The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET Page 33

by Bonnar King

  Thank you.

  Nathan mumbled an excuse, suddenly all polite. I sat back down, my eyes never leaving his.

  It was Caden who broke the eye contact first. He nodded once to me and Kevin before finally leaving the cafeteria with an apple in hand.

  “That was…intense,” Kevin whispered, letting out a breath when things eased up. “I’m so proud of you for standing up to Nathan like that! It was fun and—wait, where are you going?”

  “Thanks. I just need to do something,” I said while hurrying towards the exit.

  And that something was to take the reins and stop being so darn afraid of everything.

  I still wanted Caden, and I knew despite his distraction and problems, he still wanted me, too. It was so clear in the cafeteria, and it should have been clear to me beforehand, too. Why was I giving up so easily?

  I was going to confront him today instead of letting it slide.

  Heck, I might even seduce him.

  The idea made me giddy. I waited in anticipation for the elevator to move up, my nerves shaking. When I got to our floor, it was empty. Perfect. I hurried along and didn’t bother knocking on his door, knowing he was going to be inside. This alpha was too much of a workaholic for his own good.

  I was already grinning when I pushed the door open.

  Perhaps it was my own excitement that didn’t let me hear the voices first. By the time I did, it was already too late.

  I already witnessed what I wasn’t supposed to witness. Caden was there, alright.

  And he had his hands and mouth on the most gorgeous omega I’d ever seen.

  What the actual fuck?



  This slutty omega, Bryan, was really going at it. He’d been going at it during the app launch, too—second only to Shawn—but that had been mild compared to this one.

  I tolerated it, knowing this meeting was important. I was prepared to go along if flirting was all he was after. It was going to be fine.

  Until he started kissing me.

  I was so surprised that my mouth opened automatically and my mind scrambled. The kiss itself was warm, but not anything special—certainly nothing like the kisses I had with a certain omega. Bryan moaned into the kiss, obviously feeling it as his hands started sliding down my shirt. He was hot, I had to give him that, and I knew many alphas would have killed to be in my place. Hell, I’d have taken advantage had this happened months ago.

  But I just wasn’t into it anymore.

  I was about to push him off when I saw movement flicker at the corner of my eye. My gaze shot there, and my body stilled.

  My eyes met green ones, shocked. Then Tony was leaving the room without a word.

  I inwardly cursed. Bryan must have noticed me going rigid because he thankfully pulled back, giving me a sultry look. But I was gently pushing him off my lap and excusing myself before he could utter a word.

  Then I was following Tony, who’d just disappeared into the stockroom with a slam.

  I was there in an instant. The lights were dim, but that didn’t stop me as I kept following him until we got to the end of the room. When he realized he had nowhere else to go, he whirled on me instantly, his expression a mask of fury as he faced me.

  “Stop following me!”

  “That wasn’t what it looked like,” I began to explain—but Tony’s eyes turned into slits as he glared.

  “Save your sorry explanation,” he said. He began to excuse himself past me, but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

  “He caught me by surprise. I didn’t want his kiss,” I growled, starting to grow angry myself. Did he trust me so little?

  The answer was obvious when disbelief replaced his fury. But something else lurked beneath the fury—hurt.

  Tony made a move to brush past me again, and I kept pulling him back. My last pull had our bodies accidentally pressing against each other. We both stilled, and I watched as his eyes darkened not into fury…but the exact opposite.

  He muttered a surprising curse.

  I growled.

  Then we were jumping each other.

  I trapped him against the wall. Tony nipped my mouth with his teeth. I slid my tongue inside his mouth and gloried in his taste all over again, not nearly getting enough as last time. Arousal coursed through me like a drug, heady and wonderful.

  Everything was hurried, from the way I ripped his clothes off to the way he unzipped my slacks. Laying Tony on the table beside me, placing his feet on my shoulder. Then I was buried inside him, swallowing his gasp and moving hard and fast. let my hands wander his body just as his wandered mine.

  Everything was on fire.

  But everything was intimate, too. The darkness lent to the intimacy, as well as the way we clung to each other. What was fast became slow, a complete contrast to the first time I took him—but this was more intense, and I found myself drowning in the pleasure of him.

  Tony’s stifled moans urged me on. His hot breath surrounded me. Not long after, Tony was already moving with a certain desperation against me, and I fed on that desperation until I was back to thrusting hard and deep. I used my cock and my hands to make him writhe and sob out my name in a whisper—and when he was already begging for release, I could no longer take it.

  I kissed him thoroughly while pounding his sweet omega ass, and he jacked his hard cock. A few seconds later, he was climaxing in a cry of pleasure, and I held on to him and rode through it with him until he calmed down. Then I was thrusting again, taking the rhythm higher and higher—

  With an oath, I exploded viciously, unable to control my body’s reaction. I pressed him against the desk and let the pleasure wash over me until I was blind to everything but the feeling.

  We stayed there like that for a few minutes, just feeling each other’s heartbeats.

