Marshall (Mayfair Model Series Book 1)

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Marshall (Mayfair Model Series Book 1) Page 5

by Claire Castle

  “Very funny.” I wiped my mouth with a napkin. “Are you close with your mum?”

  “Her heart is in the right place, but sometimes it’s overwhelming. When I’d left Inverochtie to come here, she thought it was the big, bad city and that I wouldn’t be able to fend for myself.” He put his fork down.

  I noticed a drop of pasta sauce at the corner of his mouth and had the absurd yearning to kiss it right off his face. Instead, I reached over and brushed it off with my thumb. Licking my thumb, I cleared my throat and kept eating, not sure what had come over me.



  It was as if an electric current moved through his hand and thumb to my face. I didn’t dare move, only staring at his finger and then looking into his eyes. Glazed over and in their hidden depths, I saw desire.

  I was seemingly entranced and under his spell, and as I leaned in closer, I suddenly caught myself and moved back in my chair. I wiggled uncomfortably and said, “Ah, be right back.” Then I fled to the bathroom. What was happening here? We both had said we didn’t do repeats, and while I couldn’t deny the attraction between us—broody, in-the-closet, grumpy men were not my type, right? I stared at myself in the mirror, obviously trying to convince my reflection.

  Splashing water over my face, I patted it dry with a towel and went back out. Sitting down at the table, I took another bite of pasta. It was stone cold and tasted disgusting, but I was trying for normalcy. Noticing Marshall’s plate was empty, I said, “Do you want some more?”

  He studied me from across the table, his hand rubbing up and down the side of his glass in a controlled manner. Never had I been looked at with such intensity. I stared back at him, never losing eye contact.

  “More what, Stuart? A repeat of the night we met?” This felt like a test. Hadn’t we both said we never had more than one night? I didn’t have any clue as to what was happening between us.

  I gathered my thoughts and tried to sound strong. “No. No repeats, remember?” I pointed at his plate. “More pasta?” Then I picked up my plate and rushed through to the kitchen with Jess hot on my heels. I let out a deep breath. Close call. It would be so easy to fall under his spell.

  I wasn’t even sure why I was declining. Oh, yeah, that’s right. Heartbreak. Closeted, moody, sucked-at-communication, sex god. Fuck. I bit my lip and then went back to the table. The way Marshall had looked at me earlier, as if he wanted to devour me was so fucking hot. He sipped his drink but didn’t say anything. I had to ask, “Thought, ah, you didn’t do repeats either?”

  “Oh, I don’t. No. No, that’s right. Definitely not.” The way he spit out the words so quickly, I almost wondered if he was talking to himself. He took another sip of his drink and then he pushed his hand through his hair. “I was just seeing what you’d say. You know, because I know you said the same thing.” Then he stood up, trying not add weight to his sore ankle, and leaning on the cane, he hobbled to the couch again.

  Jess jumped up next to him and they cuddled. So adorable. My heart could melt just seeing them there. I put the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher and went to sit on the armchair near them. Then I dashed to the freezer to get some ice and brought it back. “Hey, put your leg up and I can ice it for you. Is it feeling any better?” He continued to pet Jess and ignored me. I sighed and dropped the ice beside them.

  When I left to go to my room, Jess followed. Oh, just great. Maybe I should leave and head home. Marshall obviously couldn’t care less if I was there. Well, except for testing me and almost suggesting we fuck again. That’s all I was or ever would be to him—a fuck toy. Although, I couldn’t even tell if he’d been serious about that.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and Jess hopped up into my lap. “Hiya, lass.” She let out a cute moan when I rubbed under her chin. “Well, at least someone here is speaking to me,” I said quietly, laughing to myself.

  I could take out my drawing materials, but I really wasn’t in the mood after earlier. He said he didn’t want a second round either, so why the fuck was he acting like an ass. “Your dad is a jerk,” I whispered in Jess’s ear to make myself feel better.

  “I am,” I heard from the hallway. Looking up, I noticed Marshall leaning on the doorframe—sexy as fuck and looking sheepishly at me, and then they turned sad like those of a puppy dog.

