Betrayal of the Federation

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Betrayal of the Federation Page 4

by K M Dean

  There remained only one more roadblock. The three remaining guards needed to be taken down. As it turned out, there were only two. Sgt. Tierney had taken care of one of them that was shooting the breeze with his friend on the gate.

  Gunny Scott stepped in to the foyer of the prison barracks. As the guard turned his eyes widened in surprise when he realized he was facing a cammo painted warrior with a silenced Glock nineteen pointed at this head.

  Gunny held his finger in front of his lips in an obvious signal of silence. He quickly grabbed the guard, disarmed him and whispered in his ear. “Call your friend in here now. Cooperate and you live, fuck with me and you die. Your choice.”

  The guard nodded his head in agreement. Gunny Scott said, “call him in here now. No tricks or you will never know if it worked. You-will-be-dead.”

  The guard cleared his throat and then spoke in to his radio, “Jerry, come out here, I need you for a minute.” As the guard stuck his head through the door, Damian tapped him sharply with a sap and put him out like a light. Both guards were then injected with the “Happy gas”.

  “Sgt. Tierney, “Dog” Barker and “Joker” Hanson all went directly to the guard barracks to do radio standby. Damian made a call on his temporal unit and the two box trucks came rolling up to the barracks gate. The rest of the team moved in to the prison barracks. Each took a door.

  Damian took door one on the left. He tapped and then opened the door. “Mrs. Abramowitz, my name is Damian Thompson, we are here to take you back to your husband. Please follow me. And move quickly. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  As each door was opened, the occupants were quickly moved to one of the waiting box trucks. After all the hostages were seated on the floor of the waiting box trucks. The team, except for Tierney, Hanson and Barker joined them and the trucks moved out to Loring International Airport where the team and the hostages boarded the waiting Fairchild Dornier 328 jet transport.

  As soon as the hostages were safely seated and belted in, Captain Andy Carter said. “Boston Center, this is Fairchild Dornier four four kilo delta, on the ground at Loring International Airport, instruments to Ronald Reagan International airport.”

  “Roger Fairchild four four kilo delta stand by one.”

  A moment later, “Four four kilo delta, you are cleared GPS direct to Ronald Reagan, turn left after departure and maintain a two zero five-degree heading. Climb and maintain five thousand feet, contact Boston center on one three two point six five zero. Clearance void if not airborne by zero three thirty-one. Report airborne this frequency.”

  Captain Carter read back his clearance and then said, “four-four kilo delta is airborne now, turning to heading two zero five degrees. Thank you, Boston, switching to Boston center one three two point six five zero.”

  After checking in with Boston Center the Fairchild was cleared to flight level two three zero and direct Ronald Reagan. One and a half hours later Washington center called. “Four-four Kilo Delta, descend and maintain six thousand feet, contact approach control on one-two-four point zero.”

  Captain Carter checked out of flight level two three zero for six thousand feet. He contacted approach control and then was switched to the tower frequency as he began his approach. It was still relatively early, and traffic was lighter than usual. After he landed, Carter switched to ground control and asked for taxi directions.

  The controller said, “Fairchild four four kilo delta, turn right off runway one nine on taxiway fox trot, follow fox trot to taxiway kilo, turn left on kilo and follow kilo to area 2P general aviation parking. There is a transportation waiting.”

  Captain Carter replied, “foxtrot to kilo to P2, four four kilo delta. Thank you ground control.”

  As the engines on the jet spooled down, Tony Pate assisted Carrie Web, the chief flight attendant, in getting the door open and helping everyone who needed help to deplane and get aboard the bus. The team climbed aboard the bus and it departed at once.

  The kidnap victims were taken to a building that had been abandoned by The Project (the SOL/FED Navy) when all SOL/FED operations were moved to Titan. It had been abandoned in name only, there were still “former” SOL/FED Marines in attendance. And the facilities offered a comfortable place to wait.

  Each victim was given a cell phone and told they should contact their respective mate, family member or friend privately, explain what had happened and make certain their loved one knew they were safe.

  Gunny Scott was also standing by to explain what was going on if that was necessary. After each Justice had heard from his or her loved ones and were certain that they were safe, the wait began.

  Precisely at one pm eastern standard time, the court announced it had reached a decision and would make that decision public at two pm that afternoon.

  At two PM, the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States announced their ruling.

  “The attempted takeover of the United States by former president, Lucas Hawthorne has been ruled an illegal act. President elect, Justin York is declared the legal President of the United States. He will be sworn in to office after this decision has been released.

  Further, the Supreme Court issued an opinion that Lucas Hawthorne has committed treason and suggested that Federal Agents take him and his advisors in to custody at once. The ruling and opinions are without dissent.”

