Assassination Authorized

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Assassination Authorized Page 10

by Erin Wade

  Mecca nodded. “Why don’t you lean back, and we’ll try hypnosis. Maybe we can reach back to your childhood.”

  It only took Mecca a few seconds to hypnotize Faith.

  “Let’s start with a few easy questions,” Mecca said. “What is your name?”


  “How old are you?”

  “Around thirty-four.”

  “What are your earliest recollections?” Mecca was getting worried. Faith seemed to have no memories except the ones of the hospital.

  “Water,” Faith whispered. “I’m in the water. Lights. Flashing lights, red and blue. Men are talking. No! No!” Faith began to scream. “Please don’t hit me again.”

  “No one is going to hurt you,” Mecca said. “You’re safe. You are on your way to the hospital.”

  “Yes. Yes.” Faith calmed noticeably.

  “What do you remember?”

  “Darkness. Blessed darkness.”

  “Are you happy now?”

  Faith smiled. “Yes, I am in love, but I can’t be. It isn’t safe. They might kill Kadence.”

  “They who?” Mecca prompted.

  Faith jerked violently and cried out.

  “Wake up, Faith,” Mecca said quietly.

  Faith lay motionless. Her eyes darted around the room like those of a trapped animal looking for a place to escape.

  “Faith,” Mecca said softly. “You’re okay, Faith.”

  Faith inhaled deeply. “Kadence. I need Kadence.”

  Mecca opened the door and motioned for Kadence to join them.

  Faith sat on the edge of the chaise lounge. Her eyes were wide and dark, her beautiful face twisted in fear.

  Kadence sat beside her and put her arms around her trembling shoulders. “Faith, are you okay, honey?”

  She nodded and pushed deeper into the security of Kadence’s arms.

  Mecca handed Faith a bottle of water. “I’m afraid I didn’t learn anything new,” she said. “Your memories seem to go only as far back as your arrival at the hospital. Do you dream, Faith?”

  “Yes.” Faith blushed as she glanced at Kadence. “Nothing about my past. No nightmares.”

  “Let’s try again next week,” Mecca suggested. “I think the more relaxed you become, the more likely you will be to recall things.”


  Jericho watched Kadence and Faith leave Mecca’s office. She called Mecca’s number. “Any chance I can take the most beautiful girl in the world to dinner?”

  Mecca laughed. “I’m not sure she’s available, but I’ll go to dinner with you.”

  As they dined, Mecca filled in all the blanks of Faith’s story.

  “That was Jane Doe?” Jericho raised questioning eyebrows. “Man, Kadence is a genius. She is stunning. She looks very familiar. How did she decide on that face?”

  “She told Kadence to make her look like her dream woman,” Mecca said. “She did.”

  “I’m just happy her dream woman and mine weren’t the same,” Jericho said, smiling shyly. “I would hate to fight her.”

  Mecca laughed and caught Jericho’s hand as they walked toward the apartment building.

  “She’s terrified of something,” the doctor said thoughtfully. “I couldn’t get through to her with hypnosis, which is very unusual. She fears for Kadence’s life.”

  “Perhaps she should. Someone obviously wants her dead. Whoever it is, they’re still out there.

  “We stopped the assassin, but whoever sent him won’t give up. She would be safer somewhere else where they wouldn’t look for her. Especially now that she has a new face.”

  The doorman grinned as he ushered them into the building. “I wondered how long it would take you two to hook up, living in the same apartment building and all.”

  The look he received from Jericho made him wish he could swallow his tongue.

  “What did he mean?” Mecca glared at Jericho as the elevator doors closed.

  Jericho pushed the button to stop the elevator on the floor below Mecca’s. She stepped out and pulled the doctor with her.

  “This isn’t my floor.” Mecca scowled.

  “No, it’s mine.”

  “You mean—”

  “Yes. For the last five years I have lived below you.” Jericho opened the door to her apartment.

  “All those nights you walked the floor or sat out on your balcony drinking wine, I was with you. Honestly, honey, I don’t know how you live on so little sleep.”

