We Will Gain Our Fury (Seers & Demigods Book 1)

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We Will Gain Our Fury (Seers & Demigods Book 1) Page 34

by Nicole Thorn

  I picked out the green dress and Zander decided to stop talking about his girl troubles. I guess it was just something he would have to figure out with some time. I didn’t know what else to do for him.

  I threw the dress on and left my hair down. The dress went to my knees and it flowed when I walked. The straps were thinner than I normally went for. But at least it was pretty.

  Jasper and I talked about where to go and we both decided somewhere that wasn’t very fancy. Neither of us thought that sounded like a good time. I preferred something simple.

  He drove us to a burger joint that he said Jasmine liked to go to sometimes. It was small and I was happy about that. Jasper took my hand and led me inside.

  We were seated in the corner in a booth. The host said our waiter would be with us in a couple minutes.

  I rested my chin in my hand on the table and stared at my boyfriend. “We’re all alone over here. Perfect if you wanna feel me up.”

  Jasper smiled at me. “But you’re all the way over there.”

  “Easy to fix.”

  “Heeeey,” a man said, cutting off our plans. The waiter was stumbling over with a very happy grin on his face. I pressed my lips together when I got a better look at him. He had brown hair that was in a braid over his shoulder. The braid was oddly neat for a man that was so clearly wasted out of his mind. He had a very thick mustache that was covering the entirety of his upper lip. “My name’s Keith.” He pulled a notepad from his pocket and blinked very slowly. “What cai getcha?”

  We gave him our order and I was so sure that it wouldn’t come as we requested. Keith wasn’t writing anything down at all and I think he started snoring when Jasper was talking.

  It took me saying the man’s name three times to wake him up. “Keith,” I said again, startling him awake. “You okay?”

  “Ahhhh.” He nodded, reaching into his pocket again. He pulled a flask out and took a drink, right in front of us. “I gots it. My tires lady is cookin’ and we gonna getcha some fries. Bye.”

  He literally ran away.

  Jasper and I looked at each other. He sighed and said, “So you don’t mind drive thru later?”

  I laughed. “Sounds fine.”

  We chatted about nothing important while we waited. He suggested more little things I could make and I might have gone for it if he wasn’t threatening to hang them up. It was his special place and he didn’t need to clutter it up with weird things I created. Somehow, he seemed to like the idea of looking at them all day.

  When the food did come, I was in pure shock that everything was correct. Not a thing out of place. Keith set it in front of us and bowed. “Would ya like ketchup?” he asked, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a bunch of those little packets, then dropped them on the center of the table. “Have a goood night, kids. You loook like a pretty coople.”

  I watched him walk back into the kitchen and touch the face of a blonde woman. She smiled at him like she didn’t mind it, then he gave her a hug, lifting her off of the ground.

  “That’s kind of adorable,” I said. When Jasper looked over, I pointed to what I was seeing. Keith was trying to get a piggy back ride from the too short woman and then they both fell to the ground and out of sight.


  “I’m sure they’re fine.”

  We ate and Jasper stole a bottle of ketchup for me from an empty table. I gave him a kiss as a reward and it just ended up making me want more from him. But I always wanted more from him.

  After the food was gone, Keith came back and he was indeed fine. He took our dessert order and left to harass that woman again. Then he brought us a sundae that I split with Jasper. It was nice to actually see him eating without being forced. Clearly he was doing better with his progress than I was.

  We held hands as we walked to the car and then again the second we got out at home. We stopped at the door and he unlocked it.

  “I enjoyed our date,” I told him. “It was fun.”

  He opened up the door, smiling. “It was. I think we should do that more often.”

  When we walked inside, the house was dark. I couldn’t even hear any voices. I was actually kind of glad for that.

  Jasper closed the door and I pushed him against the wall. “What do you wanna do now?”

  He dropped his keys on a table by the door. After he put his hands on my hips, he said, “I didn’t have any plans. You have a suggestion?”

