Across the Great Divide

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Across the Great Divide Page 9

by Michael Ross

  He took the lantern. She clutched the revolver in fear, not really knowing what to do with it. She watched as the lantern grew further away, and then appeared to climb a small hill. The clouds passed in front of the moon. Around her, it was utterly dark. In the distance, she heard the baying of hounds briefly. Then it stopped. She heard the boards in the wagon creak as one of Luther’s family shifted position. She jumped at every cricket, every owl hooting. After a few minutes, she heard a nightingale. Then the lantern waved back and forth at the top of the hill. A few more minutes passed and she heard the call of a whippoorwill, followed by crunching feet as David emerged from the gloom with the lantern.

  “It’s clear ahead, tonight,” he said. He clambered into the wagon, took the reins and the revolver, and again put the shotgun on his lap. Urging the oxen forward, in a few minutes they came to a stone church off the road to the right, just as the moon came out from behind the clouds. A small sign proclaimed it was Hopewell Presbyterian. David drove the oxen around to the rear of the church and dismounted. He knocked in a pattern she couldn’t figure out on the bulkhead doors of the church basement. The doors quickly opened.

  “Get them in quickly!” said a gray-haired, bespectacled figure. “I don’t know how long we have. Any pursuit?”

  “None that I know about now. But one of these belongs to the Clays, so they’ll be looking.”

  David walked to the rear of the wagon, lowered the tailgate, and pulled out the tarp.

  “Quickly, in the church! Don’t ask questions, just do it,” said David.

  Luther and Olivia looked at each other doubtfully, but Jemima urged them. “We here now. Do as dey say. We got to trust de Lawd.”

  They passed into the church basement. The bulkhead doors shut. Albinia felt uneasy. Did she really trust the man at the church? David seemed to, so she supposed she had to as well.

  David and Albinia drove back to town without incident. She asked him to drop the wagon at the livery and her at the dress shop. She would change and go to Katy’s house for the night. In the morning, she would find Jenny and Dr. Simpson.

  ✳ ✳ ✳

  Albinia located Dr. Simpson and told him that an ox had thrown a shoe. She explained that this made Joe obliged to turn around, and she spent the night in town. They took Dr. Simpson’s buggy to pick up Joe from the church, and the wagon from the livery. Albinia would ride with Dr. Simpson and Jenny, with Joe following behind in the wagon. Albinia still felt shaken from the previous night’s adventure, and bone achingly tired. She knew, however, that she must show none of how she was feeling at home. She briefly got a chance to let Joe know what had happened, and entreated him to say nothing to anyone. He reluctantly agreed. Albinia felt guilty for not rushing home to see her sick brother. She also felt cautiously exultant that perhaps she had helped Luther to escape to freedom.

  Arriving at the Crump homestead, she found her parents so concerned about Will that they barely asked her questions about her absence. Aside from a thoughtful glance from her father when she mentioned the ox shoe, no one seemed to question her story. Lying to her parents also bothered her. She could not possibly tell them the truth. As long as Joe was here, she could barely breathe, thinking about what he might say or let slip. And what was happening to Luther?

  ✳ ✳ ✳

  It was already early afternoon when Will awoke. He had no memory of how he had gotten to his bed. He was in the back room of the cabin, which the whole family shared as a sleeping room, divided by blankets as curtains. Will had a straw tick on the floor in a corner. The blanket pulled back and he woke to see his mother looking in on him.

  “How do you feel?” she said softly.

  “I’m not sure, Ma. I’m not feelin’ hot anymore, but weak.”

  “Your father said to stay in bed today. He’ll handle chores. You have visitors, if you’re up to it. Dr. Simpson and Jenny are here, and Joe Breckinridge.”

  “Jenny? Here?”

  “Yes, she and her uncle have been waiting for an hour. They didn’t want to wake you.”

  Jenny appeared at the gap in the blankets with a steaming mug in her hand.

  “I have some dogwood bark tea for you. My uncle says you should drink it all, slowly, if you can keep it down, and some soda crackers.”

