The Bad Boy

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by B. A. Stretke

  The Bad Boy

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.

  Book 5

  Copyright © 2018 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  Clan Chieftain, Calum Keith, and the men of Clan Keith had traveled the Americas for over a hundred years on a Quest to find their mates. The men left their dragon circle and their home on the Shetland Islands in Scotland and traveled to America to find a place for their own, and a future for their Circle.

  Calum had led his men through many battles and many missteps in their pursuit of a new home. They left their birthplace in hopes of finding that connectedness that would spur on the growth and power that had eluded them on the Shetlands. Their King, Duncan Adair, sent them on this quest to find their bonds and to inspire and give hope to their people.

  It had been many centuries since any of their Circle had found their mates, their bonded ones, and without mates, there was no growth. Children were only possible through the union of fated pairs. The Clan Keith, led by Calum Keith set out on their journey with high hopes, but as the years and decades passed their hope suffered, yet their duty to their King stood fast.

  After over one hundred years on this sacred quest, satisfaction came in the least likely of locations. They’d always lived in lush green lands and sprawling mountains near large bodies water, so it was a surprise when their home became the high plains of Wyoming.

  Calum was the first to find his mate and then his second in command, Alrick. They put down roots and began cultivating a sense of community here in Laramie, Wyoming. No more the travelers, they were settled, and their King was pleased. The Seer of the Circle predicted that where the first mate was found all others would follow.

  It was two years before another of their group found his mate. Kyle became bonded to the second in command of the vampire coven located to the North in Jackson Wyoming. That was immediately followed by James bonding with the Master of the Coven. Those bonds brought together the Dragons and the Vampires, and they now operated as close allies and friendships have been formed.

  Now it has been another two years, and some have speculated that more mates should come forward but the months wear on, and the remaining six warriors wait and hope.


  “Are you coming with me tonight?” Cameron heard the dreaded request and wanted to pretend that he hadn’t.

  "Come on, Cameron, you never do anything fun. Come with me." Cameron and Liz were not technically friends, but they had enough classes together over the years at the University of Wyoming, that she seemed to think they were. Although, she had strange ideas of what being a friend entailed.

  "I don't want to go alone, and no one else will go with me. Please, Cameron, I wouldn't ask if I weren't desperate." She didn't even comprehend how insulting her statement was to Cameron. But that was part of her charm; he didn't believe she was a deliberately bad or unkind person, just naturally thoughtless and self-centered.

  “I’m not going to stop badgering you until you say yes so you might as well give in now and save yourself a lot of trouble.”

  Cameron nodded knowing that Liz would dump him the moment a better option presented itself and then he could go home. He wouldn't be required to stay long; she wouldn't want him to get in her way.

  “I’ll meet you out front at eight o’clock, don’t be a second late.” She shook her finger in his face and then turned and left the room looking very pleased with herself.

  “Why do you put up with it Cameron?” Dr. Malport asked from where he was seated behind his massive desk that was filled chest high with books and papers.

  "She wouldn't go away if I didn't, and besides I won't have to stay long. She will move on quickly after she gets there. It's easier to go along with her rather than fight it." Cameron had been in this position before, and Liz only required him to walk in with her because, for some reason, she refused to enter any function stag. She believed it looked unladylike or something.

  “This is an off-campus party so it could get pretty wild.” Dr. Malport commented. “Be careful, Laramie isn’t the small town it used to be. The town has changed since that motorcycle gang took over the lodge and started buying up businesses. Don’t drink too much and if you meet someone and they’re wearing too much leather, don’t go home with them.” Dr. Malport waited for Cameron to agree before getting back to grading papers.

  Cameron could take care of himself, but for some reason, people thought he couldn't. At twenty years old, he was graduating with a Masters degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on forensic investigation. He was book smart, so people thought he wasn't life smart, but they were wrong.

  Cameron had been on his own since he was sixteen. He'd had a family once, and a good friend but shit happened and that all disappeared. People couldn't be trusted. They'll do a lot of talking, but there is very little truth in what they say. He treated people with respect and courtesy, but he refused friendship or any kind of emotional bond. His life became his education because a school had never let him down.

  He landed a full scholarship that afforded him room and board while he worked hard to achieve his goals. He would be graduating in a couple of months, and he already had several job offers. He would never screw up his life with drugs, alcohol, or a bad relationship. His future was all that he had because his past was gone.

  His scholarship paid for most everything, but to help with bills and give him pocket money he worked several side jobs one of which was for Dr. Malport. He helped him grade papers and maintained some sort of organization to the guy's academic life. Dr. Malport was the head of the History department, and an unlikely employer of a Tech major but they found a comfortable existence together, neither asked too much or pushed too hard. They both had their issues, it seemed, but chose to go it alone.


