard you two were in town, asking about Ay and I think that the people who took her aren’t happy that you are both sniffing around. Folks in town know what you guys can do and I think it got back to the wrong people that you were looking for your cousin.”

  Remi’s laugh sounded mean. “Well, those assholes took the wrong woman. You know why we’re targeted, right?” she asked.

  “Targets for what?” Jag asked.

  “For human trafficking,” Remi said. “Native American’s are targeted by traffickers for many reasons,” she began. “They like the way we look, our skin tone, they even go as far as to call us exotic.”

  “Mother fuckers,” Texas swore. He had known a few traffickers while he was locked up in the state penitentiary, but he never thought much about the victims.

  “Exactly,” she said, seeming to agree with his vulgar assessment. “That’s exactly what they are, but there’s not much we can do to stop them. You see, the other reason we are targeted is that we are almost invisible to the higher powers who can stop this from happening. We are targets because so many of us live at or below the poverty level. People in my tribe are afraid to speak up, believing they will be next if they do. We are expendable and traffickers use that to their advantage and take innocent young girls and women who no one will miss.”

  Jag wrapped his arms around Remi’s other side and she shrugged them both off, taking a step towards the guy she called Hawk. “Well, you know what? I’m not going to stay quiet. I won’t let them take my little cousin. She is missed and Nena and I will find her.” Tex loved their woman. She was fierce and God help the person who underestimated her strength and visibility.

  Hawk had the good sense to take a few steps back and hold up his hands, as if in surrender. “I get that, Remi. I’m on your side. You know how I feel about Nena,” Hawk said.

  “How you felt about my sister. As I recall, you were the one who walked out on her, Hawk.” Remi stared him down as if daring him to disagree with her and damn, Tex felt bad for the guy.

  “I still feel the same about her, Remi. That hasn’t changed,” Hawk said, dropping his hands back down to his side. “Please,” he whispered. “Just tell me where I can find her. I need to see that she’s alright, with my own two eyes.”

  Remi sighed, “As far as I know, she’s back at Anali’s house. She left the bar the same time as I did, last night. I’ll try her cell.”

  “Might as well come in,” Jag offered, Shoving his gun into the waist of his jeans. Hawk eyed the two of them, stepping into the small room, shutting the door behind him. Remi found her cell phone and tried to call Nena.

  “No answer,” she almost whispered. She dialed another number and dramatically exhaled when someone answered. “Anali?” She put the call on speaker and the older woman’s voice filled the room.

  “Who were you expecting to answer, Remi?” her grandmother asked.

  “Did Nena make it home last night?” Remi asked.

  “Yes,” Anali answered. “Which makes one of you. What were you thinking, staying out all night?” Remi slumped to the bed and shook her head. The last thing Texas or Jag wanted was for her to feel bad about spending the night between them.

  “That was our fault,” Jag said. “We weren’t thinking, sorry.” Tex sat down next to Remi and she snuggled against his side. He loved the way she had taken to using them both for comfort. It was so nice to know that she wasn’t going to take off on them again. She even seemed to lean on them and that was exactly what they both wanted from Remi—her trust.

  “Well, I remember how it was to be young and in love,” her grandmother said. “I guess I can let this one slide—for now. As long as you three promise to come for breakfast this morning and bring Hawk with you,” she said.

  Remi giggled. “Wait, how did she know he’s here?” Jag asked.

  Hawk smiled. “Anali knows everything,” he said. “You guys are going to need to get used to that if you want to be a part of Remi’s life.” Texas wanted to tell the guy that they were already a part of her damn life, but now wasn’t the time or place to get into all of that.

  “We’ll be there, Anali,” Remi promised. “Just keep Nena at the house until we do,” she said.

  “Alright,” her grandmother agreed. “See you soon.” Remi ended the call and Hawk turned to leave their room.

  “I’ll let you three get dressed and meet you down in the lobby. If you don’t mind me tagging along, it would make me feel better to see that Nena’s alright, for myself,” he said.

  Remi nodded, “Thanks, Hawk. Just go easy on my sister. She’s been through a lot.”

  Hawk turned and smiled back at her, “We all have, Remi,” he said. Texas watched as the big guy left, pulling the door shut behind him.

  “I can’t wait to hear this story,” Jag said.

  “Later,” Remi promised. “First, I need a shower. Then, we need to figure out just who wants to hurt my family and why they took my cousin. I’m done hiding like a coward. You two in or out?” she asked. Yeah, Tex would be the first to agree that Remi in charge was a scary woman—and he was completely turned on by her.

  “In,” he and Jag almost said in unison.


