The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET Page 20

by Bonnar King

  Finally, Sam wrapped himself in the towel, his entire body rigid with tension. He didn’t turn back in my direction, walking straight ahead instead and disappearing from sight without another word. I stayed in the pool for a while, burying myself under the water and just letting my mind go blank and hoping my raging erection would fade on its own. When my lungs screamed out for air, I went back up. Then I continued staying in the pool by swimming more laps until my aching muscles protested and I knew it was time to go.

  By the time I went back to my apartment—or rather, our shared apartment—it was already quiet, with no sign of Sam who usually hung out on the couch at this time of the night. I knew that despite our best to stop it before it would be too late, it was already a bit too late, anyway. Things would probably be awkward between us for the next few days to come, and I had to wonder exactly how awkward it was going to be. He would probably avoid me, and well…maybe I’d avoid him, too. Just the thought of him right now had my cock going erect again, and I had a feeling it was going to be that way for a while.

  Shit. I did not want this.

  But I wanted Sam—so much more than I cared to admit, and so much more than I was willing to risk. I wanted his friendship as much as I wanted his body, and I didn’t know how one could survive unless I didn’t have the other.

  And by God, I wanted to sleep with him. I wanted to touch Sam everywhere, kiss him everywhere, goddamn lick and taste him everywhere. I wanted to slide myself inside him and just feel his tightness, then watch as he made sounds of pleasure right before he experienced his orgasm.

  The need boiled in me, and it was all I could not to slam the door as I entered my bedroom.

  I wanted all those things.

  But I couldn’t have them unless Sam was ready.

  Until Sam was willing.

  If he was ever willing.



  Trying to avoid Justin while we were living in the same space was pretty much the hardest thing I ever had to do—especially since my body wanted to protest at all times and wanted to be near him more than away from him. But I strengthened my resolve and did my best to push through with my plan, which was to stay as professional as possible while still being his friend and never, ever crossing that boundary ever again. What happened between us in the pool was a moment of weakness—a good, spine-tingling, mind-blowing moment of weakness, but I’d be stupid to let it happen again, especially when I knew it was simply playing on Justin’s part. By the time he was done with me, I’d be tossed to the sidelines—gently, of course, because I knew Justin cared for me as a friend would. But tossed aside gently was tossed all the same, and I didn’t think I could handle the hurt when it came.

  It was much better to just prevent it from happening altogether.

  It wasn’t easy, especially with such a small space. But Justin didn’t push the issue, never mentioning it again and acting as casual as possible around me that I should have been grateful. Instead, I felt tenser whenever I was around him, my body rebelling against my mind and causing me more stress than ever. This lent to some sleepless nights, and I found that even swimming couldn’t alleviate the stress. I certainly couldn’t ask him to accompany me because…well, the pool triggered those memories, and I don’t think we’d have enough control to push each other away the second time around.

  Things were fine at first until I started to notice Justin avoiding me, too. Oh, he was still very friendly and still very casual, even inviting me to go jogging with him, but there was something off. I realized it started when he began disappearing from the apartment without letting me know, then coming back about an hour or two later and disappearing some more in his bedroom. At first, I didn’t question it, trusting him enough to know he wouldn’t do anything reckless and thinking he probably needed some air. I knew there were some business issues that stressed him out, though he was pretty good at handling them. He used to tell me these things until things became awkward between us, and now I had to wonder if not having anyone to talk to made him look for another outlet.

  But what was his outlet?

  When he slipped out of the door without a word wearing a coat, I finally had enough of waiting around. My curiosity was killing me, so I slipped into my own coat and stealthily tried following him, surprised when he didn’t take his car but went out the streets for a walk. At nine in the evening, New York was still humming with life, and I followed from a safe distance as Justin just kept walking, his hands in his coat pockets and looking like he had all the time in the world.

  He stopped beside a hotdog vendor, getting a hotdog in a bun with all the works. This puzzled me considering he already ordered a huge pepperoni pizza and polished half by the time I got out of the bedroom, and that was just an hour ago. My confusion turned to fascination as he stopped by the nearby park, then kept on walking inside with the hotdog still in hand, uneaten. Fascination turned to surprise when he stopped by an ice cream stand that was just beside the lake, where he then proceeded to give the hotdog to the ice cream vendor’s little kid.

  We knew this ice cream vendor and this little kid due to always frequenting this spot whenever we passed by, and the little boy was obviously surprised but happy to munch on his food. Justin ordered two cups of ice cream and went on his way, sitting on a bench facing the lake and eating one cup. He left the other cup beside him, untouched.

  Justin never ordered two cups for himself. Did that mean…

  Something dull settled in my stomach at the thought that the second cup was for someone. Was he waiting for an omega? Was he out on a date? Was he meeting someone here every night and doing things like making this other omega laugh, ache, and want him? Suddenly jealousy pierced my heart, and I couldn’t stand even the thought of any omega approaching Justin right now. It was irrational, but it was what I was feeling—strong, intense. I had never been jealous of anyone before, not in all my flings and relationships, and this new emotion shocked me to my core, as I never thought I would experience it.

