Indebted To A Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

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Indebted To A Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy Page 16

by Callahan, Kelli

  “Was that apology acceptable?” Corbin lifted up between my thighs.

  “It was—a good start,” I exhaled sharply. “But now that I’m all wet and turned on, what are you going to do to me, Daddy?”

  “I think you know.” His hand moved to his cock, and he started to stroke it through his pants.

  “What are you waiting for?” I moved my hips towards him and grinned.

  Corbin started to undress and watching him reveal his incredible physique was enough to get me just as turned on as I was when he peeled off my clothes. He wrapped a hand around the base of his engorged cock and started to guide it towards my pussy. I moaned when it began to enter me, and gasped when it went deep. He started thrusting immediately, and his hands moved to my wrists. He knew how much I loved losing all sense of control when I was in bed with him—even if I fought to get it when we weren’t locked in a passionate embrace.

  “Now for the next part of my apology.” Corbin leaned forward and growled into my ear.

  “You’re already forgiven…” I muttered between moans.

  “Let me earn a little more—just in case I fuck up again before dawn.” He lifted up and started thrusting harder.

  Corbin’s cock began to slam into my pussy, and my eyes rolled back in my head. My nails dug into my palms when the first few made my muscles get tight. I thought it would take me longer to orgasm, especially after his tongue took me to paradise, but I was wrong. After a dozen thrusts, the pressure had already started to build. He made me come—hard—but he wasn’t ready for his release. The orgasm subsided, and I finally relaxed so I could enjoy the moment. There was a primal desire resonating in his eyes, but he didn’t let it push him over the edge. He was savoring the moment—or perhaps he intended to apologize by sending me into a cloud of bliss that I never came down from. All I could do was enjoy it.

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you the way that I should have.” He growled into my ear. “That’ll never happen again—but one thing hasn’t changed.”

  “What’s that?” I let out a loud moan.

  “You are mine.” He lifted up and stared into my eyes. “You always will be.”

  “Then show me why I should be.” My back arched as his cock went deep.

  Corbin drove his cock into me several times in rapid succession, then slowed back into his rhythm. I felt the pressure starting to build up again. His entire length began throbbing and pulsating inside me. We were both close—it was going to be my third, and I wasn’t sure if he would stop with his first. Our bodies slammed together, the headboard hit the wall over-and-over, and then I felt his thrust getting erratic. An orgasm ripped through my soul, my pussy spasmed on Corbin’s dick, and then he started to erupt inside me. The spasms from my orgasm milked him dry, but when the last drop was drained, he was still going. The pleasure never had a chance to fade, and the pressure started building for the fourth time—it was going to be an intense one—I could already tell.

  “Oh god!” I dug my nails into his back. “Fuck me harder, Daddy—please!”

  Three orgasms should have been enough, but as soon as I felt the fourth one building, I knew I couldn’t escape it. Corbin didn’t miss a beat as his cock hammered my pussy with every ounce of strength he had left. His cock started to throb and pulsate again—he was close too—and it wasn’t going to take him long to release his seed for the second time. My body stayed pinned to the bed with his hands wrapped around my wrists, but my soul ascended to the heavens. It danced in the clouds, tasted ultimate bliss, and the euphoria teased every nerve in my body. The pleasure ripped through me like a tornado, and then I felt myself crashing into another orgasm. Corbin’s cock went deep, pulsated against my g-spot, and then a primal roar echoed in his throat as he started to come. That made my orgasm peak, and I stayed there for several minutes while my pussy spasmed on his length. When it finally subsided, Corbin shifted his weight and crashed into the mattress beside me.

  “Was that—a good apology.” His words came out through ragged breaths.

  “It was the best apology.” I moved into his arms, and a weak smile settled on my face as the afterglow began to bring me down from the high.

  I just hope he meant what he said, and this is a real turning point for us.

  * * *

  One week later

  “How would you feel about an early morning swim?” Corbin walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist as I sipped my coffee.

  “As long as it’s a quick one—I have to shower in less than an hour.” I leaned back against him.

  “Right, you’re going to see your mother today.” He nodded. “I didn’t forget.”

  “You aren’t going to demand that I cancel my plans?” I raised an eyebrow and turned in his arms so that I was facing him.

  “No, I wouldn’t do that—never.” He winked at me.

  “Maybe you really have learned your lesson…” I put the coffee cup down. “In that case—I think I’ll slip into something more comfortable before we go swimming.”

  “Like what…” His hands dropped from my waist.

  “This?” I stripped off my t-shirt and moved my hands to my panties.

  “Perfect.” He grinned and followed me towards the pool—leaving a trail of his own clothes as he walked.

  The week after our discussion was absolutely amazing. Corbin was still extremely protective of me, and he asked questions when I told him my plans, but he respected them. I didn’t mind his possessiveness when he gave me room to breathe. I learned to accept that part of him, even though I still craved my independence. We weren’t perfect, but we found our own place in the world—I truly believed that there was a future for us—as long as we both continued to compromise when the situation called for it. I wasn’t quite ready to call it our happily ever after, but I was as happy as I could be in the moment.

