Karma of Kalpana

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Karma of Kalpana Page 10

by T. L Smith

  Carl ignored the pain and leveled the weapon to Huracid’s chest. “I warned you that I’d kill you if this was a trick.” He saw the beam hit the giant in the stomach, before Huracid slammed him into the wall.

  He heard a scream echoing as everything went black.

  * * * * *

  Carl’s head ached as light crept into his brain. When he tried to move, his lower body refused to respond. He couldn’t feel the humming from the implanted power supply and panic woke him completely. If the network was damaged... No, he was still breathing.

  Reassured, he twisted around in the bunk, finding the ports installed on the back wall. The magnets audibly clicked together with the connectors implanted along his spine. Melding metal to skin. He’d be unable to move until the processor recharged his internal power supply. Calmer, he started to recall what happened.

  Huracid took Kali and the EH soldiers hostage. Using the weapon he’d taken from Adkins’ soldier, he fired on Huracid. He remembered a scream of pain. The scream replayed in his ears now, louder, clearer. Very clear. Carl realized the scream couldn’t have come from Huracid. “Kali!” He tried to sit up, but couldn’t. Not yet. “No, God no. Computer, give me status on Kali.”

  “The captain is resting in her quarters.”

  Relief washed through Carl. He rubbed at his face. First his chin, then his cheeks, rough, unshaven. “Computer, how long have I been unconscious?”

  “Sir, you have been in a medically induced sleep for six days.”

  “Connect me with the captain.”

  “Request denied.”

  “Over-ride privacy, emergency request!”

  “Request denied.”

  “What? He stopped. There was no arguing with a computer and he couldn’t do anything until the recharger was done with him. The lower half of his body was coming back to life. Muscles twitched and his skin itched. Blood had continued to flow while he was unconscious, but now he could feel it coursing through his veins. He waited and the millisecond the magnets released him, went for his cabin door. Locked. “Really? Computer. Unlock the damned door.”

  “Request denied. You are ordered to confinement. Notice has been sent that you are awake. Please wait for response.”

  Carl ignored the suggestion and pounded on the door. “Let me out of here.” Each impact of his fist radiated up his arm, making his head hurt. A glance into the mirror next to his door showed a new scar along his hairline. His last memory was being slammed by Huracid.

  When the door finally opened, Carl faced a Regurak soldier. “I want to see Kalpana Ghiya.” The guard gestured with a hand weapon, but not towards Kali’s quarters. “I said I want to see the captain. Computer, translate.”

  The guard growled at the computer and jerked his weapon again in the opposite direction. “You are ordered to the dayroom, sir.”

  “Yeah, I see.” Carl complied with the demand. When he stepped into the room, it was vacant of everyone except the huge dark silhouette standing in the portal. Huracid. “What else can you want? I trusted you and you lied.” He looked around the room, Kali’s research was spread over the counter. “You’ve kept yourself busy prying.”

  “Have not lied, or pried.” Huracid turned away from the stars. “Kalpana offers information to understand why you instigated unnecessary violence.”

  “Me? Unnecessary?” Carl went to the counter and collected the printouts. “I’m sure I’m not the only one objecting to being held against their will. I want to see her. Now!”

  “Kalpana and the soldiers cooperate, as we await answers.” Huracid still refused to look directly at Carl. “You will not interfere. No one else will die.”

  “You killed someone and the IGF is cooperating?”

  “Huracid didn’t kill anyone.” Carl spun around to see Kali. “You did.”

  He took a step towards her, but she sidestepped him. “Kali?”


  I knew the look on Carl’s face. Hurt. Confused. Ready to deny the accusation. “I’m not delusional or deceived.” I crossed the dayroom, walking to stand beside Huracid.

  “You fired at point-blank, a full charge into Huracid’s armor. The blast shattered. Huracid tried to block the refraction, but he couldn’t stop it all. One of Adkins’ medics died instantly, but Huracid’s doctor… one of those that kept me alive long enough to reach the med-evac team… died an agonizing death when his suit was penetrated.”

