Bad Men

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Bad Men Page 4

by Stone, Piper


  No. No. I couldn’t think this way.

  I had a feeling the various operations Jack and Diego ran were on the fringes of criminal activity.

  “Uh-huh. What are you, Black Ops gone rogue?”

  Diego laughed, the sound bitter. “We have special skills and the people we work for are very… powerful. I assure you that we can handle the Serpent and his men, but only if we follow a plan that’s been laid out. I only know what I was told about your father, his request matching our criteria. That’s all we needed to know.”

  “God, you make it sound like you’re working for some secretive world organization.”

  “As I said, we have varied capabilities that certain people find necessary.”

  “A need to know basis?” I pressed.

  He only nodded, his gaze taking one giant sweep before settling on my eyes.

  I shot him a look before shaking my head. They really weren’t going to tell me anything. “Why aren’t we going to the airport? Why are we stuck in this hell hole?”

  “You have no idea how expansive the Serpent’s hold is. He has thousands of soldiers likely combing the jungle. Going down river will buy us some time, or so we hope. Given it appears your disappearance has been detected, he will make certain and cover every airport throughout Brazil and likely into Peru at minimum. We’ll need to lay low for several days before attempting to move out.”

  “Lay low. That means staying in this wretched jungle?” I asked, exasperated as hell. There was nothing more I wanted than to get as far away from here as possible. I was worried about the group I’d been with. Were they okay? Had they been killed?

  He gave me a curious look before shaking his head. “We will move to a more suitable location tomorrow if the time is right.”

  More suitable. What the hell could that mean, other than I’d be spending an exorbitant amount of time with the two brutes? I wasn’t certain I had it in me to be able to do so.

  “I’m curious, Diego. How do you know I’m a doctor? Is that something my father told you as well?” The demand in my voice was evident, adding to his level of amusement that I’d bother to ask anything at all.

  “We know everything about you. Where you grew up. Where you went to school. The date you arrived in the jungles of Brazil to work for Doctors Without Borders. Your likes and dislikes, including your allergy to chocolate. We are also aware of the day you came to the attention of the Serpent. What we don’t know is why. I admit I’m curious about that. Did you meet him somewhere?”

  “I never saw him before he had me kidnapped. The Serpent,” I whispered, having heard every single soldier call him that or sir since the day I’d been dragged into the monster’s chambers. “That suits him.”

  “And do you know why?” Diego asked.

  “I would assume because he’s a true snake, a bastard who refuses to follow any laws.”

  He chuckled. “That is one reason, yes. He is truly a…”

  “Monster. I already know that. I overheard him talking about his money and his influence. He’d ordered several people killed while in my presence. It was like he was showing off, making certain I understood what he was capable of. That was immediately after he released me from a darkened cell.”

  Huffing, he looked away. “I hope you never have to find out what he’s truly capable of, Doctor. You were lucky.”

  “You call being kept in a room for two weeks, forced to sit with him during dinners, and watching as men were murdered in front of me lucky? You think that his midnight visits where he stood over my bed watching me was something I wanted?”

  He pulled the water into his hand, twisting open the cap. “You need to drink this. We will be required to leave at a moment’s notice, and you need to be hydrated. The jungle is brutal in this location and not only because of the rough terrain.”

  While I took the bottle from him, I gave him a nasty glare instead of obeying.

  He leaned over until our lips were mere centimeters away. Growling, he gripped my chin, holding me in place and for a few seconds, I thought for certain he was going to kiss me. His upper lip curled as he drew even closer. “Don’t fuck with me, Doctor. While you may believe that Jack Rivers is the more dangerous of the two of us, I suggest you think otherwise. The time I spent in a prison, languishing in a filthy rat-infested cell, treated like an animal made me angry. The beatings I received weekly turned me into a real monster. Remember that.”

  I tilted my head, daring him to taste me. Why I was being so reckless, I wasn’t certain but every part of me hungered to push.

  Slow down, Lindsey. He’s only trying to help.

  While I should listen to my inner voice, I was tired of being treated like nothing more than a possession.

  Chuckling, he brushed his lips across mine, darting his tongue over the seam of my mouth before whispering, “Tempting, Doctor, but when I take you, and trust me when I say that I will, you will never hunger for another man. If you’re a really good girl, I just might take you as mine.”

  A swell of anger shoved aside the moment of desire. While I came close to punching him in the face, he caught my hand as if he’d anticipated my actions.

  “Tsk. Tsk. I have no problem fucking you right here, just like the way Jack took you. Is that what you’d like? Do you want me to shove my cock into that sweet little pussy of yours?”

  “How. Dare. You.” My hiss was laced with venom.

  A smile crossing his face, he rubbed his thumb across my lips then planted it into his mouth, allowing the suckling sounds to float between us. While I should be disgusted, instead my entire body was on fire, the longing turning into the kind of burn that would only increase until the explosion became inevitable.

  The popping sound made me quiver and as his eyes traveled slowly down my neck, I realized the cool air shifting across my breasts meant they were exposed. There was no denying the attraction, my nipples hard and aching. A warm flush crept up my cheeks, staining my skin. I couldn’t move, dared not take my eyes off him.

