Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2)

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Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2) Page 14

by Sean Oswald

  They were both cut short as King Borstein slammed his hand down upon the arm of the throne. He must have had some metal on the palm of his hand for the metal of his throne rang out in a manner which brought all eyes in the room to focus on the king. “Enough! I have already heard what you both have to say and I have already told you that I will make up my own mind.” His voice must have carried to every corner of the throne room but it was clear that he spoke to the two men standing at the foot of the dais.

  Max quickly dropped to a knee, bowing his head as he said, “Yes your majesty.”

  At least two seconds slower, Duke Holstein lowered his head and said, “As you will my liege.”

  “Very well now that it is established that I rule, at least here in my throne room, I want a moment to speak with this man alone. Captain Smart, have the guards clear the throne room of all except the royal mage and Mr. Nelson. Have an escort take Queen Dulcette to her chambers.”

  Even as Max sprang into action and guards started to materialize from their posts along the wall and the clusters of men milling about the room headed for the large doors, Duke Holstein spoke again, “My liege you cannot mean to be left alone with this man. We barely know anything about him.”

  Pausing in his actions, Max began to speak, but King Borstein held up his hand, and the Captain obviously knew better than the Duke when to stay quiet. “You heard what I said Edwin, or are you challenging me in my own throne room. Besides, I trust Captain Smart’s assessment of the man’s capabilities even if I will make my own determination about his intentions. You certainly can’t think that he poses any threat to me and Gunidar together. ”

  A look of rage passed across the Duke’s face so quickly that if one hadn’t been watching carefully it would have been easy to miss, but in the end Holstein shook his head and then bowed it again, “Of course not my liege.” even as he turned and joined one of the groups exiting the room.

  Dave took the moment to speak up above the undertone of murmuring from the various groups leaving the throne room, “Your Majesty, I don’t mean to cause any difficulty, but I would be greatly distressed to have my son leave my side, you see…”

  King Borstein interrupted him, “Yes Captain Smart has told me all about your daughter. Sara, I believe is her name. Well as a father you have my sympathy, but as a king, I need to speak to you without the child present. I suppose that you would feel comfortable if I instruct Captain Smart to keep the boy by his side?”

  It wasn’t really a question, but Dave answered all the same, “Thank you, your Majesty. That would be perfectly acceptable.”

  “There, that is settled. Be a good boy then and stay by Captain Smart but don’t get in his way.” Harold said speaking to Jackson followed by a quick glance at Max which elicited a bow of the head.

  Within a matter of minutes the massive room was empty except for King Borstein, the royal mage, and Dave. Oh and Eleazor the steward, but he seemed to be an almost invisible shadow behind the throne. Dave was fascinated by how so many of the servants and guards were able to be in public posts but make themselves almost seem to disappear. He didn’t think there was any magic at work, just a simple aspect of human nature resulting in everyone’s focus going to the most important figure in the room.

  In this room, that was clearly Harold Borstein. The king stood from his throne and without a word turned and walked towards a small door at the back of the room just to the right of the dais. Yet another fact that Dave hadn’t identified. He felt like Shawn Spencer being quizzed on his memory of a room, except that he was most definitely failing to pick up on the little details. Eleazor signaled for Dave to follow the king and royal mage through the small door.

  The doorway led into what could only be deemed a private study of sorts. There was a large deep cherry colored desk with a plush chair behind it and stacks of paper all over it to the right of the doorway and immediately to the right there was a small round table suitable for at most four people to sit at but with only two chairs at it. Seeing Dave peering in from the doorway, Harold said, “Come in, I promise I won’t bite. I understand you aren’t one of my subjects at this moment, and so I’d like to sit down and talk to you man to man without all the formality required out there.” He gestured to the throne room behind them.

  “Of course your Majesty,” Dave said quickly as he came in and took the offered seat, the only unoccupied one now that King Borstein was sitting in the other. He didn’t know if he was getting this kind of treatment because of something Max had said or because of his high Diplomacy skill, but either way he was just going to go with it.

