The Gaia Effect

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The Gaia Effect Page 6

by Claire Buss

  Martha interrupted her.

  'So how do you even know anyone was there? It sounds like you never saw them in the first place.'

  Dina spoke half to herself, half to Martha sounding frustrated.

  'Maybe I'm just not explaining it very well.' Dina pushed her hair behind her ear again, and spoke up with more determination. 'I saw a blue lady, but when I looked she'd already gone. But I know I saw her. She touched my hand. That's how I knew someone was sitting next to me.'

  Realising she'd spoken up so loudly, Dina shrank back a little, but Ruth leant over and patted her knee.

  'I wondered why you seemed so off when I met you that day.' Ruth began tapping the table thoughtfully. 'You know, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was a blue lady who brushed past me when Marshall and I were on our way out of the city.'

  Martha snorted. 'You are just saying that because everyone else has seen her.'

  Ruth glared at Martha.

  'Have you seen her?'

  'Actually, yes,' Martha countered. 'She brushed past me in the park when....' She stopped looking confused.

  Kira filled the sudden silence.

  'I think it's interesting that so many people have seen a blue lady. Do you think it's a new advert?' Kira wanted to divert the focus from Martha. 'Dina, did you feel drawn to making a purchase after your experience?'

  Dina shook her head. 'No. I felt sad, but at peace.'

  Ruth listened to them but continued to watch Martha with a slight frown on her face.

  'Well, you know, it could have been a manifestation of Gaia,' Kira said, raising her voice to be heard above the mock groans from her friends. 'No, I'm serious. The natural planet needs our help, you can't deny that. We destroyed so much, it's only fair we help nature to rebuild as well. If we can't get more in tune with what's left of nature on the outside of City Forty-Two, soon there won't be anything left.'

  'Kira, you don't seriously believe an ancient Greek deity is randomly stalking a handful of your friends.' Ruth sounded incredulous. 'What on earth would she want from us?'

  Kira didn't know what to say.

  MADSR: Cosmology Expert delivers final lecture before returning to City Fifteen. Dr Marshall Reynolds talks about the slowing of the universe oscillation and what will happen when the reverberations end. Register interest, VR plug-in available.

  'Ruth - am I correct in thinking Marshall is the Professor delivering the Cosmology lecture tonight?' Martha said, changing the subject, wanting to know more about Ruth's mystery man. 'Are you two serious?'

  'He is, and I don't think so,' Ruth replied. The others all looked at her, waiting for more details. 'There's honestly nothing to tell. He's a visiting lecturer. Goes back next week - bit obsessed with looking up at the stars and asking the big question.' She put on a silly voice and waggled her fingers upwards, 'Are we alone in the verse?'

  'You sound smitten to me,' Kira teased, gently lifting Grace to burp her.

  'Yes, well, smitten or not, he's gone next week so I'm free and clear of all that.'

  Martha leaned over to give Ruth a brief hug.

  'We all go through bad and come out good the other side. I have to believe that.' She stood up to get more wine.

  'What was all that about?' Ruth asked Kira.

  Kira shook her head, standing up.

  'Not mine to tell, Ruthie.'

  Kira called for everyone's attention.

  'Hi, everyone – I'd like to thank you all for coming.' She pointed at the sleeping baby on her shoulder. 'Grace is going to sleep now but she's pleased you all came and she thanks you for the lovely gifts. We will come visit you all soon.'

  The guests murmured good night Grace wishes as Kira took the baby into the bedroom.

  ANTIC: More secret meetings at Corp HQ. Join the online discussion in social hub beta – share what you know, don't let Corporation keep you in the dark.

  Sipping her wine, Martha noticed Jed was alone in the kitchen and went to stand with him.


  Without turning to face her, Jed spoke in a low voice. 'We got him Ma. You don't have to worry.'

  She nodded slowly.

  'What will happen to him?'

  Jed felt uncomfortable talking about it but felt that he owed his friend the truth.