  Then Tony was gently pushing me away.

  What followed was an awkward moment wherein he arranged his clothes and slid his boxers back on. I saw his hand shake before he steadied it.


  Tony took one look at me, not saying anything.

  I looked at him, too, not knowing what to say.

  In the end, we left the room without so much as a word and got back to the daily grind.

  What the fuck just happened?

  I did my best to concentrate on work. On meetings. On anything but him. I also avoided Tony as my mind went through the stages of turmoil that came along with feelings—something I wasn’t used to.

  Denial. Frustration. Panic.


  It hit me like a train wreck.

  Christ. I didn’t just want Tony. I loved him.

  And I had never really loved anyone before.

  It was too much to comprehend. It was overwhelming. It scared me to death, and I was never really scared of anything. But I knew I needed to confront it—because if I didn’t, I would end up losing the one person who mattered to me more than I cared to admit.

  With another confrontation brewing inside me, I strode back in my office, intent on cancelling all meetings and just having it out with Tony—putting it all on the line and hoping he felt the same way. But when I got there, the office was empty.

  A quick search at Tony’s desk had me finding a note: one he’d written for me with an apology—and asking for an emergency leave for the next few days. It made me realize one thing as the dread settled in.

  I was too late.



  Caden’s hands were on my body again.

  They cruised all over, touching all my soft and hard parts until I was moaning out his name and begging for more. Words came out of his mouth—dirty, sex-driven words followed by soft, soothing ones that drove my mind crazy and had my body singing in response. I touched him back, just as desperate as he was—just as hungry. He was already so hard, and if he just slid inside me, everything would be so perfect…

  The alarm pulled me abruptly from my highly-erotic dream. I sat up a
nd groaned as it blared through my ears, a constant reminder to wake up early and be productive.

  Wake up and face the reality—I was still pregnant and Caden saw me nothing more than just a fuck-toy to bury his alpha cock inside. He had no romantic feelings for me, and I needed to move the hell on!

  Of course, there was one very important reason the alarm was on, even when it was still my leave.

  It was to stave off those dirty, frustrating dreams.

  With a sigh, I got up and stretched. Then I took a shower and dressed in the nicest outfit I had. My hair needed trimming, but that could be arranged for later.

  Today, I was going to do the one thing that would keep me from thinking about things too much.

  Grocery shopping, as I needed to start eating for two now and needed some prenatal vitamins for the baby I knew I wanted to welcome into this world.

  I’d just filled out my cart when I heard a voice call my name from behind. I tensed automatically, then realized it didn’t sound at all like the one person I was expecting.

  But it still sounded familiar.

  Footsteps approached, and I turned just in time to see a person I hadn’t expected instead.


  My college ex-boyfriend.

  He hugged me before I could say anything other than his name, and it was warm and excited at the same time. When he stepped back, I saw the same excitement gleaming in his brown eyes, reminding me of the young alpha I knew back then. Michael had never really held back much, especially when it came to emotions. He was literally the walking figure of what you see is what you get.

  We got to talking. It turned out he was in town for a seminar, and would be here for the whole week. It turned out he hadn’t eaten yet, and wanted to catch up.

  It was like fate was slapping me in the face and telling me to get a move on already.

  So I did. I wasn’t expecting anything, and he didn’t look like he was flirting with me at the moment. Michael Landers had been one of the few constants in my life up until we amicably broke up, and I needed a friend today.

  When he invited me to lunch, I already had a place in mind.

  He was flirting with me.

  Oh, God.

  It was subtle at best, but very sincere, and the smile and hope on his face as he did so told me exactly what I didn’t want to know.

  Because I wasn’t feeling any sparks.

  Oh, he’d grown more handsome, for sure. He’d always been dreamy back then, but it was nothing compared to how he looked more polished now. He was also more outgoing than the shy boy I remembered, radiating a confidence that was attractive on him.

  But I just wasn’t attracted at all.

  Still, I tried my best to be polite. We were reminiscing our college days while eating pizza, but also updating each other on our lives after college. Apparently, he was working as an assistant for a firm—something that I knew he’d been wanting for so long. It made me happy for him.

  But I needed to put a stop to whatever he had in mind before it could fully bloom.

  “So, are you dating anyone right now?” he asked once he was done with two slices.

  I swallowed what I was chewing—an extra slice of cheesy goodness—before shaking my head. “No. You?”

  I knew he would shake his head. I braced myself for the question as hope flickered higher in him.

  “You look so good, Tony, and you’re just as sweet as ever. It feels so good to see you.”

  I maintained a smile on my face. How to answer that without leading him on? “It’s good to see you, too.”

  “I was hoping we could go out tonight for dinner if you’re not busy.”

  “As friends?” I asked with the same friendly smile, hoping he’d get the hint without me having to be frank.

  He didn’t.

  “I…want to reconnect back with you, Tony. I was hoping it would be…more romantic than friendship.”

  I inwardly sighed. Frank it is.

