Indebted To A Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

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Indebted To A Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy Page 13

by Callahan, Kelli

  “That job is a waste of your time.” I pulled her closer. “You don’t need to spend all day working in some restaurant. You’re mine now—I want you here with me.”

  “That sounds really nice, but it’s not a waste of time.” She shook her head back and forth. “I have rent, bills, and I need to save as much money as possible before the school year starts, because I won’t be able to work as many hours once I have class assignments that will take up a lot of my time.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.” I narrowed my eyes. “I intend to take care of you now that you’re mine. We’ll figure out what that means, but it doesn’t mean slaving away in a restaurant all day for tips from people that don’t deserve to see this beautiful smile.”

  “That’s incredibly nice of you to say, but…” I felt her tense up. “I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time.”

  “Because it was necessity—it isn’t anymore. Stay here with me tonight, and I’ll take care of all of that stuff you mentioned—rent, bills, tuition—done.” I moved my hand along her back and then traced her ribs.

  “I can’t ask you to do that.” She pulled away and moved to the edge of the bed.

  “Chloe, I’m not asking.” I moved over to the edge of the bed as she sat up. “That’s how it’s going to be now that you’re with me.”

  “I know you’re retired and probably have plenty of money in that bank to do what you said…” She turned towards me. “But you should save your money—especially if you don’t know what you’re going to do with the rest of your life.”

  “I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you.” I pressed my lips to the back of her shoulder and worked my way up to her ear. “It’ll take much longer than a lifetime to get tired of these gorgeous curves.”

  “We can’t stay in bed for the rest of our lives.” A light laugh echoed in her throat, but then I heard a moan when my lips made goosebumps form on her skin.

  “Then let’s start with tonight.” I put my arms around her. “I know this doesn’t make sense to someone that has been independent and forced to make it on their own—but it’s part of being your Daddy.”

  “I didn’t think my Daddy would tell me to quit my job and be a bum…” She gasped as my hand moved down her abdomen.

  “Give it a few weeks—if you hate it, then I won’t stop you from looking for a new job. Deal?” I moved my finger to her clit and started to gently rub it.

  “You make it really hard to say no…” she moaned.

  “Because good girls never tell their Daddy no.” I pulled her back into the bed.

  “I want to be a good girl…” Her eyes met mine as she landed on her back, and I forced her legs apart.

  “I know you do.” I smiled and kept rubbing her clit as I guided my cock to her wetness.

  “Oh god…” Her head rolled back once I started to push my way inside her tight pussy.

  I didn’t hold back. I already knew she could take it. I started thrusting hard and fast as soon as I buried my cock inside her. She might have been a virgin when I brought her into my bed, but her body reacted to me immediately—like it already knew it belonged to me before I even spread her legs. I watched the desire burn in her eyes once the thrusts started. Those beautiful brown eyes were going to hypnotize me for the rest of my life, and I couldn’t fucking wait to stare into them every chance I got. Once I felt the pressure in my balls, I leaned forward and started to kiss her neck—I slowed down my thrusts so that I could prolong my release as long as humanly possible.

  “Tell me that you’re going to stay…” I growled into her ear.

  “I’ll stay—tonight,” she moaned and purred her response—it sounded like fucking music.

  “Tomorrow—the next day,” I growled louder. “I want all of your days—all of your nights—they’re mine.”

  “You asked for a few weeks,” her moan echoed in my ear. “I’ll give you that—please don’t ask me for more. Not yet…”

  “Then I’ll fucking earn them.” I leaned back and pinned her wrists to the bed.

  There’s no fucking way I’m going to let you get away from me now.

