The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1)

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The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1) Page 8

by Natalie Aejaz

  Even being squashed among other passengers did not affect her mood and as the train moved along the track, all she could think of was seeing Rex later. She had spent the whole of last weekend with him, only leaving the apartment once to pick up groceries. They had not met for a couple of days since he left on Monday morning, but he called whenever he could. She gathered he had an important position for a Council related to shapeshifters. More than that, he would not say. Why was he hiding so much from her? He had admitted that on the day of the wedding he was covering for a friend, but refused to answer questions about his job … She needed to stop being so bloody bothered by his secrecy. After all, hadn’t they agreed to no attachments?

  At work, a few glances were cast her way. Was that a smirk on Pam’s face as she passed Leanne’s desk? To hell with them, she would wear what she wanted. She opened an article on zombies, due for publication tomorrow. Flesh-eating monsters might be her least favorite subject but they had quite a fan following, so she aimed to put something out regularly. With no claims of sightings—thank God!—the articles were merely speculative so, as usual, this one did not take long to edit. As she checked her inbox Diane entered the office, late, and immediately started chatting with that cute guy who sat near her desk. At the sound of a ringing tone, she pulled her second mobile out of her bag, rushing out to answer the call. How the hell did that lazy cow afford two snazzy devices?

  Leanne returned to her laptop to respond to emails, but Bill was at her desk before she sent the first reply, a smarmy smile on his face. “What’s going on? Got a hot date tonight, or something?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “This is pretty normal wear for here.”

  “I know, but your dress is a bit on the short side … for you.” They had a relaxed dress code but whereas some colleagues took full advantage, Leanne’s own dress was well within the limits of what constituted suitable clothing for the office. “Don’t get me wrong. Lovely dress, but it’s not you, is it? I mean, it’s not as if you’ve got Pam’s figure—”

  She did not, and he would have to just live with that, wouldn’t he? What gave him the right to question her choice, about a damn dress, of all things? Sometimes it felt as if nobody would give her a break. She worked her bloody ass off; but unlike Bill, who spent his day acquiring and disseminating juicy bits of gossip, and Diane—who disappeared every time that fucking mobile in her bag rang—she had been passed over for that salary increase. “What I wear is nothing to do with you, Bill. So why don’t you go interfere in someone else’s damn business?”

  Shit! Had she really said that?

  Bill’s smile faded, eyebrows climbing to his hairline. “Sorry for taking an interest,” he mumbled, walking away.

  Something like this would have made her feel guilty no end a few weeks ago. Not anymore. His own fault for being an annoying idiot. Another email arrived in her inbox, from Alan. He expected her to stay behind this evening to clear a backlog of tasks, but she was not about to miss her hot date. Time to take on the boss? She picked up the office mobile, not giving herself a chance to reconsider. “Can I see you for a few minutes, Alan?” she asked.


  Tempting to put it off. “Now would be great.”

  “Come to my office.” As she approached his office, she could make him out through the frosted glass door, sat at his desk, dressed in a corporate two-piece. She entered the spacious room, decorated according to Alan’s taste with pale blue walls, stylish furniture and green plants in the corner. It was a shame that the large windows, dominating the rear wall, looked into the offices in the building next door. Her boss was in his early forties and with those sharp features and natural charisma, attractive enough for some members of staff to spend lunchtimes discussing him. He glanced up from his laptop and looked again, taking in her dress. “Looking well, Leanne.”

  “Thank you.” She sat on the chair opposite him. Best to get straight to it. “Regarding the backlog—”

  “Extremely pleased with the response to the djinn stories, by the way.” Oh, those. Yes, the first story was a success, and he had given her the go-ahead to put together a series of articles. “You struck gold with the shifters and I didn’t think you’d manage it again, but you’re obviously no fluke when it comes to getting clicks on the site. Would you delve a bit more into Islamic theology though, maybe even link it back to modern religious practices somehow?”