  "Bryn, you can't keep leaving your one-night-stands on the living room sofa." His brother and Chieftain, Calum came storming into the kitchen and slammed his fist onto the counter. "There are children in the house now, and your friend is in no state to be viewed by a child."

  Bryn knew he should have driven the guy home, but he was tired and thought he would wake up and leave on his own. "Just one child, Calum, only Archie," Bryn answered but shouldn't have.

  "Archie is more than enough reason for you to keep your conquests in your own quarters and not subject the entire household to your debauchery!" Calum was getting worked up now, and Bryn knew when to back off.

  “Yes, sir.” Bryn saluted and got a quick backhand to the side of his head for the effort.

  “Don’t get smart with me little brother.” He said and then added. “Now pour me a cup of coffee and tell me why you’re suddenly acting out like a sixteen-year-old who just discovered sex.”

  Bryn had been living it rather promiscuously these last few months, and he had a reason, but did he want to discuss it with big brother? He poured Calum some coffee, and they sat down opposite one another at the kitchen table. It was several minutes before Bryn realized Calum wasn't going to talk first. Calum had this way of drilling through your reserve and resolve with just a black stare, and it worked on Bryn every single time.

  "A couple of years back when James and Master Chamberlin were getting together, I was
at a nightclub, and I thought I scented my mate." Bryn watched his brother but saw no reaction to his statement, Calum was a natural listener. "Well, I spent what felt like forever searching but never caught the scent again. I'm not even sure if it was my mate, the aroma was so light and brief. Finally, I gave up about five months ago and decided I might as well make up for lost time." Bryn drank his coffee and thought about his behavior but didn't see a problem. He was young and single and had a right to have fun.

  “During my search I never took a lover, for over a year and a half I have been celibate.” Bryn took another long sip of his coffee and then leaned forward onto the table. “What’s the fucking point, I am never going to find my mate. So, I decided I might as well take it where I can get it and ended my celibacy.”

  "I'm sorry your search was fruitless, and I understand your disappointment, but don't give up hope brother." Calum too leaned into the table and held his brother's sorrowful eyes. "We've all waited a long time and Fate has been kind to us. The Seer told us that all our mates would be found very near to one another. Don't despair, Bryn, your mate will come, and you don't want to have to live down a regretful reputation when they arrive."

  Calum slapped the table and straightened up in his chair. “Now, go take care of the mess you left on the sofa and stop your whining. Our mates will be found here as foretold by our Seer and that includes yours.”

  Bryn laughed. “I’ll keep my friends to myself from now on. No more parking anyone on the sofa or any other common area, promise.”

  “That’s all I ask.” Calum joked. He grabbed Bryn’s upper arm as he was passing him to get his attention and then added. “Your time will come, Bryn. Have faith.”

  Bryn gave his brother his best smile and assured him he would try, but in his heart, he felt defeated.


  Cameron lived in an apartment just off campus within walking distance of most everything. He couldn't afford a car, so the apartment location was perfect for him, and so was the price. It was just a small studio, but Cameron loved having some privacy.

  He'd resided in a dorm room for most of his educational career, but last year with the help of quite a few computer related side jobs, his income increased. If any of the job offers he received came through as he hoped, then he would not have to worry about finances and would finally have the life he wanted. His family dumped him without a thought or care, and Cameron's drive was to be a success, to live well and be happy. He believed that to live well was the best revenge.

  Cameron checked his outfit which was basic as vanilla pudding: a sweater, khakis, and loafers and headed out the door. His brown hair was shoulder length and wavy and currently out of control. The only show of care was the rubber band Cameron used to pull it back into a sort of knot. It wasn't for style; it was just to keep it out of his way. He couldn't waste time or money on haircuts or styles, that would come later.

  Nobody cared what he looked like, and more importantly, he didn't care if they did care. His dishevelment made him look like the quintessential struggling college student, but he didn't give a shit. Once he had a good paying job, his life would change.

  The party seemed to be underway when he arrived out front of the converted warehouse. It was a venue that housed many school parties and boasted a rough and seedy reputation. Not a gathering Cameron would normally attend but Liz, for all her self-centeredness, served a purpose in his life. She pulled him out of himself and pushed him to get out if only to linger on the edges and watch. It kept him connected and semi-human.

  “Oh, Cameron.” Came the usual degrading tone. “Why can’t you look nice for once in your life?” Liz came up beside him dressed in tight black jeans and a white cotton shirt. The four-inch heels she wore gave her normal petite frame a huge boost and put her about an inch taller than Cameron.

  Cameron did not respond to her but rather began walking towards the door. "Wait a minute." She shouted. "We have to walk in together. You know if I had anyone else available you would not be here. Why can't you dress better and maybe go on a diet? You would at least look presentable if you could firm up the flab around your middle and maybe stand up straight."