  Carl stared at me. I could hear the sound of the high-pitched scream echoing in his head. “Yeah. Those were his screams, as our oxygen burned like acid into his lungs. While he suffered, you were feeling vengefully ecstatic.” It hurt me to say that. To him.

  “How do you know what… oh, the EH told you.”

  “No.” I turned to Huracid and he bowed to me. The giant stepped back to the portal, but remained watchful as I faced Carl again. I stared at him, eye to eye. My real eyes. No longer wearing the implants. Carl squirmed under my intentional glare. “I didn’t need anyone to tell me. Even unconscious I could feel the hatred flowing from you. You wanted to kill Huracid. I can still feel it.”

  Carl shook his head, then stopped. “I thought his actions would kill you. I blame him for all this, from the first day he set foot aboard our ship. He attacked us.”

  I could see the images flashing through his head. “And you got hurt. I was there. I remember far better than you do.”

  “If they’d just ignored us and went for the real criminals, none of this would have happened. That book would still be just a fairy tale.”

  “But it’s not a fairy tale. Our paths, yours, mine, Huracid’s and now the EH, were meant to intersect. Now they have.”

  Carl flung an arm towards Huracid. “Not if he hadn’t stopped us.”

  Huracid looked to me and I shook my head. I could feel his anger towards Carl was too elevated for this to be a civil conversation. “It wasn’t Huracid that brought us back to this place.” I focused on Carl again. “I wanted to run, but your… your ghost, brought us back to this place, because we’re all on a path, one we can’t divert from. You, out of everyone, should know that.”

  That instantly quelled Carl’s finger pointing.

  “The fates brought our paths together, but we decide our actions. You…” I shook my head as the sounds of death echoed in my head. “…I felt those people die. I sensed your thoughts. You were wrong and innocent people are dead.”

  Carl wanted to argue with me. I could feel it. That thing inside him stirred. I could see it more clearly now, and it saw me too. It opened itself further and those fateful moments started to replay in Carl’s conscious mind. This time with all the blanks filled in.

  I saw guilt flood over him, clenching tight around his heart. “Kali, I’m sorry. You were dying and the thought of it, of how we got here, all of it... I was out of my mind.”

  “I know you were, but two people are dead. If Huracid hadn’t reacted, I might be dead too. My path would have been cut off, by the one person meant to keep me on it.”

  Each of my words cut into the man and the thing inside his head. Morally Carl was in agony, while the thought of failure tore at the thing inside him. When Carl needed it most, it left its host open and exposed. It had left him… human.

  My anger melted as I saw a deeply wounded man in front of me.

  Swallowing a huge chunk of pride, Carl looked at Huracid. “I wanted them to take her away, to safety, to where she could be treated and saved. Away from whatever is waiting for us out there. I didn’t want anyone to be hurt.”

  “Except me.” Huracid spoke low. Anger saturated his voice. He left the portal, walking towards Carl. I could feel how badly Huracid wanted to snap Carl in two. But he didn’t. His voice did that for him. “We await the Elders. There will be no further violence, or justice will be swift and final.” Huracid left the dayroom.

  I watched Huracid go. Carl walked over to the portal, leaning on it, inside he was filled with anguish. After a few breaths, he looked out in
to space. He wasn’t surprised to see Ceris M. below. “Huracid brought us back here? Major Adkins let him?”

  “Adkins is in custody. Major Everett has been searching the planet. Evidence suggests the colonists have been gone for over a year. About the time we lost contact. I think we all chalked it up to faulty gear.” I felt somewhat guilty that we hadn’t attempted real contact back then, but they were already gone.

  “Have they found anything?”

  “Just fragments of the same energy signals Huracid was trailing. It’s suspected the same attackers struck here too.” I let out the bottled up anticipation of having to face Carl. A deeply carried sigh. “We need to finish talking about what happened. You have to face Everett too. He’s just as angry as Huracid. They want you held accountable. Punished.”

  “Huracid’s swift and final justice?” He really didn’t need an answer to that question. Carl turned to look at me. “Has he told you what they want? With you?”