  'Your father sent the order down. He's to be terminated.' He looked down at his wristplant. 'About now.'

  Before he could say anymore there was a huge flash of light from outside the apartment window and a massive peal of thunder. Kira came hurrying out of the bedroom. Another series of flashes illuminated the windows from the outside. 'Lightening storm!' A couple of the younger guests cried.

  Ingrid frowned looking down at her expanded wrist monitor. 'We're not scheduled a static storm tonight.'

  'I guess tech isn't always a hundred percent,' Pete commented, taking Ingrid's hand.

  She smiled, mellowed by the evening's wine. Everyone else continued to watch through the window as the lightening flashed, gradually slowing down in its intensity, the thunder growling above. When the storm stopped rumbling and the sky fell dark, heavy rain could be heard against the pane.

  'What a night!' Kira's mother commented. 'I hope the skyway is still clear so we can get home.'

  Kira reassured her. The party guests began talking about the weather and how they were planning to travel home. Martha touched Jed's arm tentatively, her face pale.

  'Do you think that was caused by..' She trailed off.

  'By termination? I don't think so Ma. Just a fluke.'

  'That was no fluke,' Kira said joining the conversation. 'That was Gaia crying out in pain.'

  Jed looked at his wife and shook his head ruefully while Martha stared out of the window.

  An hour after the storm had passed, people started to leave the apartment. The soundproofing had kept Grace oblivious to the storm raging outside. Martha had gone to lie down in the bedroom and keep an eye on the sleeping baby. Family, friends and parents all left in small groups, many leaving with food parcels and unopened bottles of wine. By the time Kira managed to get her parents out of the door, she felt exhausted.

  'Is that it?'

  'Yep. Pete left with Ingrid, they were giggling.'

  Jed raised his eyebrows at Kira in mock disbelief.

  'I expect we'll hear all about that tomorrow,' Kira said.

  She looked round the apartment in dismay. There were glasses, cups, bits of food and cake littered all over the place.

  'Come on,' she said to Jed. 'Let's make a start on this lot. I decided not to use the clean up service thinking it wouldn't be that bad. We can at least get the washer on tonight.'

  'I guess,' he said, less than enthusiastic. His wristplant beeped as a message from Pete came through

  'Thank you beta test!'

  Jed chuckled.

  'Well, I think Pete's having a good evening.'

  Kira's eyes widened.

  'Apparently volunteering for tech trials at HQ is the way to my sisters heart. Who knew?'

  'Is that Pete finally making some headway with Ingrid?' Martha asked, coming through from the bedroom as Jed nodded in response. 'I am sorry for missing the end of the party. I came over so tired I needed to lie down. I checked on Grace before I left the room, she's fine.'

  Kira smiled gratefully as Martha looked at the mess in the apartment.

  'Do you want some help?'

  Jed replied by tossing Martha a recycling sack.

  While they got to work Jed told the two women the news about the apartment next door. Kira squealed and jumped up and down like a little girl. She gave Martha a huge hug.

  'This is brilliant Ma! You can move in, right next door - and be our free babysitter.'

  Kira trailed off when she realised Martha wasn't matching her enthusiasm.

  'Are you sure you don't need the space?' Martha asked.

  Jed shook his head.

  'Not right now and after everything you've been through, we'd be more than happy if y
ou wanted to stay with us.' He wanted to hug Martha but he knew it might be too much too soon. Instead he changed the subject. 'Dina seemed nice.'

  Both women nodded and Kira gushed, sounding a little like her mother.

  'Oh, she is such a lovely young girl. She's just graduated but now she's on Ruth's PhD trail. I mean, poor thing. But you know, she's here all alone. Her parents died and she doesn't have anyone else except for Academy mates, and you know how they usually drift off. I told her she was welcome to come over anytime. In fact, we're actually going to do lunch next week.'

  'It will be nice to have a new member in our little group, especially after Ingrid,' Martha added. They all remembered how awkward lunch had been the one and only time Jed's sister had deigned to come outside without her technology.