  “Michael, you’re wonderful. And I’m really glad to see you today…”

  And get to the point.

  “But I don’t think I’m ready to see anyone right now,” I finished.

  The hope died in his eyes, to be replaced by disappointment. Great. He looked like a kicked puppy.

  “Why not?” he asked softly. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

  I sorted out words in my head to make him feel better, then decided to just go with the truth. And what was the truth?

  I was in love—I’d fallen unreasonably, mind-bogglingly in love with a alpha I wasn’t supposed to. But there it was, just hanging at the corners of my heart, sneaking up on me until it was too late to stop it.

  And no, it wasn’t with Michael. I had a feeling it would never be. It hit me like a brick, and I opened my mouth to blurt the words out.

  But a familiar male voice beat me to it.

  “Because he’s seeing me.”

  I froze. I turned my head and sure enough, there he was—the reason himself. My heart pitter-pattered out of my own accord, beating too fast for my liking. Hurt, shock and love raged against each other, overwhelming. It irritated me and exhilarated me at the same time, and that in turn had me standing up and narrowing my eyes at him.

  Caden’s gaze was focused on Michael.

  “Caden Shaw,” he said without preamble.

  Michael hesitated before nodding his head. “You’re seeing him?”

  “Yes,” Caden replied.

  “No,” I said at the same time.

  We looked at each other, our eyes clashing. Electricity singed.

  Michael stood up, too. “I’m sorry, Tony. I’ll leave the two of you alone.” He hesitated again. “It was nice meeting you, Caden.”

  “Likewise,” Caden said smoothly.

  “I’ll see you around, Tony?”

  I nodded my head reluctantly.

  Caden regarded Michael coolly. “We’ll see you around.”

  Oh, God. Of all the pompous, assuming, arrogant—

  Once Michael was gone, I whirled on said arrogant alpha.

  “That was my friend.”

  Caden raised a brow. “Friend?”

  “Fine. Ex-boyfriend.”

  Caden’s eyes gleamed. “I knew it.”

  “What did I say about minding your own business?” I asked.

  Frustration simmered in his eyes, but he tamped it down. “I couldn’t help it.”

  “Why couldn’t you help it?” I persisted. Surely he wasn’t jealous. He hadn’t exactly come running to me, and I was gone almost a week ago.

  God, he looked so good today. It hurt seeing him. I wanted to run away, but told myself that was the coward’s way. So I waited for his answer.

  “I don’t know how to explain it,” he finally said.

  I scoffed.

  “But I know we need to talk,” he kept on.

  “No, we don’t,” I said, just to be contradictory. What was he doing here?

  “Tony—” he ground out.

  “You don’t know anything about what’s happening in my life, and if you did, you would run for the hills,” I said.

  It was a high call. Caden wasn’t a fan of backing down from challenges, and I doubt he’d do it now.

  “Try me,” Caden said, smirking.

  Here goes nothing.

  “I’m pregnant, Caden. And its yours,”

  Caden sat there, looking at me with intense eyes. Not saying a word.

  A good sign? He hadn’t run away yet.

  But my intrigue was replaced by shock instantly as Caden did two things I didn’t expect.

  He dragged me towards him for a kiss—one in which my shock didn’t allow me to resist. It was hard, hot and melting me like butter before I could even stop myself. I clung to him. I revelled in the hunger and desire in it.

  And something else. Something more intimate.

  Then, just as I was about to respond, he slowly eased me back.

  Then he marched outside the restaur
ant without a word.



  As someone who had more pride than most, it was hard for me to chase after an omega. I just wasn’t used to it, but I knew Tony was worth it. Especially now that he had dropped the atomic bomb of his pregnancy to me. Strangely, I wasn’t upset. I knew Tony well, so I was sure this wasn’t some kind of twisted manipulation tactic. If I was honest, I sort of wanted it to be true. The thought of having a baby and being Tony’s alpha filled my heart of a warmth I’d never experienced before in my life.

  I needed a moment to process all of this info.

  “What on earth are you doing?” a voice said behind me, clearly baffled.

  I ran a hand through my hair, trying to find the right words. Tony crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

  “There are so many things I want to tell you that I don’t even know where to start,” I began.

  Tony raised a brow. “Because?”

  “Because I have never felt this way about anyone before. Things had been really crazy without you.”

  Tony’s expression didn’t break. He kept waiting.

  “You’re on my mind every waking moment and when you’re not around I feel lost,” I said.

  The admission echoed dully in my ears, and I couldn’t blame him if he didn’t believe me. Words were swirling inside me, but they were having a hard time coming out.

  “And?” Tony asked.

  “You being pregnant. It just came out of nowhere, so I didn’t know how to respond.”

  Tony tilted his head.

  “That’s not good enough. I’ll be in the office in two days, so stop worrying. I’ll raise my baby by myself, and I’m also not resigning.”

  Then he walked out on me and proceeded to stroll away casually, like it was the most natural thing in the world.


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