The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1)

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The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1) Page 15

by Natalie Aejaz

  She kissed his finger as it trailed across her lips. “If I wanted easy, I would have settled for another human.” He growled under his breath, making her laugh. “Don’t worry, no chance in hell of that happening.” She ran her fingers through his thick hair, and now he sighed with satisfaction. “What do you mean, you’re figuring out your responsibilities?”


  Really? “Rex, if we want to make this work, we have to be more open with each other.” She did not expect to know about everything in his life, but it would be way less frustrating if he did not hide so much.

  He nodded. “I’m considering a break from the Council.”

  “You’re what?” Even though he said little, it was obvious his role in the organization was a significant deal. What had brought this on?

  He lay back, and she snuggled up to that big warm body as his arms went around her. “Representatives are supposed to be concerned with doing what’s beneficial for the beasts, but recently I’ve been hesitant in decisions.”

  “Because of me?” Silence. If he stepped down from his role, it would probably make things easier for them both … For a brief moment, she harbored a fantasy of them leading a simple married life, with no involvement in shifter or human politics. But Tyr was right—the Council needed Rex, more than ever. “You can’t leave your position.”

  “But it would mean fewer complications. For us.” He brushed her lips with his. “I want to be there for you and our future kids.”

  “The Council needs someone who’s interested in the welfare of shapeshifters and humans.”

  He frowned. “But that goes against a Representative’s responsibility—”

  “Don’t you see?” She gave him a soft kiss, still hardly daring to believe she would spend the rest of her life being loved by him. “If all this kicks off and everyone’s looking out for their own kind, where will it stop? How will it end?” As she rested her head against his shoulder she did not want to think of the threat hanging over them, humans and shifters. “The only chance of harmony is people fighting for the interests of everyone—and if those people have any power, then even better.” If there were members like Rex making decisions on both sides, conflict might be avoided altogether. That was the best thing for their future, and if it meant she had to share him with his Representative duties, she would deal with it. “And that doesn’t contradict your responsibility either, does it?”

  “You’re probably right.” He held her against him, tight. “In fact, that’s a reason the Council has worked toward maintaining peace, because ultimately it’s in the interest of shifters.” He looked so damn sexy while deep in thought that she almost forgot about the seriousness of their discussion. “I’ll think about it. But let’s not talk about that now.”

  “Great idea.” She buried her face in the comfort of his chest. “And stuff the difficulties. We’ll be just fine.”

  They should be getting back, but it was perfect here, in the middle of nowhere and far from anything that may trouble them. The problems of the world outside could wait because for now, all that mattered was that they were together.


  * * *

  IT WAS FRIDAY EVENING, and Leanne hummed as she completed outstanding tasks before moving on to arrange her schedule for next week. A few more minutes before she was out of here and with Rex. It might be their last weekend together before he left for the mission to rescue Diane’s brother, and they planned to make the most of it. Rex was cooking dinner at her place tonight and they had theater tickets booked for tomorrow. Sunday was to be a lazy one, part of it spent in the forest and the rest at his apartment in central London.

  How the hell were they going to spend all these days apart when they could not get through a few hours without calling each other, needing to hear each other’s voices? It brought a smile to her face to think of how each time he saw her, he immediately kissed her or took her in his arms, unable to keep his hands off her; as if they had been apart for days rather than hours. He never gave a damn whether anyone else was present during his affectionate displays and to be honest, neither did she. Not now she knew how it felt to have someone who adored her and could not get enough of her. For whom she was not just good enough, but perfect. True to his word, one of the first things he did was buy her an engagement ring; a platinum band with one hell of a diamond. Simple but gorgeous. They had not met each other’s families yet, so she wore the ring on a chain, hanging inside her shirt and out of sight. Not for much longer though, because she was ready to share her joy and announce their commitment to anyone who cared to listen. Only one concern held her back. She was not as worried about meeting shifters as she once was—with Rex at her side she could tackle anything—but what would they think of her? She had never forgotten the hatred in Tyr’s eyes, and could only imagine how his mother felt, who had lost her mate. God damn it, just the thought of anyone touching Rex made her see red.

  Before leaving the office, she took a quick look at The Alternative’s website, checking its analytics for the past seven days. The new site design had received positive feedback from users, and the latest articles were attracting plenty of clicks and engagement. Perfect. Before leaving work, she phoned Harry for an update on the captured shapeshifter. “Any more news on the man?” she asked, voice low. The few staff remaining in the office could hardly guess what the conversation was about, but no point taking a risk.

  “Nope. He’s just incredibly pissed off.”

  “Even more than before?”

  “Put his hands through the bars of his unit and grabbed a scientist. Would have broken her neck if security didn’t restrain him. He’s now being kept chained to the wall of the unit.” Shit. How much longer could he hold out?

  “So no signs of changing?”

  “Nope, and to be honest anyone would be pissed, being picked up for no reason and held in a secure system. Even my source is wondering if the agencies made a mistake.”