  As a friend, the best thing to do was to back off, leave him alone and let him have his date.

  As his PR rep…I had to find out who Justin was meeting.

  A few minutes of waiting and no omega came up. Already feeling impatient, I realized I was just going to be antsier than ever if I remained here in my hiding spot and kept waiting.

  Half an hour later, I had enough.

  I stepped out of my spot behind a tree, feeling foolish. Then I walked over to him, my mind riddled with questions and my body vibrating with a restless energy I couldn’t quite understand. When I finally reached his side, I opened my mouth, intent on being blunt and just getting it out of him as fast as I could so I could verify if his…date was okay enough and then I could leave.

  Justin’s head turned in my direction at my approach. Instead of looking surprised, he met my eyes and smirked.

  “It’s about damn time.”

  I blinked. “Huh?”

  He pointed toward the cup beside him. “Your ice cream is melting.”

  “My ice cream?”

  Justin rolled his eyes. “Sit down. I’ll go get you another one.”

  And just like that, Justin stood back up and went back to get another cup from the ice cream vendor. When he returned, I was still standing and staring at him, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Justin grabbed hold of my elbow and gently but firmly nudged me down, and I plonked on the bench and blinked up at him.

  “You were waiting for me the whole time?” I asked, puzzled.

  Justin sat beside me and handed me the cup. Then he shrugged. “Things have been too awkward at home that I thought a walk in the park would be a nice change for us. But being the uptight person, you are—”

  “Hey!” I protested.

  “I thought it would be funnier to pretend to go out and wait for you to react. Took you some time to snoop, didn’t it?” Justin continued slyly. “I was about to leave back there.”

  “So, you’ve been do
ing this every night you disappeared?”

  “Hell, yeah. You’re an idiot for not following me right away.”

  “Well, you’re an idiot for not just asking me to come with you.”

  We grinned at each other. Just like that, the awkwardness between us dissipated.

  “Eat your ice cream,” Justin said. “I have something to show you.”

  My ears perked. “What?”

  In response, Justin only smirked. “Just eat it and stop asking questions. It’s a surprise.”

  I sighed. Then, because arguing with him was going to get me nowhere, I began to eat my chocolate ice cream.

  Justin walked me to the other side of the park, which was mostly abandoned and less crowded than the one we were used to. He went beyond it into another street, then took out a key and opened an iron gate. The insides were protected by tall green hedges, reminding me a bit of that private spot in the movie Notting Hill where the main characters snuck in.

  “Is this legal?” I demanded in a whisper.

  Justin shot me a look. “Would I have a key if it wasn’t?”

  He was right, of course. He opened the gate.

  I gasped.

  I was right. It was like that movie indeed, except instead of the large expanse of green lawn and bench in the middle, this space was filled with flowers—huge, colorful blooms in a wild but surprisingly pleasant array, surrounding a fountain that looked almost mystical in the moonlight. Apple trees were at the sides, and there were birdhouses over to the other side, with said birds chirping as they fed on what looked like grains.

  “What is this place?” I asked in wonder, inhaling the air. I smelled freesias and honeysuckle, and their scents intoxicated me and had me laughing before I could stop myself.

  “It’s mine,” Justin said. “My friend was planning to sell it so it could be bulldozed flat to build a new hotel, but it was so nice that I offered to buy it. We can have picnics here in the future.”

  I could imagine how much it cost Justin to buy such a space, but he didn’t seem to mind. “That would be lovely. And you’re lovely for saving something so beautiful.”

  Justin took my hand in his and squeezed, sending warmth and tingles inside me. Then he pulled me toward the flowers, picking one blooming white rose, removing the thorns and handing it to me. I took it with a bow and put the rose near my nose to sniff, and he grinned as I kept sniffing and looking at him.

  In the moonlight, Justin looked like sin itself—tempting, and just as intoxicating as the smell of the flowers. My heart ached all over again, and my belly fluttered with an emotion that I had become familiar with whenever I was around Justin.


  I couldn’t escape it. Maybe I wasn’t trying too hard.

  Maybe I didn’t want to.

  Something must have shown on my expression, because the grin slid off his face. Then Justin was taking steps toward me—cautious ones at first, as if afraid I would run away from him. But I was tired of running away. I was so tired, when all I wanted was to be close to him. There were too many feelings running inside me, and they were all for him.

  And somehow, I didn’t want these feelings to go away.

  I held out my hand with the rose toward Justin—a silent invitation.

  And I waited.



  There was no stopping it this time, especially when it was Sam who made the first move. The air was mysterious and romantic, the flowers’ warm scent adding to it, and Sam leaning on the tree only made everything more inviting. He was like a sexy siren in the sea, cajoling the ship’s captain to abandon his course and just dive right in with him, where he was guaranteed to experience pleasure, temptation and plenty more.

  I gave in to that temptation now, walking toward Sam in a few quick strides and reaching him in no time. I didn’t waste time, placing my hand behind his neck and crashing my mouth on his in a firm kiss.

