CEO in a Fantasy World 3

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CEO in a Fantasy World 3 Page 1

by Tristan H Brown



  Tristan H. Brown

  Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing ©

  All rights reserved. This book and cover are under

  copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced or

  used in any manner without written permission from the

  author except for the use of quotations in a book review.

  Copyright © 2019 Tristan H. Brown

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,

  and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,

  events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing ©








































  The carriage moved through the desolate road quietly; the mass number of animals and other forms of life drastically decreased once they crossed the border.

  While the terrain was still full of vibrant colors, it's as if the animals and humans alike steered far away from the Dark Continent… This mystery piqued Caesar's interest. However, he didn't have the luxury to ponder about such troublesome matters at the moment.

  Within the next few hours, they passed through a lush forest, full of vigorous trees and hedges. While on the road, Edward pointed out a few directions to which Caesar followed meticulously.

  "Are you sure your tribe is in this direction?" Caesar asked doubtfully.

  "Yes, our sense of smell is extraordinary," Edward replied confidently.

  Caesar nodded his head in acceptance, and they continued moving forward. They soon arrived at a forked road, one path led to the left, deeper within the forest, while the other pointed out of the woods.

  Caesar brought the carriage to a gradual stop. He turned his head towards Edward and looked at him impatiently.

  "Which way?" he asked inquiringly.

  Edward rested his chin in hands and contemplated for a few seconds before lifting his head and repeatedly sniffing the air.

  A vein appeared on Caesar's forehead, "is your clan located in a forest, or not?" Caesar couldn't help but interrupt Edwards's smelling session.

  "Hmm, it's in a forest… similar to this one, actually," Edward replied.

  Caesar felt as though his brain cells were slowly receding while getting directions from Edward. He urged the horses to move left, and they continued on their way.

  "Ah I see, if we moved right then that would mean we would exit the forest!" Edward spoke with realization apparent in his tone.

  Caesar massaged his temples, 'I don't know how this guy camouflaged his limited intelligence until now… he's worse than Joe!' Caesar inwardly lamented.

  They followed the road even while the sun went down, according to Edward and Renee, their tribe wasn't very far away from the border.

  While driving the carriage, Caesar couldn't help but admire the moon's beauty. It looked even more extraordinary here than it did in Rahvin kingdom.

  "That's strange, why does the moon look different here?" Caesar asked Edward to the right of him.

  Edward's drowsiness was washed away with the sudden question, and a broad smile appeared on his face… "that's the appeal of the Dark Continent… this place is the opposite of normal places."

  Caesar tilted his head and forced Edward to continue with his eyes.

  Edward cleared his throat and continued, "almost every species in the dark continent is awake during the night! While in other places, during the day is where most of the races thrive. it's the complete opposite here!" Edward explained enthusiastically.

  "So basically, the dark continent is the home of nocturnal races… but that doesn't explain why the moon looks different?" Caesar spoke with an intrigued tone.

  "No one actually knows why the moon seems different here. The only thing that people do know is that it attracts all of the night-loving races," Edward replied with a smirk.

  As if to further explain to Caesar, different forms of birds came flying over their carriage. The silent forest soon came to life, and many various types of species showed themselves.

  'This place just gets more and more interesting the longer I stay here… I wonder what other surprises this place will bring me,' Caesar silently thought to himself as he observed their surroundings.

  Two projectiles landed in front of the carriage and spooked the horses, Caesar squinted his eyes and pulled the reigns.

  It took Caesar a few seconds to calm the horses. Once they were pacified, he scanned the giant trees that surrounded them.

  To their front, five or so men with bulging muscles walked in front of their carriage, effectively blocking their path, they had some animalistic features such as long claws and fangs.

  "Grr, you're trespassing in our territory!" the man in front opened up, he had wavy dark blue hair with white streaks running across it… He was clearly a respected individual as the other four men looked at him admirably.

  "We don't mean any harm, we are looking for the fox-kin tribe" Caesar replied courteously, he didn't want to anger these men for no reason.

  "The fox-kin territory, huh? What do you want to do once you find it?" asked the man dangerously, the nails on his hands suddenly extended, and he radiated a large amount of killing intent.

  Suddenly, Edward, that was to the right of Caesar, jumped down and walked towards the man with a wide smile.