  'She's a complicated person,' Jed said.

  CORPCHAT: Share your best lightening shot for a chance to win extra water rations.

  ANTIC: Terminators arrive at Force. What crime deserves such punishment?

  ANON6: Corp just terminated a rapist!

  CORP: Use of termination is strictly monitored and was sanctioned unanimously by the Board after reviewing a heinous crime. No further action is necessary.



  DATE: 17th April 2215











  Chapter Six

  MADSR: Terminators used in shocking rape case – is anyone safe?

  Join the virtual discussion in social hub beta.

  FORCE: Unsanctioned public demonstration will not be tolerated.

  All those involved in today's incident will be formally tagged and charged.

  Someone was crying.

  Kira checked on Grace, who was sleeping peacefully. She could hear sobbing coming from the lounge. Creeping out of the bedroom so as not to wake Jed and the baby, Kira went to investigate.

  'Ma, what's the matter?'

  Martha lifted her tear-stained face and pointed at the news sweeps projected on the wall. Kira read them in silence. The rape case had finally been swept.

  'It doesn't mention your name does it?'

  'No,' Martha replied in a small voice.

  'No-one will find out Ma.' Kira went over to where her friend was sitting on the couch and put an arm round her. 'It's going to be okay.'

  Martha blew her nose.

  'I took the wipe but I still know that it happened.' Martha gestured back to the wall. 'It was me. I was the victim everyone is talking about.'

  'You know what the sweeps are like though, Ma.' Kira tried to comfort her. 'They would have found out about the Terminators eventually. Now it's been reported, it'll soon die down when Corporation floods the sweeps about something else. No-one will find out.'

  Martha looked at Kira and squeezed her hand.

  'Thank you.'

  'You'll see,' said Kira. 'They'll be talking about the latest tech in no time.'

  Jed hurried into the lounge fully dressed.

  'Morning love, Martha. I've got to go into work early,' Jed said, grabbing an auto-brew from the kitchen. 'There's been something on the sweeps about...'

  'Yes,' Kira interrupted. 'We know.'

  'Martha, I'm so sorry.' Jed kissed his wife on the top of her head. 'I'll let you know what happens Kira, love you.'

  'Love you.' She watched him leave the apartment. 'I hope he doesn't get into trouble.'

  'I had better speak to my father,' Martha said.


  'If this is on the sweeps he will assume it originated from Pete or Jed.'

  Kira bit her lip.

  'Don't worry Kira,' Martha continued. 'I will vouch for them both.'

  And she hugged her friend before getting up and returning to her new apartment. Kira didn't have time to dwell on anything as Grace began crying for attention and food.

  Pete greeted Jed outside Force HQ.

  'How's Martha?'

  'Upset, but Kira's with her,' Jed replied. 'How did the sweeps get hold of the case details?'

  Pete shrugged and followed his partner into the office. There was an instant summons from the Chief on both desks. The two detectives went straight to the Chief's door. Pete knocked.

  'Yes?' the Chief barked.

  Opening the door, Pete stuck his head into the room and the Chief beckoned them both in.

  'Good, you're here. What the frag happened?' The Chief jabbed his finger in Jed's direction. 'I've got Hamble breathing down my neck and the fragging sweeps are full of a case no-one is supposed to know anything about.'

  'It didn't come from us,' Jed said.

  'Of course it didn't fragging come from you. You're not complete idiots.' Breathing hard the Chief motioned for the two detectives to sit down. 'Who else was involved?'

  'No-one Sir,' Pete replied. 'We picked up Greenwood ourselves and carried out the questioning in meeting room one.'

  'There was just the night guard,' Jed said. 'We didn't see anyone else.'

  'Night guard, eh?' The Chief flicked through the screen in front of him then barked through the com to his secretary. 'Get Pearce in my office ASAP.'

  The Chief lifted his gaze back to the two detectives. 'Can you think of anyone else?'

  'Just the Terminators Sir,' Jed said.