  “Already on the case—”

  “And could you be even stricter when moderating comments on future articles? People can be pretty idiotic about religion.”

  “Sure.” She inhaled, deep. “About that backlog of work—”

  He turned to his laptop. “You’ll be paid for the overtime, of course.”

  “But I didn’t create the backlog.” He looked up, eyebrows raised. “Before I went on leave”—to get dumped—“I completed all my assignments and more. And since being back I’ve been keeping on top of things.” He nodded his head as if waiting for her to continue. “Why am I always expected to cover when someone else does not do their fair share?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “I know you’re a hard worker. It has escaped no one’s notice here.” Except that of the officers who authorized pay rises? “And you’re not the only one doing overtime here.”

  She looked him straight in the eyes. “The difference is that others are asked. Whereas I am told.”

  “Didn’t realize it was an issue.” He shrugged his shoulders. “So, Leanne. Would you be prepared to do overtime this evening?”

  Say it. “No.” She let out her breath. “Not on this occasion.”

  “I’ll see who else is available then.” He reached for his mobile. “Is that all?”

  That was all? Bloody hell, that was easy. To think that until recently saying no to Diane was a challenge. Now there was just the issue of her salary. Should she? Shouldn’t she? Go for it. “Well, there is the matter of my pay.”

  He returned his mobile to the desk, voice low. “Your pay?”

  Too late to take the words back, so she sat up straight and went for it. “I’m one of the most productive editors, yet I wasn’t given an increase—”

  “That was a few months ago, so why bring it up now?”

  “Erm … the timing didn’t seem right before.” She cleared her throat. “In the short time I’ve been back from leave … well, I’ve even launched a new series of stories, and they already look like they might be the beginning of another successful campaign.” Should she say more? “Also, if you compare my productivity to that of others—”

  “I don’t need to compare anything. I know exactly how productive each worker is.”

  She tried to drum up some of the animal quality that worked so well for Rex. “In that case, I’m sure you’ll agree that I’m more than overdue for a pay rise.”

  He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his desk, eyes on her face, giving the good old anxiety a chance to kick in. “Nobody can deny you’re among the top workers here, but your attitude has been an issue.”

  “My attitude?” Now she was pissed. “I’ve never had a problem—”

  He suddenly smiled. “Maybe I should reword that. Your lack of attitude has been an issue. But I see that is being rectified.” He picked up a pen from the desk, twirling it between his fingers. “How about this? Forget the pay rise for now—”

  “Forget it? When I’ve worked harder than anyone else to make sure copy goes out on time—”

  He held his hands up as if in surrender. “Listen to what I have to say. How about this? I’ll take you on a trial for the role of senior editor.” Senior what? “To be honest, it’s crossed my mind before. You’re the only one up to it and obviously get what our readers want, but I wasn’t sure you had the personality to cope with a management level position.” He paused. “But I’m willing to give you a chance. So what do you think of a two-month trial? Starting right now?”

  What did she think? “That would be wonderful.”

; “I’ll be out soon to make the announcement,” he said, “But let’s keep the fact it’s just a trial between us, or else some lazy gits out there won’t take it seriously.”

  She could feel the wide grin on her face as she left his office. Sitting at her desk, she took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. Senior editor? Well, temporary senior editor, but even so it was a management position and a huge deal. She logged on to her laptop but was barely able to focus on the data in front of her, excitement bubbling up inside. Senior editor …

  She had only been back at her desk for a few minutes when Diane received a message on the mobile in her bag. Here we go. She was instantly at Leanne’s desk, notebook in hand and a sweet smile on her face. “I’m taking an extended lunch. Can you cover this? Only a few notes and a couple of phone calls.”

  Leanne’s voice was honey. “Nope. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to pass your work off on me in future.”

  Fingers stilled on keyboards as colleagues turned to stare. “What’s up with you these days? You weren’t like this before.” The smile was still plastered to Diane’s face but Leanne did not miss how her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Come on, darling. I need to do some shopping.”