  Mecca tiptoed to kiss her. “I get even less sleep since I’ve become involved with you.”

  “You have to admit it is a very relaxed sleep.” She chuckled.

  Mecca walked around the apartment. “This is lovely. I love your workout room. The floorplan is the same as mine. The furnishings are exquisite.”

  “So are you.” Jericho pulled Mecca into her arms and kissed her gently. “Where should we make love tonight? Your place or mine?”

  “Mine.” Mecca nibbled her lower lip. “I need to do a little work before we go to bed.”

  Jericho collected clean clothes for the next day and carried them to Mecca’s apartment. “I’m going to shower while you do your homework,” she said.

  Mecca watched the video from one of her earlier sessions and made notes on her patient. As she closed her computer, the doorbell chimed.

  She wondered who could be calling on her so late. She was surprised to see Teagan and Nikki when she looked through the peephole.

  “What are you two doing out so late?” Mecca said as she welcomed them inside.

  “We just finished dinner and thought we’d discuss Faith over a glass of wine.” Teagan grinned as she headed for the kitchen.

  “Honey, where did you—?” Jericho entered the kitchen, wearing only a towel. Jericho’s eyes widened as she met the appraising looks of the three women.

  Teagan gasped. “Oh my God, you’re sleeping with the goddess! Mecca, you little minx. How could you not tell me?”

  “She has been so worried that you were alone,” Nikki chimed in.

  Jericho stepped back into the bedroom and closed the door. She listened to their conversation as she dressed.

  “I took your advice.” Mecca shrugged as she pulled a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. “It was excellent advice, by the way.”

  “Bring her back out,” Teagan said, laughing. “We want to meet her.”

  Mecca stepped into her bedroom and closed the door. Jericho was pulling a Henley over her head. “I’m sorry, honey,” she said. “I had no idea you had company.”

  Mecca slid her arms around Jericho’s neck and pressed her body hard against her. Her kiss was filled with promise. “It’s fine,” she whispered. “You had to meet them sooner or later. Of course, they didn’t have to know I was sleeping with you.”

  Jericho grinned and followed her into the living room, where Nikki had poured wine for everyone.

  “Teagan, Nikki, I would like you to meet Captain Jericho Parker. Jericho, this my sister, Teagan, and her wife, Nikki.”

  Jericho smiled and shook hands with the women. Both were beautiful. She was sure the two had left several brokenhearted males in their wake.

  “What exactly are you doing with my sister?” Teagan demanded.

  “Teagan, what the hell is wrong with you?” Mecca scowled. “I have never seen you behave this rudely.”

  “No, it’s okay.” Jericho slipped her arm around Mecca’s shoulders. “I am trying to convince your sister that she should marry me.”

  Mecca stiffened. We haven’t discussed marriage, she thought. We haven’t discussed anything about long-term commitment.

  “How long have you known Mecca?” Teagan continued her questioning.

  “Five years,” Jericho said. “Long enough to know I love her.”

  Teagan turned her glare on Mecca. “Well?”

  “Well, what?” Mecca returned the stare.

  “Are you going to marry her?”

  “I don’t know.” Mecca grinned misch
ievously. “Right now, I’m just trying her out. You know, getting a feel for her. I do like having her around.”

  Nikki started laughing. Soon, the others joined in. “You should have seen your face when she walked into the room,” Nikki said to Teagan.

  They settled on the sofa. “You said you came about Faith,” Mecca said.

  “Yes,” Teagan began, “she’s doing so well. We have done all we need to do for her from a medical standpoint. I was called on the carpet by the CFO this morning. He wants her dismissed Friday.”

  “Why? We’ve been paying her hospital bills.”

  “I know. It’s not about the money. He doesn’t like the constant police presence. He’s concerned there may be another attempt on her life, and hospital personnel could be hurt or killed. He and Kadence got into a row over Faith’s release. Kadence is threatening to leave the hospital. We can’t just throw Faith out. She has nowhere to go.”

  “Mecca, may I speak with you for a moment in private?” Jericho said as she stood and headed to the bedroom. She closed the door behind them.