  Maybe that’s all we need—one day followed by the next—until there are no more steps to take.



  One month later

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I looked around the boxes in the living room, and then turned my head towards Corbin.

  “Yeah.” Corbin nodded and sighed. “These will go to storage—the rest will be donated.”

  “I meant the other part…” I raised an eyebrow. “My apartment is a lot more cramped than this house.”

  “I grew up in a tiny apartment with a closet for a bedroom. I think I can manage,” he chuckled and reached for my hand.

  “You’ve seen my apartment—my bedroom basically is a closet.” I smiled and leaned against his arm.

  “You’ll be there. That’s all that matters.” He pressed his lips to my forehead.

  Corbin had decided that it was time to say goodbye to all of the memories in his father’s house. He could have stayed longer, but he just wasn’t going to find the answers he was looking for. Maybe they didn’t exist. He had to return to Chicago—eventually—but he wasn’t in a rush. Letting him move into my apartment was a big step, especially when our relationship was still fairly new, but I wanted to be with him. We might have shattered conventional boundaries when it came to what we shared, but I believed it was real. He took a chance on me, when he wasn’t sure if I would run when he told me his Daddy Dom secret, so I was willing to take a chance too. If we were meant to be, then living together would be the ultimate test—perhaps it would just be a test of my independence, but I was ready to find out.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t find the answers you were looking for in here.” I looked down at the remnants of his father’s life and sighed.

  “I was thinking about that last night while I finished things up, and—I think I might have gotten the answer I was looking for, even if it wasn’t the most conventional one.” Corbin nodded and shrugged.

  “Oh?” I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

  “If there is ever a time when someone I cared about—or should have cared about—is looking through the things
I left behind, then they should be able to easily figure out what I stood for.” He squeezed my hand. “It’s clear that my father didn’t care about anything but himself. There are no sentimental things—no evidence of a life he enjoyed—the only thing he left behind were his vices.”

  “People value things differently.” I shrugged. “Maybe you’re right—maybe that’s all he truly cared about. He had more pictures of his mistress than anyone else…”

  “Even the kids he cared about.” Corbin nodded. “Okay, let’s get out of here. We’ve got the rest of our lives ahead of us, and I’m ready to leave this one behind for good.”

  “Sounds good.” I opened the door and started walking towards the car.

  “I’ll drive.” Corbin tried to take the keys out of my hand.

  “No.” I shook my head back and forth. “My car—I’m driving.”

  “I—okay,” he growled under his breath.

  He’s learning…

  * * *


  Two months later

  “Watch out!” I growled, and toothpaste oozed out of my mouth as Chloe bumped into me. “I’m brushing here!”

  “I have to get ready for school!” Chloe pushed her way to the shower and turned it on.

  “This place is really cramped…” I sighed and finished brushing my teeth.

  “Are you complaining?” She turned towards me and stripped off her pajama top.

  “Only because the shower is too small for the both of us.” I narrowed my eyes. “But keep going, it’ll give me something to think about while you’re gone today.”

  “Like this?” She turned towards me and started sliding her pajama pants down to reveal her gorgeous ass.

  “That—fuck yes.” I felt my cock throbbing. “Are you sure you have to go to class today? We could spend all day in bed…”

  “I’m sure.” She pulled the shower curtain back and stepped underneath the water.

  How the hell am I going to last that long?

  Chloe’s apartment was definitely cramped, but I had managed to adjust. I offered to rent a bigger place, but she declined. I think she was actually torturing me—to see how long I could last in her tiny apartment without losing my mind. If she was there, I was never going to lose my mind. I had already managed to overcome a lot of my dominant nature in order to find the right level of compromise that would make the relationship work. It was hard not to give in to my nature, but the relationship had gotten so much stronger once we found balance.

  I stared at Chloe in the shower, but the curtain wasn’t giving me the view I really wanted, so I walked to the kitchen so I could get another cup of coffee. Chloe finished her shower, and I watched as she dried off—she knew I was staring, and she gave me quite a show before she finally went to the bedroom to get dressed. We shared one more kiss at the door, and then she left for her class, which meant I had to spend the day alone.

  I’ve definitely moved past the point of just enjoying my retirement—especially if she’s going to be in class all day. Maybe I should work on a few of the app ideas tumbling around in my head…

  * * *

  Three months later

  “Keep your eyes closed.” I squeezed Chloe’s hand and led her towards the building we were approaching.

  “You drove me here in a blindfold—against my will, I might add.” Chloe kept her eyes closed, despite her protest. “You should have just made me wear it until I could open my eyes.”

  “It’s worth it, I swear.” I opened the door, pulled her inside and paused when we got to the sign. “Okay, open them.”

  “Finally…” she sighed and opened her eyes—they focused on the sign and confusion registered on her face. “Hawthorne Software LA?”

  “Yes.” I nodded and smiled.

