Red, White, & Mine

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Red, White, & Mine Page 1

by Elisa Leigh

  Red, White, & Mine

  A Falling on the Fourth Novella

  Elisa Leigh


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author

  Also by Elisa Leigh


  Chapter One

  Belle Maddox

  Today is my first day at Cox Enterprises, but it’s only a temporary position. When my boss at the temp agency called me to let me know about the position, I was thrilled. Usually, I work as a receptionist in offices in the suburbs. The pay isn’t bad, but as a single mom, it isn’t enough. Darla, my boss, knows I want in on the corporate level positions, but she’s been hesitant to place me because of my son being so young and me not able to work the long hours that corporate jobs usually require.

  When I went to interview for the position, I met with Mr. John Cox, the CEO of Cox Enterprises. I was surprised and a little nervous that I was being interviewed by him, but he made me feel right at home. He was kind when I told him I had a child and would need to leave each day by five. He only smiled and said it wouldn’t be a problem.

  It’s my first day, and I feel like a complete mess. I shouldn't have had that third taco last night at dinner, and I probably should have skipped the queso and chips as well. Oh, well, It was worth it! My parents took me and Oliver out for dinner to celebrate the job offer. They know how much it means to me and what it could mean for Oliver and I.

  I love going out to my favorite Mexican restaurant with my family, and when they asked I couldn’t resist. I’m regretting that decision today though, now that the black pencil skirt I found at Goodwill a few days ago, keeps riding up my ass. I set my coffee down on the extra desk in Mr. Cox’s office, then fix my skirt. I do my best to pull it down so it isn’t too short. Next, I pull my peach blouse down in the front, to cover my mom pooch and fix my blazer. I breathe out a sigh of relief now that my outfit is fixed, at least for now. I’ve never dressed as professional as I am today and it has me feeling very uncomfortable. Give me casual wear anyday.

  “Who are you?” A stern voice booms from the door.

  I look up startled and find a very tall, well built man, dressed in a nice suit, standing at the door. His nostrils are flared and his dark blue eyes are glaring at me. I can tell he’s angry, but I can’t get over how handsome he is. Even from across the room he looks well over a foot taller than my five foot three height. He’s built like a beast. His hair is dark, almost black, and is cut short to his head. He looks more suited for a wrestling match, not a boardroom.

  He clears his throat, getting my attention. Oh, shit, I was caught staring.

  “Sorry...I’m sorry. I’m Belle Maddox, your temporary assistant.” I tell him, stumbling over my words.

  His demeanor changes, but only slightly. He looks more inconvenienced than pissed now. “Where the hell did Franco go?”

  Okay, so how does he not know that his personal assistant quit on him? Isn’t it their job to be, well, personal? I would think they would be talking every day, right?

  My brows pull together and I quirk my head to the side. “From what I heard, he quit last week while you were out of town.”

  “And nobody thought to fucking tell me?” He booms.

  I scrunch up my face and shrug. “I don’t know,” I mumble, becoming uncomfortable. “Look, it’s not my place-”

  “You’re fucking right, it isn’t.”

  I glare at him and put my hands on my hips. And that’s it, I’ve had enough. I don’t know who the hell he thinks he is, but I’m not the one who quit on him. From the brief conversation we’ve had, I’m beginning to understand why I’m here in the first place.

  The man, who has yet to introduce himself, but I’m assuming is Mr. Jefferson Cox, sits on the black leather sofa in his office. He runs his hands down his face, then rests them on his thighs. “Shit. It was one hell of a trip from the start. Finish what you were about to say.”

  Arching my brow, I fold my arms over my chest and stare at him while I wait for him to find his manners if he even has any.

  “Please, finish what you were saying.”

  “What I was going to ask was, how did you not know he quit?” I sass, tired of this man’s attitude. I don’t care who you are or how much money you have, if you can’t treat someone with respect, then you aren’t worth my time.

  It’s his turn to glare, but instead, he gives me a look I don’t expect. He looks almost, impressed. “I barely had time to talk to anyone at the office while I was away on business. I expected that Franco was holding down the fort, as I paid him to do, while I dealt with the shitstorm in Boston.”

  “Do you always cuss this much, or am I just lucky?” What a mouth! I mean, oh, god, what a mouth. So lush and kissable. For a man, he should not have such kissable looking mouth.

  Jefferson looks like he’s about to say something, but he closes his mouth changing his mind. He quirks his head at me and I almost laugh that he seems so perplexed.

  I walk up to him, deciding to start over. I need this job to work out, and hopefully, if I’m lucky he will give me a good recommendation when the position is over and I’ll be able to find something permanent.

  Reaching out my hand to him, I introduce myself. “My name is Belle Maddox. Today is my first day-”

  “Of course, it is.” He mumbles and shakes my hand.

  God, he’s an asshole.

