Alex: Beauty and The Greek (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 5)

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Alex: Beauty and The Greek (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 5) Page 8

by T. C. Clark

Last night after she’d gone back to her room, she’d really thought about what she wanted. She did feel guilty; sex wasn’t a weapon that should be used and he was right, she’d recognized that he wanted her and tried to exploit it. If he had done the same thing to her she would be furious.

  She didn’t know what to do next. He wouldn’t take her home and she didn’t want him to get hurt by staying with her.

  After she’d cleaned up, she changed her clothes and went to wait on the porch. They walked quietly in peaceful silence. She never knew how beautiful mountains could be and after being cooped up in her apartment for the last few months, it felt like heaven.

  “What really made you want to become a psychiatrist? I know you told me before but I think there’s more to the story,” he asked after a mile of walking.

  She looked at him and smiled. He was a beautiful man. His dark brown hair lifted gently in the breeze. This was the first time she’d seen him in something other than a suit. He looked sexy as hell, especially with his signature glasses.

  “I had an aunt with a mental disability,” she explained. “It really destroyed her life and the life of my cousin. I remember when I was younger I used to wish there was someone who could help her. But the times were different and mental illness in the African American community wasn’t something that was talked about. When she died I made a promise to my cousin that when I was older I would help people like my aunt. I meant it, too.”

  “What happened to your cousin?” Alex asked.

  “She joined the military when she was eighteen and went away for a while. She was so smart, like genius smart. She got through it but it was rough,” she said, looking at the clouds. She shivered from the strong winds.

  “And what made you start working with the Chicago PD?” He slipped off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders.

  “My ex-husband used to be a cop there. One day he was talking about a dead end case and I made him a profile of the killer. It helped and they asked me to come on as a consultant. What’s the real story behind you becoming a lawyer?”

  “When I was younger I had a rough childhood. I was lucky because my brother stepped up and sacrificed his to keep us together. During that time I remember feeling helpless and afraid all the time. One day I was watching something on television and I saw a lawyer arguing a case and everyone listened to him. He wasn’t afraid; he was determined. I had to have been seven years old but something clicked in my head. I knew then that I wanted to be the one in charge, always having my voice heard. Once I decided, that was it. People make things seem hard, but anything you want is simple as long as you make the decision to go for it.”

  He stopped and turned to her.

  A hundred thoughts were racing through her mind. What if Josh found her? Did she want her last days with Alex to be filled with angst and fear? He’d already told her he wouldn’t leave even if they didn’t work out as a couple. She tried to imagine him as a kid. This big, strong man afraid of what was happening in his life.

  She threw caution to the wind and kissed him. Her tongue slipped into his mouth with ease. His hands roamed her body as he took over the kiss.

  For a second she forgot where they were. The only thing that mattered was them. She moaned when one of his hands reached down and grabbed her ass. She nipped at his lip as he pulled his head back.

  “No,” he rasped, holding her close to his body.


  “You have to know that you want this.” He released her and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

  “What do you want from me, Alex? You still want me to beg or something?” she asked angrily.

  “No. I need you to know the difference. I’m not the knight in shining armor in your tale. If we start this, Tara, that’s it. I need you to understand what’s happening. After everything is said and done, I’m not just going to let you go.”


  “No, Tara. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else. You once told me that you loved my focus and drive. This is me. I don’t half-ass things. Either we are or we aren’t. Whatever is between us is too strong to mess with.”

  She didn’t know what to say after that, so she kept quiet. They finished their walk in silence. When they got back to the cabin. Alex had a missed call from Leslie. He listened to it and let out an exasperated sigh before handing the phone to Tara.

  “Just so you know I told Leslie about the Housewives of Chicago show you watch as a guilty pleasure.”

  She frowned, not sure why that mattered. As she listened to the fast speaking woman, her frown morphed into a wide smile when she realized what Leslie was saying. First she introduced herself as Alex’s keeper, and then she went on to tell her everything that had happened on the latest episode of the Housewives of Chicago. Leslie left no detail out and ended with her own views of the women on the show. His assistant knew there was no internet or cable out at the cabin, so she was trying to give her some form of entertainment. After Tara hung up, she decided she really liked that woman.

  Only two people had the phone number to the secured cell phone at the cabin. Maks and Leslie. Maks was back at Alex’s office keeping an eye on her and making sure she was safe. How was this real life now?

  Her eyes watered as she thought about all the shit that had happened over the last few months. She shook her head to clear the sad thoughts gathering there. She was lucky she was still alive and that God had given her a chance to live. She needed to appreciate what she had in front of her.

  Alex walked in holding a box of checkers and set up a place at the table. She wondered how long it would take before she broke. She wanted him. He didn’t understand. He thought she was just holding back because she was afraid. But that wasn’t it. She wanted to protect him.

