Speak No Evil: A Secret Society Student Teacher College Romance (The Society Book 3)

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Speak No Evil: A Secret Society Student Teacher College Romance (The Society Book 3) Page 31

by Ivy Fox

  “I wasted enough of it as it is. I don’t want to waste another second.”

  His face is glowing with joy, warming up my cold heart.

  “I like seeing you like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “At peace. Happy.”

  His ocean eyes soften in my direction.

  “Same goes for you, brother. I’ve never seen you this content.”

  “It’s love. Who would’ve thunk it?” I laugh, gaining another radiant smile from him that shows just how happy he is for me. “Fuck, I feel like an asshole now, but we got shit to deal with before we can all go on our honeymoons or whatever.”

  “Right. The Society.” He huffs.

  “The one and only. I don’t know if you saw it, but my deadline is up. It snowed last night.”

  “Damn it, you’re right. I guess my head didn’t go there when I saw it fall.”

  “That’s because your head was probably stuck in better places. Mine the fuck sure was.” I walk up to the kitchen island where he’s standing, placing my elbows to its edge, and leaning against it. “They want me to tell the world about you and Scarlett, and I gotta tell you, Linc, that’s exactly what I intend to do. All I need is your green light.”

  He grows quiet for a spell deep in thought but ultimately gives me a nod.

  “I’ll call Owen over today. I just need to talk to Scarlett beforehand. I didn’t get to talk to her yesterday.”

  “Having the woman you love in your bed kind of took priority over talking to a sister you never knew you had,” I joke.

  The smile that crests his face squeezes my heart.

  This was all he ever wanted. Since they were children, Lincoln and Kennedy gravitated to one another—needing always to be close. Crawford made him feel like he was a perverted freak of nature for having such feelings for her, but now that we know it was nothing but a cruel lie meant to hurt him, Linc can finally have what his heart always desired.

  “Once Scarlett and I speak to Owen and get some answers, then do whatever you need to. But Colt, I want you to think long and hard about what you are about to do. Once you tell the world about Scarlett and me, you can’t take it back.”

  “Like I give two shits about my parents. They deserve this for lying to us all this time.”

  “I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about your sisters, our sisters. They are the ones I’m worried about. This will shock them to their very core. Owen is everything to them.”

  “What they did was wrong. Their lies messed with people’s lives. They can’t go unpunished for it.”

  “You sound like The Society.”

  “That’s not fair,” I retort, offended he would compare me to those fuckers.

  “It wasn’t meant to be. Yes, they lied, and those same lies affected how Scarlett and I grew up. But your truth—the one you want to shout out on the eight o’clock news—that truth will also hurt the people you love. And don’t tell me that your parents suffering won’t cause you any pain either. I know you, Colt. Like I know my own heart. If they suffer, so will you.”

  “You talk like I have a choice. I don’t. You saw what The Society did to Finn, to East. We have no idea what they will do to me if I don’t give them what they want.”

  “Do you even care if they go after you?” He arches a knowing brow.

  “I’m not worried about myself. All I care about is Emma.”

  His eyes fall to the ground.

  “I won’t risk her just to avoid a scandal. And yes, my sisters might get their hearts broken when they realize that they have been lied to all these years, but I can’t think of them right now. Not when Emma can get hurt.”

  “I get that. You love her.”

  “I do. I do love her, but it’s more than that now,” I croak, recalling her suspicions from this morning. “Emma might be pregnant.”

  “Pregnant?” he repeats, stunned.

  “Pregnant?!” We hear Kennedy mimic from the kitchen entrance.

  “That was a quick shower,” I grumble, wondering how long she’s been standing there. “We don’t know for sure yet, but it’s a definite possibility.”

  “And how do you feel about that?” Linc asks, trying to gauge what I’m feeling.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure yet.” I shrug. “Everything has happened so fast that I haven’t had time to assimilate this news myself. Me, a dad? Why does that sound like a recipe for disaster? I’m going to fuck the kid up before he’s even born. I just know it.”

  “Don’t say that, Colt. You’ll make a great father,” Kennedy states comfortingly. “I know you will.”

  “I’m not so sure. It’s not like anyone in this room has had the best role models when it comes to the dad department,” I mumble, dishearten, but then shake the helpless feeling away to focus on something else. “Speaking of pricks, do you know why your dad asked Emma to come to the school today?”

  “I have no idea. School stuff, I suppose. He is the dean, and she is a professor.”


  I don’t like Emma seeing Montgomery in any capacity, but I guess I’ll have to swallow my hatred for the man since, technically, he is her boss.

  “When do you guys find out about the baby?”

  “I’m supposed to pick up some tests at the pharmacy later on before I pick up Emma from school.”

  “I have some errands to run in town, so how about I go with you and help out?” Ken asks while putting on her winter coat.

  “That would be great.”

  “I wish I could tag along, but I have a few things to do here,” Lincoln explains, his underlying meaning clear as day to me.

  “Call me when you finish,” I tell him and then direct my attention to Ken. “So, are you coming with me or what?”

  “You know I am. Just need to do one thing first,” she replies before flinging herself into Lincoln’s embrace.