  On instinct, I put Jess beside me and she jumped down and ran to Marshall’s side. “Is your ankle hurting? You’re supposed to be resting it.”

  He hobbled over with the cane and Jess pushed her cute button nose in to sit between us. He nudged me and I looked over. “Well, that’s it then. There really can’t be any sex since I’m injured,” he said, trying to make a joke.

  I wasn’t really feeling in the mood for jokes, so I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah.”

  He didn’t look at me, but instead at the stark grey wall ahead of him. I waited. He sat awkwardly with his sore leg sticking straight out in front of him. Hanging his hands between his legs, he started talking in a more serious tone. Slowly at first. “Look, sorry I was an asshole when you brought the ice.” He cleared his throat. “Even that is hard for me to say. I never apologize. But when I asked you the question before that, I didn’t even know what I wanted your answer to be. I just blurted it out. I have no idea what I’m—what we’re—doing here.” He pushed his hands through his hair, sighing, and got up as if he was about to leave. Or attempted to get up.

  “Marshall, I have no idea what we’re doing either,” I said, rubbing his leg. “But I do know you can’t just shut me out, okay? You can talk to me and tell me what you’re thinking.”

  He didn’t reply for the longest time, so I got up and stretched and was about to go back into the living room. “I’m not sure I know how,” I heard him whisper.

  I went back over to him. “Well, we can start right now. Tell me one thing that that you’re proud of … apart from your work.”

  He tapped his fingers on his thigh. “Um, ah ...”

  He seemed to be suffering, so I continued. “Okay, the photoshoot you are most proud of.”

  Tapping his finger to his lip, he looked over to me. “This is worse than math tests in school, you realize.”

  “I was actually good at math, so I can’t relate.”

  “I’ve got it.” His finger went high in the air, as if he’d had an epiphany. “Jess. I’m so proud of Jess and the little family we’ve become.”

  I leaned over and kissed him, deep and passionately. “You get an A+.” Then I headed to the bathroom to get into comfy pyjamas.



  I touched my lips, feeling a connection I couldn’t explain. The way he tasted—that was a kiss like nothing I’d ever experienced. Jess put her head on my thigh, so I rubbed it. Pushing myself back up to standing was a feat in itself. Then I hobbled back into the living room and sat on the couch.

  “How about we play Monopoly? I noticed you have it over there under the television,” Stuart said when I reached him. “We can have a few drinks and just relax? Keep in mind, I get to be the dog. I am always the dog.”

  “What, not a mouse?” I said gruffly.

  “Oh, very funny. Stuart Little. Ha ha. Never heard that one before.” Then he walked over to pull the box out. “Let’s get playing. What piece do you want to be?”

  “Uh, confession time?”

  “Another one?” Stuart said dramatically. “What is it.” He rushed over to me, obviously thinking it was some life-changing moment.

  “No, it’s not a big deal. Just, I’ve never played it.” I glanced up at him then looked down again, grabbing the ice to keep occupied. His eyebrows raised up and seemed to move of their own accord.

  “How can you own only the best board game ever and—”

  Just then, my cell phone rang on the coffee table. “Sorry, I must get this.” Saved by the bell. As soon as I answered, I knew I should have let it go to voicemail. “Ah, hi, Mum,” I said. Fuck … and my ankle was killing me. No way could I move and
I wasn’t rude enough to make Stuart leave.

  I listened, trying to act interested as she spoke. “How is Jakarta, dear?” she asked in her fake voice. Must be around other people, I thought.

  “Ah, no I didn’t go. I’m at home.” Then I cringed, waiting for her reply. Silence was all that greeted me on the other end of the line.

  “You, what? Why, might I ask?” I rolled my eyes though she couldn’t see me. Glancing up at Stuart, I could see him setting up the game at the table, obviously trying not to intrude.

  “Well, I injured myself. So, I’m just resting for this week.” I put my fingers between my eyebrows, trying to make the crease disappear.

  “Okay, I’ll come over right away. What should I bring?” she asked.

  “No, no, it’s fine. I have Jess.” I laughed at my own joke.