  She came in and set the mug on the small low table near the straw tick, Sara still looking on. Jenny sat on a crude stool, watching him. Will pulled his head up on an elbow and smiled weakly. Jenny hesitated, looked lovingly back at him, and rose to leave. Will wanted her to stay but knew it was not proper, and he did not have the presence of mind to ask. Suddenly Jenny turned back, bent over the bed, and kissed his forehead. Then she rushed from the room, leaving Will and Sara astonished.

  ✳ ✳ ✳

  Albinia took the time while Jenny was with Will to put away her things, and begin to get the noon meal ready.

  Her father had come from the fields to see about the buggy and the doctor. Albinia was startled to see Jenny rush out of the back room, and wondered. Joe went in to see Will. So far, Albinia had avoided being alone with Joe except for a few seconds in town. Even though in her own musings she compared him to David, she felt uncomfortable with Joe. He was her brother’s friend, and he had honored that friendship with his service to her. Yet she thought she detected a spark of interest from him that had nothing to do with Will and everything to do with her as a woman. As she stirred the stew, she thought of ways to discourage this interest.

  ✳ ✳ ✳

  The night Luther escaped, Albinia was afraid. Now, a week later, it actually seemed exciting. She wondered about Luther and wanted to see David. As she sewed in the shop in the afternoon, she thought about how she could see him again. She was mindful that she shouldn’t go around to his apartment over the store again—she didn’t want to attract notice. Besides, it wasn’t proper for a young woman to openly pursue a young man. Surely he attended church? She didn’t know which one. Perhaps she could send a note to Cassius Clay and inquire after him. He must frequent White Hall, being in Mr. Clay’s employ. Her needle kept moving as these thoughts spun in her brain, and she heard the bell, signifying a customer in the front of the shop. She set her work aside and went out to see who was there.

  She found a little girl who looked to be about ten years old, in a finely made play dress, and David Horner. Albinia could hardly believe her good fortune. David was here!

  “Yes, may I help you?” she said, giving no indication that she knew him, lest it give something away.

  “Yes. I hear that you make fine dresses here. This is Miss Laura Clay,” he said, indicating the little girl, who curtsied, “daughter of my employer, Cassius Clay. The Clays have a summer party in three weeks. Mrs. Clay desires her daughter to have a new dress, as well as one for herself. Mrs. Clay was unable to come today, but sent measurements from her last gown. She thought that might suffice until she could come herself for a fitting.”

  He handed her a paper. Albinia looked down at it and struggled to conceal her surprise. The paper did have measurements, but also a note that read,

  Meet me tonight at the Charbonneau restaurant, 7 sharp. If you cannot come, tell me the dress won’t be ready for a month. If you don’t wish to come, tell me you are too busy to make the dress. It concerns our package.

  Albinia smiled and turned to Laura.

  “Well, Miss Clay! Let’s get you measured—if we are to have you a suitable dress in three weeks, and one for your mother as well, we must start immediately!” Albinia caught David’s eye, and he acknowledged her communication with a smile.

  “If you’ll follow me, Miss Clay,” said Albinia, taking her into the rear of the shop out of public view. Laura chatted gaily about her family. She found it interesting that Albinia knew Lucy, whom she’d only met once. Albinia expertly used the measuring tape and scribbled notes while talking. She was quite used to this with her customers. However, she did have a little trouble concentrating on what Laura was saying, because of her excitement about
the prospect of meeting David at the restaurant. How thrilling, and very improper!

  Albinia guided Laura back to the front and showed her some patterns to choose from, along with pictures of what the completed gown might look like.

  “I shall come round in a week to see how the dresses are progressing, then, Miss…?” inquired David.

  “Miss Crump. Albinia Crump. Thank you. Give my regards to Mr. and Mrs. Clay.”

  David and Laura left the shop. Two complicated dresses in just three weeks! She would have to work hard—but she would see David!