  They didn’t waste time getting showered and dressed, to head back to Remi’s grandmother’s house. It had been a damn long time since he felt so satisfied and hell, maybe he’d even call it complete. Yeah, that made him sound like a fucking romantic pussy, but he didn’t give a shit. Remi agreeing to finally belong to him and Tex felt like it set his whole damn world right.

  Remi’s Anali was standing on the front porch, just where they left her the day before and the sight of her had to make him smile. She was as fierce as her granddaughter and that said a lot since Remi was the most badass woman he ever laid eyes on.

  Nena joined her grandmother on the small porch and Hawk cursed from the back seat of the rental. “You alright back there, Hawk?” Remi questioned. She had ridden shotgun with Texas and Jag and Hawk rode in the back.

  “Yeah,” Hawk grumbled. He sounded anything but fine but that was none of Jag’s business. He knew it was best to keep his nose out of Nena’s affairs, or lack thereof. From the way Nena was staring Hawk down, the poor bastard wasn’t going to know what the hell hit him, by the time she got done with him.

  “Does she look pissed, or is it just me?” Tex asked. Jag knew that Texas was giving Hawk shit, but their new friend didn’t seem to have a clue.

  “Yeah,” Remi agreed. “My sister is pissed. She has good reason to be though, doesn’t she, Hawk?” Remi looked back over her shoulder and stared Hawk down as if daring him to contradict her.

  “Not now, Remi,” he spat. “I can only handle one angry Nez woman at a time.” Remi’s giggle filled the car and Texas shook his head at her.

  “Is there anyone you don’t give shit to, Honey?” Tex asked.

  “Nope,” Remi confirmed. “Let’s have breakfast. I’m betting there will be quite a show with our meal,” she taunted. Hawk groaned and opened his door to slip from the back seat. Jag watched as he approached the house and Nena as if he was afraid a bomb would go off with every step.

  “Anali,” Hawk said. He nodded at Nena and slipped his hands into his jacket pockets. Nena didn’t return any courtesy of greeting the poor guy and Jag almost felt bad for him.

  Texas whistled low behind Jag. “Man, he must have really fucked up,” he murmured. Remi shushed him and took Jag’s hand, standing between the two of them.

  “How about we concentrate on how pissed off Anali looks to see me with both of you. You both have more to worry about than my sister mean-mugging her ex. Jag looked the older woman over and realized that Remi was right—she looked pretty angry at the three of them. Her grandmother couldn’t seem to take her eyes off the way their hands were joined and Jag suddenly regretted agreeing to join everyone for breakfast.

  “Good morning, Ma’am,” Texas said. “Nena,” he added.

  “I’m not a Ma’am,” Remi’s grandmother insisted. “Please call me Anali.”

  “Anali,” Jag nodded. “Thank you for having us to breakfast.”

  “I figured it was the only way to see my granddaughter and we have a good deal to discuss. Nena had a vision last night and we think we know where Aylen is,” she said, getting right to the point.

  “You do?” Remi let go of both of their hands and ran up onto the porch. “That’s great.”

  “No,” Nena disagreed. “It’s not great. They are going to move Ay if we can’t get to her first.”

  “Who’s they?” Remi asked.

  “I have no idea,” Nena admitted. “Let’s just call them the bad guys. I’m guessing they’re human traffickers and they are planning on moving Aylen tonight.” Nena didn’t hide her sob and poor Hawk looked just about beside himself, trying to figure out what to do next. Jag could tell the guy wanted to go to Nena and soothe her but he also looked smart enough to know that was a shitty idea.

  “Then we find her before they move her,” Anali said as if it was going to be that easy. “Let’s eat breakfast and come up with our plan. We have to change the outcome of Nena’s vision and if anyone can do it, it’s my girls.”

  “Where did you see her, Oryana?” Remi asked.

  Nena shrugged, “You aren’t going to believe this but they’re moving her to New Orleans. I saw her last night and she showed me they were on the move. I saw road signs and if I’m not mistaken, it’s the same route we traveled here. Whoever has her is taking Aylen to NOLA. She told me to hurry, that they said something about getting back to town by tomorrow afternoon.”

  “That doesn’t give us much time,” Remi said. “Do you know where they are taking her, once they get to New Orleans?”

  “I think so,” Nena said. “But it’s going to sound crazy.”

  “Try us,” Jag asked. Since meeting Remi and her sister, crazy seemed to be their new normal.

  “I think they are taking her to a bar called Tito’s,” Nena said.

  “Tito’s?” Texas asked. “Why the hell would they take her there?” Jag knew that place and the MC that met there. They were bad news and the guys at Reckoning usually steered clear of them.