  Chapter Two

  Jefferson Cox

  By the end of the first day, we were able to coexist in the same office and get some work completed without killing each other. In fact, barring the initial conversation, everything was going well, until four-thirty rolled around and she told me she was leaving soon. I almost came unhinged. If I was working, then my personal assistant would be working too. Instead of yelling at her, like I normally would have done with Franco when he told me some bullshit about needing to leave, I got quiet.

  She explained to me that my father, who is also my boss and CEO of Cox Enterprises, told her it would be okay if she left each day at five. When I asked her why she had to leave, she informed me that she would need to pick up her son from after school care. Color me surprised. The woman doesn’t look old enough to have a child, let alone one that is in school. I thought about telling her not to come back the next day, but instead, I decided to see how it went.

  For the first week, I contemplated telling her not to come back, every day. She pushed my buttons, and held me to a standard I wasn’t used to around here and it pissed me off. Normally, whatever I say goes, unless I’m talking to my father, brother, or cousins. She doesn’t cave to my brutish behavior.

  Turns out Ms. Maddox is very professional, so much so that she calls me on my “bad behavior,” or so she calls it. She’ll do whatever I tell her to do, as long as I don’t curse at her. She almost makes me feel bad about it, and I find myself holding my tongue in front of her. I appreciate her quiet, take charge personality. It is refreshing to work with someone who calls me on my shit without being a heinous bitch or starting a yelling match.

  Ms. Maddox was only supposed to be here until I found someone else more qualified for the position, but I can’t seem to find someone that will work with me as well as she does. While she has zero experience in the corporate world, she is carrying herself as if she belongs here. I’ve never met someone as hardworking and disciplined as she is. From the time I arrive, because she always gets here thirty minutes before me, until the time she leaves each day to pick up her son, she works her ass off.

  The problem I’m having is the woman is getting under my skin. I never have this problem. I had a few girlfriends back when I was in college, but when I graduated, I started working for the company immediately. There was no time for women. Twelve years later and I’m just as committed to my job as ever. My mom has tried setting me up on the occasional date. I’ll go out of respect for my mother, but at the end of the date, I take the woman home and say goodnight. Sometimes they’ll ask me inside, but my answer is always the same. “No, thank you.” Then I’m gone and I never see them again. That usually pacifies my mother for a while until she feels the need to find her oldest son a wife again. It never works out and I wish she would just stop trying for the sake of everyone involved.

  Every morning I come in I find something about Ms. Maddox’s outfit that pisses me off. The short, dark-haired beauty is beyond beautiful. She always wears her long hair down and there’s nothing I want more than to spear my fingers through her tendrils and pull.

  The first day, it was her fucking skirt. She was bending over, looking for a file on her desk and I happened to look up. Her skirt was riding up, tight on her luscious ass. I got a hard-on right then and there in the office and had to give her an errand to run. I needed to get her out of there so I could deal with my large problem. She left as I excused myself to my personal bathroom. I jerked one out in record time like some teenage punk. Not that it helped. When she came back to my office I noticed something else enticing about the woman. I’m in a constant state of pain and horniness and it’s pissing me off more than I can say. I should do the smart thing and just let her go, except that I can’t. I’m drawn to the short, curvy goddess who tempts me each and every day. I know it's wrong to want my employee, but damn I want her!

  I’ve only been in the office for fifteen minutes when I notice Ms. Maddox is acting peculiar. She’s spilled her coffee twice already and her leg won’t stop moving under her desk. She’s nervous about something and I want to know what.

  “Mrs. Maddox, please come over here,” I say gesturing at the chairs in front of my desk.

  She gets up from her desk with a notepad and pen and sits in front of mine. So, damn, cute.

  “Yes, Mr. Cox?”

  “Ms. Maddox, what is going on with you?”

  “Oh,” She says as she puts down the pen and paper. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Since the moment I walked in today you’ve seemed off.”

  She bites her lip and shifts in her seat. “I got a call yesterday after work.”


  She looks like she’s about to bolt for the door. “I applied for an executive assistant position at a law office in the city. They called and asked me to come in for an interview. Would it be okay if I left an hour and a half early today?”

  “Why?” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Well, the interview is at four o’clock Mr. Cox.”


  “Yes, it’s today. Look, I know it’s last minute, but it would be a permanent position and after sixty days they offer medical benefits.”

  “Fine.” I grind out.

  “There’s one more thing.” She looks like she swallowed something unpleasant.

  I gesture for her to get on with it.

  “Would you mind writing me a letter of recommendation?”

  Not only is she asking for time off to interview for another job, one that isn’t here with my company, but now she’s asking me to give her a recommendation, to leave me?

  My jaw ticks and I’m tempted to tell her, no, but that wouldn’t be fair. Her position here was only supposed to be temporary, why wouldn’t she be looking for something permanent?

  Chapter Three


  I applied for the position at Yader, Riggs, and Associates before I even started working at Cox Enterprises. A job like that is extremely rare, and will get filled immediately, so when I didn’t hear back from them I wasn’t surprised. When they called me yesterday to set up an interview, I was shocked. They told me the only time they’d be able to meet with me would be at four that next afternoon. I took the interview and prayed that everything would work out. For a grumpy man, Jefferson Cox is fair. I didn’t expect him to get upset. I figured he would either tell me yes or no.

