His Unexpected Twins

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His Unexpected Twins Page 13

by Carrie Nichols

  Sighing, she fluffed the pillow out. “What do you think this place is gonna be like once we have a baby?”

  “Why do you think I suggested moving into my upstairs apartment?” He regretted the words as soon as they found air. Pressing his point right now was counterproductive.

  “Give it a rest, Liam.” Ellie smoothed out a blanket over the sheet and arranged the pillow at one end of the sofa. “Well, good night. I hope you get a good night’s sleep.”

  “So you’re not going to take pity on me?” he called to her retreating back.

  “That puppy-dog face of yours won’t get you anywhere, McBride.”

  “Hey, you weren’t even looking.”

  * * *

  After she had shut the bedroom door, Liam stripped down to his boxer briefs and got between the covers on the sofa.

  A short time later, he jackknifed into a sitting position and glanced around. He sat and listened to see what had awakened him up from a sound sleep. He was accustomed to sleeping around a dozen other guys during shifts at the fire station, so noises in the night didn’t usually bother him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Ellie as she came down the short hall from her bedroom.

  She nodded. “I got up to use the bathroom and decided to get a drink of water. I’m sorry if I woke you, but I’m not used to having someone here with me.”

  “It’s okay. I just wanted to be sure you weren’t sick again.” And he wanted to say stuff, but he wasn’t even sure what it was he wanted to say, let alone how to say it. And, man, wasn’t that messed up?

  She shook her head. “No. That’s mostly in the mornings but that’s not hard and fast.”

  He nodded. “That’s good.”

  “Glad you think so.” Her tone was dry.

  Aw, man, could he not catch a break? “I didn’t mean... I only meant—”

  “You’re making this way too easy.” She thumped him on the shoulder and grinned.

  “And yet you keep doing it,” he grumbled, and rubbed his shoulder, but his actions were for effect. She wasn’t angry and he was grateful. He certainly hadn’t meant to piss her off. “I’m trying to be supportive.”

  “And I appreciate it, but you don’t need to hover.”

  “I don’t hover.” And even if he did, who could blame him? Ellie was pregnant with his child. He was doing his best to hold it all together and not let his panic show.

  “Well...good night. And sorry for waking you.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  She went back into the bedroom and he sank down on the couch and punched the pillow. He had just stretched out when a noise had him opening his eyes. Ellie was standing next to the couch.

  He sat up. “What’s the matter?”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. “Umm...that couch isn’t very comfortable.”

  “I’ve had worse.”

  She reached out her hand toward him and he grabbed it. Still unsure of what was happening, he frowned. “Ellie?”

  “I don’t want to send the wrong signal but...” She tugged on his hand. She waved her free hand toward the bedroom. “We can share, right? I’m talking platonic.”

  Relief swept through him as he grabbed his pillow with his free hand and let her lead him to the bedroom. Spending the night in the same bed with Ellie, even in a platonic sense, was important. He couldn’t pinpoint why. Too much had happened today to make sense of the jumble of emotions. He just knew he wanted to be as close as possible to her.

  * * *

  Ellie’s first thought upon awakening was Liam. She lay in his arms and it wasn’t a dream. Oh, yeah, she’d invited him to sleep in the bed. At the time she’d fallen asleep he’d been way over on his side of the bed and she on hers. Now they were huddled together in the middle as if their bodies had taken over while they slept.

  Sighing, she burrowed closer, intent on enjoying the moment. This time of year, the mornings could be cool, so waking to warmth was unusual.

  “Ellie?” he murmured near her ear.

  “Mmm?” She huddled closer.

  He cleared his throat. “Could you not do that?”

  She moved again, shimmying closer, then scolding herself. What was she doing? She shouldn’t tease unless she intended to follow through. Maybe sex wouldn’t be a total disaster. After all, she couldn’t get pregnant again. She shifted.

  “Yeah, that,” he groaned, his voice tight.

  “Sorry.” She scooted away and turned to face him. Did she want to do this? “Truly, I am sorry. That wasn’t nice.”

  “Not unless you plan to—” His cell phone rang before he could finish. He heaved an exasperated sigh. “That’s my dad’s ringtone.”

  Ellie was already scooting to the other side of the bed. Interrupted or saved? She couldn’t decide. “Then you’d better get it.”

  “Wait.” Liam stopped her retreat to the other side of the bed with a hand on her arm.

  She turned back to face him and he gave her a quick kiss. The mattress bounced a little as he got up. She got a good look at his broad back and fine butt encased in black cotton boxer briefs as he hurried into the living area.

  Grabbing her robe and pulling it on, she followed him into the other room.

  “Hey, Dad. What’s up?” He listened and winced. “I should have known this would happen. We had planned to tell you when you got back. So we could do it in person.”

  Ellie couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation but she imagined Mac being more hurt than angry if he’d heard the news from someone else.

  Liam rolled his eyes when their gazes met and she smiled.

  “Yeah, you did and I was but—” Liam nodded. “I will and yes, I was with her when we told her parents. Thanks. Talk to you soon.”

