The Surpen King - Part 2 - Rise of the Elves

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The Surpen King - Part 2 - Rise of the Elves Page 19

by Charity Kelly

  The Rasacks, on the other hand, were horrid. Even the other Convention members seemed to dislike them and put up with them simply because they were a part of the same coalition.


  As Yfetb left the EFT meeting that evening, he knew he had to take action. Some of the Club’s members had volunteered to attack Erfce. He didn’t know Erfce personally, but the hate he felt emanating from the elves at the meeting was enough to push him to act. Walking up the stairs to the Teacher’s Residence Hall, he saw Tgfhi leaving the building. “Hey,” he called out. “I have to talk to you.” Tgfhi stopped to look at him. It wasn’t until Tgfhi narrowed his eyes that Yfetb realized he recognized him.

  “You don’t have anything to say to me,” Tgfhi snapped, continuing down the stairs past Yfetb.

  “Wait. This is important.” Yfetb hurried after Tgfhi.

  Tgfhi stopped short and grabbed Yfetb by his shirt. Yfetb winced at the fury on Tgfhi’s face. He’d never seen Tgfhi look so angry before. Whenever he saw Tgfhi on campus, he was usually laughing or teasing someone. “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say,” Tgfhi hissed. “Not only did you hurt Ceceta but you went after Crystam when you knew damn well that she and I were engaged.”

  “That was my Dad’s–”

  “Shut up!” Tgfhi pushed Yfetb backwards causing him to fall to the ground. When Yfetb looked up, Tgfhi was gone. Standing up, he brushed off his pants and checked the scratch marks on his hands. The cuts were shallow. He’d wash them off after he’d warned someone about EFT’s plans. Lifting his head, he watched a spacejet fly past the University towards the Wood Elf castle’s jetport. He had to talk to someone, but who? Rhen and his guard elves were on Surpen at a Convention meeting. They weren’t expected back until the end of the weekend. He wanted to notify someone of EFT’s plans as soon as possible, so they could do something to stop the elves from hurting Erfce.

  Yfetb searched the school for Erfce and Latsoh. When he couldn’t find them, he headed to the portal room. He’d decided to tell a member of the Thestran royal family. With their powers, they’d be able to help.

  “Thestran Royal Palace.” Yfetb watched as Themrock’s blue powers filled the portal frame. When they began to fade, he stepped through the portal. He hesitated when he noticed he was standing on rough stones. Thestran’s palace had tiled floors. Had the portal made a mistake? Glancing up, he found he was standing in a dark hallway made of stone and mud. He was in the wrong place.

  Turning, Yfetb was about to step back through the portal to return to the University, when it disappeared. He found himself staring into Loreth’s face. Loreth had been hiding on the other side of the portal. Behind him were two Surpens, one of whom was so muscular he looked genetically engineered.

  “Going somewhere?” Loreth asked.

  Yfetb raised his chin. It was obvious Loreth knew what Yfetb had been planning to do. He was also smart enough to know that the Genister was going to kill him. If Loreth had wanted to punish him, he would have done so on Neptian with Te’s help. The fact that Yfetb was in Surpen’s dungeon–for that could be the only explanation for the Surpens before him–meant that Loreth wanted him gone. “Will you tell my Dad?”

  Loreth cocked his head. He was surprised by Yfetb’s courage. “When the time is right, he’ll be informed that you met with an unfortunate accident.”

  Yfetb nodded.

  “Aul, Narseth,” Loreth said, “you know what to do.” A moment later, Loreth was gone, and so was Yfetb.


  Jack thrust his head backwards into the face of the elf that had climbed on his back. He must have broken the man’s nose because the elf screamed and fell to the ground beside him. Jack reached out to grab the man’s arm, hoping to break it, but the elf was pulled away by his friends. A moment later, the elves ran off towards the University’s academic building. Jack wanted to follow them to question them, but he needed to help Erfce. His friend hadn’t moved since he’d arrived in the middle of the attack. “Hey,” Jack said, lowering himself down to the ground beside Erfce. “How bad are you? Should I call the hospital?”

  Erfce was lying on the grass beside the men’s dormitory. His lip was cut and he had a gash on his eyebrow. Jack could see he’d been punched in the face multiple times. There was blood on his neck and his hands were swollen, his fingers broken. “Erfce?” Jack said.