  ✳ ✳ ✳

  Promptly at seven, as David requested, Albinia entered the restaurant. She arranged with Katy to spend the night, and sent a message by a neighbor for her father not to come and pick her up. She had told her father there was too much work in the shop to come home, which was only the truth. She didn’t know what to expect, but in her heart she hoped for a quiet, romantic dinner where she could get to know David better. The Charbonneau was one of the best restaurants in town, usually beyond her means.

  Her heart sank as she saw another couple seated at the table with David, near the back of the restaurant. She’d been hoping for a dinner alone with him. She indicated to the waiter that she was to join that party. She consoled herself that at least she might find out about Luther. He’d said it concerned their package.

  “Ah, Miss Crump! How kind of you to join us! May I present Mr. Franklin and Mabel Johnson?”

  Franklin was a sturdily built white-haired man, medium height. He wore a decently tailored suit, but looked like one familiar with manual labor. Mabel was stout, with a smile that made her whole countenance beam, wreathed in wrinkles. Her hair had once been chestnut, now streaked with gray.

  Albinia was confused. She couldn’t understand why they were here, but didn’t wish to be rude. She greeted them warmly and seated herself, looking inquiringly at David.

  After the waiter came and they ordered, David spoke.

  “I’m sure you all may wonder why I’ve brought you here. Let me explain. There are certain delicate packages, which occasionally need personal attention and careful delivery. I’m sure you take my meaning. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson here have helped for some time in taking these packages and keeping them for me, until it becomes possible to take time to deliver them to their ultimate destinations. There may be times in the future when I am unavailable, due to my travel with Mr. Clay, as he speaks frequently in the cause of abolition. I handle many duties for him, including his personal security. During those times when I am gone, I wish you to know that Miss Crump here, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, are to be trusted. In addition, Miss Crump, you will find that Mr. and Mrs. Johnson know a great deal about this package delivery business that you do not. You would be wise to learn from them. I will undertake to teach you to drive a team of horses myself, a necessary skill in matters that concern us. For propriety, Mrs. Johnson may accompany us at times on such ventures, or both of them together. Usually, the different links in our chain do not know each other, for safety. However, in this case, it seems best to acquaint you, so that no packages are lost in the event of my absence. Mrs. Johnson, you may contact Mrs. Crump through the dressmaking shop over at High Street and Broadway. Miss Crump, should you need to, you can contact Mrs. Johnson through a worker at the freight office named Lewis. It’s best if you contact one another as little as possible, only at need. Mr. Johnson is a cooper, and a fair hand at fixing almost anything. Mrs. Johnson is a cook for the Bryant family of Waveland.”

  Through all this, Albinia listened with amazement. She would never have guessed these people to be involved in the Underground Railroad. She supposed, that was, after all, the point—no one would suspect them.

  “But what about the package we delivered a week ago?” wondered Albinia.

  David hesitated, as if unsure whether to answer in this setting. He lowered his voice. “Once a package moves down the line, we don’t usually attempt to follow it. However, in this case I can tell you the package is where we left it. The size of that package makes it difficult to move. Even single packages sometimes have to wait weeks or months at a time, until the right means of moving them is found.”

  Albinia was surprised. She assumed David would have found a means of moving Luther into freedom by now.

  “Miss Crump, I can see that you have a good heart, and from what Mr. Horner has told us, some spirit and gumption as well,” said Franklin. “If I may, a bit of advice. Patience. Always patience. Rash moves lead to trouble. And much is at stake.”

  Albinia felt patronized, but had to admit to herself she had no real experience—just the one night. Apparently they’d been doing this for a while. All right then—she would learn.

  “I assure you, Mr. Johnson, I am a ready and willing learner.”

  “Good, because we’ve work to do this night,” replied Franklin.

  They finished the excellent meal speaking of other things.

  ✳ ✳ ✳

  Albinia went with Mabel to a house outside of town, near Winchester and Cleveland roads. She marveled at how well Mabel controlled the team of horses and carriage that they drove. Entering the house, they went upstairs. There was a room filled with women’s clothing, all different sizes and descriptions.