  He placed the phone back on the counter. Blowing out his breath, he rubbed a hand over his face.

  “I take it your dad found out?”

  He nodded and rubbed a hand across his face.


  “Fiona. Dad said at first he thought she was talking about Meg’s pregnancy but Fiona clarified before Meg could get the phone away from her.”

  “Was he angry?” She felt bad that Mac had found out through someone else, but at least it was a family member.

  Liam rubbed the back of his neck. “Not about us not telling him. He understood the situation with them being out of town.”

  Yeah, Mac was a pretty reasonable guy. “Let me guess, he doesn’t understand the friends-having-a-baby part.”

  Liam stabbed a finger in the air. “That would be the one.”

  She put her arms around his waist and gave him a loose hug. “Once the baby is here, he’ll be thrilled.”

  “Yeah, I could hear Doris in the background saying congratulations.” He hooked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer and kissing the top of her head.

  His phone rang again. He dropped his arm and stepped away. “And that’ll be my sister.”

  He picked up the phone and pointed the screen at her. “Told ya.”

  “Uh-oh.” Ellie laughed.

  Liam swiped his thumb and answered. “Well, if it isn’t my blabbermouth sister.”

  Ellie was close enough to hear Meg apologizing on the other end.

  “When has Fiona ever been able to keep a secret? She takes after someone else I know.” He quirked a smile. “Yeah, you. As I’ve said before, it’s like growing up with you all over again.”

  While he was talking with Meg, she pulled out ingredients to make breakfast. Most mornings she ate cereal but the thought didn’t appeal, and since Liam was here, she decided on scrambled eggs and sausages.

  Liam set his phone back down. “Do I have time for a quick shower before breakfast?”


  After breakfast, he helped her clean up the kitchen.

  “I noticed your tire pressure light was on so I thought I’d take your car to get some air in the tires and fill you up your gas tank.”

  “Okay.” She found her purse and pulled out her wallet to reimburse him.

  “Ellie.” He shook his head. “Put that away.”


  “No buts.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “We’re in this together.”

  Ellie stayed home to catch up on some studying for an upcoming exam. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to finish her degree requirements in time for her plans for getting a job at the proposed assisted living and nursing facility, but she still needed to keep up with the classes she was taking.

  The money she’d been spending on school might be better spent on a bigger apartment. This one would be crowded with a baby. There’s always Liam’s offer of one of his rentals, an inner voice reminded her.

  She frowned and rubbed her stomach, sending a silent apology to the new life growing inside. Was being stubborn going to mean her baby would ultimately suffer for her decisions? Or would getting involved with someone who coped with emotions by pulling away and burying himself in work be worse?

  The apartment door opened and she slammed her book shut, realizing she hadn’t really studied. “That took a while.”

  Liam closed the door behind him. “I got your oil changed, too.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Ogle insisted. Said it was time.” Liam shrugged. “Who am I to argue?”

  “Well, if Ogle wanted to do it.”

  “He’s got some kid working for him that he said needed the experience.”

  “A kid? You and Ogle let a kid change my oil?” She frowned. Her tone carried a bit of annoyance, but she was touched by his actions on her behalf. It was the type of thing her dad did for her mom, even after the breakdown of their relationship; she suspected Mac had done it for Liam’s mom and now for Doris. Ellie realized it was nice to have someone who had your back.

  “Yeah, Kevin says hi.” Liam chuckled and held up his hands in a self-protection stance.

  She made a moue with her lips. “You shouldn’t tease me when I’m hungry.”

  “Oh, no, do I have a hangry diva on my hands?” He put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed.

  “Yes, you do. I slathered peanut butter on a banana for lunch, but it’s worn off.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m taking you out for...” Liam said and grinned. “An early supper.”

  “You are?” Her heart skipped a beat. As in a date? Here they were, having a baby and never actually been on a real date. That strange quasi-date at Hennen’s when they’d run into Mike and Colton didn’t count.

  “I’m here, so we may as well hang out together.”

  Oh, but she yearned for more than hanging out. She wanted them to be a couple—a family—a real family. Maybe she should come right out and tell him what she wanted. How could you get something if you didn’t ask for it? “Liam, I—”

  “Maybe if we’d gone out more, we might not be in this situation,” he interrupted.

  Maybe now wasn’t the time for confessions. She managed a little laugh. “You think?”

  His blue eyes twinkled as he regarded her. “Nah, not really. I think it’s payback from the universe for all the comments I make about Meg and Riley.”

  “I think it was a little more than that.”

  “Really?” He raised his eyebrows. “Maybe you need to show me...just so I’ll know better in the future.”

  “Nice try, but you promised to take me out to supper and I’m starving.” Not that she didn’t want to explore that chemistry again, but hunger took precedence.

  He sighed. “If I feed you, maybe we can revisit this discussion?”

  She tilted her head from side to side as if sizing him up. “Perhaps.”

  “There’s nothing more appealing than a decisive woman.” He draped an arm around her shoulders and laughed. “So, when you’re not tossing your cookies, you’re hungry. Have I got that right?”