  "It's me Uncle Khan" Edward spoke nostalgically.

  Khan squinted his eyes, "who the hell are you? And how do you know my name?" he asked suspiciously.

  "Y-you don't remember your own nephew?" Edward asked with a crestfallen expression.

  "I refuse to believe my strong and manly blood runs through your veins. You look so puny after all," Khan said after contemplating for a moment.

  The light in Caesar's eyes slowly dimmed as he witnessed this scene, 'I kind of understand why the people in this clan are losing the war' he inwardly cursed his bad luck.

  The carriage door slowly opened, and Renee walked out. Her imposing aura, which she didn't show around Caesar, was in full display.

  "Stop messing around, you fools. I have returned." Renee spoke in a domineering tone.

  The four fox-kin behind Khan immediately kneeled down respectfully… While Khan just looked at Renee with a smile.

  "Welcome back. Your grandfather missed you, dearly!" Khan said with a hearty laugh and patted Edward on the back.

  "Who would've thought the Empress was being guarded by such a failure,
haha!" Khan asked the four men behind him and laughed once again.

  A small tear fell from Edward's eyes as he got heavily patted on the back by Khan.

  Renee smiled widely, "I'm glad my grandfather seems to be doing well, how is the clan faring against those damned trolls?" Renee changed the subject, and the merry atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

  "Our hunting teams keep getting ambushed, and the people are starving!! Those damn cowardly trolls," Khan gnashed his teeth angrily.

  "Who's leading the tribe in my grandfather's absence?" Renee asked curiously.

  "Your uncle is…" Khan spoke sorrowfully.

  "My damned uncle will be the death of us…" Renee said, not concealing the ferocity in her voice.

  "Haha, well, enough talk about those depressing matters… Charlie is doing well and studying to become the strategist of the clan," Khan said with a wide smile.

  "Charlie…? Why is he doing that?" Renee asked curiously.

  "Haha, he's always talking about how he wants to become a man worthy of taking your hand in marriage," Khan said with a chuckle.

  "His efforts are in vain, I have already obtained an excellent strategist," Renee said while gesturing towards Caesar who was sitting on the carriage.

  Khan and the other four fox-kin shifted their attention to Caesar. They studied him for a few minutes before finally nodding in consent.

  "I trust the empresses' decision. Charlie's going to be sad, though," Khan spoke after thinking for a while.

  Caesar hopped off the carriage and walked towards Khan, although Caesar's muscles weren't bulging, his height easily towered over the mere 6 ft Khan.

  He put his right hand forward while a broad grin was plastered on his face… "it's a pleasure meeting you khan, I'll be sure to take good care of your tribe" he spoke courteously, however, his piercing red eyes that looked at Khan as if he was a pup told a different story.

  Khan didn't notice it earlier, but this man's presence was dangerous. A small bead of sweat fell from Khan's cheek before he reacted.

  "Haha, nice to meet you too…" Khan said while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

  He turned around and led them to their tribe's location, the four fox-kin that followed behind Khan whispered in his ear.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Why didn't you shake his hand?"

  Khan just shook his head with a wry smile, "I just instinctually didn't want to," he replied darkly.

  "What? How can that be possible?" one of the four men asked with a baffled expression.

  Caesar, who was slowly walking behind them, was even more confused. He didn't want to pressure Khan, but he felt as though the blood running through his veins demanded absolute obedience.

  "Interesting…" Caesar whispered to himself.


  Caesar decided to leave the carriage; for now, he doubted any animals would dare threaten the horses or their belongings with his scent all over it.

  Khan led Caesar and the rest through the vast forest, the trees and bushes were much more abundant here in comparison to the forests in Caesar's past life.

  Different kinds of species that Caesar had never seen before showed themselves as they walked, oversized apes, birds, and even insects.

  Caesar examined the different kinds of species with interest, in his past life, most animals evolved in the most efficient way possible. He was curious as to what made these creatures evolve to the way they currently are.

  "Hey, are you sure it's okay just following them?" a rough voice broke Caesar out of his contemplation, causing him to turn back.

  Joe, who was hiding his presence until now, was standing on his tippy toes with a slightly fearful expression.