  I roll my eyes and give them their privacy so they can properly say their goodbyes.

  Half an hour later, Ken and I walk up to a pharmacy to buy some pregnancy tests. Thank God she offered to come with me because as I stare at the row filled with babies on the boxes, my heart starts to accelerate.

  “Colt, you okay? You’re looking kind of green there.”

  “I think I need some air. Can you sort this out?”

  Her blond brows crease, but she nods, heading over to the cashier with five pregnancy tests in her hands.

  I run out of there, trying to gasp for air when I’m finally outside.


  How am I supposed to protect a helpless little baby when I can’t even protect my friends?


  “Colt?” Kennedy questions worriedly beside me when she arrives, with a plastic bag in her hands holding the answer to my future. “You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”

  “Little bit, yeah.”

  She lets out an exhale, understanding swimming in her cornflower blue gaze.

  “Come with me,” she orders, pulling my arm to cross the street.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  We walk a block until we reach a baby clothing store. My panic rises as Kennedy adamantly pushes me inside. Unwillingly, I go in, overwhelmed with all the baby merchandise lying around. Ken goes right to the newborn section and begins to scour the various clothing selection until she finds what she’s looking for. She unfolds a tiny little onesie with the words ‘Daddy’s Little Darling’ embroidered on the front and places it in my hands.

  I hold up the tiny piece of clothing, my heart doing laps around my ribcage.

  “It’s cute, right?”

  “It’s fucking terrifying.”

  She grabs my shoulders and gives me a thorough shake.

  “Snap out of it, Colt. God! Will you stop thinking about yourself for one goddamn minute? You think Emma isn’t as scared as you are right now?”

  “She’s stronger than me.”

  “No, Colt. She’s not. Trust me. I
know a thing or two about acting as you have it together when, in reality, you are just as terrified as the next person. Now stop being a little bitch and look at the onesie.”

  I do as I’m told and stare at the fabric.

  “How can you be afraid of something that comes in such a small size, huh?”

  Gently, I run my thumb over the wording.

  “It is kind of cute, huh?” The corner of my lips twitches while imagining a mini Emma wearing it.

  “It’s freaking adorable.”

  “Hmm,” I hum, looking over to a pale pink onesie on the counter that says ‘Daddy’s Little Princess.’

  I pick that one up, chuckling under my breath at the small golden crown stamped on it.

  “Tell me something, Colt. Do you love Emma?”

  “With all my fucking heart,” I deadpan.

  “Then you will love this baby even more because it will symbolize what you two feel for each other. This baby will be the luckiest kid ever because it will be born with two parents who love each other just as fiercely as they will love it.”

  “You think so?” I croak, feeling emotional all of a sudden.

  “I know so. Now, man the fuck up. And when Emma does the test, you will be right at her side, supporting whatever happens—baby or no. Have I made myself clear?”

  “Yeah.” I chuckle, my eyes sparkling when I see the tiniest little shoes.

  “You kind of want her to be pregnant now, don’t you?”

  “Fuck yeah! Look at this!”

  I pull up a little pajama that says ‘Party at my crib. 2 a.m. Bring a bottle.’

  We both start laughing as I continue to peruse for more baby clothes. The sound of her phone vibrating interrupts our fun.

  “Lincoln, miss you already?” I tease, but when I look at her face, there is a dark shadow there. “Ken, everything alright?”

  She places her phone back in her bag and throws me one of her fake-ass smiles.

  “Yep, all good. You okay if I leave you? I got something else that requires my attention.”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  She gives me a light peck on the cheek and goes about her business. I’m not sure here leaving me here alone was such a good idea since I end up on a buying spree for the next hour. I’m sure Em will laugh at me since we don’t know if we’re having a baby or not yet, but I can’t help myself.

  I’m still at that store when I receive a text from Emma telling me to pick her up. With a dozen bags in my hands, I walk the block back to my car. But as I get closer to the Bugatti, an eerie sensation runs down my spine. When I see a black envelope stuck to my car’s windshield, I drop all the bags and run to it. My hands tremble as I rip the God-forsaken thing to see what fresh hell they want to inflict on me now.


  I jump into my car and drive like hell on wheels while yelling at my phone to call my woman.

  “Pick up, Em. Pick up!” I yell, slamming my fist on the wheel.

  A sense of dread clutches its ugly claws around my heart with each unanswered call. When I get to the school and see an ambulance there, my heart stops. I park the car in the middle of the road, leaving my door open to run to the ambulance as the paramedics close the doors. A crying Kennedy is shaking profusely as one of the paramedics tells her something before getting behind the wheel and taking off, all sirens blazing.

  “Colt!” She cries when she sees me. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!”

  “Ken, who was in the ambulance?!” I shake her.

  “There… there was so much blood. So much blood,” she continues to stutter in her shock.


  Her watery gaze looks up at me with such despair, making me take a step back, my knees threatening to give in on themselves.

  “Emma. It was Emma,” she sobs.

  I don’t ask anything else and run to my car, putting the pedal to the metal and racing to the hospital. I’m a total train wreck when I arrive, gaining apprehensive glances from passing strangers.

  “Emma Harper! Where is she?”