  What followed was fascinating to Dave. He had never been one to follow celebrities or athletes let alone politicians or foreign royalty on social media. He thought it was all silly to be honest, but here he was with a real king, not just one in name. This man had the weight of a nation on his shoulders, and it showed yet here in his private office, Borstein seemed approachable. Even if that was only the effect the king was going for, Dave couldn’t help but be put at ease.

  Dave was experienced enough at questioning witnesses to note how he was being carefully steered to describe all of the events since he had arrived in Eris’ Rise. He noted how sometimes Gunidar or Eleazor would ask essentially the same question but in a slightly different way as if to confirm the facts.

  This went on for about twenty minutes after which the king put both of his hands on the table palms together fingers up. “Okay, I’m inclined to believe him. What he says is supported by Maxwell’s statements, and I don’t really sense any bad motives in him. What about you two?” Dave was a bit surprised to hear them discussing their opinion of him so openly which made him wonder what would have happened if the king didn’t believe him.

  Eleazor chimed in first, “My Sense Motive skill only detects honesty from him and from what I can tell he is exactly what Captain Smart said, a level seventeen melee based classless individual.”

  The royal mage added, “My detection magic concludes the same about his level and the truth finding spell set in this room has not registered any lies or even attempts to hide things. Although I will note that he did seem to steer the conversation away from his activities before arriving in Eris’ Rise.”

  “Yes, well Maxwell did say he was a lawyer back in his own country. I suppose we must expect some attempts at privacy from him. Hmmm.” Harold appeared lost in thought. “My counselors don’t agree with me, and Edwin is going to positively have a fit about this,” he chuckled as if at some private joke, “but I am going through with my plan.”

  Dave just looked on unsure what to say.

  “Good, still the strong silent type. I like that about you, David or do you prefer Dave? I think that is what Maxwell said he calls you.”

  “Dave is perfectly fine, your Majesty, but call me whatever you like. It is your house after all.” Dave answered with a smile, feeling that there might actually be something good to come of all this.

  “So let me be blunt then Dave. I find myself in a strange position. My house is not in order. I have a Duke that I can’t trust but no evidence directly pointing to anything besides perhaps some negligence on his part.”

  “May I speak bluntly your Majesty?” Dave asked quickly, seizing upon a pause in the king’s speech.

  “That is why we are in this room rather than the throne room, speak your mind.”

  “I’m not sure why you are telling me this, but I am not naïve. I can see that you are looking for something from me. I just don’t see what I can do for you, and to be honest, I’m not from Albia and not really keen to put my family at risk for the sake of this kingdom’s politics.”

  As Dave spoke, Eleazor’s face grew grim, Gunidar’s robes shuffled as he moved uncomfortably behind them from where he guarded the door, but most surprising of all was the grin that sprouted on Harold’s face. “Once again, you prove that my intuition about you was correct. Surely, Maxwell told you how I like to pick outsiders for my Purple and Gold. People wh
o either have no ties with Albia or at a minimum have no political connections.”

  Dave nodded as he said, “He did say something about that, but surely you didn’t bring me back here to recruit me for your Purple and Gold. As flattered as I am your Majesty, I could never accept such a position. I need to find my daughter and then my primary task will be to secure a place for my family in Eris’ Rise, preferably.” Then Dave’s face grew dark as he added, “That is of course assuming that I am allowed to refuse your offer.”

  The king was good and truly laughing at that point, “No no, it's nothing like that. I don’t know you well enough to entrust you with a position in the Purple and Gold yet. I’m going to offer you a position which is even more important if somewhat more remote. And, well yes, I suppose you can refuse it, but if you do then you will miss out on a lot. I won’t threaten you because I need you to take the position willingly but if you do take the position, I will offer you many perks.”

  It was Dave’s turn to smile now, “Well I can’t say that I don’t like the sound of that, but what is the position that you wish me to take, and what are these perks that you are talking about?”

