A Tangled Affair: A Passionate Love Story

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A Tangled Affair: A Passionate Love Story Page 10

by P. G. Van

  “I could not sleep last night,” she confessed against his lips.

  “I know… me neither.” He dug his fingers into the soft flesh at her waist as he walked into the bedroom kicking the door closed with his foot.

  He dropped her on the large bed and stood by it looking down at her as she met his heated gaze with hunger in her eyes.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured before placing his knee on the mattress moving close to her, his hand running over her leg from her ankle upward. He pushed the fabric of her long nightgown, feeling her soft yet sizzling skin on his palm.

  She bit her lip in response to the intensity with which he looked at her and how her skin tingled in response to his longing touch. She kept her eyes locked with his as he ran the tip of his fingers along her outer thighs, and she sucked in her belly as if in anticipation of his touch.

  He moved closer to kneel in front of her on the mattress. His lips worshipped her soft skin over her well-defined cheekbones as one hand trailed toward her inner thigh, while his other hand gripped her thick hair. “I can’t stop myself anymore.”

  She closed her eyes in sheer pleasure when he ran the back of his hand over the apex of her thighs, making her heart thump in her chest. “Don’t stop. I…”

  She pulled him closer, one arm wrapping around his neck and the other hand pressing over his hand that grazed over her panties. “I want you, too.”

  The pressure she felt against her throbbing core made her moan, sending new thrills through him. “I’ve only dreamed of you saying those words.”

  “Don’t make me wait anymore. The protection we need is in the drawer on the end table,” she spoke into the pillow as he laid kisses on her bare skin.

  She looked at him through slitted eyes and knew what she felt for him was more than the physical need dominating that moment. She bit her lip, trying to stop herself from being loud as he entered her and built up a rhythm.

  Every time he pulled back and dove back in, she felt him getting closer to her as he pushed her over the edge. She fisted her fingers into the pillow as he picked up the pace and called out his name when she peaked.

  Moments later, he peaked, sliding his slick skin over hers as he collapsed to her side, pulling her to him.

  Naina hugged him like she never wanted to let go. The pragmatic voice reminded her that he needed to leave for India, and she couldn’t be with him forever started to take over. She pushed that thought away and let their hearts beat together, for one another.

  Chapter 17

  The next morning, Naina woke up to tender kisses on her bare shoulder and a hard erection digging into her back.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He continued to lay kisses on her heated skin.

  She smiled, taking the hand that cupped her breast to kiss his warm skin. “Beautiful? Do you not remember my name?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe I don’t. Is it Kiara or Naina?”

  She smiled, turning around to face him, and he immediately pecked her lips with his. “My name is actually, Nayana… Naina is a shorter version of it.”

  He nuzzled her nose. “How many more names do you have, beautiful?”

  She blushed in response to the way he pulled her closer, taking in the scent of her skin. “I like it… like it when you call me beautiful.”

  He looked into her eyes and saw shades of shyness before she looked down at their bodies melded together. “It was fun last night.”

  “Just last night? What about all the fun we had during the day?” Samraat and Naina had not left the apartment all day and night the day before.

  They satiated their hunger as if the flood gates of emotions had been raised, and they had no control over their actions. Her body was sore all over, but she felt wonderful laying on the bed next to him, his tight muscles feeding her the warmth she craved. She looked into his eyes before reaching up to kiss him, her trembling lips brushing over his gently.

  “It was fun yesterday.” She smiled.

  A shudder passed through him when he saw her smile like she had no care in the world. “What fun do you have in mind for today?”

  “I’m hungry,” she pouted.

  “Me, too,” he said, kissing her lips before biting her lower lip.

  “I know what you want, but you’ll have to make me breakfast, and we need to meditate after.”

  He shook his head. “Didn’t I fire you yesterday? You are not my coach anymore.”

  She laughed, pulling away from him. “Fine, I’ll meditate by myself.”

  He was too quick for her as he pulled her to him, his breath hot on her skin as he lay a trail of kisses on her neck. “You think you can still meditate with me around?”

  “I can as long as you don’t touch me.”

  “Challenge accepted,” he growled when she managed to pull away from him to go to the bathroom.

  A couple of hours later, after sharing a shower and enjoying breakfast together, Naina got up from the couch. Samraat had been on the computer for the past thirty minutes working on an issue with one of the security systems he built for a hotel a few years ago.

  “I’m going to go meditate,” she whispered.

  Samraat looked up from his computer. “I’m almost done.”

  “Take your time and remember, no touching me when I am meditating.”

  “Naina, come back…”

  “I won’t be long.” She winked, and the very look on her face made him hard between his legs.

  Samraat spent another hour working through the issue before he was able to resolve it. He didn’t realize how long she had been meditating until he looked at the time. He called her name from the living room, and when he didn’t hear a response from her, he walked to the bedroom and found her on a mat on the floor, meditating.