  She kept rambling with the usual barrage of insults and Cameron remained silent but paused to let her catch up. The sooner they were inside the sooner she would find another poor slob to harass, and Cameron could be rid of her.

  The music was deafening which was expected but always seemed to surprise him. He moved to the side and let Liz make her entrance. He walked with her for about three steps before she let him know she was through with him. She pushed him aside and snuggled up to two guys from the swim team. "Get lost, Cameron." Were her parting words and Cameron couldn't be happier.

  He looked around and decided since he already paid the entrance fee for both him and Liz, that he might as well get a drink or maybe a snack and observe for a while. He had no delusions about hooking up, guys like him did not find partners in places like this. Guys like him didn’t find partners period, but he chose not to think about that too hard. He would watch and listen and then go home.


  Bryn heard about the party form Donell who heard about it from one of his hookups from last night. Bryn wasn't the only Dragon's Blood member that was acting out, but he was the loudest. Donell knew how to keep a low profile while whoring through the town; it was something Bryn had never learned how to do. Bryn was brash and unapologetic which got him lectures and looks of mild disappointment.

  He’d slow down someday but that day was not today. They paid the cover and walked into a sea of beautiful bodies male and female alike. Bryn was an equal opportunity whore and enjoyed both men and women. He liked who he liked and didn’t let gender get in the way. He and Donell were instantly popular with their rough good looks and hard bodies not to mention all the leather and the Harleys parked out front.

  Sooner than expected Donell had his arm around a young man with short black hair and a body like an Olympian and they were heading out back. This place had an impressive back area that was large, somewhat private, dark and open to everyone looking to get a piece.

  Donell usually made it to the backroom many times during an average evening. Bryn kept it to no more than three. So why didn’t Calum give Donell the talk? He was on his way to having screwed every available man in Laramie. Soon Donell would have to branch out to Cheyenne if he wanted new tail.

  Bryn recognized his own bitchiness rising to the surface so took a deep breath and started to work the room. A nice warm body to pound would clear his mind and get him in the party mood.


  Cameron finished his drink which took almost an hour. He wasn't a drinker but liked to try. Someday maybe he could finish a drink without having to take breaks. The taste was just awful no matter what he tried. Of course, they didn't do fruity drinks here, so his choices were limited. He then got a cola and just watched the dancing and listened to the terrible music. It was Friday night, and he didn't want to go home yet, all that was waiting for him was a microwave dinner and his television

  Most computer geeks were connected to other computer geeks all over the world and hung out online but not Cameron. He had a couple of people he respected and kept up professional contact with, but they weren't friends, Cameron didn't do friends. He'd had a best friend once, and it didn't end well, so he decided never to do it again.

  Soon enough he started to get that feeling that demanded attention, and he started to search for the restroom. The place had one, he remembered being here before and using it, now he just had to remember where it was.


  Bryn found a willing body in one needy little twink. He was dressed to fuck, and Bryn planned on accommodating. He wasn't really Bryn’s type but any port in a storm. He took him to the bathroom on the second-floor balcony and figured it was as good a place as any to feed his need. He'd been with so many people male and female over the past couple of months that he no longer even asked for a name and if they gave one
, he soon forgot it.

  The little guy proved to be active and vocal squirming and yelling as Bryn pounded his ass with his massive cock. He was tight, and Bryn assumed he was the guys first fuck of the night. Men like this little twink came to parties like this, for one thing, lots of dick and the bigger, the better.

  The twink let out a scream as he came against the bathroom door and Bryn realized the guy was performing for the people waiting outside the bathroom. He was letting everyone know that he was getting it good from the big biker. Bryn didn't care he was there for release, and the twink was delivering in spades. His ass was eating Bryn's cock like a needy little whore, and Bryn was able to lose himself in the base sensations for a few minutes.

  He gripped the guy's hips and slammed home, coming hard and filling the condom to capacity. He pulled out as soon as his cock was spent and grunted when the guy tried to get his phone number. Bryn tossed the condom in the trash and zipped his pants without responding and then reached around him to open the door.

  The guy looked pissed but put on a look of triumph when he turned to face his fans in line for the bathroom. Bryn was embarrassed for a moment, and then quickly shook it off. He was there to get laid, so was everyone else. He exited and took satisfaction from the cheers and catcalls that greeted him.

  He noticed a guy in line giving him the stare and the nod so stopped to see about taking things further. He was another twink; they seemed to be drawn to men like him, so why fight it. He arranged to meet him out back in fifteen.

  Bryn gave his best bad boy biker walk and look and knew he was going to clean up at this party. He'd have his dick in more ass tonight than he had all month. He was getting hard just thinking about all the hot bodies that lay before him. He caught the twink from the bathroom glaring at him from across the room, but he had no time for that shit. It was one and done, no strings and no seconds.


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