  “Well this is where you are going to have to trust me a bit. Hopefully Maxwell spoke half as favorably about me to you as he did when he was telling me about you. The truth however remains that we are strangers to one another, and for various reasons, that is a good thing. But if I extend this position to you, I will be placing a tremendous amount of trust in you and not a little bit of risk on my part. So if you wish my trust, you must also extend some trust back to me.”

  The two men sat there staring at one another for a some time. Dave activated his Sense Motive skill and didn’t detect any ill intentions. From what he could tell, the King was rather desperate. That of course could serve him well in negotiations.

  “And what about these perks you were talking about?”

  Obviously not new to negotiating, King Borstein sensed that a deal had been reached and only the details needed to be ironed out. “They will be significant and ongoing for as long as you maintain my trust and with the understanding that future perks will be contingent upon your success in the role that I am going to place you in.”

  “So what show of trust do you need from me?” Dave asked. He figured that if the king wished ill upon him it was within his power to do so, and if he wanted to see what could be gained out of this situation, he would have to pay to play.

  “Simply, I wish for you to request to be made a subject of Albia and then to swear an oath of fealty to me and my line first in private and then later in public. In return, I will swear to offer the assistance that is in my power as your liege lord in finding your daughter. Not to mention those other perks that I have hinted at.”

  Dave knew that the king had him now. He would sell his soul to the devil if it let him get Sara back and King Borstein seemed to be offering much better terms. “Very well, let's get to it then. I would like it if you accepted myself and my family as citizens of Albia.”

  “Granted. Now Eleazor will recite the oath of fealty for you, and you must repeat after him word for word, but you must do so with your hand upon the oath board. It will magically bind you and I together in our oaths to one another. Sadly, it's not a foolproof tool or I wouldn’t be in the situation that I am in, but it does make it more serious than mere words.”

  Dave thought, ‘Well this just got real, real fast.’ “Okay, tell me the words I need to say, I understand what an oath of fealty is, and if you will do as you have for with my Sara, then I have no problem swearing such an oath.”

  Gunidar set a board down on the table. It was about two feet wide and four feet long. Made of a richly burnished wood, it had swirls in the grain of the wood which seemed to beguile the mind. Around the edge of the board, runes were deeply carved into it and inlaid with what looked like gold, but these runes were very simple in that there were only half a dozen on each side. The runes appeared to be the same on each side but simply in the opposite order. At each of the more narrow ends were markings indented into the wood for two hands to be placed side by side.

  Dave was instructed to place his hands in the spots on his side of the board while King Borstein did his on the opposite side. After a moment’s hesitation, he did so and then began to repeat after Eleazor, “I David Nelson, due of my own free will swear in the names of all the true Gods to serve Harold Borstein as King of Albia and all those of his line in good faith, bearing it as my task to maintain the honor and reputation of my lord, to obey his commands, to pay my taxes in a timely manner and to marshal troops as best I am able to answer his call to arms. So do I swear upon my eternal spirit.” As he finished, Dave felt mana surge up from the board and lock him in place.

  Harold began as soon as Dave finished speaking, “I Harold Borstein, the first of my name do swear for me and my line to treat fairly with David Nelson as a vassal and all of his line. In the names of all the true Gods, I pledge to be his shield and protector and to give back the same respect I am given. So do I swear upon my eternal spirit.”

  A flash of magic surged through both men and Dave quickly looked at the notification that he got.

  Affiliation: Vassal to Harold, King of Albia and all those in his line.

  Benefits: +30 Faction with Harold, +20 Faction with faithful retainers of Harold

  -10 Faction with enemies of Albia.

  +100 Health and +5 Strength when fighting within sight of Harold or any of his line. Future benefits to be determined.

  Obligations: Tithe of 10% of all revenues and goods from your lands to the royal treasury and the obligation to pay levied taxes or to levy troops as called upon.