  I lifted up and kissed him, kicking off my shoes at the same time. Jasper kissed me back with softness. All that did was make me want more of him.

  I jumped up and Jasper caught me. He started walking while still kissing me. The fact that he could do that was very impressive. We got up the stairs alive and he pulled back from me.

  “Your room,” I told him, then I forced him back to me.

  He did as I asked and then we were in a more private place. He sat on his bed and then I was on his lap. I was forceful when I rubbed my body against his.

  He broke away again, but it was to pull my dress strap down. He was just kissing my shoulder, but it was driving me insane. Everything he did drove me insane.

  “Jasper,” I said as his hands went under my dress. My skirt moved up as his hands dragged up my thighs.

  “Hmm?” He nipped at my shoulder and my eyes closed.

  It wasn’t enough. Not right now and maybe not ever. When his hands were under my dress and at my hips, I said his name again.

  I looked at him as he blinked himself back into awareness. “Did I do something?”

  I shook my head. “I want you. Now.”

  I think it took him a couple seconds to understand me. When he did, he looked a bit disappointed. “We can’t. Not yet.”

  My hands tightened on his shoulders. “Let me rephrase then. I need you. Now.”

  I felt little pokes into my skin when his nails bit at me. “I want more than anything to give that to you, but I think it would be too much.”

  “Then do something that’s not too much.”

  He studied me for a few moments before he quickly moved me onto my back. I felt like pure fire when his hands started pulling my skirt up. All I could see was this want I had. And him. He could make the fire burn brighter and then simmer away when it was time. I just knew that I was leaving it up to him.

  “Are you sure this is okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I trust you.”

  He moved so slowly when he pulled my legs apart. He was just at the band of my panties when I stopped him. “Wait,” I said frantically.

  “What. What happened?” he asked, terrified he did something.

  I put my hand on his arm. “Nothing, it’s fine. I just want to do something. This should be fun, right? It’s a new thing for me and it’s supposed to be fun. So close your eyes. I’ll be back.”

  I think he thought I was insane, but he did as I asked.

  I hopped off of the bed and went to Jasper’s closet, grabbing something and then going off to change. I was in the bathroom, trying to be braver than I had the right to be.

  It was only scary if I made it scary. I trusted Jasper more than anyone but Zander. And I wanted to do this for Jasper too. So I took off all of my clothes and left them on the counter. I had grabbed a button up from Jasper’s closet and I put it on.

  Once I was dressed… sort of… I stared at myself in the mirror. The buttons were all done, but I was still naked. It was Jasper, I knew I was safe. I wanted to do this. It would be just fine.

  I went back to Jasper and he still had his eyes closed. I closed the door and leaned against it, clearing my throat.

  When he opened his eyes, I think he stopped breathing. He had been sitting up and his hands were on his knees. Now, he was frozen. “Um… wow. Are you…?”

  I nodded. “Is that okay?”

  “It is very okay.”

  I walked back over to him and he wouldn’t look at anything but me. It made me feel very warm, the idea that he found me attractive. It was the only
time in my life I’d ever really wanted it. I wanted him to want me.

  When I reached him, I put my hands on his face, tilting it up and kissing him as slowly as I could handle. All of the heat was back and I had to be careful if I wanted to make it through this without trouble.

  Jasper had his hands around my wrists, pulling my hands to his shoulders. “You look beautiful.”

  I kissed him again and laid on the bed. I was flat on my back and completely vulnerable. It was amazing that I didn’t want to run.

  Jasper moved to his side, facing me. “Um,” he looked me up and down. “What should I do?”

  I was a little nervous to speak. “You should take my shirt off.”

  His eyes went wide. “What?”

  “It’s okay,” I promised. “I want you too.”

  “But you’ll be naked. In front of me.”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

  He gave a small smile. “You know that this is different.”

  I nodded at him. “I know.”