  “Probably did. And just as well we didn’t publish the story, huh?” She paused. It was a huge risk, squeezing information out of Harry, but she needed as many details as possible. “Is it okay if I call on Sunday to grab an update?”

  “Sure, will speak to my source before then. But in the meantime, I’ve got a juicy djinn piece. You’re gonna love it. I’ll just verify some points and get back to you.”

  Good lad. “Cheers, Harry, looking forward to it. Have a great weekend.”

  Finally, it was time to get out of here and be with her mate.

  When she left the office building Rex was waiting for her across the road. He had come straight from the investment firm—she finally knew what he did for a living—and was dressed in black trousers and a blue shirt, jacket slung over his arm and dark shades highlighting the angular planes of his face. The sight of him sent a million butterflies dancing inside her stomach. I love you so much.

  “Does your guy have a brother or something?” Pam, for once, had left the office after her. “If he does, I’m first in line.”

  Leanne smiled, recalling her one encounter with Tyr. Set him up with a human? No way.

  Rex dodged the traffic effortlessly, smiling as he approached. When he looped his arms around Leanne’s waist and pulled her in to kiss her on the lips, her colleague was on the verge of swooning. “I’m Pam,” she said, holding out her hand, lips pouting as she fluttered her eyelashes. Leanne’s smile widened at her antics—how the heck did they ever make her insecure? “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  As he shook her hand, Rex’s expression was that of an adult indulging a child. “Lovely to meet you.”

  As Pam walked away with that trademark exaggerated sway of her hips, Rex stilled; his eyes on the large doors of the building. Diane had just come through them. Leanne had promised to be careful with what she said around her feline colleague, but he was clearly anxious about them working together. The number of times she had to remind him she could handle the situation.

hesitated when she saw them, before coming over. “I’m on leave from Monday, Leanne.” She glanced at Rex. “Unless something else comes up and I have to delay my vacation again.” She had postponed twice, citing personal reasons, but Leanne was aware it was because of the need to put a solid rescue plan in place. “But if all goes well, I’ll see you after a week.”

  “See you,” said Leanne, and added under her breath, “Good luck.”

  Rex kept his arm around her waist as they both walked to the car park, as if unwilling to tolerate any distance between them. When they both sat inside his car, he removed his shades, flickering eyes revealing his tension. “I’m still not comfortable with the fact Diane works with you.”

  “I know.”

  “Continue to be cautious around her. She must suspect you know something, but never let her find out how much.” He cleared his throat. “Diane’s sound, but if this shit kicks off beasts will take the side of their own.”

  She held Rex’s hand, its warmth comforting. “I have more information on her brother.”

  He nodded. “Go on.”

  “He hasn’t changed, thank God, but is furious. He tried to attack a scientist and has been chained.”

  “That will really piss him off. He won’t hold out for long now.”

  A short silence before she broke it with the question she did not want to ask. “So you’ll be rescuing him this week?”

  “Yes. Soon he will shift, or suffer from trauma, so we can’t delay this any longer.” She clutched his hand, tight. “Don’t worry, we have people on the inside, and are going in with a plan.” He clenched his jaw. “We’re lucky he’s strong. It’s given us time to get things together.”

  Rex had to do this, but she was worried for her mate, would be the whole time he was away. “Promise you’ll be okay.”

  The skin around his eyes crinkled when he grinned. He smiled easily these days, relaxed and content, despite everything going on. “I promise. We’ve been careful to minimize any risk, because the last thing we want is to bring a group of beasts to the attention of the authorities. It’s a straightforward operation.” He was right; the shifters would never take unnecessary risks, but it was a relief to hear him confirm it. Leaning over, he gave her a kiss. “Thank you, Leanne. Without your information, we wouldn’t have held off and put proper plans in place. We owe you big time.”

  “Don’t be daft!”

  A message came through on her mobile from Beth, who had been for another job interview this morning. Leanne frowned as she read it. I didn’t get it, babe.

  “Anything wrong?” asked Rex, obviously concerned for her.

  “Beth didn’t get the job.”

  They had hung out with Beth a few times, and Rex got on with her. Such a bloody relief. And her friend had assured her she did like this one and was not putting up with him for the sake of friendship. What was Beth going to do? Her self-esteem had hit rock bottom after being unemployed for over two months.

  Rex brought his hand to her face, his touch gentle. “You’re worried for her, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “I don’t know why she hasn’t been hired yet, with her being such an awesome PA—and I’m not just saying that because she’s my friend.” She sighed, louder than intended. “It’s such a shame her company closed down, else she’d never be out of a job.”

  He stared into her eyes, fingers resting against her jawline. “You know something?” he said suddenly, “Tyr needs a PA. I could see if he’s interested in interviewing her?”