  Well the faction bonuses were nice, and he supposed he could pay 10% to the king. The buff might be nice, but it wasn’t like he planned to be fighting around the king that often. The rest of it really didn’t seem that important or make any sense as he didn’t have any land or troops to levy.

  King Harold smiled as the magic released them. “I am glad that you have entered into this in good faith. Now we can negotiate in good faith about the perks you are to receive.”

  For the next hour they hailed back and forth. Dave got to see his high Diplomacy skill in action as time after time Harold conceded something that he seemed to have been intent on withholding. He could tell by the chagrin displayed by Eleazor and Gunidar. The offer was already amazing and actually made Dave feel like Eloria might be the world of his dreams rather than a continual nightmare meant to test him, but the extras that he got added in made him feel like he was completely coming out on top.

  Finally Eleazor said, “Well now that all of that is determined, we will need to make it public with your oath in the throne room before a select audience. It would be best if you and Jackson were to sleep in the barracks tonight and first thing after breakfast tomorrow we will make these announcements. We are aware of your urgency in returning to Eris’ Rise.”

  “More so now than ever.” Dave said.

  The night passed quickly, and Dave only gave Jackson and Max the barest of hints about what was to come. He did discuss with Jackson privately the one really negative thing that he had had to concede to but was surprised at how well Jackson took it. It almost seemed as if the boy was excited by it. With all of the excitement, Dave slept very little and when revelry was sounded in the barracks, Dave had never been gladder for the extra points put into Endurance. The minimal sleep still left him feeling rested enough that he should be on top of his game for today.

  Scarfing down breakfast, Dave was ready and waiting for the summons to the throne room which didn’t come for almost another hour in the person of Tabor. The lad was shaking his head, “Whatever you’ve done you have stirred up a hornet’s nest. Everyone is talking about you, but no one seems to know exactly what is going on. The throne room is packed with two dukes and their retainers, a half dozen barons from the king’s private holdings, dozens of knights and ladies of high birth, and that is not to men
tion the bishops of both the church of Shanelle and Mishpat as well as some monk from the church of Karbanot.”

  Dave just grinned which prompted Tabor to say, “You have to tell me, what's going on?”

  Dave simply said, “The king has an announcement to make, and he ordered me to be present for it.” He was enjoying the mystery of it all.

  Once again Tabor led them through the maze of the hallways in the castle and to the throne room. Apparently this time the guards had been told to expect them because they were immediately admitted and moments later greeted by Eleazor.

  “Are you ready? Do you remember what you are to do?” The steward was acting like a grade school drama director ensuring that his charges all knew their lines.

  “Yes, Mr. Brilin, it was only a few hours ago, and I don’t think I could forget this if I tried.” Dave’s sarcastic tone must have irritated the all business steward, but he didn’t let it show outwardly beyond the twitching of his eye.

  Dave followed Eleazor up to the same spot from which he had been presented to the king the day before. He again dropped to a knee as he was presented as a new citizen of Albia. This must have been unexpected for all eyes were now focused upon him. King Borstein stood and took a step away from his throne as he then proclaimed, “We recognize, David Nelson, as our faithful servant and commend him for his faithful service as the sheriff of the town of Eris’ Rise. David, just like the town that he guards, is from outside of our normal borders. He and the town both represent an expansion of our kingdom, something which has not happened since my father rested from his conquests. We say it is high time that new land and new blood were brought into the kingdom of Albia. This will make us stronger.” There was a mild round of applause from around the room.

  “For this reason, the Kingdom of Albia hereby officially annexes the zone of Murkwood and We, in our capacity as divinely appointed ruler of Albia, do hereby create the royal barony of Murkwood which will answer directly to the throne. Further, it is decreed that the Duchies of Holstein and Oppenheim shall cede a stretch of land three miles south of the Sienna River for the length of the Murkwood zone to the barony of Murkwood. The towns and people in that land now are serfs or free men as the case may be under the direct rule of the Baron of Murkwood.”


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