  She knew what was coming. She couldn’t hide forever, and if they didn’t catch Josh eventually she would go back home and he would find her. Alex was a good man and every night they spent together brought them closer. How would he react when she was gone? No, she needed to put space between them, if only to protect him from the inevitable heartbreak.

  “What would you do if I died?” Tara said as she grabbed two glasses from the cabinet.

  “What are you talking about?” Alex asked. He stopped setting up the checkerboard and looked at her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

  “I know how these cases go, Alex. I worked them before. If they don’t catch Josh he’s going to come for me, and don’t get me wrong, I plan using my gun to protect myself. But he killed Dan, who is twice my size and a police officer. There’s a good chance that he will kill me too and I don’t want you hurt because of me.”

  Alex walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. He held her close. She smiled as his body reacted to hers almost automatically. They both had it bad.

  “You think I’m weak,” he announced with a scowl on his face.

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” she snapped. Why was he being so stupid about this?

  “Then don’t treat me like that. First off, you are not alone. He will have to go through me to get to you. Even if you don’t want to admit it you belong with me and I protect what’s mine. Don’t use Josh as an excuse. I get that he’s had months to terrorize you, but be stronger than him. If you close yourself off now he wins. When you’re ready I’ll be here…I’ll always be here,” he said.


  “You have feelings for me,” he stated. His eyes dared her to say otherwise.

  She knew better; she could still taste him on her lips and she was already too close to falling in love with him. They’d only known each other for a little while. It had taken her a year to realize she had never truly loved her ex-husband.

  “And I have them for you,” he whispered. “After spending so much time together I know that both of us are a lot alike. We are the responsible ones. We get shit done. We trust our instincts and they brought us to this place. I’m not an emotional man, but I do trust in what I’m
feeling. This means you are it for me and in turn I’m it for you. So whatever you think you’re protecting me from has already happened. You are already mine.” He tilted her chin and took her mouth gently. When it was over he looked at her for a minute, as if trying to figure out what to say next.

  Reluctantly, he released her and guided her back to the table. He started the game and just like that the conversation was over. After dinner she went up to read in her bedroom. She could hear the water running in the bathroom.

  She replayed his words in her mind over and over. He was right. She had trusted her instincts when it came to her career and it had taken her to the top. So what if she died? So fucking what? She wanted him… no, she loved him. She sat down on her bed as her brain finally caught up to her heart.

  She was in love with Alex and had been for a while. She’d never been a believer of instant love but she was sure she could trace her feelings back to that first night. She was equally sure it was what he was feeling, which was why she’d hurt him when she’d tried to manipulate him with it. There was a good chance she would die but there was also a good chance he might too for helping her, and still he’d chosen to stay.

  She relaxed as she made her decision.


  The time for running is over...

  For the third time tonight, Alex wondered if he had pushed too hard. He lacked finesse. He was the type of man who knew what he wanted and went after it. Some people often described him as a human bulldozer.

  He wanted Tara to know where he stood. He didn’t know exactly how to explain what he felt, but he knew it was there. He wanted Tara in a way that went past her beauty and boy she was beautiful. His hand worked over his cock as he thought of all the things they’d done just a few nights before. He grimaced when he felt the familiar tightening of his balls. It wasn’t enough, but it would have to do for now.

  He tensed when he heard the door to the bathroom open. He could see her through the glass. She removed her towel slowly. Her brown skin started to glisten immediately from the steam. Had she come to call his bluff? He was too hard and in too much agony to stop her.

  He needed to be inside of her now.

  She opened the stall door and put one hand in to test the water. His breath quickened when she stepped inside. Damn, she was sexy. The water cascaded over both of them and she put her hands on his chest and let them slide down his body.

  He stood still, unwilling to break the spell between them. Every instinct he had screamed at him to take her now. He needed to remind her of what existed here. But he forced his hands to remain at his side. He hoped she had the words, there was no way he could turn her away again.

  “You were right,” she whispered, going up on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck. She peppered kisses on his chest. His cock burned hard and strong as it pressed into her soft belly.

  “I’m falling for you and I’m not going to pretend otherwise. This scares me. You scare me. But I can’t lie about it anymore. I’m officially saying yes to whatever this.” She said the words he craved as she kissed her way down his chest. He tensed as she dropped to her knees.

  She licked the swollen mushroom tip slowly, causing his cock to jump. His hands tangled in her hair as she took him into her mouth. She sucked so hard that he rocked into her mouth with a groan.

  “Tara,” he said as she pulled him deeper. She moved slowly, unable to take too much inside, he was too long for that. She savored him. When he could stand it no longer, he tugged her up.

  Alex picked her up, and leaned her back against the wall. He kissed her roughly, taking every whimper as his right. He needed to slow down to give her time to catch up. His brain tried to send those signals down to his cock, but nothing seemed to work.

  His hand roamed her body and he slipped one finger inside of her to see if she was wet enough to take him. It slipped inside easily. She writhed against him.