  “A dog cannot look after my boy. You must be going stir-crazy.” Well that part was true, I thought. Or had been til Stuart stormed into my life. “I’ll just rearrange—”

  There was no way I could have her live with me, I thought. Frantically, I wracked my brain. “My friend Stuart is here.” I let out a sigh.

  “Stuart? Who is that? The model from the agency that you seem to want to befriend?” The disdain in her voice was crystal clear.

  I leaned back on the couch. Lifting my phone from my ear, I saw it had only been three minutes. Three minutes and I was done. “Ah, no, that’s Carter. And he’s a great guy.” I shook my head. Why did I feel the need to defend him?

  Carter Hamilton was another male model and a really decent guy. Sometimes we crossed paths at fashion shows or charity events, and though to most people we were merely acquaintances, he really was the closest thing I had to a friend.

  And my next sentence was one of epic stupidity. I brought up the gala. Good lord, I was never answering my phone again. “Everything ready for the literacy gala, Mum?” The event would consist of expensive tables that celebrities paid a pretty penny to buy, and then money raised would go to help local school libraries order more books.

  “Yes, dear. Everything is all set. Who are you bringing? I heard you broke things off with the last girl.” I sighed, pushing my hand through my hair. For a split second it went through my mind to blurt out Carter’s name, or Stuart’s—just to hear her reaction. But then I reeled it in because that would be the height of stupidity. I’d want to do that about as much as walking over hot coals on a fashion runway.

  “Not sure yet, Mum,” I said, wimping out. My lips quivered, but I straightened up in my chair. “You’ll see when I see you, I guess,” I added, having no idea who, if anyone, I was taking.

  Obviously not detecting my uncomfortableness over the phone–thank goodness—she continued to tell me all about the place settings, who would be there, and every possible item that would be available at the silent auction. For a moment, I wondered if the couch could suck me in and let me hibernate for six months. “Okay, well I better go now, Mum. Thanks for calling.” I hit End and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Looking over to the table, I saw Stuart staring intently at the game, obviously trying to pretend he hadn’t heard any of that.

  “So, want to play?” he asked. Giving me an out to not talk about it, if I wanted to take it. And did I ever. “The game’s all set up.”

  I tried to get up, and Jess trotted over to paw my leg, thinking she was helping. “Ahhh,” I grunted out, as I pushed myself up. Stuart came over with his hand out. I grabbed it so I was standing upright. “Thanks.”

  Our eyes locked and I couldn’t look away. Stuart took a step closer to me and then his hand went under my shirt to caress my chest. I let out a sigh and sank into his touch. I hadn’t realized just how much I needed him. He moved to kiss my neck, and as he continued to stroke me, I lifted my chin to give him more access.

  His kisses sent shivers down my neck and spine, and a moan escaped me as I put my hand on the front of his jeans. Caressing slowly and exploring, my voice sounded rough when I asked, “Do you like this?”



  Kissing Marshall was unlike anything I’d felt before. He wasn’t exactly nervous, but reluctant, almost like a quiet mouse that could be easily spooked. Slowly, I could sense him relaxing.

  “So good, Marshall,” I responded as he touched my hardening cock. I continued to caress his chest and moved closer to kiss him. His hand stopped suddenly and he backed up just as I was a breath away from his lips.

  “I d-don’t …” he stuttered. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” He pushed his hands through his hair. Pointing between us, he continued, “I don’t do this. I fuck. And get fucked.” The sigh he let out was part frustration and part anxiety.

  I took the lead and put my hands on both his wrists. “Let me take care of you.” The hollowed look in his eyes was empty and forlorn and was devastating to witness. As if no one had ever said that to him, I pushed him down carefully onto the couch.

  Then I undid his jeans and felt eyes on me. Not Marshall’s sexy eyes, but Jess’s. I sprinted to Marshall’s room, opened the door, and let her trot in. “Sorry, girl, not for your eyes.” Then I raced back to Marshall and continued where I left off.

  His cock jutted out and up and I pulled his boxers down to free him of their confines. He gasped and I was afraid he’d tell me to stop. I licked the vein on the back of his cock and then worked my way to the head and toyed with his slit. Looking up at Marshall, I saw him with his fist in his mouth, trying to hold back.