  He smiled, looking at the calm expression on her face, knowing she meditated to curb her inner rage. It killed him that he had no idea what pained her so much. He sat next to her on the floor as she continued to meditate, lost in conquering her senses, while he enjoyed looking at her beautiful face. He reached out to place his hand on her cheek and remembered her rules of not touching her when she is meditating.

  A mischievous smile formed on his face as he moved closer to her, his face less than an inch from hers as he blew warm air on her skin. He felt the zap of energy when he saw a shiver pass through her in response to his proximity, but she did not break out of her concentration.

  Samraat knew how important it was for her to meditate, but he was itching to touch her. He knew he could take her mind off of what bothered her in other ways, making her lose herself in pleasure, but he smiled, gently kissing her hair before getting off the floor.

  He had barely stood up when he heard her move to reach out and take his hand in hers. He looked down at her and knew from the way she smiled at him that she wanted what he had in mind. All he could think about was fulfilling her wishes and satiating her hunger.

  “Samraat, we are going to be late to dinner,” Naina said, running her brush through her hair as he showered.

  “Who asked you to walk into the shower while I was in it?” he teased as water ran over his face.

  She bit her lip, feeling the heat spread over her entire body when she remembered the feel of the cold shower wall pressing into her back as he pushed in and out of her. “It’s not my fault you looked so tempting while you showered.”

  He turned off the shower and stepped out, taking one of the towels to wipe himself down. “How about now? Not tempting enough?”

  She smiled, walking to him as he wrapped the towel around his waist. “Very tempting.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him. “Are you asking for an encore?”

  “Tonight, after we get back.” She bit her lip, feeling shy.

  “Whatever you say, baby.”

  She stepped away from him and asked the question that had been burning since she heard him speak on the phone. “Who were you talking to today?”

  “That was someone at wor

  She shook her head. “Not in the morning, later in the evening.”

  “My uncle.”

  “Where is he?”

  “In India.” His response was casual as he slipped on his jeans, but her heart sank just at the reminder that Samraat needs to go back to India soon.

  “What’s wrong, Naina?” he asked when she stood rooted to her spot.

  “Do you… when do you have to go back?” A lump formed in her throat just at the thought of him leaving, knowing she would never set foot on the soil again.

  He walked to her, bare-chested, and placed his hands on her cheeks. “I am figuring out something. I don’t want you to worry—”

  “Don’t leave me.” It was a plea, and a knot twisted in his chest.

  “I won’t. I’ll take you with me.”

  “I… I can’t go to India… never will. I…” She sobbed, and he hugged her, not saying anything more. It bothered him that he had no idea why she wouldn’t want to go to India.

  Samraat held her to him deciding to ask Mini about Naina. He had to know.

  Later that night, Samraat watched as Naina walked ahead of him, next to Mini toward the main lobby of the casino where they went for dinner followed by gambling. Mini’s boyfriend left early to go to work the next day and had asked Samraat to take Mini home.

  “Kiara,” a man’s voice called out, and Samraat watched as both of the women walking ahead of him stopped short and looked in the direction of the voice.

  Samraat stopped a few feet away and watched as a tall, young man approached Naina, carrying an angry look on his face. Mini and Naina looked at him silently, and neither of them were smiling.

  “Kiara, where the heck have you been?” the man demanded, and Samraat took a step forward moving closer to Naina.

  Naina did not respond, but the man looked at Samraat and said, “Who the heck is this guy?”

  “It’s none of your business.” Mini glared at the man.

  “Kiara, why the hell did you leave?” the man demanded, stepping closer to Naina.

  Naina raised her hand as if to stop Samraat when he moved closer and looked at the man who looked at her angrily. “I am sorry, Dev. I didn’t have the heart to tell you that I did not love you, not like you loved me.”

  “So, you disappeared?”

  “I left because…” her voice trailed off as she looked at Samraat whose eyes were trained on her.

  “Why do you keep looking at him? Is he the one you are sleeping with now?” the man growled, and before Naina could retaliate, she saw Dev’s eyes widen as his body crashed to the floor.

  “Is that how you talk to a woman?” Samraat rubbed his fist into his palm.

  “Samraat, what did you do? Let’s go,” Naina urged as she pulled him away from Dev, who was being helped by his staff to stand up.

  With Dev issuing warnings about sending Samraat to jail, Naina ran out of the lobby, pulling Samraat with her as Mini went ahead to hail a cab.

  Mini got into the front passenger’s seat of the first cab they saw as Naina pulled Samraat into the back seat with her.

  “Samraat, what was that?” Naina asked as the taxi driver drove out of the casino’s driveway.

  Samraat grit his teeth. “No one gets to talk to you like that.”

  Mini laughed, turning to look at Naina. “That was a cool punch. Even his security didn’t expect you to do that, and they just stood there, shocked.”

  “It’s not funny, Mini,” Naina warned.

  “Dev deserved it.”

  “No, he did not. He was upset about how I left without a word and…”

  “Who is he, Naina?” Samraat asked, impatiently.

  “Dev and I were seeing each a few years ago, and…”

  Samraat stiffened visibly. “Boyfriend?”

