The Bad Boy

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The Bad Boy Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “He’s a tough nut to crack but he is worth every minute of the effort. I haven’t won him over yet but he’s giving me a chance.” Bryn turned and flopped down onto the sofa. “I can’t wait till you meet him. He’s so incredibly handsome and smart.” Bryn went on for a while describing his mate in the most wonderful terms to all present.

  “Bring him home as soon as you can. I’ve never heard you speak of a man like you do Cameron. He must be something else.” Calum remarked. Bryn could see that his brother was relieved that the situation was being resolved. No one wanted to live their life with someone who’d fucked up their own mating. He thanked the Fate that threw him into this mess for helping him back out.

  “You’re all going to be blown away.” Bryn went on. “Your mates are pretty, but mine is out of this world gorgeous.” Calum and Alrick immediately contradicted that statement and Bryn just kept shaking his head.

  "You better not let Dane hear you talk like that." Alrick chastised. "You might find yourself going hungry." Dane, Alrick's mate, had taken over most of the cooking duties for the Clan since he enjoyed cooking and was very good at it. Flynn who'd been their cook in the past helped but spent most of his spare time at the restaurant he and Forbes were managing. The Clan had started buying a few businesses to develop a presence in the community.

  “You’re right, I take it all back, they are all gorgeous, but mine is exceptional.” Bryn didn’t want to miss a meal but there was no way anyone on this earth could compare to Cameron.

  "As he should be," Calum stated indulgently. "He's your mate."


  Bryn sat on his bed and pulled his laptop over and turned it on. He got an alert on his phone during dinner stating that Kyle had sent him a package. He didn't want to open it in front of the guys so waited till he had the chance to disappear into his room.

  He opened the secure file and began reading. Kyle had found everything going back to Cameron's birth in Salt Lake City. He was the second child of three to Paul and Carla Franklin. Paul was a social worker for the state and Carla was a stay at home mom. "Okay, that was pretty normal," Bryn muttered as he skimmed a few pages of pure status quo. There was something serious in Cameron’s background, he could feel it in his bones.

  He found what he was looking for when Cameron was sixteen. Suddenly it appeared that the Franklin family no longer had three children. They had two, a son named Will and a daughter names Megan. There was no mention of Cameron until Bryn got to the legal papers Kyle had uncovered.

  Cameron had been adopted by the Franklin family at the age of seven. He’d been in foster care for several years at that time. Before Cameron came of age, the Franklin family nullified the adoption and returned him, so to say, to the system. He filed for emancipation and it was granted. He was sixteen and he was on his own.

  Bryn read the papers over and over and could not come up with a reason that parents would abandon a child they'd taken as their own and raised for nine years. All it stated was an inability to integrate and that was total bullshit. You don't keep a child for nine years if they haven't integrated.

  Bryn went on to read the side notes that Kyle included. They were accounts not for public consumption but nothing was hidden when it came to the power of Kyle Keith. If it was digital, then Kyle would find it.

  It seems that being a social worker for the state, gave Mr. Franklin the ability to dump the child and make it look like the kid’s fault. But the Family Court Judge in the case added his own understanding to the record. Mr. Franklin had the comments removed from the original record that would come up with a normal check. He must have had help in the court system somewhere, someone with access to Cameron’s file.

  The judge stated that any future requests to adopt or foster vulnerable children by the Franklin family would be met with extreme scrutiny. The couple lacks adequate empathy and understanding to be allowed the honor of caring for children not their own. There were several other social worker comments that said pretty much the same thing.

  From there Cameron’s record returned to somewhat normal but without family involvement. Cameron graduated early from high school and was awarded a full scholarship to UW. He finished his undergrad and his masters in less than four years. He was on track to obtaining his masters at the end of this semester. His world has been school ever since his family abandoned him.

  Bryn ran over the information several more times and read the parts that he’d skimmed more thoroughly. There was no mention of what had happened that had caused the Franklin family to abandon Cameron.