  “They want me, just like in the story. But when Huracid met the EH he knew this included them too. Something is about to happen and it’s not just me sensing it now. As soon as the EH hit the colony, they felt it too. They’re on battle edge and tense. Huracid says the Elders will explain everything, when they get here.”

  “The Elders…” Carl’s inner-self stirred, but nothing came forth. I took a step closer to Carl. “I told Huracid to leave you alone and I’d cooperate, but I need to know whether you’re going to get crazy on us again.”

  Carl’s jaw dropped a bit, disappointed, hurt, ashamed. “What do I need to do?”

  I let my eyes close, putting my hand on his chest as my senses expanded. “Something happened, from the accident or maybe for a long time now, but my abilities are awake again, like never before. They’re magnified. But I’ve ignored them for so long, they’re unstable. Maj. Everett is teaching me to control them.”

  Immediately I felt dejection, and jealousy, that I turned to someone else. “I ran away from the IGF because I didn’t want to be a soldier, but I don’t have a choice anymore. He’s training me for whatever is coming, but it’s you I need.” I couldn’t help the tremble in my voice, opening my eyes to look straight into his.

  “I need someone who knows who I am, not who they want me to be.” I jerked my head towards the stars, looking out into them. “I can already feel myself changing as my powers take over. I need you to help me hold onto who I really am, or I’ll be lost.” As angry as everyone was at him, including me, I ached for the ages-long security his arms gave me.

  His arms closed around me, pulling me against his chest. Enveloped in them, I felt sanctuary return. I felt his heart. Guilt had torn holes in it, but it was still mine. “I’d fight Heaven and Hell—"

  “Don’t fight. Just be here.”

  He whispered softly in my ear. “Forever and always.”

  That was all I needed to hear or feel.

  I clung to him, despite the feelings from Regurak or EH. He was my sanctuary when the mental pressure threatened to tear me apart. He was my strength when it was time to face them again.

  I needed that strength as I worked with Everett to use my enhanced talents. The efforts left me exhausted and hypersensitive. Carl was there to pull me back to safety and soothe my frayed nerves.

  All other times he kept a low profile, knowing his presence was only barely tolerated. So when I returned from my daily, required brain scan, I was surprised he was with Everett. I stopped outside the room, willing them to not see or sense me.

  Everett collected our lunch plates. Today’s long hours of training left him worn out too and it showed on his face. “I finally get your actions, but it’s still a hard blow to all sides.”

  “All three sides.” Carl poured a glass of scotch, holding it out to Everett, as if a peace offering. “I didn’t understand what was happening then. I understand even less now. What’s happening to Kali? She’s… different.”

  “I can’t answer that for you. All I have is the last two weeks and her official records to go by. They indicated she rated high on the EH spectrum, but didn’t progress with training. Now I wonder if she wasn’t too sensitive and no one realized it. Her abilities are definitely escalating. She’s already stronger than any EH I’ve ever met.”

  “She anticipates what I’m about to say, even before I know what I’m going to say.” Carl made a grimacing hiss. “I worry she might push herself too far.”

  “Me to.”

  I’d sensed this from Everett, but he’d never said it to me.

  “You think she’s in danger.” Carl put the glass of scotch down, sliding it towards the major. “Do you know Huracid’s plans?” Everett didn’t answer. “Damn it, if Kali’s in danger I need to know. You’ve seen for yourself, I can overreact.”

  I knew that was Carl playing a bluff. It was hard not to let out a scoff, as I felt Everett thinking the same thing. But he didn’t call Carl on it. Instead Everett picked up the scotch and swirled the glass. I cringed at the sudden emotions rolling off the major.

  “If anyone knows what is going to happen, wouldn’t it be you? You’re the only one here who’s not who they seem. So, that makes… four sides in this equation.” He gulped down the drink.

  My heart shared the shudder I felt go through Carl’s. “If Kali and I are the same souls brought forward all these generations, she’s also more than simply human or EH.”