  “You’re—restarting your company?” Her head tilted to the side. “I thought you sold it.”

  “I did.” I nodded again. “I sold Hawthorne Software, but—this is something new.”

  “You’re staying in Los Angeles!?!” Her eyes got wide as it finally started to register.

  “I am.” My smile got wider. “I talked with my mother, and she wouldn’t mind a warmer environment—she’s moving to the West Coast.”

  “Wow!” Chloe blinked in surprise a couple of times. “So—this is legit? You’re really doing this?”

  “It’ll be a little smaller than my last company.” I turned towards her. “I’m thinking—more of a family company.”

  “Your mom is going to work here?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “No.” He shook his head back and forth. “My mother is going to enjoy the sand, ocean—and probably some of the scenery if she sees a guy she likes.”

  “So—family…” Her other eyebrow raised.

  “Me.” I nodded and dropped down to one knee. “And my wife.”

  “Whoa! Hold on!” Chloe took a step back as I pulled the ring box out of my pocket.

  “Seriously? Do I have to clear the proposal with you like I have to clear our dates?” I felt a slight hint of annoyance creeping up inside me.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry—yes! Of course, I’ll marry you!”

  Chloe held out her hand, and I slipped the engagement ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit. I stood, and we quickly embraced—I couldn’t resist spinning her around a couple of times once she was in my arms. Once the excitement died down, I told her about my plan for the new company. It was going to be a lot smaller than the one I ran in Chicago. I had no interest in giving up a piece of my soul just to keep my company afloat. I was going to work on the apps with a small team, and if Chloe wanted to join the company after she graduated from college, we could definitely use her in the marketing department.

  “I know I’ve been really stubborn about my independence, and never asked you for anything, but could I ask for one favor?” Chloe stared at her engagement ring.

  “You’re going to be my wife—if you want something, I’ll make it happen. That’s how it works.” I took her hand and nodded.

  “My mother works really hard, and she’s been a receptionist for a lot of companies…” Her words trailed off.

  “You don’t even have to finish the sentence.” I smiled. “She’ll be the highest paid receptionist in Los Angeles.”

  “Thank you.” Chloe leaned into me as I hugged her again.

  Chloe and I found a lot of ways to compromise, and I knew that I wanted her in my life until I drew my last breath. She challenged me—sometimes she infuriated me—but I loved her. I was going to be her husband and her Daddy. It was the best feeling in the world. We truly were oil and vinegar, but just like I suspected, the combination blended together to create something special. We had a relationship that would never be without challenges—and that was exactly why it was so perfect.

  The End.

  Daddy’s Best Friend: Sneak Peek


  “Are you…” The man in front of me looked down at his sign, which had my name written on it with a black marker. “Christina Banks?”

  “Yes.” I nodded and tilted my head slightly. “Are you—Mr. Foster?”

  He doesn’t look like the guy my mother described—but it’s been a while I guess…

  “No. My name is John.” He shook his head back and forth. “I’m just here to pick you up. I’ll take your bags.”

  “Thank you.” I handed him the duffel bag that was hanging on my shoulder and took a step back so that he could pick up my luggage.

  I didn’t have much with me. I certainly didn’t pack eighteen years of my life into a suitcase and a duffel bag. I brought the essentials, and the rest of my things were supposed to arrive in a few days. I still wasn’t bringing everything that I owned from Chicago to Los Angeles, but I hoped I would have enough to make it through my first semester of college at the University of Southern California. It was my father’s alma mater, and I had been planning to spend my college years there since I was a little girl—I just didn’t expect to run
into the complications that arose after I got a scholarship for everything except room and board.

  “How far is it to Mr. Foster’s house?” I followed John outside and waited as he loaded my things into the trunk of a black sedan parked by the curb.

  “In this traffic?” He slammed the trunk and put his hands on his hips. “It’ll take us about an hour to get there.”

  “Okay.” I nodded and walked around to the side of the car.

  John opened the back door and closed it once I was seated. The car was really nice. I had never been driven before—by an actual driver. My mother said that Mr. Foster was well off, which was why he was in a position to help, but she didn’t tell me that he was rich enough to have his own driver. I hoped he was as nice as she said because I was still nervous about living with someone I didn’t know. It was a temporary arrangement, and she vouched for him, but he was still a stranger to me. I knew him by name—and vaguely remembered him stopping by when I was younger—but I didn’t really know him.

  “So, have you been working for Mr. Foster very long?” I leaned forward and tried to make conversation once the car pulled onto the highway.

  “A few years.” John nodded. “He’s a good boss.”

  “Cool…” I leaned back in my seat—I really couldn’t think of anything else to ask him.

  Mr. Foster—or Greyson, as my mother called him—was my father’s best friend. I was really excited when I got accepted to USC, but when I realized that my scholarship wasn’t going to cover anything outside of my educational expenses, I thought I was out of luck. My father left us with a little bit of money after he passed, but there was no way that my mother could afford to pay for me to live in California.


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