  He put in a call to Kyle just in case he'd missed something in the transfer of data. What in the world could his sweet little mate have done to warrant being tossed out of the family? The judge didn't condemn him and neither did the associated social workers, so what caused the Hayes family to desert him?

  “Hey, Kyle. Thanks for the information. I was wondering if you found anything regarding the reason Cameron’s family dumped him. The court papers don’t mention specifics and neither did the added comments. Do you have any more information on that?”

  "The paperwork only states failure to integrate properly. Which as you know is bullshit." Kyle responded. "I checked with the school records and found a disciplinary action that occurred one month prior and involves a classmate by the name of Michael Shannon but it too does not give specifics." Kyle took a long deep breath before continuing. "Whatever happened neither the school or the court wanted to make an issue of it, so that says to me it was personal."

  The poor kid, they didn’t just shun him, they legally kicked him out of their family. That had to be brutal.” Bryn offered.

  “It doesn’t matter now Bryn because he has you. He has a dragon in his corner and he doesn’t even know it yet or does he.” Kyle laughed.

  “Not yet but soon, very soon.”

  “Good luck and if you need me, call.”

  "Thanks, Kyle, you've helped me a lot."


  Cameron woke early because he could hardly sleep knowing that he’d agreed to have dinner with the biker from the party. The biker who was openly having sex with a man in the bathroom while everyone waited.

  He really needed to stop thinking about that. It was starting to make him angry in a strange possessive way. He tried to work on his thesis which he would be presenting soon but his mind was consumed with that green-eyed bad boy who seemed to want to date him.

  He did a little checking on the guy last night and he found out that he was much more than just your average biker dude.

  Bryn Keith was originally from the Shetland Islands which was why Cameron had detected a slight accent. There was little personal information on him. He is a member of Clan Keith which makes up the Dragon’s Blood motorcycle club. The club has been around about fifty years or so but the members were always family.

  The membership always is ten in number no more or no less, yet over the last few years, four members had been added. The four added were all men and were married to a club member. So, they obviously had no issue with gay men which boded well for Cameron's acceptance, if Bryn did bring him to meet his friends.

  The Club was nomadic until it took up residence in Laramie about four years ago and have since built a solid financial foundation here. As Dr. Malport had said, they were buying up property and businesses all over town, yet they stayed clear of politics or any social entanglements. They were public yet very private. Cameron was intrigued.

  He heard his phone ring and picked it up to see who was calling. It was Liz again, so he muted it and went back to stalking Bryn Keith. What really surprised him was that Bryn was on no social media sites. No one in the club was on social media. He searched the internet for several hours with no further results.

  He had agreed to correct some papers for Dr. Malport this afternoon so reluctantly closed his search and headed to the university. Dr. Malport paid him a good wage and was on the verge of being a friend. Cameron wasn’t in the market for friends but Dr. M
alport was so laid back that it was difficult not to warm up to the guy.

  Seven o’clock came too fast for Cameron. He’d finished the papers in Dr. Malport’s office and also spent a couple of hours in the library. He returned home just before six and got ready.

  Cameron had no idea where Bryn was taking him, so he just wore what he usually wore. He pulled out a clean white cotton button-down shirt and paired it with jeans. He struggled with his hair but soon gave up and tried to just comb it out of his eyes. He was seriously in need of a cut but his budget this month did not allow for it, maybe next month.

  Cameron stared at himself in the bathroom mirror and wondered again what it was that Bryn found attractive. His face was not distinctive but his eyes were a nice color. He took a quick glance at his body but looked away, not wanting to think about the softness around his middle. He needed to get into shape, he wasn’t always this soft but sitting behind a computer or in class for hours on end did nothing for his physique.

  He paced his apartment as seven o’clock drew closer. He was nervous and excited and enjoying the hell out of the feelings. He’d never been on a date before and for his first to be with someone as impressive as Bryn Keith was quite an accomplishment. After their coffee date, Bryn didn’t terrify him as much as he had in the beginning. Cameron found that he enjoyed their time together and was looking forward to more.

