Bad Men

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Bad Men Page 22

by Stone, Piper

  “What?” Jack managed, his voice raspy. “You expected… me to die?”

  “Jesus Christ, buddy. You had us worried,” Diego snapped, although I heard the concern in his tone.

  Jack shifted slightly, his upper lip curling. “Yeah… Well…” He lifted his arm, glaring at the IVs, cursing under his breath.

  Just like I knew Jack would do.

  “What the hell happened?” he struggled to ask, even trying to clear his throat.

  “You’ve had tubes down your throat for one thing,” I managed, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.

  “Long story,” Diego answered. “A lot to talk about.”

  “Where are we?” Jack’s eyelids closed once again then he jerked them open, determined to stay awake. “Water.”

  “DC. Dante’s plane was a glorified tin can, but it got us here safely,” Dante grumbled under his breath.

  “We’re at Howard University Hospital,” I added. “Far removed from my father’s web.”

  Jack gave me a half smile. “You’re… learning.”

  Learning. The knowledge I continued to receive only further fueled the nightmares.

  As I poured a small cup of water, finding a straw, another cold shiver slithered down my spine. There was never going to be a moment we’d be free of this nightmare. There’d been so many times since our return that I’d wanted to go to the police, but what was I supposed to tell them?

  That my father was some kind of personal healer for the Mancini family, paying blood money to mercenaries who worked for master criminals in order to try to save my life? The thought wasn’t just ridiculous. It would be devastating all the way around.

  No career.

  No life.

  No family.

  No… love.

  I was still stuck in a prison, one that I had no way of breaking free from. While I’d yet to learn all the truths, I knew enough that I was the only one who could make changes.

  Be his doctor. Nothing more.

  The little voice wouldn’t rest until I listened.

  “You need your rest.” I squeezed Jack’s arm before glancing over at the monitors. At least he was stable, his oxygen levels good.

  “Help me sit up,” Jack insisted, still struggling to breathe. “I need to get out of here.”

  “Not a chance. You still have a serious wound and not just from recent surgery. You need several days without complications before that will even be considered. And don’t fight with me on this. I am your doctor.” I gave him an admonishing look.

  “Why don’t you leave Jack and me alone for a few minutes, Doctor?” Diego asked, although it wasn’t a friendly request. “I assure you that he’s not going anywhere.”

  I gave them both a look before shaking my head. The two men were the most hardheaded I’d ever come across. As I walked into the hallway, leaning against the wall, the ugly myriad thoughts, decisions that I needed to make seemed overwhelming. I knew it was only a matter of time until I’d be forced to come to some understanding of my distorted life.

  I had to end this nightmare, to finally take control of my life. If it meant shutting the door on my family, then so be it. Confronting my father was important, ending the lies and betrayal. Then I’d be ready to face Michael.

  My resolve was stronger than ever before. I could do this.

  Even if it meant losing my life.

  Chapter 16





  I was well aware that almost everyone kept precious secrets to themselves, often requiring a lie told every so often. Hell, I wasn’t immune to that by any means. Even the lovely doctor was holding something inside, a darkness as well as continued fear. What I couldn’t figure out is from what.

  At least from the discussions I’d had with Diego, there’d been no overt threats, but my instinct told me that we were still surrounded by danger. However, if that was the case, why hadn’t her father come by the hospital? What hadn’t Michael attempted to intervene in some manner? We weren’t on some kind of lockdown, nor was I considered in critical condition any longer.

  At least in the two days since I’d awakened, Lindsey had followed Diego’s instructions and gone with him to get a good night’s rest. That had left me alone with the computer Diego had provided, allowing me to put some of the information we’d already gathered together. The remaining pieces of the puzzle would be identified within hours.

  Especially since I’d checked myself out of the hospital, Diego arriving with clothes after securing the funds and temporary identities that Dante had provided.

  “You know that Lindsey will be pissed that you checked yourself out,” Diego stated in a challenging tone.

  “And you are well aware that we need to finish this.” I stared out at the busy street, the sight of so many people enjoying lunch on a beautiful afternoon having an entirely different effect than it normally would.

  I was jealous.

  I wanted nothing more than to be freed of living a double life, of catching bullets and being cut with dirty blades in back alleys of various cities and countries. I longed to stroll along the beach, allowing water to lap at my feet while I held the hand of the woman I loved.

  Huffing, I turned my face toward the passenger window, trying to rein in the ridiculous notion. While I remembered little of the plane flight after being shot, I would never forget spouting off that I loved her.

  And what I’d told her about Teresa.

  “You’re certain she’s secured?” I heard the demanding tone in my voice, caustic on every level, but neither one of us had time to play nice. We were only two-thirds finished with our mission and my instinct told me that we were about to face another round of retaliation.

  “I took all necessary precautions and Lindsey is well aware of the rules. She’s safely secured at the hotel with explicit instructions to keep the door locked.”

  “As if rules contained her before.”