  Erfce rolled onto his side and threw up. He wretched until there was nothing left in his stomach then moaned. “My head.”

  “I think you have a concussion. Stay down. They’re gone. When you’re ready, we can go to the clinic to have the doctors look at you.”

  Erfce curled up into a fetal position. Jack could see tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes. He didn’t really know what to do for someone who had a concussion. He’d heard that they shouldn’t fall asleep for a while and that light hurt their eyes. Good thing it was dark out.

  “I can’t believe anyone would attack you,” he told Erfce after they’d been sitting in silence for a while. “Rhen’s going to kill them.”

  “Don’t… don’t tell him,” Erfce croaked. He didn’t want to bother Rhen with his problems.

  Jack was confused. Why wouldn’t Erfce want Rhen to know he’d been attacked? Sometimes foreigners were strange. “Whatever,” he said, dismissing it. He glanced at the white-bark pine trees surrounding them. They were completely hidden from view. The elves had chosen a good location to attack Erfce. “You’re really lucky I was walking by and heard you. If I hadn’t of decided to visit my dragons by the lake front, those elves would have beaten you to death.” Erfce grunted. “What were you doing out here, anyway?”

  Erfce opened his mouth and closed it. Jack thought he wouldn’t answer but eventually he said, “Tgfhi’s visiting his Dad so I was picking up Crystam’s math assignment for her. He usually grabs her homework.”

  “Oh,” Jack said. Poor Crystam. Her powers were growing more and more every day. She seemed to be fine when she was with Rhen. For some reason, his presence muted her powers, but when she was alone, people would fall under her spell. Rhen didn’t take math class, so Crystam could no longer attend the lecture. Usually, Tgfhi would bring her her homework, but he was off visiting his Dad for a few days. Crystam’s powers were strong enough now that she’d begun to hide in her room, whenever Rhen was off doing something. Jack noticed Erfce’s hands were shaking. “How were you attacked? Can’t you see the future?”

  Erfce laughed then winced. Whispering, he said, “It doesn’t work that way. I can’t control my visions. Sometimes… if I concentrate, I’ll get a vision about the item I’m focused on but I didn’t think to check my own safety.”

  Jack could understand that. “Why would you? Who would dream of attacking you? You’re best friends with Themrock.”

  Erfce pushed down on the grass. Slowly, he raised himself into a seated position. Jack reached out to help him to his feet. Together they walked to the University’s Clinic. After the doctor had healed Erfce’s wounds, he requested that Erfce fill out a report. Erfce refused.

  “Why aren’t you reporting it?” Jack asked as they walked back towards the Teacher’s Residence Hall. Erfce’s cuts and bruises were gone, his hands had been fixed and the doctor had healed his concussion enough so that it was just a mild headache.

  Erfce shrugged. “I know who attacked me. The school can’t do anything about it.”

  Jack paused. He had known his attackers? “Who did it then?”

  “Elves who are angry that Latsoh is dating out of her tribe.” Jack shook his head. He couldn’t believe it. “It’s true,” Erfce told him. “I used to think Naci encouraged them to be mean to me, but my powers have shown me that they are coming after me on their own.” He’d also sensed something vague in the attackers’ minds about a Club for Themrock, but hadn’t been able to figure out how it related to him.

  “No way,” Jack said. “No one is going to attack you. You’re friends with Themrock.”

  “Think abo
ut it, Jack. Your religion frowns upon you dating out of your tribe. How do you think the Fire Elves feel about the fact that their princess is dating someone from a different planet?” When Jack hesitated, Erfce realized he understood.

  Jack reached up to run a hand through is light-brown hair. “There’s got to be something we can do to stop them.”

  “Change your religion?” Erfce offered.

  Jack snorted. “That’s not happening.”

  “Exactly.” Erfce knocked on Crystam’s door. “I have your math homework.” He slid it under the door and waited until Crystam knocked once to tell him she got it. “See you tomorrow.” Crystam knocked once again and Erfce turned to go to his room.

  Jack put his hand out to stop him. “You mentioned you thought Naci was up to it. Does that mean this has happened to you before?” Erfce hesitated before nodding. “I’m sorry.” Jack felt horrible. His people were bullying Erfce.