  “It’s not funny. Sometimes I feel as though I’m all over the map. One minute happy, the next crying. And food I used to love makes me sick just to think about it.”

  “I hate to disagree...especially with a pregnant woman but...” He gently rubbed his knuckles across the top of her head. “It’s a bit funny from where I’m standing, but I will take you out to eat.”

  “Ha, you weren’t exactly Mr. Calm-and-Collected when I was losing it in your bathroom.”

  He sighed. “You had me scared to death.”

  She knew he was probably thinking of his mother, so she didn’t tease. “Sorry.”

  He gave her a smile that melted her heart. “Let’s get some food in you before you become unbearable.”

  Scooting out from under his arm—even though it felt heavenly—she said, “Sounds like a plan.”

  He reached behind him and scooped up her car keys from the kitchen counter. “Ready?”

  “You’re driving?”

  He jangled her keys and tilted his head. “No?”

  “Fine, but quit messing with the presets on my radio.”

  “If you had decent music, I wouldn’t be forced to listen to the radio.” He shook his head, looking at her as if he pitied her.

  She pushed him toward the door. “We won’t listen to anything then. I’ll serenade you.”

  “Oh, good Lord.” He stopped dead in his tracks.

  She plowed into him and swatted his freaking broad shoulders. “Hey!”

  He chuckled and captured her hand and threaded his fingers through hers. “C’mon, let’s go.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Ellie hummed to herself the next morning as she pulled out a carton of eggs from the refrigerator. Liam had gotten out of bed and brought her saltine crackers to settle her stomach before jumping into the shower.

  Having breakfast ready for him was a good way to repay the favor. She was dicing peppers and onions when her cell phone rang. She wiped her hands on the kitchen towel hanging over the oven handle before answering.

  “Ellie, so glad I caught you.” Meg sounded a little breathless.

  “What’s up?” Ellie frowned.

  “I really hate to bother you on your day off, but do you think you could watch James for a couple hours today? Riley got called in to work and I’d already promised to help chaperone Fiona’s class trip to the pumpkin patch.”

  “Sure.” Ellie glanced at the clock on the stove. “Do I have time to shower and get dressed?”

  “Of course. Thanks, I really appreciate this.”

  “No problem. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Liam appeared in the in the living area, his jeans unbuttoned and riding low on his hips, the band from his boxer briefs visible. He was shirtless, a towel thrown over his shoulder. “Did you get called in to work or something?”

  “No. That was Meg. She asked if I could help her out.” She swallowed as her gaze took in his gloriously bare chest, remembering how those muscles reacted to her touch.

  “What does Meg need help with?”

  Of course if he was on one of those calendars, then all women would be drooling over the six-pack abs and the dusting of hair that formed a V and disappeared under the waistband of his jeans. His dark hair was more disheveled than normal.

  “Ellie? My sister?”

  She forced her gaze upward and her thoughts on the conversation, but it wasn’t easy. Liam wasn’t muscle-bound like a weight lifter, but he was fit. Oh, boy, was he ever.

  Clearing her throat, she explained, “Meg asked if I could watch James while she helps chaperone Fiona’s class trip to the pumpkin patch.”

  He tossed the towel over the back of the chair and picked up a gray waffle-weave henley draped over the back of the couch.
“What time does she need you?”

  “As soon as I shower and dress.” She checked her watch.

  “Do you want some breakfast before we head over?” he said and pulled the shirt over his head.

  Her heart rate kicked up. “Oh, you’re coming with me?”

  “Is that okay with you?” He grabbed his sneakers and sat on the sofa.

  “Sure. I had already started on breakfast but I’d better jump in the shower instead.”

  He stuffed his feet into his sneakers. “What were you making?”

  “The ingredients for omelets are on the counter.”

  He finished tying his laces and came to stand next to her. “Go get in the shower. I can handle omelets.”

  * * *

  Liam drank a quick cup of coffee while Ellie was in the shower and rinsed the cup in the sink. He finished chopping the peppers and onions and set about making omelets. He was putting the plates on the breakfast bar when she came back from her shower. They ate quickly and Liam stacked the plates in the sink before they left.

  Meg met them at the door, holding James on her hip, the dog at her side. The baby had a piece of a banana clutched in his fist. “Ooh, two for the price of one.”

  Liam bumped shoulders with Ellie. “You didn’t say you were getting paid. Trying to get out of sharing with me?”

  Meg led them through the small original living room into the new, expansive family room with large windows and patio doors looking into the woods at the back of the house. They didn’t have a deck or patio yet, but Riley hoped to put one in soon.

  “Yeah, good luck getting to those snickerdoodles before me,” Ellie said, and smiled at James and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. “Hello there, little man.”

  He waved the banana around and showed her a toothy grin. The dog, an Aussiedoodle with reddish-brown curls, whined, his intent gaze on the fruit.

  Meg wiped a piece of banana off his cheek. “He was just finishing his morning snack. I haven’t had a chance to get him washed yet.”

  The baby thrust the smashed banana toward Liam. “Meem.”


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