  “Find something that fits,” said Mabel. “From what David says, you could probably make yourself costumes, but there isn’t time tonight. Pick something that’s nothing like what you’d usually wear, either fancier or dowdier. Think of it as putting on a show for the patrols—if one of them passed you on the street the next day, they shouldn’t know it was you they saw the night before. Of course, your costume needs to fit the mission. It won’t do to be dressed as a floozy if your only companion is black; no one would believe you an owner, for example. Try to vary your outfits and your story—no telling when you might encounter the same patroller twice.”

  Albinia chose three outfits—a poor farmer’s wife, fatter than herself, with a wig, a saloon girl outfit, and the dress of a fine lady, worthy of one she might make for the Clays. She could alter them for better fit later.

  Mabel took a small pistol out of a drawer and stuffed it in her reticule.

  “You’ll want to get something to shoot. No need tonight, with the three of us along. But soon you’ll want something, and learn to use it. Surely your father or brother will have no objection to teaching you to defend yourself, where you are in town at night on occasion. Tonight you’re along to learn. No doubt Mr. Horner will take you some other times, day or night. We mostly operate at night, even though that’s when the patrols are out, because there are also fewer people to encounter. Many nights it’s just a peaceful drive in the starlight. You’ll need to learn to drive, not only in the daytime but at night as well. I often use the ruse of a sick relative in need, or a baby needs deliverin’.”

  Mabel turned to her seriously. “This is no lark, Miss Crump. If you’re not willing to risk jail for these people, I’ll take you home now. The slaves have been in jail all their lives, as it were. We give’em a chance at what we take for granted. We call it the Underground Railroad—but it’s really just people helping people. Some ‘conductors’ on the road are black themselves, free men. Not so many women, due to the danger.” She laughed. “Myself—I’m old, nobody would bother with me. But patrollers are a sorry lot, with the law on their side. Some wouldn’t think twice about taking liberties with a young pretty woman.”

  Albinia was disconcerted, and a little afraid. Could something … like that … really happen? Then in her mind she saw Luther, fear and hope in his eyes, and little Clara, afraid but determined. How could she do less than a little ten-year-old slave girl who risked everything? Didn’t God say to give what you have the power to give?

  “I ... I hadn’t thought of it. I suppose those are things I should have thought about after my experience with David, uh, Mr. Horner.”

  Mabel smiled at the slip. “Like him, do you? Well, he’s handsome enough. But that’s a poor reason to
be involved in this,” she said grimly.

  Albinia protested, “No, no, that’s not it. I ... I saw a slave of a friend mistreated. It made me realize how hard life is for them. When he tried to escape, I helped him, took him to Mr. Horner. I didn’t know anyone else. Where do they come from?”

  “The slaves? Everywhere. Some from around here, some from as far away as Alabama and Mississippi. You’ll get a message to pick up a ‘package’ at such and such place on a particular evening. If something goes wrong you send word, usually through a message to me or Lewis, and we try again.”

  They got into the carriage again—no one would have recognized them from the restaurant. Albinia had a blonde wig, and appeared almost fat. Her makeup made her look ten years older, and Mabel helped her paste on fake blonde eyebrows. The costume and makeup might not have passed inspection in the daylight, but in the dark, no one would know them.

  David and Franklin were waiting for them. They concealed the carriage on a side road, and all piled into a two-seater open wagon. The June night was warm, the moon just rising.

  After a mile, they turned down a dirt track, went about a hundred yards, and stopped. Albinia was puzzled. It looked like the middle of nowhere. Fields of tall hemp were on both sides of the little road, with forest at the edges. The dark of the dim starlight made the night feel spooky, as if someone were watching. She watched as David dismounted, with Franklin on guard, holding a shotgun.

  David walked toward a small shack, back in the trees that she hadn’t noticed before, singing softly the song, “Steal away to Jesus.” Franklin kept looking around on all sides. Mabel got down and went back up the dirt track with the lantern, keeping watch on the rear. After a few minutes, David returned with a tall black man. David quickly removed a false bottom from the wagon, and the Negro scrunched himself into the cavity. Albinia judged he must have been well over six feet tall. David replaced the cover, and then moved a few boxes on top of it.


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