  Erfce shrugged. “I’m not. I’m glad I’m out in the open. I love Latsoh and I hated having to hide it like Aaron and Sarah do.” Jack’s eyes widened and Erfce laughed. He reached up to put his hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Thanks for rescuing me. I owe you one–and please don’t tell Aaron and Sarah that I let you in on their little secret.”

  Jack nodded. Now that Erfce mentioned it, he was surprised he hadn’t realized it before. Aaron and Sarah were always doing things together. He wondered if anyone else knew.

  Chapter 17

  Academic Building – Elfin University

  “Hey,” Erfce caught Charlie’s arm as he was following Rhen down the hall towards the student dining hall. “I still need to talk to you.”

  “Oh,” Charlie groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead. “I’m sorry, Erfce. I totally forgot. We went off to Surpen for that Convention meeting and I didn’t get back to you. My mistake. What’s up?”

  Erfce hesitated. There were too many students in the hallway. He didn’t want anyone to overhear him asking Charlie for Latsoh’s portrait, in case they told her what he was doing. “Come over here.” He walked down the hall and ducked into the staff closet.

  Charlie’s eyebrows raised as he followed Erfce into the tiny room. “Are we cleaning something?” he asked with amusement, his eyes scanning the cleaning supplies and slop sink.

  “No.” Erfce shut the door and flicked on the light. Charlie’s back was to him so he jumped right in. He was afraid he might have trouble lying if Charlie was looking at him. “King Naci told me that the auction house informed him that you were the one who bought the portrait of Thamber he’d put up for auction. I want to buy it back from you.”

  Charlie was stunned. No one was supposed to know he had Naci’s picture. He’d been careful during the transaction, making sure the auction house and delivery company didn’t know who they were dealing with. There was no way the auction house had told Naci that he’d bought the Fire Elves’ portrait of Thamber. Erfce was lying. Why?

  Charlie used his powers to look through the walls around them, making sure they weren’t being watched. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that one of the Genisters eating lunch with Rhen was staring right at him, as if he could see Charlie through the wall. It had to be a coincidence, right?

  Curling his hand under, Charlie turned around. “Hey, what?” he asked with a vague expression on his face, as if he hadn’t heard. “Why are we in here?”

  Erfce blinked. Charlie looked inebriated. A few moments ago, he’d seemed perfectly sober. What had happened? “You bought a portrait of Thamber from the Fire Elves. I would like to buy it off of you. It’s of sentimental value to Latsoh and I’d like to give it to her at our wedding.”

  “Oh,” Charlie said. He bobbed his head and glanced towards the dining hall. Damn. The Genister was still watching them. “You should definitely give her something she likes. Good idea.”

  “How much do you want for it?” Charlie looked confused, so Erfce added, “Charlie, how much do you want for the Fire Elves’ portrait of Thamber?”

  “I don’t know. How much is it worth?” He lifted his hand, making sure that Erfce saw him as he popped something into his mouth.

  Erfce frowned. He hadn’t noticed that Charlie had been holding anything earlier. “I don’t really know how much it’s worth. How much do you want for it?”

  “A hundred trade coins.”

  Erfce was confused. Charlie had paid almost five hundred million trade coins for the portrait. Why would he say he wanted a hundred? Things became clear when Charlie opened his hand to show Erfce several brown cubes sitting on his palm. “You want some? I’ve got more. I bought five thousand coins worth.”

  Erfce drew back and shook his head. Damn. Charlie had been talking about his Tgarus weed chews, not the portrait. That explained why he appeared to be out of it. “Charlie. I want to buy your portrait of Thamber. How much do you want for it?”

  Charlie cocked his head. “What portrait of Thamber?” He glanced towards the dining hall. Yup, they were still being watched by that Genister.

  “The one you bought from the Fire Elves.”

  “I don’t have a portrait of Thamber,” Charlie said, while reaching out to play with the faucet handles on the slop sink.

  Erfce was becoming more and more frustrated. “Yes, you do. Naci told me you had it.” When Charlie continued to turn the water on and off, he yelled, “Stop playing with the sink!”

  “Naci?” Charlie burped, while turning back towards Erfce.