  “You can do your shopping after work. And did you put in a request for an extended lunch break?”

  The sweet smile was gone and claws were out. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Leanne.”

  The door to Alan’s office opened and when he came out, several of her colleagues shifted their attention from the conversation, going back to their laptops. “I’ve an announcement to make, guys,” Alan said, leaning against Peter’s desk and dispersing the other man’s papers all over the place. “I’ve decided on the senior editor.” All eyes were on him, Leanne’s heart pounding so hard in her chest that Diane must have been able to hear it. “Your new senior editor is …” He paused, clearly enjoying the tension as he glanced around the office. When his eyes met Bill’s, the other man responded with a confident smile. “Your new senior editor is Leanne.”

  Diane froze. As for Bill, if looks could fucking kill ... Alan moved off Peter’s desk, straightening his tie. “I trust you will all do what’s necessary to support her in the new role.” He glanced in Leanne’s direction. “And I know you’re dying to join me in congratulating her on the promotion.” He clapped his hands and others slowly joined in—a few colleagues happy for her but several, including Diane and Bill, compelled to congratulate her. Once the applause died down, Alan left the office as suddenly as he entered it.

  Leanne turned to her colleague. “As you can see, Diane,” she said, “Your lunch breaks are my concern.” She smiled sweetly. “Because darling, you’re talking to your senior editor.”

  She returned to her laptop, fingers tapping on the keys as she enjoyed the hush that fell over the office.


  * * *

  LEANNE WOULD FINISH WORK SOON and then come straight to the car park, where he was waiting in his Porsche. It had only been two days since Rex saw her, but he could not wait to have her in his arms again. He better not be called away by another GCB emergency. They seemed to be never-ending recently, with some beasts behaving like humans and organizing meetings to solve potential problems.

  He would have met Leanne outside her building but she refused, not wanting her colleagues to see him and ask questions. Understandable, because he was hiding her from his own family and friends, but there was a need inside him to declare they were both together. He sensed her approach and got out of his car, stilling when he saw her. She was gorgeous in that dress. Its hem skimmed the tops of her thighs and her hair fell past her shoulders, bouncing with each step she took. There was something else about her, almost animal-like about the way she walked, straight and tall as if she owned every vehicle in that car park. She paused when she saw him, a smile on her face, gaze resting on his chest where he had left the top button of his burgundy shirt open, before moving down over his dark jeans. That look in her eyes was tempting as fuck, making him wish they were somewhere more private. She rushed to him, flinging her arms around his neck, landing her lips straight on his. He drew her tight against his body—but too soon she pulled away.

  “Rex! I got promoted.” He barely heard the words, taking in the joy on her face. Was this the same woman who a few weeks ago stood crying in front of him, in a muddy white dress? “I still can’t believe it. To think I just went to see Alan to refuse overtime. Senior editor … oh my God!” She paused. “Well, it’s a two-month trial and then he’ll decide.”

  “The job is yours, I know it.” He was so proud of her for bouncing back big time like this. And he sure was glad he had called in a favor and booked a table at that new snazzy restaurant in central London. The perfect way to celebrate her promotion. “You’ll love this restaurant where we’re going—”

  She kissed him again. “Mind if we do the restaurant another night?” she whispered against his mouth. “I need to go straight to dessert.”

  He closed his lips over hers, making her gasp as he ignored the wolf whistles around them. Did he mind? Fuck, no. Not when all he needed right now was to bury himself inside her. He tore himself away from her to get into the Porsche, ignoring his beast’s protests, wanting her alone as soon as possible.

  He drove to her place in record time, and as Leanne struggled with the lock of her apartment door, he was already kissing her, not giving a damn that the empty corridor was also a public one. The past two days were torture and all he had thought about was being with her again. They tumbled into the living room and he slammed the door behind them before pressing her up against the wall, his tongue inside her mouth as she moved against him. “Rex, I’ve missed you so much,” she moaned between his kisses, those brown eyes full of need. Her words drove heat straight to his cock, sending him wild. He kissed her harder, letting go with no worries about controlling his fangs and claws, because she really did not mind them; even admitted to them being a turn on.