  "Renee seems to trust them, so what's the problem?" Caesar asked casually without a pause in his movement.

  Joe used his short legs and struggled to keep up with Caesar, who walked with long strides. "Didn't you say there was a sp-" Joe's words were cut off by Caesar's hand on his mouth.

  "Gagadgadg," Joe grumbled out nonsense while his mouth was being blocked.

  Caesar leaned in towards Joe and put his mouth close to his ear, "keep it down… the fox-kin have great hearing, smell, and sight," Caesar whispered in a grave tone.

  Joe repeatedly nodded his head in understanding. Seeing this, Caesar let go of Joe's mouth and continued on his way.

  After they continued walking for another 10 minutes, Khan and the four men ahead of Caesar started to gradually slow down… They walked through a thick vine bush and pushed the leaves away.

  Caesar naturally followed behind them, after pushing the leaves away, a large gate presented itself in front of him.

  The gate was wooden. However, it seemed exceptionally thick, which was a strength in its own right. Standing on top of the gate were a few guards, presumably lookouts.

  Renee turned around and flashed a bright smile at Caesar…

  "Welcome to my tribe," she said happily.

  "Thank you for having me," Caesar replied with a small grin on his lips.

  "Alright, alright, enough flirting… let's get a move on!" Khan interrupted and urged them to move through the currently open gates.

  Caesar nodded his head in acceptance and started striding forward. While walking towards the gate, he didn't forget to study their surroundings.

  The trees in a 10-meter radius from their stronghold were all cut down. This gave them immunity to a night raid.

  'It would appear that not everyone in this clan is incompetent,' Caesar thought inwardly as he passed through the large gates.

  Inside of the stronghold, Caesar had expected a large number of wooden houses, but, contrary to his expectations, there were many different tents put up all over the place.

  Caesar shifted his attention to the large building in the middle. It looked similar to a Japanese mansion in his past life. Elegant looking wooden houses surrounded the palace, further adding to the contrast between the commoners and the nobles.

  Khan led Caesar and the rest through the middle of the tents. Many different malnourished looking fox-kin looked at them curiously as they passed by… young and old alike.

  "I-Is the empress back?" a younger child asked his mother excitedly.

  "Hope has arrived, we have not been forsaken yet!" the mother cried tears of joy and covered her mouth with her right hand.

  "What? The empress is back?"

  "The empress!?!?"

  Many different forms of cheers and roars echoed throughout the stronghold. Caesar couldn't help but feel impressed at this scene.

  'It's quite rare for nobility to be loved by their citizens so strongly,' Caesar quietly thought to himself as he observed the civilians.

  "Who is that gorgeous looking man?" one of the fox-kin ladies asked in a hushed tone.

  "Do you remember what the empress's main goal for leaving was? It's probably the strategist," another fox-kin lady replied.

  "Ahh," Realization appeared on the young fox-kin ladies' face.

  They soon passed by the chattering people and approached the Japanese mansion located in the middle. Khan led them towards another decently sized gate.

  "HALT, STATE YOUR BUSINESS!" An immature, yet, a loud roar rang in their ears as they got closer.

  Khan took something out of his pockets and rose it above his head… "I am Khan, the leader of the 8th clan, and I bring urgent news. The empress is back!" Khan said deeply.

  Silence ensued after Khan's words. A few seconds later, the gate slowly started to open, and a young face appeared in their line of sight.

  "I-Is Renee really back?" asked the young man tenderly.

  Renee stepped forward and smiled sincerely, "I'm back Charlie, I heard of your recent endeavors!" she said with her arms spread wide.

  Charlie smiled excitedly and walked towards her, upon reaching her, he hugged her in a civil matter.

  "I'm so glad you're back!" he parted ways from her and spoke in a relieved tone.

good to be back!" Renee replied and pulled Caesar closer to her.

  "This is the strategist that I brought back" Renee gestured towards Caesar and introduced him.

  Charlie carefully studied Caesar's handsome face and delicate features. He frowned for a split second but soon covered it up with a wide smile.

  While still smiling broadly, he put his hand forward, offering a handshake to Caesar.

  Caesar grabbed Charlie's hand and shook it, he leaned forward and brought his mouth close to Charlie's ear.

  "You're fake," he whispered icily.


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