  He shifted his head back and forth as he removed his thumb, lowering his hand slowly.

  I refused to budge, giving him a defiant look as the gown slipped down further. He wasn’t going to unnerve me, not with his heated look or the way his masculine scent filtered into my nostrils, slip-sliding straight to my muscles and tendons. I was weak inside, my pussy aching.

  For this man?

  Everything about this was so wrong, but a part of me was riddled with insatiable hunger. Panting, the moment he brushed the tip of his saliva-soaked thumb across my nipple, I bit back a moan.

  A single growl permeated the room, the sound so savage I began to shake. When he eased first one strap then the other along my arms, securing them against my shoulders, the whimper escaped.

  My reflexes took over, the hard slap landing exactly where I wanted.

  He closed his eyes, his chest rising and falling. “That one I deserved.” When he twisted his head, staring me in the eyes, for a few seconds, I was able to see directly into his soul before he shut me out completely. What was inside was far more terrifying than his gruff demeanor.

  I took a sip of water, savoring the way it felt sliding down my parched throat, even though I continued to shake. He remained staring at me until I took several more, the hulking man finally moving to a standing position.

  “I’ll see if I can find you some clothing,” he stated. “Hopefully, our Brazilian contacts were able to anticipate the necessity.”

  “Thank you,” I said, my voice still laced with defiance.

  “For your information, Fernando Calderone, the man you know as the Serpent, is a heinous piece of shit, his wealth and status maintained by the fact he keeps male and female slaves in underground mines digging for gold. They are paid pennies, the treatment harsh and if they’re lucky enough to survive the brutal work, they usually die within a few years. Yes, I would consider you very lucky. You were obviously his prize. That means he will stop at nothin
g to get you back. Now, get some sleep. It might be the last time for a while.”

  Sleep. I was terrified the nightmares would continue.

  He took two steps then took a look over his shoulder. “I assure you, Dr. Lindsey Walters, I will take you. Taste you. Fuck you. The rest we will see.”

  “I hate you. I just want you to know that.”

  “Duly noted, Doctor, and I don’t blame you.” His words held an air of sadness. He hesitated, his shoulders tense and it seemed he had difficulty looking at me.

  “Do you know what happened to the people I was with? There were three doctors and several nurses. I heard screams the night I was taken.”

  He finally turned his head in my direction. “Sadly, I have no idea. We weren’t told about the welfare of the people in your organization but… I will try and find out.”

  I nodded, offering a slight smile. For some crazy reason, I knew he would find information.

  As he walked away, I shrank further against the wall, folding my arms over my knees. My God. This was an absolute nightmare, one I doubted I would awaken from.

  While the bloodshed I’d seen would remain with me for the rest of my life, I couldn’t believe this Calderone person was capable of something so horrible as to imprison men and women in a mine. Maybe I was just fooling myself. I’d heard the stories, the violence that so many people had experienced. I thought about the various cases I’d worked on during my four months spent in Brazil. There were many locals who were terrified of certain areas in the jungle, people forced into various labor camps. But this?

  The night I’d been taken had been so quiet, only the sounds of the jungle permeating the air around our camp. Up to that point, we hadn’t been threatened, although the camp director and the man I’d trusted with my life had gone to great lengths to hire security. Maybe I should have asked questions, confronted him on what was going on.

  Maybe he was dead, the others as well. Oh, God. My stomach ached from the thought.

  What the hell did the Serpent want with me? More important, who were these two men and could they be trusted?

  Shivering, I pulled the bottle of water to my forehead, forced to face the truth. I had no other choice but to place my trust and my life in their hands.

  Their very… capable hands.

  I closed my eyes, the most inexcusable lurid thoughts attempting to crowd out the fear.

  Alone with two sexy men in a jungle, rugged men who hungered for a taste.

  Two strong and protective men with stunning bodies and delicious lips.

  Oh, God.

  Guilt surfaced, playing hardball with the ridiculous images rushing through my mind. All I wanted to do was go home.

  Sadly, I also realized I had no home to go to.

  * * *

  “Arrogant asshole,” Jack said under his breath, the statement holding a level of amusement. “I’ll accept that from you.”

  I glared at him, loathing the way the sound of his voice reminded me of a man who’d enjoyed far too many days sucking down whiskey and cigars. Somehow, the sultry tone excited me, creating goosebumps tickling my arms. There’d been little sleep, the heat oppressive, fear continuing to crawl through my insides.

  The cabin wasn’t much, but at least there was a bathroom of sorts with running water. I’d been allowed to wash off the mud, the cool water more refreshing than I would have imagined. The main room held three beds, a small kitchen off to the side. The men had taken turns watching over the cabin and I’d imagined soldiers bursting in through the doors at any moment.

  In his hands was a small stack of clothes, including some decent-looking boots. At least I could get out of the damn nightgown the Serpent had required I wear. I could imagine how many hours some poor unsuspecting slave had worked in order for him to be able to afford the fine Parisian silk.