  He pulled her dress up to her waist and over her head, and as she removed her underwear, stepped back to take off his own clothes. Once they were both naked, he lifted her so that he was between her thighs, pressing against her core as she wrapped her legs around him. Her eyes were dark with desire, lips apart. “I want you so fucking bad,” he managed, before shifting her to take her nipple in his mouth. She moaned and panted, rubbing against him as he licked one erect nipple and then the other.

  Back, wolf! It was not the first time his beast had clamored for release when with her, but he never allowed himself to shift any further than what she was used to. Fuck the temptation of how much more intense the experience would be—this was one pleasure he would never have with Leanne, because seeing a wolf flashing over him could scare the hell out of her. He fought back, taking hold of his beast even as his claws grew, digging into her ass where he held on; making her cry out in pleasure. He wanted to go on listening to her whimper and scream out his name but damn it, he was desperate to be inside her.

  “Rex, I can’t wait.” Moaning encouragement in his ear, she writhed against his body, letting him know she was just as needy and had spent the past couple of days fantasizing about him. When he lowered her body so that her entrance touched his shaft, the contact nearly made him lose control. He pushed into her, hard, crying out her name as his fangs elongated.

  Each time he was with Leanne he experienced an ecstasy beyond anything he had known before meeting her, yet it was not enough. Because of the need to restrain his wolf? No, that he could handle, just about. What left him unsated was the knowledge that even while they surrendered their bodies to each other, she held part of herself back. Because of what he was.

  Rex needed more, so much more …

  HE LAY ON THE SOFA with her afterward, keeping her naked body tight against his. Yes, this was supposed to have been casual and with no attachments, but his emotions had come into the bargain somewhere along the line. What was going on with him
? When he was away from her, all he could think about was when he would see her again; and even though he called her every chance he could, it was not often enough. God damn it, it made no difference if she was human. He needed her and was ready for something more serious … but what about her?

  Leanne eventually lifted her head, murmuring, “Hungry?”

  Yes. For you.

  She pulled on her dress and wandered into the kitchen to fix dinner. He also got dressed and followed, taking the mobile he used for Council business. After she quickly cooked up some spaghetti, they sat together at the dining table. He held her free hand with his as they ate, squeezing it now and then.

  If only he could take her to his place, let her into his life.

  Leanne glanced at his mobile, which he had placed on the table next to his plate. “Expecting a call from the Council, Rex?”

  “Who knows?” He had always been dedicated to the role of Representative but recently his responsibilities felt like an intrusion because he never knew when he might be dragged away from Leanne.

  “You’re rather important, aren’t you?” was her next question, as she twirled spaghetti around her fork.

  Resisting the urge to impress her, he tried to appear nonchalant. “Apparently, I’m known among the beasts for being good at resolving problems.” He was willing to bet most of the shifters across England had heard of him, but was not about to tell Leanne they referred to him as the Great Wolf. She would never stop taking the piss out of him for that.

  “And how many of you do you reckon there are?”

  “Of us?”

  She paused. “Shapeshifters.”

  At least she was not calling him a damn beastoid. “It’s difficult to say.”

  “Are you guys spread around the world?” The subject of shifters fascinated her, and she was keen to know more, but he had to be so careful about what he said to her. He now understood she had not meant his kind any harm by publishing those articles and trusted her enough to believe she would never publicly expose him; but the less she knew the safer it was for her and the beasts. When he did not answer, she took another forkful of food, lips pouting as she sucked in the last of the spaghetti; the action so sensual it brought to mind an image of taking her on the dining table. He shifted in the chair, adjusting himself to reduce the discomfort brought about by his thoughts. “Forget the world,” she said, “How many shifters do you think there might be in England?”


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