  “Yes, he was my boyfriend.” Naina looked at Samraat, whose face was like a mask.

  “I didn’t expect him to be here in Las Vegas. Do you think he is here to buy a casino like he doesn’t have enough already in Atlantic City?” Mini seemed surprised.

  “Let’s not talk about him,” Naina said and looked at a silent Samraat.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell him your real name,” Mini thought out loud.

  Naina turned to look at Samraat, and he turned to look at her at the same time. She reached out to touch his shoulder and said, “I promise. I will tell you everything when we get home.”

  Samraat smiled happily that the ex-boyfriend showing up was going to work out for him. He hoped she would open up and share something about her and her past.

  Chapter 18

  It was past one in the morning by the time they came back to the apartment after dropping off Mini at her place. She held his hand in hers as they rode in the back seat of the cab in utter silence, lost in their thoughts.

  For Samraat, he could not wait to get back to the apartment to hear her talk, tell him something, although he didn’t expect her to tell him everything. He sat on the plush chair in her bedroom as she quietly moved around getting ready for bed. She avoided looking into his eyes in the cab, but something told him he had to give her some space and time to think.

  She climbed into bed, and when he thought she was going to go to sleep without saying anything, she looked at him and said, “Can you hold me, please?”

  The pain in her eyes burned through him. He got up, shedding his sports jacket that he had on before sliding into bed next to her. She scooted to him, closing the gap between them and rested her cheek on his chest.

  Samraat knew she was hurting, and all he could think about was comforting her, although the questions about her past were increasing. “Get some sleep. We can talk later.”

  She took in a deep breath and moved her face to kiss him on his chest before looking up at him. “I left Dev because I didn’t love him. I didn’t want the life he offered me. I had no better way to end it.”

  Samraat ran his fingers through her hair. “I didn’t ask you that.”

  “I want you to know,” her voice was a whisper.

  “Why did you not give him your real name?”

  “I… I couldn’t. I did not…” she stumbled.

  “Why did you tell me your real name?” he asked.

  She shook her head, batting away tears. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you like me?”

  She smiled weakly, nodding. “I… I do.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She hugged him closer. “With my life.”

  He took a deep breath pulling her closer into his arms. “Tell me what you are scared of. Let me protect you.”

  She went silent for a few moments. “Promise that you won’t leave me after I tell you everything.”

  “Never… I am here for you.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m… I’m scared of the monster who raised me, the one who betrayed my father and killed my mother for their inheritance.” She sobbed.

  “Who is this man?” he asked as he held her trembling body to his.

  “My father’s friend who was like family. I grew up thinking he is my dad’s brother, but when my dad passed away, that’s when his true colors were revealed.”

  “How did your father pass away?”

  She sniffled. “It was a freak accident. He stopped the car at the side of the road to check something on the hood of the car and was struck by a passing truck.”

  “In London?”


  “India. We moved to India when my dad’s ancestral property became hot property overnight.”

  “What happened to your mother?”

  “That bastard… he did something. I know because my father’s trusted lawyer told me that my mother was murdered, and it was staged as a suicide.” She wailed.

  “Did no one say anything? What about your other family?”

  Naina sniffled. “My father lost his family as a young man. The only trusted man was the lawyer, but he didn’t say anything either.”

“What about your mother’s family?” Samraat asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t remember meeting them. My mom comes from a different part of India than my dad. Since he had nothing other than the inherited agricultural lands, he was considered a nobody at that time, and her family was opposed to their relationship. So, they eloped, and never again contacted my mother’s family.”

  “Do you know where they are?”

  She shook her head. “If I had family to support me, this man would not have done what he did, and I would not have run away from home. The only support was the lawyer who played along with that monster to protect me.”

  “How old were you?” He ran his palm up and down her back as if to soothe away her pain.

  “I was eleven, and I pretended… pretended to believe him when he told me my mom killed herself because she was sad about my father’s accident. My mom had told me to be patient until I was eighteen, as she suspected he would do something.” She started to weep, and he held her to him, a lot of things falling into place.

  The way her eyes sparkled when he told her about how he avenged his parents’ death, why she lost herself to the point where she kissed him as if in hero-admiration, but what he didn’t understand was why she left India and was in hiding.

  “What about the lawyer? Was he really trustworthy?” Samraat asked.

  “Yes, he was the one who helped me get away. He got us fake passports and letters from the government for both Mini and me that stated our lives were under threat due to regional disturbances. He was the one who helped us go from one country to the other as refugees.”

  “Why are you still on the run? You are here, away from him.”

  “I know he is looking for me. The lawyer told me he would look for me. According to the will my mother wrote, he needs me alive for him to continue living off of my father’s earnings and inheritance. The company my father started was starting to see success when he met with the accident. I wonder if that monster had anything to do with that, too. He took everything away from me, and I was not going to let him benefit from using me as a sympathy card to get my father’s investors to continue helping him. The lawyer told me the monster was planning on taking me to London to use me and get our family friends in London to invest in the company.”


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