  He hesitated and his hand stilled at the top button of the shirt. “How should I do this?”

  I took a deep breath. “Do it the way you would if I was,” I paused. “Normal.”

  Jasper’s eyelids fell just a little. He kissed me before he did anything else. Our lips parted again and my tongue found his. Kissing him was like being home. I never wanted to not be doing it.

  I felt him as he undid my shirt. Once the buttons were all undone, his hand went to my shoulder, pushing it off of me. He did the same thing for the other side.

  It was still okay. I was here and not anywhere else. It was Jasper’s hands on me, moving down my torso and along my sides.

  “Are you really sure?” he asked again, waiting for permission I’d given him already.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “How do you know that?”

  I smiled up at him. “I know that you’re you. When you’re doing… what you’ll be doing, I can feel that it’s you. You smell like you, taste like you. I can open my eyes and see you. You’re my safe place in this whole world. I won’t be scared with you here.”

  He was so worried and I knew it. Still, he kissed me. The kiss wasn’t tense, but it felt like he was. I felt his hand as it started moving from my hip. My heart raced when it crossed my stomach. He gave me every chance to stop him, but I didn’t. No part of me wanted to.

  Then his hand was between my thighs. I breathed in sharply and he stopped everything for a moment. He only started again when I put my fingers in his hair.

  Slowly, his fingers moved against me and it wasn’t at all what I thought it would be. Nothing hurt. He was gentle and soft. It took a few minutes, but I started moving my hips along with him. It felt amazing and I believed that it was only because it was him doing it.

  I waited for the bad feelings to come, but there was nothing. Not a trace of guilt or anything like that. Just fire and happiness. I moaned against Jasper’s mouth as I pulled him closer to me. I was moving faster, but he wasn’t. He stayed slow and careful.

  Something started happening and it took me too long to figure out what it was. Probably because I didn’t think it would happen at all. I couldn’t breathe anymore and I had to stop kissing Jasper. It was quick, but unbelievable. I made another noise when it happened. Something to reflect the feeling of everything in me reaching a peak and then gently deflating.

  I smiled at Jasper when it was all over. He was waiting for a response and I hugged him. “It happened,” I said. “I didn’t think it could, but it did.”

  He was smiling too when I laid back down. “So you’re feeling okay? Nothing is upsetting you?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No. I’m okay.”

  I pulled him down to my level and kissed him one more time. Then I looked back into his eyes. “Jasper.”


  “Can you do it again?”

  29: Everyone Scream


  I awoke with Kezia squirming her way on top of me. Her hair got into my face and her hips pressed against mine. If I hadn’t been awake before, I certainly was at that point. I restrained the groan that wanted to break through my lips, uncertain if she was asleep or not and wanting desperately to not freak her out. This was only the second time that we’ve slept in the same bed together. Trying to mount her would probably be a little presumptuous. Even if certain body part were in denial about that. Hardcore denial.

  She squirmed again, pushing her pelvis right against mine, by accident, I’m sure. She was going to be the death of me. She really, truly was. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. It was getting more difficult the longer she was on top of me.

  I looked over at the clock. It wasn’t even past seven in the morning. I couldn’t hear my sisters moving around, or Zander for that matter. Two of them were loud enough people that I would’ve been able to hear them, if they were up. Which meant that Kezia was probably going to continue being passed out on top of me.

  I wanted that almost as much as I didn’t want that. I’ve only been in the two relationships in my entire life, but something about the desire struck me as amusing. I smiled up at the ceiling, but didn’t laugh. I never wanted Celeste half as much when she was gone than I wanted Kezia right now, when I had her.

  Trying to be careful, I started rolling Kezia onto her side, so that I wouldn’t wake her up with my movements.

  The second that my hands were on her back, images from the night before bombarded me. From the way she had looked for our date, to her coming at me with flushed cheeks and bright eyes. How she looked on the bed when my hand had been between her legs. The noises she made. Her eyes gone glassy. She had looked utterly beautiful and my body reacted to the memories like they were happening right in front of me.