  “You are a jerk. Be happy I didn’t call you worse. Cocky as can be, as if your special skills make you better than everyone else. You certainly don’t seem to abide by any rules,” I half whispered, accepting the clothes. The moment our fingers touched, I cringed, gritting my teeth. The same moment of electricity soared through me, my heart actually fluttering. As if I could or should be attracted to him.

  I took the opportunity to study my new captor, the tight tank shirt revealing every muscle God had given him. He was sculpted to perfection. He’d removed the war-type paint from his face, allowing me to see his rugged good looks, chiseled cheeks, and high forehead.

  He snickered and cocked his head, returning the stare. “As I said, I can live with that. As far as rules? They never suited me.”

  “I’m certain you’ve been called worse.”

  “You have no idea, Doctor. I do my job and if people don’t like it or my attitude, I couldn’t care less.”

  “I’m just a job to you. I understand. Is that why you wanted to fuck me?” I wasn’t certain why that bothered me. Of course, they were getting paid by someone to enter into such a treacherous area.

  He inched closer, the ripple of electricity intensifying. “We all have our jobs to do, things that are important to us. As far as fucking you…” He hesitated as he glanced at me, his eyes holding the same sultry shimmer as I’d seen before. “I felt it necessary in order to help you understand. I think you can comprehend that more than most people. In fact, I think you might be a lot like me. Arrogant.”

  God, the man was a true prick.

  “I’m nothing like you. I care about people, which you obviously don’t.”

  “That’s why you risked your life to provide health care for those unable to afford a decent doctor.” He seemed genuinely interested.


  “Yes. Let me guess. Killing people is important to you?” Why the hell did I care?

  The light in his eyes told me the answer. Huffing, he glanced out the window. “It’s all I’ve ever known, princess.”

  “How very sad. There’s much more to life.”

  “Yeah? Well, I wouldn’t know much about that. Besides, it doesn’t matter. Now, let me explain the rules so you understand them clearly, Doctor.”

  Sighing, I pulled the clothes against me. It was almost daylight, the morning sun leaching in through the narrow window breathtaking. Or least I used to think so. Now, all I could see were animals and beasts crawling toward us, ready to drag me back. “Fine and it’s Lindsey.”

  His nostrils flared as they’d done before, his eyes falling to my chest before lifting once again. “As I was saying, Doctor, we will attempt to leave the area, going to a predetermined safe house where we will remain for an extended period of time. During our stay, you will remain inside unless accompanied by one of us. In other words, you will be on a short leash. Do not ask questions that you don’t want the answers to. If you do, we will both be as upfront as we are allowed and nothing more. When we arrive at a predetermined location, where you will not learn until we arrive, we will fly you to safety. After we’ve left this godforsaken country, you will not speak of us again. Not once. Not to your friends or lovers. Not to your family. If you do, we will know immediately, and you will be hunted. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Crystal clear, Jack.” I made certain he knew I was irritated as hell.

  He nodded as if unable to believe me.

  “What if everything doesn’t go well?” I could tell he was determined not to allow that to happen.

  “We will handle it.”

  “A two-man army against hundreds. I’m not certain I like the odds.”

  “Get dressed, Doctor. We will have some food then we’ll get ready to leave. I trust no one, especially the Serpent.” He turned away, moving toward the rear of the cabin.

  “What about Diego?”

  He laughed under his breath. “I said no one.”

  “Who are you, Jack Rivers? Why do you do this?”

  When he turned, a smirk crossed his face. “I’m a man who doesn’t exist, darkness and shadows. As far as why I do this? Because I have no other choices.”r />
  I waited until he’d walked away before exhaling, my heart racing.


  We all had them. Or at least I used to think so.

  * * *


  The single noise was deafening in the early morning light. Immediately, Diego and Jack shifted into action, one of them yanking me off the bed. Every part of me was shaking as I tried to focus in the darkness.

  “Stay quiet and keep right here,” Diego whispered in my ear, immediately snapping off the lantern.

  Huddling against the bed, the sliver of the awakening sun allowed me to see their silhouettes, both men with their rifles in their hands. There was another device, some kind of infrared system.

  “They’re crawling all over us. Six hundred meters away,” Jack huffed as he glared at some device.

  “How the fuck did they find us so fast?” Diego snarled.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Jack snarled back. “I’m calling it in. Get the package.”

  The package.

  As Diego yanked me to my feet, he pressed his finger over his lips before moving me toward the door.

  “We’ve been compromised. I need an extended service now.” Jack wasted no time after barking into the same console I’d seen earlier before opening the door, snapping his head outside then motioning for both of us to follow. Diego kept his hold on my arm as we raced through the trees, headed in the opposite direction of where the soldiers were coming from.

  Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The gunfire seemed to explode all around us, ricocheting off several of the trees.

  “Fuck. Fuck!” Jack hissed. “How the fuck could this happen? We’re cut off from the river.”

  Boom! Pop! Pop!

  Diego took aim, firing off several rounds into the darkness.

  I could hear the screams in Portuguese from the soldiers as they raced through the jungle. It seemed like the deeper we went, the closer they got.

  I was attempting to pay close attention to the surroundings, trying to remain quiet even though my senses were on high alert. I honestly expected we’d be surrounded at any minute even though we zigged and zagged through the rough terrain.


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