  The plan was to wait a little while so he didn’t feel like I was ambushing him first thing when he walks in. He tends to be a little uptight until he’s had his coffee and checked his email. The longer I sat there, going over what I’d say to him in my head, the more nervous I became. Usually, I wouldn’t be so passive, but this isn’t a circumstance I’ve had to deal with before. I almost feel guilty for interviewing somewhere else. I’ve made friends here and I’m starting to get comfortable. I’ve never worked at a temp job for this long before or worked as closely with my boss as I do with Mr. Cox. But I need stability and benefits.

  I had assumed Mr. Cox would have hired someone after the first couple of days, but the longer we worked together the less he interviewed people. It got to the point that he’d groan whenever I’d set a resume on his desk. He would make me sit in on the interview to take notes about the applicants. Then when the interview was over he’d ask me what I thought about them. We’d discuss their positives and negatives, and ultimately, even if it was a good candidate, he would tell me to let them know they didn’t get the job. I assumed he was just very picky and wanted to make sure he hired the best person for the job.

  Ever since we talked this morning, Mr. Cox has been in a pissy mood. He keeps snapping at me over every little thing he doesn’t like. He’s being nitpicky about everything I do.

  It’s an hour after lunch and I just finished a report that he asked me to write up. I set the report on his desk and he grabs it, looks it over and tosses it back on the desk in my direction. “Ms. Maddox, this reads like a middle schooler wrote it. Go back and redo it. I want it double spaced, and make sure you proofread this before giving it to me next time. I expect a lot better from you.” Then he goes back to working on the computer.

  My eyes burn as tears threaten to fill my eyes, but I take a deep breath. I will not let this man see me cry. I pick up the report, set it on my desk and walk out of the office not saying a damn word. I need a break and I don’t give a shit if he needs me or not. I walk down the hall to the elevator, but at the last minute change my mind. Instead, I decide to take the stairs down to the lounge, needing to let off a little steam.

  Cox Enterprises is a great company that normally treats their employees very well. I give a big eye roll to the man upstairs.

  One of the things that I love most about getting to work here is that they cleared an entire floor of their building to be used as an employee lounge. It’s a large open space with a ton of natural sunlight from all the windows. There are vending machines and a self serve coffee bar along one wall. Sitting areas are dispersed around the room. There’s even a long table with charging ports in the middle of the table. I love coming down here to just grab a few minutes to myself.

  Heading straight for the coffee bar, I make myself an iced coffee; extra cream, and hazelnut flavoring. After mixing it all up, I take a long healthy sip and moan. God, I needed that after the day I’ve had.

  “Wow, this is pretty nice.”

  I look up and see a beautiful redhead standing next to me, staring wide-eyed at the coffee bar.

  “It is the best thing ever.”

  She looks at me and then the drink in my hand. “Looks like it.”

  “I’m Gina, by the way. I just started a couple of days ago and finally decided to venture down here and explore. This place is great. It reminds me of what it would be like to work at Google or something.”

  I nod my head, remembering that I thought the same thing when I stepped inside the first time. “I’m Belle. I don’t work here. Well, I do, but I don’t. It’s temporary, but my boss is probably going to fire me when I go back upstairs.”

  She looks at me like I’m crazy. I don’t bl
ame her. “You want to talk about it?”

  “I’m sorry, I just unloaded that on you. It’s like you spoke to me and I word vomited all over you.” My cheeks color to a healthy pink at my slight embarrassment.

  She laughs. “Girl, it is not a big deal. Now help me make a coffee and tell me all about what’s going on. It’s probably not as bad as you’re thinking.”

  “Thanks, Gina.” I show her how to make a cup of coffee in the fancy Keurig and give her a tour around the space while telling her everything that happened today.

  We finally find a spot on one of the couches and take a seat facing each other. “I doubt Mr. Cox is going to fire you. He probably just got used to having you around and wasn’t expecting you to tell him you might be leaving.”

  “You’re probably right. I hate the way he treated me afterward like I was inconsequential.”

  “Some men are assholes.”

  “True that.” I say and click my drink against hers and take another sip. I look up and see that I’ve been down here for a while. Crap, I think as I stand up. “I guess it’s time to face the music. Thanks for letting me vent, Gina.”

  “No problem. I hope everything works out for you, Belle.”

  I take the elevator up to the top floor, where Mr. Cox’s office is. When I walk in I see that he’s not in there and I breathe a sigh of relief. Sitting down at my desk, I grab my phone and check to make sure no one tried to contact me. There are six calls from Mr. Cox. I roll my eyes and shove my phone into my purse. That man is ridiculous.

  Mr. Cox comes back into the office a half hour later and doesn’t say anything to me for the rest of the day. I can’t decide if I’m happy he’s leaving me alone, or upset that he’s giving me the cold shoulder. I wish he were excited for my opportunity instead of making me feel bad about it, or at least be understanding.


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