  I removed my hands from her back and decided I was trapped until she woke up. I didn’t want her waking up with me hovering over her, or trying to get away and right now those were the options, based on how shaken I felt, just thinking of Kezia turned on and staring at me.

  She liked to push her limits. I had seen it in her eyes last night. She’d been willing to do pretty much anything I wanted. Either she was unaware of what she could handle, or she didn’t care. Quite frankly, I’m not sure which I’d prefer either. That she wanted to do these things was a good. The fact that she might want to do them more than she wanted her mental health wouldn’t be good.

  That’s how I’d end up getting murdered my Zander in my sleep. Or maybe he wouldn’t be kind enough to wait until I slept.

  She moved and all thoughts fled my mind. She was positioned in such a way that it was impossible for her not to brush up against my hard-on. It was getting more distracting with each one. Maybe I should give moving her over another try. She probably wouldn’t wake up, if that pressed against her didn’t register.

  My hands touched her hips. I began sliding her off me and rolling at the same time. Her head lifted up and sleepy eyes that looked very green today latched onto me. Oh. Uh. Crap. Her hair was fairly neat still, even though she had been sleeping on it for the last eight hours. It was the dreamy droop that distracted me. It was oddly sexy.

  “Morning,” I said.

  She smiled at me. “Good morning. What are you doing?” She wiggled closer, despite me trying to keep her away. She pressed right against me and her eyes widened, almost imperceptibly. “Oh,” she said. Heat flared in her cheeks, but not from embarrassment. She was trying to kill me. That’s the only explanation. She secretly hates me and is trying to slowly kill me.

  My forehead dropped to hers. “I didn’t want to wake you. Guess I failed at that pretty hard.”

  She smiled. “It’s okay. I would have gotten up after you, anyway.” She looked down at my bare chest. Her smile turned a tad bit wicked. She splayed her fingers across my skin. They were warm and dry. Her skin soft. She ran them across my chest and her mouth opened, the tiniest bit. Like she as having trouble breathing all of the sudden.

  I knew
the feeling well. My heart felt like it was about to pump out of my chest and fall into her hands. It was a devastating thing when it wanted to be and right now I felt like I was seconds from imploding from it. My head dipped without my permission and my lips took hers. She tasted amazing, like she always did. Fresh and tangy. I drew my tongue along her lower lips.

  Her mouth opened and our tongues slid together. She shoved on my shoulders, knocking me onto my back. She crawled on top of me, fully in control of herself all of the sudden. Her hands tangled in my hair, ran down my chest, gripped my shoulders. They were all over me, while my hands were latched onto her hips. Hips that were slowly rotating, creating a delicious friction.

  The smallest sound escaped Kezia’s lips and I pulled back, for a second to hear it escape. A breathy moan. When I was sure she wasn’t panicking, I took her mouth with mine again, sitting halfway up so that I could get better leverage. I tasted the inside of her mouth and it was even better than her lips were. Her soft hair got tangled around my fingers and I wasn’t even sure how.

  I was shoved back into the pillows and laughed.

  “Sorry,” she said, without pausing before biting my lower lip. It was a fantastic sting.

  My hands slipped under the shirt. Her kisses became more frantic, like she knew what I was doing and it drove her mildly crazy. The shorts were in the way, but that was an easy fix. They slid down her smooth legs, my fingers trailing along the smooth skin. When they were off, I didn’t waste time. My fingers slipped inside her and that breathy moan escaped her again, this time louder.

  She was so soft. And eager. Her hips began to move with my hand, her breath coming out of her in short pants. Her fingers had tightened on my shoulders so hard that I wondered if I’d bruise. The pressure built, the rhythm getting faster, her eyes brighter, until it overwhelmed her. She collapsed on top of me, tucking her face against my neck. I smiled, feeling amazing.


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