  “I practically live with you,” Jericho said. “Faith could use my apartment, if that’s agreeable with you. It would also allow me to keep a close eye on her. Just in case anyone makes another attempt on her life.”

  “What you said to my sister about marriage was very gallant. I know you were trying to protect my reputation. I sincerely appreciate it. Let’s give her my apartment.” Mecca ran her hands under Jericho’s shirt, up her abs to her breasts. “I don’t want you to give up your workout room. I rather like the results you achieve.”

  Jericho kissed her and followed her back into the living room.

  “Faith can use my apartment until she gets on her feet,” Mecca said.

  “Where will you live?” Teagan asked.

  “My apartment is one floor below this one,” Jericho said, shrugging. “We can keep an eye on her in case anyone tries to harm her.”

  Teagan slowly nodded, as if doing the math. “How long have you two been together?”

  Jericho laughed. “Not nearly long enough.”

  Chapter 14

  Jericho relaxed on the sofa as Mecca showered. She had been a little disturbed that Mecca had brushed aside her suggestion of marriage as an act of gallantry. She wondered if she haunted Mecca’s mind the way the brunette filled hers. During her second year of shadowing Mecca, Jericho had realized she was falling in love with the doctor. While she had been in love with Mecca for a long time, Mecca had only known her a few months. I’d better back off, Jericho thought. I’ll scare her.

  “That felt so good.” Mecca towel-dried her hair as she entered the living room. A second towel was wrapped around her body, with the corner tucked in between her breasts.

  Jericho caught Mecca’s hand and pulled her into her lap. “Do you ever think of me when we’re apart?”

  “Of course I do, darling.” Mecca kissed her softly, letting her bottom lip linger on Jericho’s as she pulled back from the kiss. “I daydream about you all the time.”

  “What do you think about?”

  Mecca blushed. “I’d rather not say.”

  “Please,” Jericho pleaded.

  “Okay, but you can’t laugh at me. I walk up to you and lean in close. I hold your face gently with my hands, and I let my lips graze yours, softly at first, while holding your gaze. ‘Did you miss me, I ask?’” Mecca moved to demonstrate her words. “I slide onto your lap and straddle you. I lean back to get a good look at you, stare at you. You are so beautiful. I have not been able to get you out of my mind. I put my arms around your neck and my hands in your hair. I lean in to kiss your beautiful lips. I kiss them softly and moan. You taste so good. I use my tongue to part your lips so our tongues can touch. Lips locked, we slowly let ourselves melt into each other’s mouths, our tongues entwined in deep, soft, long kisses. I scoot closer to you and start grinding slowly on your lap. I am so wet from kissing you. I’m sliding on your lap so easily. Our kissing intensifies. I pull your bottom lip and suck it slowly, biting it a little. Tongues still touching, you take control and bite my bottom lip hard, and I moan and gasp . . . a guttural gasp. I wince, but the pain is so good. We’re moving together now, in unison. Writhing together. My lips are so red and plump from being bitten. I nibble them and moan. I pull away from you, keeping your gaze, and use my hands to unbutton your blouse. I open your blouse, look down, and stare at your beautiful, supple breasts. I look back up at you. Using one finger, I trace from the tip of your nose, down to your lips, down your chin to your neck, and down to your right breast. I run my fingers around your left breast and caress it, teasing your nipple . . . softly, softly, pinching it slightly. I’m so wet and aching for you. I lean in and take your right nipple into my mouth and suck on it softly.”

  “Baby,” Jericho gasped. “Let’s take this fantasy to our bedroom, please. You’re killing me.”

  Chapter 15

  Kadence arrived at the hospital early. She found it difficult to stay away from Faith. She stopped at the nurses’ desk to check her chart. Everything was perfect. Faith was perfect.

  Faith smiled at her as she entered the room. “Kadence, I miss you when you’re gone.”

  “I know. I feel the same way.” She leaned down to kiss the lips turned up to her. “I have surgery this morning, and then we can go to lunch. Would you like to do that?”

  “Of course, darling.” Faith kissed her again. “Now, go. Do your magic. I’m going to shower and get ready. I have a hot lunch date.”