  “Your brother Tyr? Who hates humans so much he doesn’t have a single one on his team?” An image of his claws flashed through her head. Beth might need a job but she was not about to throw her friend to the wolves. Literally.

  “He led you to me, didn’t he?” That was true. God knew what would have happened to her if Tyr had not been there. “I still can’t fucking believe he brought us together. And you know what? The other day he admitted he admired your spunk, for standing up to him.” Any other time she would have bolted, but she had been determined to find Rex. “And after I told him how you’ve been getting information about Diane’s brother to us, he’s decided you’re not so bad, even if you are human.”

  When he put it like that, she guessed Tyr was not so bad, either. “So you think he might be willing? To interview Beth?”

  “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll ask him.”

  “Thanks, Rex. I appreciate it.”

  “Don’t be daft!” He threw her words back at her, making her smile. “Tyr can be a stubborn ass, but who knows? Like I’ve said before, he’ll never love humans, but he’s coming around to the idea of you and me, so that’s something.”

  “Do you mean it?” Optimism flared inside her, and she just hoped she was not about to be disappointed. “Tyr’s getting used to us being together?”

  “Yes.” He trailed his fingers through her hair. “Why?”

  Why wait, when now was as good a time as any? “Remember we mentioned meeting each other’s families at some point?” His fingers stilled in her hair as he nodded his head, slow. “Are you ready to go for it?”

  “Ready?” He shifted so he could look into her face, blue eyes intense. “You’re my mate. I love you so much I can’t explain it.” He did not need to, not when she felt the same. “I want us to be together, always. You’ve no idea of how damn proud I am of you, how much I want to show you off to the entire world.” He paused. “But if it’s not what you want—”

  “But it is what I want.” The fire in his passionate gaze melted any of her remaining concerns. Whether or not their families and friends approved, they would make this work. “So what do you think? Shall we go for it and meet each other’s families, when you return?” She could not wait to wear that gorgeous ring on her finger, declare their love and commitment to each other. “And after that, I guess we should look at wedding dates. Although I have to warn you about mum—”

  His passionate kiss cut off her words, telling her it was a deal. As she kissed him back, she knew life with Rex would never be normal, but who the hell wanted normal when there was a beast like him around?


  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please could you take a moment to leave a review at your favorite retailer site.

  Thank you.

  Natalie Aejaz, Author


  I love making things up!

  I am Natalie Aejaz, an author who enjoys travel and make-believe.

  While managing a plethora of other activities, I focused on a series of social novels over the past few years. I wrote my first fantasy romance a few months ago, unexpectedly becoming addicted to the fun and freedom of creating universes. The opportunities for play were as limitless as my imagination and since then, I tend to write in this genre.

  Aliens, shapeshifters, vampires and witches … they are on their way in my future books.






  Shifters Unleashed

  (Adult Shifter Romance)

  Book 1: The Wolf’s Bride

  Otherworld Warriors

  (Adult Fantasy Romance)

  Book 1: Hela


  Blood Rose: A Vampire Romance



  * * *

  What if the man of your dreams turned out to be real?

  All Leah wants is to be normal—not easy when she is plagued by phobias and inexplicable visions; with lucid dreams of a mysterious stranger only adding to the confusion.

  When the man from her fantasies turns up in reality, claiming to be the otherworld warrior Anza, Leah is unable to deny her attraction to him. Anza, however, is tormented by the memories of his lost love—the warrior queen Hela. Unknown to Leah, he has come t
o Earth on a special mission, one that will change her world forever …

  * * *


  The water in the glass ornament shifted, creating shapes only Leah saw. When the voice emanated from the liquid, it whispered thoughts just for her mind. I am always here. For you.

  “Leah? Are you hearing the voice now?” The psychologist’s face held fast to that understanding expression, a permanent feature of the therapy sessions for the last few months. What judgments were hidden behind her kind face? She probably thinks I’m mad. Was she?

  Leah averted her gaze from the ornament. “No.”

  “You were very young when your parents passed away.” Thirteen years old, to be exact. “Using fantasy as a mechanism to cope with childhood trauma is common.” Jane rested her elbows on the table, fingers in a pyramid shape. “It is taking time, but you are constantly making progress.”

  Leah’s parents died in that car accident over ten years ago. Alone, with nobody who understood, she developed the urge to speak to water. At first she only talked, releasing the agony withheld in therapy sessions, but one day the water moved, whispers emerging from it. A friend. Yes, the voice was a fantasy, but at the time it was comforting to imagine there was someone to listen. Professionals labeled the conversations a sickness, and even as a teenager, she picked up the concerns about trauma and mental illness passed between practitioners. The conversations eased some of her isolation, but as the whispers in the water grew louder and more frequent, she became concerned. She was assured by therapists that the voices would fade once she no longer needed them, but the urge to talk to water had gone out of control, becoming an addiction. Once a companion, the imaginary voice now held her back, forcing her into therapy sessions as sterile as the offices in which they took place.


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