  Wait... Was he right? I’d never thought of it that way before. Maybe I wasn’t any more human than he was, or EH for that matter. Just as there was something inside him, maybe there was one inside me too. I melted against the wall, stunned by the revelation.

  “Hmmmm… Never considered that, or looked to see.” Everett poured a second glass of scotch. His seemed as stunned as I felt. “I don’t know anything about reincarnation, but her soul feels… old. That’s why I’ve accepted the concept so easily. Maybe that’s what makes her important.” He let out a sigh. “I wish Huracid knew more, so we weren’t just sitting here waiting for answers.”

  “Well, at least you’re not twiddling your thumbs.” There was Carl’s resentment at being put to the side. I’d felt it, but he never said it out loud. “I’ve seen how hard you work to get her powers under control. You firmly believe she’ll need them when this ‘duty’ is revealed.”

  “I do. ‘A race to bind, eyes clear in her duty.’ If EH talents weren’t important, she’d be human, not EH, or whatever.” Everett accepted the thought Carl had now planted in both our heads. “Her talents already exceed mine and she’s beginning to influence others. She reads people as clearly as we’re talking. She creates instant bonds with everyone, even Adkins.”

  Carl huffed. “That pompous ass?”

  “Yeah, well, she’s brought him in line, for the most part. So she’s living up to their prophecy. She just needs to fully control her abilities before these ‘Elders’ get here.”

  “I’ll do whatever you need to help.”

  Everett looked at Carl. “I need to start trusting you.”

  “You can. I swear.” Carl held his hand out to Everett.

  Everett shook it firmly, not rushing to let go as I stepped around the corner.

  “Making peace! Good.” I looked past Carl. “Major, medical wants to speak to you. More changes in my scans. Probably from training.”

  “I’m quite sure there’s a correlation.” Everett paused as he walked by, bowing his head to me. “There is still a great deal to do.”

  “I know.”


  Carl saw my shoulders drop as Everett left. “You’re exhausted.” He herded me towards my quarters. “It’s been a long day.”

  “I have a clean bill of health. I just wish I had the energy to prove it.” I clung to his hand as I collapsed into my bed. “At least come lay down with me.”

  Carl laughed as he felt me willing him to do as I asked. “You don’t need to compel me.” He stretched out on the bunk, letting me curl up at his side.

know, but sometimes I feel you’re too worried about me. I just want everything quiet for a while. Like nothing else matters.” I cozied up closer. “Can we do that?”

  Carl brushed his lips against my temple. “Can’t think of anything I want more than to be here with you, so relax and go to sleep.”

  “Nooooo…” I caught at the collar of his suit and pulled him back further into my bed. “Sleep isn’t going to work just yet.”

  Carl’s lip curled up as he rolled his body onto mine. “Oh, so you want a little distraction first.” He caught at my leg, pulling it up around his hip as he twisted his body down on mine.

  My other leg circled him too, squirming under him. I sucked in a breath as he responded. “Ohhhh, yes. Feels more like we’re going for the big distraction.”

  “If that’s what you want.” He definitely didn’t need any encouragement from me. Whatever apprehension he’d had talking about me with Everett, disappeared as he pulled my clothes off and ravaged me with the same enthusiasm as every other time. As if it were our first time and my body was completely new to him.

  Total distraction achieved, I drifted into a blissful, relaxed sleep.

  Drifting among images of stars and the peace I’d always felt out among them, until an uneasiness crept over me. There was something wrong with the stars, something among them. I leaned closer to look, then realized I was in a dream. The final story of the book.

  “This is Captain Bradford, Federation Corps Survey Ship, please identify yourselves!”

  Yeah, back in the dreams. I was Captain Ashling Bradford. An MHR, which meant my MHR husband Marc was somewhere aboard the ship.

  “Why have you attacked us?” I asked questions, but focused my thoughts towards the ship, towards any open minds aboard. Normally I could make a remote ID, but the harder I tried, the more uneasy I felt. A sudden queasy sensation gripped me, like someone tried to spy on me too. It crept over me until I had to break off my attempt.


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