  The knock on his door had him rushing to answer. He threw open the door and there he was, Bryn Keith, dress in a tight black Henley top and even tighter dark jeans looking magnificent. His earlier bad boy biker personal was subdued beneath a softer yet sexy boyfriend look, and he wore it well.

  “Are you ready baby?” Bryn’s voice ran down his spine and made him shiver. What an experience this man was, Cameron was immediately engulfed in Bryn’s charm and attraction.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” He quickly stepped out of his apartment and closed the door. “Where are we going?”

  Bryn slipped an arm around Cameron's waist and steered him toward the stairwell. "A nice place that the club recently purchased and remodeled. A couple of our members manage the place and I thought it would be a good start to you meeting my friends." Cameron was shocked, he turned and looked at Bryn as if he were kidding, but he wasn't. The big handsome man was serious; he wanted Cameron to meet a couple of his friends.

  “Is it the homestyle restaurant on Ivinson Avenue? Dr. Malport said that it had been sold.” Cameron was impressed with his sudden ability to make small talk.

  “Yes, it is, do you know the place? Have you eaten there before?” Cameron felt Bryn’s arm tighten around his waist as they talked and made their way outside. He smelled and felt so masculine and alluring that Cameron had a hard time keeping his mind on the small talk.

  “No, I don’t get out much.” Cameron realized immediately how pathetic that sounded so added. “I’m graduating this year and I have a lot to finish before the end of the semester.” There, that was a little better. Bryn smiled at him and hugged him a little closer. God this man is fantastic, please don’t be a jerk.

  Cameron was in for another surprise when, once out on the sidewalk, they stood in front of a beautiful vintage Harley Davidson motorcycle. Cameron didn’t know a lot about bikes but he knew the new from the vintage. This one was in pristine condition and looked like new but it was a shovelhead and he was almost certain that model engine went out in the eighties. Bryn took good care of the things he cared about and that spoke volumes towards the man’s character.

  “Have you ridden before, Cameron?” Bryn urged him closer to the large, gleaming bike. Cameron didn’t realize it but he’d started dragging his feet. The motorcycle was intimidating him. He shook his head no and continued to try and back away.

  "It's easy and you'll love it." Bryn pulled a helmet out of the saddle bag and put it on Cameron's head and buckled it. "Perfect." He whispered and grabbed his jacket from the seat and put it on Cameron. That was astonishing; no biker lets some guy wear their jacket.

  "Perfect," Bryn repeated. Cameron felt the soft leather and smelled the musky scent of the jacket's interior and nearly moaned. His resolve as far as Bryn Keith was concerned was deteriorating by the moment.

  “Wear that baby, it’s cool out tonight and I don’t want you to get cold.” Bryn walked him slowly over to the bike and helped him get seated. “You’ll be fine.” Bryn gave him brief instructions regarding being a passenger on a motorcycle while getting himself seated and starting the bike. It rumbled to life like a sleeping dragon and caused thrills to run up and down Cameron’s spine much like Bryn himself.

  Bryn pulled Cameron’s arms around him and instructed him to hold tight. They started out slow but soon were taking the roads at a considerable speed. Cameron was having more fun than he could ever remember having and he had the added bonus of having a sexy man in his arms. He was smiling and the fun was real.


  Bryn took great pains in his appearance and approach in hopes of winning his mate over to the idea of a biker as his boyfriend. Cameron was closed off emotionally that had been clear during their first and second encounter. Bryn's dragon managed to drag a modicum of interest out of the guy but it wasn't easy, and it should have been. No one, especially not a mate can withstand the allure of their dragon. Of course, the sex in the bathroom situation was also a factor that had, unfortunately, tightened the lid on Cameron's emotions.