  Diego chuckled before pulling into an underground garage, the building one that was owned by the Specialists. Given neither one of us had ever been invited to the very secure location, I had the distinct feeling this might be the end of at least my illustrious career.

  Not before I made certain several people paid for what they did to Lindsey.

  I wanted this to be over, but only with an outcome that was favorable to her. She deserved a chance at a life.

  The one thing that Teresa had told me all those years ago was that you only got one chance at living your life the way you wanted. The second that you allowed anyone to chain you to your destiny, you’d never be free. There was no key, no power that could alter the decisions that were made.

  I’d laughed at her, boasting that I’d finally taken control of my life and I was relishing every decision that I made. Now I understood exactly what she was telling me.

  “Whatever the outcome is today, we are going to have a chat with Silas Walters. Then we’re going to make certain that Michael Mancini never threatens her again. Whether or not it goes against the rules.” Diego’s voice was gruff, his demeanor entirely different than before.

  I slowly turned my head, studying my friend. Of all the people in the world, I knew I could trust him with my life as well as my secrets, although I realized I actually had few left to tell. I’d overheard him telling Lindsey about my time spent in the Black Ops. While I’d obviously been effective at hiding a portion of what had occurred, he knew enough.

  And in some sick and twisted way, I was glad he was the one to tell her.

  The rest? Well, that wouldn’t be necessary.

  “Agreed,” I answered as we both walked into the cold steel box, a moment of claustrophobia settling in immediately. Diego had been much more aware of her surroundings than she’d understood, paying attention to every action she’d taken. She’d remained terrified, jumpy and unable to sleep or eat.

  Michael would pay for what he’d done to her.

  I’d known how o
rganized and polished that the Specialist organization could be, especially given the amount of money I’d been told they had. However, I certainly hadn’t expected such a modern set of offices, complete with engaging works of art. The surprise gave both of us a smile. Evidently business was damn good.

  “Mr. Rivers. Mr. Sanchez. I appreciate your ability to change the location of our meeting. I felt this was more private than a hotel bar.”

  As always, Dante’s voice was rich in tone, his Italian accent screaming of expensive schools and fine living. He stood in a crisp linen suit, his arms folded behind him, a genuine smile on his face.

  “We really didn’t have a choice, now did we?” Diego asked. My friend had suggested the bar in the hotel where he’d been staying, allowing us the ability to monitor Lindsey at least from a few floors away. The change pissed both of us off.

  Dante smiled, glancing from one to the other. “That is correct. Why don’t we talk in my office?”

  I allowed Diego to go first, trailing behind the Italian as he walked down a labyrinth of hallways. While I wasn’t surprised to see there were actual employees, not one of them bothered to look in our direction. They’d obviously been trained well.

  He closed the door behind us, motioning toward the two plush chairs opposite his desk. All three of us remained standing.

  “I’m glad to see that you’ve recovered,” Dante offered, his eyes penetrating mine.

  “I’m just fine, but we’re not here to talk about my health.” My answer was curt, my patience already wearing thin.

  Dante exhaled as he unbuttoned his suit jacket. “The work you both did was extraordinary. The board wanted to make certain that you were made aware they are pleased.”

  Diego laughed softly. “We’re not here for compliments, Dante. We’re here for answers. Why the hell didn’t you tell us about the Mancini syndicate’s involvement or the fact that Mr. Walters has been their go-to doctor for years? And why wouldn’t you share with us that his daughter had been promised in marriage to Michael Mancini?”

  I was always surprised at Dante’s ability to keep cool no matter the challenge presented. Today was no exception.

  “I think the more important question is who is the Serpent to either family and what does it have to do with Luis Diaz, the man Diego used to work for? You know the one I’m talking about. The scum who attempted to have him killed after Diego spent time in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. All in the name of loyalty.” I could tell my words finally ruffled his feathers. I’d been right. Everything had been connected together.

  “While you are aware that often some of the details are ones that either we weren’t told or don’t come into play with the assignment, in this case, we were not given the truth. Lindsey’s father came to us expressing his concern that his daughter had been reported as being kidnapped.” Dante kept his words even.

  “How did you know the Serpent was responsible?” Diego asked.

  “His reputation. His penchant for beautiful women. And what limited information Dr. Russell had provided to her father. However, we weren’t certain until we sent surveillance in the way of drones, finally catching an image of her. At that point, we thought it was a simple case of kidnapping, an addition to the Serpent’s collection of women. As both of you learned, Fernando Calderone is a formidable man.”

  I stared at Dante, resisting laughing. “Keep going. Who is he to Luis Diaz?”

  Dante shook his head. “I knew that by working together, you would be successful.”

  “Cut the crap, Dante. You asked for me directly, pulling me off another assignment. Why?” Diego insisted.

  “Because we’ve been made aware that Mr. Diaz had been preparing to retaliate against the Serpent given Mr. Calderone invaded his territory almost six months ago.”

  “This has nothing to do with gold,” I hissed.