  Sam’s sweet taste exploded inside me, just like it did before—ice cream now, mixing with him honey scent that swam in my senses. I took the kiss deeper, felt him respond eagerly at my ministrations and knew he wasn’t going to back off now.

  Dimly, I was aware of the fact that we were both in public. I hadn’t locked the gate to the garden, which meant anyone who was curious enough could probably just open it and see us doing something more than strolling. A thrill should have run inside me at the thought of doing it in public again, but instead, all I could think about was Sam and how goddamn delicious he tasted.

  My tongue came out to concentrate on that taste, sweeping against the cavern of his mouth and feeling a soft moan vibrate from his throat. Then his tongue was tangling with mine, shy at first until he grew bolder and started sucking on my lower lip, then my tongue, making me groan in response.

  I pressed my body against Sam’s, feeling the warmth of his body on mine, his stomach cradling my already hard shaft beneath my pants. But I found that I wanted to touch him, too, and so my hands slid under his shirt, where I found his nipples already hard and begging for me. I twisted and pinched them, then gave them soothing rubs as he made noises of pleasure against my kisses, then kissed me back with a fervor that reflected my hunger and desperation.

  Wanting more, I slipped my other hand down, unzipping Sam’s pants and sliding my hand inside his cotton boxers. The first touch of my finger had me groaning as I found him hard—but not just hard. He was also warm, tight and pulsing against my touch. I slid the rest of my fingers in, feeling his tightness keep me there. I gipped onto his hardened cock and began thrusting in a rhythm that had him gripping my shoulders and grinding against me.

  My mouth cruised down his throat, but I realized that there was more of him I wanted to taste. I cruised even lower, bypassing those lovely tight abs of his and heading straight for the throbbing part of him that begged for my attention.

  I removed my fingers and replaced them with my tongue, sucking Sam repeatedly and reveling in him sweet taste. Then I pulled down his pants and slipped a finger into his hole while I sucked him, working both tongue and fingers to keep him tense. More sounds came out of his mouth, and he tried to stifle them at first by biting his lips and gripping my hair. But he lost the battle and eventually gave out a long moan, calling out my name like a prayer as he tried to hang on.

  But I didn’t want him to hang on. I quickened my movements until he was sobbing out my name. Then I slid my fingers further in, where I found his pulsing g-spot. I sucked his cock, harder and faster.

  With one last sob, Sam exploded right inside my mouth, and it was the most exhilarating feeling ever. I swallowed every last drop of his sweet cum as his cock twitched in my mouth.

  I surged back up and kissed his mouth hungrily, using my fingers to extend his orgasm until he was trembling in my arms. My cock was raging, begging to be inside him, but I wanted it somewhere private this time—somewhere I could hear him scream.

  When Sam finally came down from his high, the kisses turned slow, but just as intense. I finally, reluctantly removed my fingers from his omega-hole, pulled his pants up, and zipped him back. I broke away from the kiss, smirking at hid sleepy, satisfied expression.

  “Let’s go home,” I murmured.

  Sam nodded. Then he was pulling me for yet another kiss.

  We barely made it to the apartment before we attacked each other in the living room, still too hungry for each other. Clothes tore and hands flew, and we found ourselves in the living room rug and unable to take a step more.

  I stripped Sam naked and could barely contain my excitement at the sight of his tight body. I kissed his soft lips passionately as I turned him around and pushed him against the wall. With his back turned to me, I got on my knees to face his juicy ass. I spread his legs apart and Sam let out a little gasp in anticipation for what I would do next.

  With Sam’s perfectly round ass in front of my face, I spread his cheeks apart and began to hungrily lick and slurp his omega-hole, while reaching around and jacking
him off as he was hard again.

  “Oh, fuck. That feels so good!” Sam moaned.

  After I was done tongue-fucking Sam’s hole, I cajoled him to get on his knees, where he proceeded to do so eagerly—but not before wrapping a hand around my dick and making my eyes cross with his firm but playful looks of desire.

  With a hungry grunt, I turned him around. Then I positioned my erection at his hole from behind, feeling his warmth for a few seconds and taking the time to kiss his shoulders. He had the creamiest shoulders and back, and my fingers wandered until he whimpered and told me to get on with it.

  “Stop teasing and fuck me. I’ve wanted this for so long.” Sam begged.

  With a chuckle, I slowly slid in, inch by excruciating inch. I didn’t want to hurt him. Because he was so wet, the movement was smooth, and soon I was buried to the hilt and gritting my teeth at how fantastic he felt. I was afraid I would lose it altogether right then and there, and I had to pause in that position for a few more seconds and just concentrate my kisses at the nape of his neck, which he thoroughly appreciated.

  When it felt like I had better control of myself, I started moving—slow thrusts at first, feeling him out and trying to find out which angle he liked best. When I finally found the angle that had him moaning the loudest, I quickened my movements, the thrusting turning into pounding until the sound of slick skin slapping against slick skin filled the air, along with our combined moans and grunts. My hands wandered again, settling over his jiggling ass and playing with his nipples as I thrust into him. Then I angled his hips higher and changed the angle, and this time Sam was begging—begging me to give him the release he needed, because he ached so much.


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