  I started to slam my hips into her as hard as I could. I didn’t care about prolonging my release anymore. She was going to see just how much I enjoyed her pussy—and I wasn’t going to stop with one release. I felt her back arch, and her hips moved in rhythm with mine. She was close, and my eruption of bliss was going to push her over the edge. I hammered her pussy until the bed protested, then the pressure in my balls got so tight it made my cock throb. My abdominal muscles seized up, and I felt the cum surge through my shaft. I drove my dick so deep that I was against her g-spot—and the pulsating eruptions brought her to climax right along with me. Chloe’s body lifted, then crashed into the bed as the shared orgasm took us both to paradise. I emptied my balls and kept thrusting without missing a beat—it was going to take a long time for me to get another release, but I was going to savor every fucking second.

  “You’re gonna make me come again!” Her lips quivered, and I heard a loud moan.

  “I know,” I growled and crushed her lips underneath mine, silencing her moans as I kept hammering my cock into her pussy.

  Our bodies slammed together in perfect harmony. As soon as she realized I wasn’t going to stop, she allowed herself to let go and savor the moment along with me. The pleasure was beautiful and intense. Sweat started to form on my brow as the minutes passed—it was going to take a long time for me to get my next release, but I wanted it too bad to stop. She was mine for the entire night, and I didn’t plan to waste a single second of our time together. I was going to show her that she belonged in my bed—in my arms—and the rest of the world didn’t matter when we were together. She had a lot to learn about being Daddy’s girl. All of the things she worried about ceased to be a problem the moment she became mine. I was going to take care of her, protect her, and never let her go.

  “Are you going to come for Daddy.” I lifted up from Chloe’s lips and stared into those hypnotic brown eyes.

  “Yes!” she exhaled sharply, and I felt her body shake.

  We were both getting close. All I felt was pure euphoria coursing through my veins. My muscles were tired and sore, but they had more to give. Chloe’s moans got louder, and I dug into my core—I pulled every bit of strength I had left to make the bed shake harder than her body. My balls got tight and a second before the release I craved was forced to the surface, I felt her pussy start to spasm on my length. That was more than enough to send me over the edge. It was the best feeling on earth. Our bodies tasted paradise until our souls intertwined, and we became one entity soaring through the bliss that we created. Cum surged through my shaft, and my seed unloaded inside her pussy as her spasms milked me dry.

  “That was incredible.” I slumped forward and started to kiss Chloe’s neck.

  “If you’re planning on starting again, I’m numb from head to toe,” she exhaled sharply. “I can barely feel my lips…”

  “This might wake them up.” I pressed mine to hers, and she tried to return my kiss, but she was definitely exhausted.

  “I might need a really long break…” she sighed as I pulled my lips away.

  “We’ve got all night.” I shift on the bed and stretched out beside her.

  I wouldn’t have had anything, even if she was ready. My body was done—I was so spent that my thoughts didn’t even seem to be able to come together anymore. I pulled Chloe into my arms and let my eyes close. A sense of peace swept through me when the afterglow of passion finally started to settle into my veins. Chloe was able to accept me for the man that I was—she didn’t run when she found out that I was a Daddy Dom. It took her time to process it, but she realized that the submissive girl inside her did needed a Daddy. She was strong enough to realize that we were perfect together. There were still things for us to figure out, but I had Chloe in my arms. That was all that truly mattered to me.

  This is what has been missin
g from my life…

  Chapter Seventeen


  The next day

  Corbin warned me that he was possessive, and he told me that his intense passion had ruined relationships in the past. I saw hints of it, but I didn’t fully grasp what he meant until he basically demanded that I quit my job and stay with him. I caved, but it didn’t leave me with a good feeling. My boss needed me and had always been kind—he even let me switch to days during the summer so that I could earn more money by picking up extra shifts on the nights and weekend. Making that call—telling him that I wasn’t coming back—it was hard. I could hear the disappointment in his voice when he realized that I was serious. I just didn’t know how to turn down Corbin’s offer. My bills—my tuition—all taken care of by the man who wanted to be my Daddy in every sense of the word.

  “Are you coming back to bed, or should I make coffee?” Corbin walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

  “As tempting as going back to bed sounds, I think I’m ready to get up…” I leaned against him. “My boss wasn’t happy.”