  “Are you ready for me?” he whispered against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

  He didn’t wait for a response; he just lifted her and with one smooth thrust he embedded himself inside her. He stilled as Tara gasped, and waited for her to adjust to his size. He gritted his teeth as he fought for self control. Her muscles tightened around him and he was lost. He surged into her again and again.

  His thrusts became short and brutal, each one stronger than the last. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself up to him. They both moved against each other, seeking relief from the pressure. His cock swelled as he felt her small contractions start. She started to come.

  Her body milked his roughly. She was so tight around him that he had to force his way through her swollen walls.

  “Alex?” she said when he slowed his pace but didn’t stop. He lifted her higher and adjusted his angle and she gasped when he went deeper than before.

  She reacted by grabbing at his neck tightly as her body once again started to move helplessly under his. His hands were so tight on her hips that he knew there would be bruises but he couldn’t release her.

  His hips drove into hers, each thrust stronger than the last. His body howled for release. She screamed when she came. He roared his release as he emptied himself inside of her.

  His legs shook but he held her in place until the explosion was over. They were both breathing hard. The warm water still flowed over them, all but forgotten because of the fire they’d created.

  Reluctantly, Alex let her slide down his body. He didn’t let her go. He merely reached around her and grabbed the soap. She was quiet as he washed them both.

  He guided them out of the shower and into the bedroom. Her eyes were sleepy as he dried them off. Once they were in bed and snuggled under the quilted comforter, he pulled her into his arms.

  “Alex…” she began.

  “Let’s talk in the morning. All that matters is you said yes. For now you need your rest. I plan on keeping you busy all night long. We have some making up to do,” he whispered back, kissing the top of her head.

  She started to say more but fell silent when he moved over her. She didn’t know how good they would be together, but he did. He smiled into the darkness as she wrapped her body around him.

  * * *

  Tara hummed as she chopped onions for the salad. The last few days with Alex had been amazing. She couldn’t explain it, they just worked. They’d fallen into a routine. He cooked the meals, she cleaned the dishes, they read some books, had hot sex, and then repeated the process.

  She was still worried about the future, but she’d resigned herself to enjoying these few moments with him. She’d checked on her family through Leslie and although they were ready for her to come home, they were safe. Josh had gone quiet after they’d disappeared.

  Quiet times like these were what she enjoyed the most. They had already talked about everything from their personal philosophies to their future goals. She was surprised that he wanted to be a judge and he’d been wowed when she told him about the book she’d just finished writing. The only time she was scared was when they received a new message from Leslie or Maks.

  When Alex walked up with a grim look on his face, she knew their time was up. “Leslie called,” he said. “There’s been some issues at work, someone hacked into our computers and transferred some money out. Our security team stopped it quickly, but they need me to come in to verify the numbers. I have to go now, the police involved.”

  “This has to be Josh,” Tara said as he replayed the message.

  “I don’t know, but they need me there to take a look at the damage. Also Nisha called there was a break in at your practice. Apparently some of your personal items were taken and he left a cryptic letter that the police want you to see.”

  “They want me to come back,” she said, surprised by that information.

  “Yes, between their case and Ben’s investigation they think they may have located him. They are setting up a sting operation now to trap him in one of his hideouts,” he explained. “Even with
all of that going on, I still want you to stay here until they have him in custody. I called Maks and he is going to come up here and take my place while I’m gone. Ben is pretty sure they’ve got him this time but I don’t want to take any chances.” Alex started packing up a bag.

  “You’re not leaving me here to face all that alone. This all started with me. He’s already killed one person; I won’t let you be the next.”

  “Tara…” he warned.

  “Nothing you say will change my mind,” she said forcefully. “I’m going with you. I’ll stay with you if that will make you feel better, but I’m going back.”

  He turned to her with an expression on his face fierce enough to scare most men. But she refused to back down. If he thought he could stop her, he had another thing coming. He was worth fighting for.

  Alex sat in the company car, still furious that he’d allowed himself to be talked into this. Tara sat next to him, holding his hand, with a serene expression on her beautiful face. Earlier on the plane she’d reminded him that they were allowed to argue in the morning but after 2pm the fight would be postponed until the next day. He’d thought she was joking but at 2 o’clock sharp she’d walked over to his seat, sat on his lap, and given him a kiss. Under her gentle lips his anger had dissolved easily.

  He shook his head. He was weak were she was concerned. He looked over at her. Her thick black hair was pulled back into a bun. As always, she looked completely put together. They’d only had a few hours to pack their things before the company jet arrived.

  She paled when they got to his office. Although her expression remained serene, her hands were shaking with nervousness. He squeezed them gently and pulled her inside. He’d had Leslie clear the place.

  Maks met them at the elevator. Alex grabbed him and hugged him tight. He had to look up to meet his eyes. They always said Maks was mountain strong; he’d spent most of his adult life roaming the world looking for his muse.


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