  Erfce groaned when the room began to stink of Tgarus weed. He reached behind him to crack open the door. At least Charlie was no longer hanging over the sink. “Please, Charlie. I know you have it. How much will you sell it to me for?”

  Charlie opened his arms wide. “I don’t have…” He wobbled and fell sideways into a pile of rags that had been stacked on the shelf beside them. The shelf cracked and everything fell to the floor with Charlie on top of it. He was laughing when the door opened behind Erfce.

  “What are you doing in here?” the dining hall janitor barked. “Get out of here.”

  Erfce turned and fled. Sometimes he couldn’t stand Charlie. He needed that portrait. It looked like he was going to have to find another way to get it. Tgfhi had once offered to steal it for him. Maybe he should ask Tgfhi to do it.

  Charlie groaned and wretched, making the janitor back up. “S…s…sorry,” he said. “Just feeling sick.” When the janitor reached down to get a bucket for Charlie to throw up in, Charlie glanced towards the dining hall. The Genister who’d been watching him was floating up into the air. No, you don’t! Charlie thought.

  “What the…” The janitor glanced around the room. Charlie had been lying in a heap on the floor and now he was gone.

  Charlie phased into his bedroom in the Thestran royal palace and used his powers to send his precious collection of Genister artifacts to his home on Universe 5. He’d spent trillions of trade coins collecting every Genister artifact he could find. There was no way he was going to let the other Genisters steal them back from him.

  He changed the color of his bedroom walls and his comforter from dark brown to white then threw a few bottles of alcohol, in various stages of consumption, around the room. He was about to put some stains on his carpet and chairs when he felt the slight vibration in the air that always accompanied the Genisters. He had company. Charlie turned invisible and shrank himself down to the size of a grain of sand.

  “Why are we going to the palace?” the pink Genister asked as she flew into Charlie’s bedroom with the orange Genister.

  “We’re looking for a portrait of Thamber that Charlie has. He bought it from the Fire Elves.” Thestrst hovered in the air on a sunburst orange platform made from his powers as he scanned the room.

  “And?” the pink Genister asked sounding bored.

  “Ceceta saw it a while ago. It’s supposed to be an accurate portrait of Thamber. I had thought that Thamber was going to pick it up, but she must have forgotten. It’s best if we take it before it causes any p

  The pink Genister glanced about. “I don’t think it’s here.”

  Thestrst flew into Charlie’s bedroom closet, then out into his living room and bathroom. He hovered in the air over Charlie’s couch grimacing, his orange powers were making the stains on Charlie’s living room furniture seem more prominent. “This place is disgusting. How could a mortal live this way?”

  “Their sense of smell isn’t as good as ours.” The pink Genister floated out from Charlie’s closet. “I don’t see any portraits.”

  “Yeah. I don’t either. Perhaps Ceceta and Erfce were mistaken.”

  Charlie waited until he was sure they were gone before returning to his normal size. He flopped down onto his bed and closed his eyes. He’d done it. They hadn’t suspected a thing. In the future, he’d have to remember to keep an eye on the Genisters. He didn’t want them figuring out who he was.


  Naci stepped out of his personal box at the University’s theater, then hesitated in the dimly lit corridor. The school had scheduled a play for this weekend’s event. Like the other kings, Naci had invited Rhen to share his box with him, but Rhen had refused, saying he’d prefer to sit in the main auditorium with the other students. Naci leaned his back against the wall. He gazed up at the intricate designs that had been carved into the ceiling. He knew Rhen would be coming to his castle for Latsoh’s wedding, but he wished he could get him there sooner. If only there was a way to get Themrock to speed things up. The elves had suffered for too long. It was time for things to change.

  Someone giggled to his right. Naci glanced down the hall but couldn’t see anyone. There was a rustling sound and the person giggled again. It sounded like two people were taking a break from the play for a romantic interlude. Naci couldn’t blame them. He was bored out of his mind. The liberal crap that was being thrust upon them by the director’s play made him want to gag. Free love? Really? Eliminating trade coins to return to a system where people bartered? No way! Naci couldn’t believe the theater director would write such crap. The next time the Headmaster suggested they use the theater for a school event, Naci would demand they watch a proper play.


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