  “I’m sure people quit all of the time.” Corbin let go of my waist and walked over to the coffee pot. “When you run a business, you plan for it.”

  “I can’t help feeling guilty…” I sighed and leaned against the counter.

  “He knew you weren’t going to work in the restaurant for the rest of your life.” Corbin turned towards me once the coffee started. “I dealt with the same thing when I was running my company. I took care of my employees, but if one of them quit, I learned not to take it personal. It was just business.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I nodded.

  I did my best to shake off the guilt after we went to the living room and drank our morning coffee. Corbin turned on the television and found a news station to watch. I had just gotten to the point where I wasn’t thinking about the restaurant anymore when a commercial for the Dangerous Thorns soap opera brought those thoughts back. It was bad enough that I quit, but the restaurant was extremely busy after the star of the show tweeted about it. I needed a distraction in the worst kind of way, and the news wasn’t doing it.

  “How would you feel about an early morning swim?” I looked over at Corbin. “I need to wash my clothes anyway…”

  “I wouldn’t be opposed to it—since I know you don’t have a bathing suit.” He grinned.

  Corbin followed me to the laundry room and helped me undress. His touch certainly took my mind off everything else. It was more than a distraction—it was amazing. I peeled his clothes off once mine were in the washer, and we teased each other for several minutes before we finally went outside and made our way to the pool. Corbin was the first one in, and I took a little longer to get used to the water. I was tempted to splash him, but once he swam over and put his hands on my hips, I just wanted to be close to him—that feeling of skin-on-skin was amazing, even after having a whole lot more than that when we were in bed together.

  “Now that I’m staying here with you—for a little bit—how am I going to work off my debt?” I tilted my head to the side. “You don’t have to lure me to your house anymore…”

  “It does makes things difficult.” He nodded. “I’m sure I’ll come up with something.”

  “What about the other debt?” I raised an eyebrow. “When do I get to work that off?”

  “You didn’t get enough yesterday?” He moved his hand to my ass and squeezed.

  “It was an interesting experience,” I sighed. “I didn’t expect it to be so emotional.”

  “It certainly got you in the mood for something else.” He pulled me closer. “Did it turn you on to be across my knee for a spanking?”

  “It wasn’t like that—not exactly.” I shook my head back and forth. “It was just a different form of clarity. It cleared my mind and once it was clear—my thoughts went other places.”

  “A very good place…” He moved a hand to my inner thigh. “But I don’t think you needed a spanking to get there.”

  “It helped…” I moaned when his finger moved to my clit.

  “Let’s see if you still want to pay off another one of those debts from your past after I get done—if you do, then it can be arranged.” His finger started moving faster.

  Corbin certainly knew how to make me feel pleasure that I had never been able to feel on my own. His finger felt a lot better than mine. I always controlled the speed and the pressure, but he wasn’t concerned about that. He sent pleasure coursing through my veins, and when the pressure started to build, he didn’t slow down. I leaned against him and moaned as I felt the orgasm surging towards the surface.

  It only took a couple of minutes for the pleasure to overwhelm me, and I felt my body start to shake. I didn’t even have a chance to tell him that I was about to come before my muscles seized up, and his finger took me to paradise. The peak didn’t last as long as it did when his tongue was on my clit, and it definitely didn’t match the feeling of having his cock slamming into my g-spot, but it still felt good. He kept his finger moving until the orgasm finally subsided, and the pleasure was gone.

  “Thank you…” I sighed and let my head rest on his shoulder. “That felt good.”

  “That’s my job—you’re mine.” He pressed his lips to my forehead and kissed me.

  That noise…

  “Uh…” My senses suddenly went on high alert when I heard a car door. “I think someone’s here.”

  “It’s probably the workers. Shit.” Corbin grabbed my hand and started marching towards the steps.