  Cameron was going to take some time and gentle persuasion, but Bryn was confident with each passing day that he would soon be claiming his mate. Cameron looked so handsome when he met him at the door and so adorable when he tried to back away from Bryn's Harley. He wanted to try, but his anxiety was getting in the way. All it took was a gentle push, and Cameron was on the back of Bryn's bike and riding through the city.

  Bryn took more turns than he needed to because Cameron tightened his hold every time the bike took a turn. It was going to take a little longer to reach their destination, but the press of Cameron's body against him and the grip of his hand in Bryn's shirt was worth being late.

  They pulled up in front of the restaurant and Bryn parked the bike. He got off and then assisted Cameron. “How did you like it?” Bryn asked as he removed and stowed the helmet and jacket. Cameron paused for a moment before answering. Bryn noticed that he took care in using the right words when it mattered and apparently this moment mattered to him.

  "I've never ridden anything open to the air like that. It was exhilarating." Cameron smiled largely, and the excitement reached his eyes. The guy was practically bouncing. This was Cameron happy, and Bryn took great pride in the fact he put that smile there. He slipped his arm around Cameron's waist and they headed for the front door.

  The twins, Flynn and Forbes had taken over the restaurant management and were doing well. They were two of the less intimidating members of the club and Bryn hoped that Cameron liked them. He'd already given the brothers a heads up that they were meeting his mate this evening, and if anything went wrong, there would be hell to pay.

  Cameron was flying high on endorphins by the time they reached the restaurant. They’d renamed it the Embers and it rolled off the tongue better than the old name, Dinner on Main Street. Especially considering the fact the restaurant was not located on the main street. Cameron had never eaten there before so he could not comment on the prior menu. He ate in the cafeteria and sometimes grabbed a snack at the coffee shop but that was as far as his budget would allow.

  He kept a small slush fund of about fifty bucks that he used for situations involving Liz. It was the slush fund he used for their cover charge at the party last Friday. But now he would no longer need it since he and Liz had gone their separate ways.

  Bryn and Cameron were escorted to a nice table in the back that afforded privacy and ambiance. Bryn had obviously called ahead because the set up was unlike any of the other tables. There was a fine tablecloth, fresh flowers and the table was set beautifully.

  Bryn held his chair as Cameron
was seated and then took his own seat across from him. Cameron was living the moment. He had a handsome man taking him to dinner at a nice restaurant and he went the extra mile to make it memorable, it was a dream, it had to be a dream.

  Cameron introduced him to his cousins and fellow club members, Forbes and Flynn Keith. They were gracious and friendly but Cameron had the weird feeling that he was being weighed and measured. He hoped he wasn’t found too lacking. Bryn seemed to be proud and presented him like he was a treasure of sorts. It was unusual but it left Cameron with a feeling of value and a deep satisfaction. It was something he’d never felt before apart from his academic life. He was valued there but only for his achievements and potential, what he was feeling from Bryn was unconditional.

  He was really starting to like Bryn Keith and it wasn’t just for his hard body and boyish good looks. The guy had a warm personality and the way Bryn made him feel was making it hard for Cameron to remain closed off.

  Cameron had shut down his emotions four years ago when everything he loved and thought loved him came crashing down. How do you survive being abandoned by your adoptive family nine years after being taken in? They professed to love him as their own and made him believe their lies of trust and security. He was discarded by his biological family and then by his adoptive family; no one wanted him, no one wanted to keep him. His best friend since the second grade betrayed him in the worst way possible and then shut him out.

  He vowed to never let anyone into his heart again, and for four years he kept to that promise. Now as he sat across from this dark and attractive man he questioned his ability to keep him out. Little by little Bryn Keith was working his way beneath Cameron's defenses. The sparkle in his deep green eyes and the sly smiles were breaking him down.

  Flynn and Forbes went out of their way to make the dinner a lovely and romantic event and more than once Cameron felt himself slipping into the fantasy of having friends and family and a man who loved him. But that was ludicrous, he chided himself and tried to pull his brain back to the reality of life.


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