  Faith shoved Kadence from her room and closed the door.

  Kadence found herself face to face with Teagan Storm.

  “If you grin any larger,” Teagan said, “your face will turn inside out.”

  “Good morning to you, too, lovely lady.” Kadence reduced her grin to a normal-size smile.

  “I need to talk to you for just a minute,” Teagan said, as she led Kadence to a deserted end of the hall. “You know Price Pawnaker is trying to discharge Faith?”

  “Yes, but he can’t do that without all of her attending physicians signing off on the discharge order. We’ve paid all her bills,” Kadence huffed. “He has to be the world’s sorriest human being. Faith has no place to go. Hell, she doesn’t even know who she is.”

  Teagan nodded. “Mecca has a place she can stay indefinitely.”

  “Oh thank God!” Kadence breathed a sigh of relief. “I would let her live with me, but the impropriety of that is scandalizing.”

  “Why don’t you and Faith join us for dinner at Mecca’s this evening at seven?” Teagan tiptoed to kiss her friend on the cheek. It was good to see her so happy.


  “What do you mean, she was discharged?” Kadence yelled at the head nurse. “On whose authority?”

  The head nurse thumbed through the stack of papers on her clipboard. “I . . . uh, I don’t see a doctor’s signature. It looks like Mr. Pawnaker released her.”

  “He can’t do that.” Kadence yelled louder, hoping Pawnaker was within hearing distance.

  “I know,” the nurse said. “This is highly irregular.”

  “Where did she go?” Kadence grabbed the release forms and studied them. “He just threw her out on the street with nowhere to go. A woman who doesn’t even know her own name, alone on the streets of New York. Wait until I get my hands on that son of a bitch!” Kadence stormed onto the elevator and jabbed viciously at the button to take her to Pawnaker’s floor.

  “You good-for-nothing little weasel,” Kadence snarled as she stormed into Pawnaker’s office. “You better hope to God nothing has happened to her.”

  Kadence was around Pawnaker’s desk and had him by the lapels of his jacket. She yanked the CFO from his chair and slammed him against the wall as hard as she could. She overcame the urge to ram her fist into his face, cognizant of the fact that it could break her hand and end her surgical career. Kadence threw him to the floor and stomped out.

  Pawnaker waited until Kadence was out
of his office and screamed, “You’re fired, Kadence Pride.”

  Kadence ran out onto the sidewalk. She looked in all directions, desperately hoping Faith hadn’t gone far. She didn’t see her.

  She calmed herself, trying to think where Faith might have gone. She sprinted down the street toward the park. Faith had disappeared.

  She went to their favorite diner. No one had seen her. She wandered the streets for hours. Faith Doe was gone.

  Uncontrollable tears ran down her cheeks as she accepted the possibility that she might not find her. Kadence wiped away the tears with her shirtsleeve and pulled out her cell phone to call the police. She changed her mind, recalling the attempt on Faith’s life. She didn’t want to alert the world to the existence of the gorgeous brunette. Her identity must be a secret.

  She would return to the hospital and kill Pawnaker.

  Trying to calm down, she wandered aimlessly through Central Park. She ignored the vendor where she and Faith usually purchased drinks. She smiled as she recalled Faith’s joy at the taste of the hotdogs they had purchased from the street cart.

  Kadence watched the people playing chess. The young man Faith had beaten was playing with a shapely brunette. “Oh God, please let her be Faith.” Kadence prayed harder with each step she took toward the pair.

  “Here’s your friend now,” the youth said, smiling at Kadence. Faith turned to face her

  “Oh God, I was so worried about you.” Kadence fell to her knees beside Faith and wrapped her arms around her. The tight band that had constricted around her chest released, and she could breath again.

  “Kadence,” she sobbed, “I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Did you two have a fight or something?” the young man said.

  “Or something.” Kadence gasped as she pulled Faith into her arms.

  They walked through the park for hours, content to be in each other’s company.

  “Let’s get something to eat,” Kadence said. “You must be starved.”

  “I am a little hungry.” Faith leaned harder against her. Kadence made her feel safe.


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