  “Oh, it very much does. While the Serpent’s idea of how he mines for the gold is reprehensible, it’s a commodity in almost every country, including the United States. However, his bread and butter are all the narcotics he sells. He saw an opportunity and he took it.” Dante tilted his head as if waiting to see if we would get it.

  “He’s hiding the drugs under the bars of gold,” Diego stated.

  Dante nodded. “Precisely. Virtually untraceable through customs. As you might imagine, both products upset the current balance of various bank accounts.”

  “Including the Specialists.” I inched closer to him, studying the look on his face. “An influx of gold would interfere with the gold markets, which in turn alters the stock market, even real estate.”

  “You’ve been reading up on your economics, Mr. Rivers. Yes. The members of the board of directors of the Specialists couldn’t allow that to happen. That’s the very reason we accepted the outrageous claim provided by Dr. Walters with regards to his daughter. As far as Diaz, he hasn’t taken kindly to his world being interrupted by what he calls a slimy Brazilian. Diego, we knew that if anyone could handle his particular business tactics, you could if necessary.”

  “Meaning, you wanted me to kill him,” Diego said, smiling.

  Dante chuckled. “Well, it would have been a perk.”

  “Unbelievable. Why didn’t you tell us this?” Diego’s voice held the demanding quality I was beginning to like.

  “There is such a thing as loyalty and quite frankly, we have become concerned about yours. Both of you.” Dante looked from one of us to the other.

  “So this was a fucking test and smack in the middle was an innocent woman’s life, someone who was used as a pawn,” I said between clenched teeth.

  “We were also aware that you wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her.” His answer was directed at me alone.

  “Because of the doctor’s resemblance to Teresa, the only woman I’ve ever given a damn about, the one you knew was being targeted by a particularly dangerous man from a previous assignment. And you refused to provide that information to your loyal operative in time to save her life.” When he didn’t answer right away, I bristled, closing my eyes for fear of reaching for my gun. “And you wonder why I’ve questioned my loyalty to an organization that doesn’t seem to give a damn about the people who work in the trenches.”

  “I’m sorry about Teresa, Jack. I did try and save her,” Dante said in a conciliatory manner.

  “Fuck you,” I huffed.

  “Was Mancini involved in any of the incidents we experienced?” I demanded.

  Dante shrugged. “That I honestly do not know. However, it has become clear to the board that the Mancini crime syndicate does have several established connections within Brazil, so it is entirely possible.”

  “That still doesn’t answer all the questions. We now know how she was located given the damn necklace Michael had given her but why was she pushed into the clutches of the Serpent’s hands in the first place, especially if Michael was destined to take her as his wife?” Diego interjected.

  “All good questions,” Dante said, smiling.

  “So you know. There are always consequences for choices made, Dante, even the ones determined by members of the Specialists.” I hissed after uttering the words.

  “Understood, Jack, which is why I’m prepared to make both of you an offer.” Dante sat on the edge of his desk. “As far as your questions, because of secrets and lies.”

  As he began to provide additional information, all I could do was shake my head.

  * * *

  There were few things that surprised me in my life. Finding out about just how far-reaching the tentacles of the Specialists truly were wasn’t one of them. They had their hands in various legal and illegal businesses in order to obtain financial wealth, not just taxing operatives to collect fine pieces of art from criminals. That only added to their level of control over some of the most ruthless criminals in the world. They were still determined to cut down as many of their enemies as possible.

  What did surprise me was learning that the correct authorities in Br
azil had been contacted, those not on the Serpent’s payroll, and were currently in the process of shutting down his gold mining operation. At least that would save lives. As far as Diaz, Diego would have to wait to confront his former enemy, although I no longer believed his need for revenge was as strong as it had once been.

  That had more to do with the gentle touch of one beautiful doctor.

  What I did believe was that Diaz would ultimately get what he was owed given his horrific behavior. That and the bloodshed we all expected to occur even after the Serpent had been arrested. A man like Fernando would never allow scum like Diaz to invade his territory.

  While Dante didn’t seem to care how we handled the doctor, we would also have to wait to deal with Michael Mancini, at least for the time being. It would seem he’d disappeared as expected. Chicken shit. Although a trip to Spain this time of year would certainly be enjoyable.

  We would be leaving within twenty-four hours to finish our assignment.

  We’d left the secure facility with our private information as well as two interesting offers from the board of directors. While I wasn’t inclined to second guess the reasons we were asked, I also had no desire to think about the future at this point. We had work to do, an assignment to finish and until Michael Mancini paid for his sins, I wouldn’t rest.

  Nor would I dare to leave Lindsey on her own.

  She was the ultimate precious flower, the beautiful girl who’d pulled me from the horrific pit I’d fallen into. I would avenge her abduction in my way.

  And there were two men to blame for what she’d endured. While I wanted the Serpent dead, his punishment would be that much more severe.

  A loss of his empire.

  The drive to Dr. Walters’ house took longer than expected, the traffic horrific on the interstate. I’d forgotten just how much I loathed the congestion and the crowds. While the entire community was gated, security guards working twenty-four hours a day, there was no problem obtaining entrance.


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