  'And Mr Hamble,' Pete added. 'And his man.'

  The Chief rubbed his temples.

  'Right,' he said. 'Hamble's on his way in, he wants to speak to both of you...' but before the Chief could continue, his office door banged open and Mr Hamble strode in.

  'Hmmph.' Hamble surveyed the room. 'Which one of you broke protocol?'

  The Chief stood up when Hamble entered and his face reddened in anger.

  'You have no jurisdiction to barge in here and accuse my detectives.'

  'They had no right to speak to the sweeps,' Mr Hamble retorted.

  'My detectives don't speak to the sweeps. We have other lines of enquiry to investigate and a full report will be made.'

  The two men glared at each other for a few moments.

  'I expect instant updates,' Mr Hamble conceded. He turned and left the room without giving either detective a single glance.

  Pete exhaled loudly but said nothing as the Chief shot him a sharp look.

  'That'll be all. For now.' The Chief dismissed the two men from his office.

  Jed's wristplant pinged, a message from Kira. Martha is speaking to her Dad. Hope everything is alright? K x Jed told Pete as they returned to their desks.

  'I hope she tells him we had nothing to do with it,' Pete grumbled.

  'I think he knows we didn't. He's just looking for someone to blame.'

  Several hours later the night guard Pearce was escorted to holding in magno-binders, watched by a grim faced Chief.

  There was no formal apology from Mr Hamble to Pete or Jed, but Martha assured them both that he had apologised to her for jumping to conclusions and that their jobs at Force HQ were safe.

  CORP: Our latest candidates for Corporation's Rising Star are:

  Miss Ingrid Jenkins, Corp Tech

  Junior Dr Lewis Barnstable, Med Centre

  Mr Vladimir Draganov, Science Division

sp; INJEN: Ecstatic to be nominated for Rising Star. I pledge to work even harder for Corporation.

  Three weeks had passed since the leak at Force had been dealt with and an excited Ingrid was telling Jed, Kira and Pete over dinner about her nomination for Corporation Rising Star.

  'It means I am a top pick for promotion.' Ingrid beamed at the others sat around the table. 'Isn't that exciting?'

  Pete matched her smile, while Kira murmured her congratulations.

  'Proud of you sis,' Jed said, as he leant over the table and clinked glasses with her.

  'I just never thought it would be me,' Ingrid gushed. 'The department has been so busy and everyone has been working hard, but it just goes to show – Corporation rewards loyalty and dedication.'

  'Speaking of Corporation,' Kira said. 'Did you ever find out about the blue lady campaign Ingrid?'

  'I told you before Kira, there was no such campaign.'

  'Are you sure it's not top secret and you'd have to kill us if you told us?' Jed teased his sister, his voice full of amusement.

  'It's not anything to do with Corporation at all.'

  'So you admit there was a blue lady then?' Kira said.

  'That's not what I mean.' Ingrid started to get red in the face.

  'We've all seen her love, it's okay to admit you have too.' Pete was grinning with Kira and Jed and failed to realise how upset Ingrid was. She pushed her chair away from the table and stood up.

  'I've just remembered, I've paperwork to finish at the office. Thank you for dinner Kira.'

  Before anyone could stop her, Ingrid gathered up her coat and left the apartment. The others stared at each other for a moment.

  'I'd better go and see if she's alright.' Pete said his goodbyes and followed his girlfriend out of the apartment.

  'I'm sorry Jed,' said Kira. 'I didn't mean to upset her.'

  Jed began to clear the dishes from the table.

  'Don't worry about it hon, she's a corper. I'm sure we'll have them both over for dinner again soon.'

  A month later and Ingrid was still giving Pete the cold shoulder, despite how well their relationship had been going. Ingrid claimed it was a busy time at work but Kira knew she'd caused an issue by raising the topic of the blue lady at dinner.

  Kira spoke about the Gaia sightings with her other friends as they tried to figure out whether it was an advertising campaign, a nonsensical prank, or whether it could be the manifestation of an ancient goddess.


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