  We made a dash for the back door and got inside the house before the workers made it into the backyard, but we were dripping wet. Corbin grabbed a couple of kitchen towels, and we soaked up some of the water before we went to the bathroom to get bigger towels. Despite our brief swim, we were both in need of a shower, so we decided to take one together. I had never showered with anyone before, but Corbin made the whole experience sensual—washing my back, letting his fingers graze against my sensitive spots as he soaped them up—then again when he rinsed me off. I was starting to get wet again after feeling his hands on my body, and Corbin’s cock was hard as a rock. I turned my back to him and started rubbing against him—moaning as I felt his cock throb against me.

  “The workers will be inside the house during the day…” He put his arms around my waist.

  “We could be really quiet.” I rubbed against his cock again.

  “I doubt that.” He put one hand on my back and another on my thigh. “But I’m not waiting all day for what I want.”

  I leaned forward and put my hands against the wall as Corbin started to push into me from behind. His back blocked most of the water from the shower, but I could still feel it splashing on me as his length entered my pussy. That angle felt different—it was almost like he could go deeper, and when he started to thrust, his cock was directly on my g-spot instead of having to be hammered into it by his hardest thrusts. I could feel my feet sliding on the bottom of the tub once he got going, but his hands kept me firmly in place so that I couldn’t slip. Corbin spread his feet wide and used the side of the tub as leverage after his thrusts picked up speed. I did my best to stifle my moans, especially when I heard a noise outside of the bathroom, but Corbin didn’t seem to care at all.

  “They’re going to know exactly what we’re doing…” I spoke in a hushed whisper. “You’re making so much noise—oh god.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” he growled and didn’t try to keep his voice down at all.

  There was a heightened sense of danger swirling inside of me, but Corbin’s nonchalant approach kept my concerns from ruining the moment. If one of the workers opened the bathroom door, they were just going to get an eyeful. Corbin’s thrusts kept slamming into me, and it didn’t take long for my body to react to them—the pressure started to build, and my orgasm begged to be released. I tried to fight it off because I didn’t want to come before he was close. I bit down on my tongue and scraped
my nails against the wall, but that didn’t work. It just felt too good. The pleasure was coursing through my veins, and I was on the edge of bliss. All I could do was accept the inevitable.

  “You’re going to make me come!” I kept my voice hushed, but it was louder than I intended.

  “I’m almost there!” He tightened his grip and started thrusting faster.

  The faster thrusts were enough to send me over the edge. My mouth opened wide, and the orgasm ripped through my body. My pussy spasmed on Corbin’s length, and a couple of seconds after my orgasm began, I felt his cock start to throb. His seed erupted into my pussy, and that was enough to send me over the edge again before the first orgasm had even finished. The peak was so strong it made my head spin and Corbin didn’t stop thrusting. He slammed his cock into me until his balls were drained, and my orgasm had started to fade. I felt weak once the pleasure subsided, and the afterglow settled into my veins. Corbin pulled me back into his arms, turned towards the water, and the shower washed away the remnants of our passion.

  “Is this what life is going to be like with you?” I leaned against his shoulder. “Now that you’re my Daddy…”

  “What do you mean?” He put his hand on my head and ran his fingers through my hair.

  “Orgasms in the pool—sex in the shower.” I lifted my head and smiled when our eyes met.

  “I take care of you.” He brushed a wet strand away from my face. “You take care of me. What else do we need?”

  “Nothing…” I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder again.

  My lips said the first thing that came to my mind, but it wasn’t what was truly lingering in my heart. I still felt guilty about quitting my job. I was trying to be the woman he wanted me to be, but it was hard to just accept that all of my troubles were gone once I was in the arms of a Daddy Dom who wanted to take care of me. My independent nature didn’t know how to bend to his will. I was too used to the struggle. I couldn’t just close my eyes and pretend that the rest of the world didn’t exist. The emotions that had been cleansed when I was over his knee were starting to return with a vengeance. They didn’t like being flushed from my subconscious, and they wanted to dance in my head again.


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