  “Sir, please calm down,” the male nurse behind the reception desk orders.

  I slam my fists on the counter before grabbing him by the lapel.

  “I’ll fucking calm down when you tell me where she is!”

  He yells for security, two uniformed linebackers running toward us.

  I throw each one a scathing look, my grip never wavering.

  “Touch me, and I’ll make sure it will be the last thing you ever do,” I warn, then turn my face to the trembling nurse. “Tell me where Emma is, or I swear to God I’ll burn this whole place down to the ground looking for her.”

  I snap my hands off his collar, letting him sit back down in his seat and do what I ordered. He types on his computer, his nervous gape shifting from the screen back at me.

  “Yes, she’s here. A doctor is currently with her.”

  “Tell him to get his ass in here when he’s done. I need someone to explain to me what the fuck happen to my woman!”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He picks up the phone while I pace the floor. Ten minutes later, a woman in a white coat comes through the double doors.

  “Are you here for Ms. Harper?”

  “Yes. How is she? What happened? How is Emma?!”

  “She took quite a tumble. We’re running some tests to make sure there isn’t any internal bleeding, but so far, we are very optimistic that isn’t the case here.”

  “So does that mean she will be okay? I was told there was a lot of blood.”

  “Right now, Ms. Harper has a concussion, which we would like to monitor overnight. In regards to the blood, when she fell, she cut herself very badly in the leg. A nurse is stitching her up as we speak. But apart from that, we don’t see any real harm done. Nothing that a week or two in bed won’t heal.”

  “And the baby?”

  “The baby is fine. In the early stages of pregnancy, a fall like Ms. Harper experienced could have been lethal. She is fortunate that all she suffered were a few cuts and bruises.”

  I slam my back to the wall, pressing my thumbs into my eyes so the doctor doesn’t see me crying. Relief like I’ve never felt before washes over me, mixed with pure joy with the doctor’s confirmation.

  Emma is pregnant.

  I’m going to be a dad.

  We’re going to be a family.

  I’m going to spoil this kid rotten because he’s not even here yet, and already he owns me.

  “Can I see her?” I finally ask once I’ve gotten back my composure.

  “After we do some more X-rays and make sure nothing is truly wrong, I’ll come to call you.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  “Of course.” She smiles cordially before turning around and heading back to the woman I love.

  Twenty minutes pass by, and I’m still standing there, rooted to my spot, waiting for Emma’s doctor to return, when I hear the last person I wanted to see frantically call out my name.

  “Colt! Son!”

  I turn around, my father rushing in my direction, Easton, and Scarlett right as his tail. My simmered rage bubbles through with the sound of his voice alone. Once he’s close enough, I grab him by the shoulders and slam him up against the wall.

  “Did you do this?!” I jam an accusing finger in his face.

  “What?” he stammers, confused.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Dad. Did you fucking do this?! Did you hurt Emma?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Did The Society? Is this their handy work?”

  His face pales at my remark.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you fucking do. I know you know who those fuckers are.”

  His expression morphs into one of utter sadness.

  “Don’t go looking for ghosts, son. All you’ll find is death.”

  My nostrils flare with rage as I get into his face one more time.

I find out that you had a hand in hurting the woman I love, you’re dead to me,” I sneer through gritted teeth.

  “I understand. I’d do anything for the woman I love, too. But you have to believe me. I’d never hurt her. I’d never hurt you.”

  “How can I believe a man who lies for a living?”

  I pull away from him, not able to look at his somber face for another minute.

  “Mr. Turner,” the doctor calls out, eyeing my father and me cautiously. “You can see Emma now.”

  Thank fucking Christ.

  I throw a nod over to East and Scarlett, telling them I’ll be right out to give them the play by play of what happened after I’ve seen Emma.

  “No need, Colt. Ken came over to Lincoln’s and told us already. That’s why we’re here.”

  Scarlett looks concerned behind Easton’s shoulder, thinking the same thing I am.

  If Ken told them I was in trouble, then why isn’t Lincoln here already? Why isn’t she?

  “Mr. Turner?” the doctor chimes in, reminding me that I have bigger things to worry about. I follow her lead until she ushers me to the room where Emma is lying in bed, with a few scratches and bruises on her face. I immediately go to her side, gently kissing her lips, cheeks, arms, hands, and anything I can get ahold of.

  “I was so fucking scared. So fucking scared, baby,” I confess, emotion choking up my words.

  “I know. I was, too.”

  “This was all my fault, Em. All my fucking fault.” I hug her waist, kissing her belly.

  “Shh,” she hushes. “I’m fine. We’re fine.”

  I lift my head to stare at her molten golden eyes.

  “If anything ever happened to either one of you, I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to us,” she coos lovingly, running her fingers through my hair.

  “I love you so much, Em. And our baby. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you again.”

  “I love you, too,” she croaks, happy tears streaming down her face.

  I slide beside her, needing to hold her in my arms. She places her head on my shoulder, running circles on my chest like she loves to do.

  “So it’s official. We’re going to be parents, Colt. Are you okay with that?”

  “Before this shitshow happened, I had spent over a thousand dollars on baby clothes. So yeah, I’m pretty okay with that.”


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