  “Wait, these aren’t the hot tamale boxers from the ad you were in.” I laughed. “Won’t you get a telling off?” I grinned then licked him again.

  “Boxers, that’s where your mind is at just now?” he asked me.

  I looked up at him under my lashes and then moved my hands over his hips and round to his ass. I sucked at the tip and then engulfed his whole cock, taking him by surprise. I squeezed his ass and pushed him deeper into my mouth.

  “Oh, Stuart,” he repeated my name over and over. Looking up, his eyes had rolled into the back of his head and he was the most relaxed I’d seen him. I was careful of his sore ankle as I knelt between his legs, taking him to the edge and back. Grabbing his cock at the base, I sucked up and down, and then just as I felt his abs tighten and his thighs quiver, I backed off, making him wait and elongating Marshall’s pleasure.

  His panting echoed around the room and then I said, “Let go, Marshall. Let everything go.” I rubbed his cock for a few more strokes, then wrapped my lips around him again. He thrust into my mouth, then tried to grab my hair. I continued sucking, wanting to taste every drop.

  “Coming, Stuart, I’m coming.” One more thrust and Marshall’s come sprayed into my mouth and down my throat. His breathing was uneven and erratic as I pulled away and licked my lips while I lightly rubbed at his thighs. When I got up to sit beside him, his eyes were still closed but his breathing slowly returned to normal.

  “So, do I get to ‘Pass Go and Collect £200’ now?” I said, leaning over to kiss him. His lips stayed connected to mine as he licked across them to taste himself.

  “I don’t fully know what you are talking about, but you’d be worth much more than that, if I were ever to pay for sex.” He took a deep breath and then his mouth turned into a smile. “That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced.”

  I left Marshall and went to take Jess out for a short walk. When I came back, he acted as if nothing had happened. While I watched him hugging Jess, I became upset but then realized that was ridiculous.

  So what? I’d given Marshall a hot blow job. It didn’t mean anything, yet even as I tried to convince myself of that, I knew it was a lie. I’d patted them both on the head and called it a night. He hadn’t asked me to stay or suggested we talk or offered to return the favour, so I left him to fend for himself. He knew I’d be in the next room if he needed me.

  What had I expected? Some grand gesture from the hottest man in the world, who had his pick of anyone, and apparently w
as so deep in the closet that I’d have a better chance of seeing the Loch Ness Monster back home than of him coming out. Not that I judged anyone for not coming out, and I didn’t mean it in that way. Marshall could or would do it if or when he was ready. But that wasn’t something I was used to. I liked to touch and kiss and hold hands and show off my man, not live in secret. Somehow his moody self had gotten under my skin.

  Now, the morning after no sex, I woke up to my daily wood and feeling horny as fuck. Sprawled out and restless in the guest room’s bed with Marshall just across the hall, I thought about the taste of him and his cock in my mouth, and the sounds he uttered while I made him come undone. Reaching below the cover, I gripped my cock and pumped it a few times.

  The vision of Marshall’s eyes, wide and intense as I sucked him, flashed in front of me. I closed my eyes, feeling relaxed as I stroked myself. I stopped for a moment and listened for any telltale signs if Marshall was up yet, but there was only silence.

  I continued to pump and squeeze my cock, then moved my other hand across my chest to pinch my nipple. I rolled over and as I stuck my ass in the air, the covers fell down and the slight breeze made goosebumps appear on my skin. Panting into the pillow, I imagined Marshall coming up from behind and fucking me senseless.

  Taking my hand off my cock, I put two of my fingers in my mouth, then pushed one of them in my ass, and then added another. Squeezing around them, I thrust my hips up and down into the air, rocking and chanting, “Fuck, fuck” into the pillows. One stroke of my cock and I came in large spurts over my abs and the sheets. I collapsed then, breathing heavily.

  The door moved and I grasped at the sheets, trying to control my breathing as well as cover myself. Fuck, just what I needed. I wonder if Marshall had heard me. Little taps greeted me across the floor, and I looked down to see Jess while I grabbed a tissue from the nightstand. After wiping myself up, I pulled on my pyjama pants then crawled down to sit on the floor.


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