  “I’m not sure, but I think whoever is buying her set the meeting location. I saw that bar and it reminded me of the one where your club meets.” Nena said.

  “Fuck,” Jag swore. “Buy?” He knew that they had suspected Aylen had been taken by traffickers, but hearing that theory confirmed sucked.

  “Yes,” Nena said. “Ay said that they have a buyer for her and that she's supposed to be delivered to the parking lot of some bar in New Orleans.”

  “I’ll call Tank to let him know,” Tex offered. “I can’t believe that any of our guys would buy a woman, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. I’m hoping that whatever’s going down doesn’t involve Reckoning. Hell, we still have a mole in the club, but things have been so quiet lately, I thought maybe that was over.”

  “A mole?” Hawk asked.

  “Yeah,” Texas confirmed. “Someone ratted out our Prez’s woman and her sister for being seers and put everyone in danger.”

  “Were you in danger, Nena?” Hawk growled. Tex shot Nena an apologetic look.

  Nena turned on Hawk, pressing her finger into the poor guy’s chest. Jag could almost feel the sexual tension between the two. “That isn’t any of your business anymore, Hawk,” Nena spat.

  “Come on Oryana,” Hawk groaned. “You can’t keep shutting me out like this. I made a fucking mistake and I’ve owned it. Are you ever going to fucking forgive me?”

  “No,” Nena breathed. Hawk backed down and Jag honestly felt bad for the guy. “I won’t forgive you—I can’t.”

  “Why not,” Hawk asked. “Give me one reason why you can’t just give me another chance, Nena.”

  “Because I won’t let you hurt me again,” Nena whispered. Hawk growled and ran his hands through his hair.

  “Maybe we concentrate on finding your cousin and then you two can have a private conversation,” Jag offered, clapping Hawk on the shoulder. “Emphasis on the whole private thing.”

  “Fine,” Hawk barked. “I’d like to help find Ay if that’s okay with you,” he asked Nena. She nodded and turned back to Remi.

  “What are we going to do?” Nena whispered. Remi looked to Jag as if she was looking for some help and he smiled, pulling her into his arms. Jag knew firsthand, how hard it was for Remi to ask for help or give up her control. The fact that she was turning to him for help felt damn good.

  “How about we get Tank and the guys involved, like Texas said, and you let us fly you back to NOLA. I’m betting we can beat Aylen back home and use the element of surprise in our favor.”

  “I think that sounds like a good plan,” Remi’s grandmother agreed. “As long as you two promise to keep my granddaughter’s safe.”

  “Three,” Hawk corrected. “If that’s alright with everyone.” Texas and Jag looked at Remi and then Nena. They both nodded their agreement.

  “Fine,” Jag said. “We leave in an hour. Eat up and we’ll head for the airport as soon as you'll are finished.”

  “Thank you,” Remi said. “I really apprec
iate you flying us all home.” Jag pulled her back against his body and Tex crowded into her side.

  “We’d do anything for you, Honey,” Jag whispered into her ear. “Anything.” Remi giggled as he kissed his way down her neck. Texas swatted her ass and gave her a quick kiss.

  “He’s not wrong, Baby,” Texas said.


  They got back to New Orleans by the mid-afternoon and headed straight to the bar. Tank had called in all the guys to help Remi and Nena. Lyra and Beth were both waiting for them and when Tank called everyone to church, the women agreed to head over to Tank’s place. He loved the way Remi seemed to fit right into their club. Hawk offered to go with the women, to keep them safe and Jag had to admit—he liked the guy. What he really enjoyed was watching the way Hawk’s presence seemed to make cool, calm Nena squirm. It was going to be a good time, watching the two of them circle each other, but Jag was sure Hawk would find a way to handle Nena—one way or the other.

  “So,” Tank said, trapping Jag and Texas into the corner where they were both drinking beer and playing darts. “You two making it official with Remi?” he asked. Jag looked at Texas, wanting to follow his lead with the three of them coming out. It wasn’t really that big of a deal that he and Texas shared women. They had done it for so long, it was just accepted in their little club. When they first started doing it, rumors flew around that they were together too. Jag usually didn’t give a fuck about shit like that but Texas set the record straight, letting everyone know that the only thing he and Jag shared was the woman between them. The guys seemed to drop it after that and when he and Texas took a woman up to their room, no one even looked twice anymore.

  Texas shrugged, “Yeah,” he said, his goofy, lopsided grin in place. Jag couldn’t help but laugh. Texas’ good mood was infectious.

  “She seems to make the two of you happy,” Tank said.

  “She does,” Jag admitted.


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