  Earlier in the day of June 15th

  The Colgorane commander, Superlative Gorgon, Uslaw Oynzax was irritated. In fact, he was in a rage.

  He was heard fuming “This idiot ambassador, Arpvo Abrajli, had called them to this middle of nowhere system and then insisted they must wait for his signal to descend on the Americans. Who is he to tell a warrior what to do? We should simply land and take control. How hard could it be. This is a backward race that is only of interest because the Federation wished to uplift them before they earned it. They have less than a million warriors within the continental United States. We could defeat them easily.”

  Oynzax had command of just over one hundred and sixty-five thousand warriors. The force was made up of three elite Corps, each containing just over fifty-five thousand warriors under the command of a Master Gorgon. Each Elite Corps. contained three Sub Elite Corps. with approximately eighteen thousand four hundred warriors under the command of a Leading Gorgon. Each Elite Corps contained Four Arowgarth containing nine thousand two hundred sixteen warriors lead by a Gorgon. Each Arowgarth contained eight Sub Arowgarth lead by a sub Gorgon. In addition to the four-enormous troop/equipment transports, Oynzax had two battleships and four cruisers.

  These were elite troops and Superlative Gorgon Oynzax expected little resistance from human troops. Especially considering his Cruisers and Battleships would have the high ground.

  He knew that taking control of the United states was just the first step. The Force expected to subjugate the Earth and then the Solar System within sixty Earth days. Once the Americans had been conquered another three hundred thousand troops would join those Colgorane forces already on the surface.

  Oynzax had been told to be ready to move on or about the sixteenth of the current month on the Earth calendar. As much as he hated waiting, he knew that to fail to follow the orders of the chief of the Dinit could lead to serious problems for him personally. He would wait. He didn’t like it, but he would obey.

  Late in the afternoon on the fifteenth the emergency lights began to flash in his quarters. The call came immediately after. “Superlative Gorgon Oynzax to the bridge.”

  Oynzax had not been expecting a call this early. As he walked to his command seat he said, “What is the emergency?”

  His sensor operator, sub altern Divina Wonfourn said, “Ships Superlative Gorgon, six ships have dropped stealth one hundred thousand kilometers off our bow.”

  “Ships?” Roared Oynzax, “The SOL/FED Navy has been ordered by the Federation not to enter the Solar System. There should be no ships here but our own. Who are they?”

  Wonfourn replied, “Unknown Sup
erlative Gorgon. They are of a type not previously encountered.”

  “Open a channel. Hail them. they need to leave this system immediately.” Shouted Oynzax.

  “Channel open Superlative Gorgon.” Said Bomer Sofeer the communications officer.

  “Alien ships, this is Superlative Gorgon Oynzax of the Colgorane battleship Duggeer, identify yourselves and declare your intentions.”

  “Good afternoon Duggeer, this is the Krayari battleship Androseur under the command of Admiral Dadir Ozar. We are here to make certain that all Colgorane ships leave this system at once. Failure to follow these instructions may lead to your destruction.”

  “Krayari?” Said Oynzax. “That is not possible. The Krayari have never taken sides in a dispute. You are lying, those must be SOL/FED ships. The SOL/FED Navy has been banned from this system. You will leave immediately or face certain destruction.”

  Admiral Ozar replied. “I assure you, Superlative Gorgon Oynzax, we are Krayari and you will leave the Solar System at once.”

  “You see, the Krayari have decided to protect the Terrans, a race that we find fascinating. We are prepared to take those measures necessary to prevent the Colgorane from attacking the defenseless planet Earth. Each of your warships has been targeted. Any attempt to arm weapons will result in your destruction. Take this opportunity to leave this system. Save your warriors for a time when they have a better chance of surviving.”

  Superlative Gorgon Oynzax said. “If you knew anything about the Colgorane people you would know that they never submit to anyone.”

  Oynzax turned to his weapons officer and said. “Which ship is the one that contacted us?”

  The weapons officer replied. “I have it noted on screen sir.”

  “Target that ship and destroy it.”

  “Yes, Superlative Gorgon.” Replied his weapons officer.

  As the Colgorane battleships and cruisers attempted to arm their weapons, green lasers of high intensity lashed out at them from the Krayari ships. Each Colgorane ship was left without power, drifting in space.

  Krayari Admiral Ozar thought to himself. Those lasers were very handy, to bad they only worked on ships that had been targeted before they armed their shields.

  Admiral Ozar turned to his communications officer, Lorkan Nocol. “Contact the nearest Colgorane troopship Lorkan.”

  Lorkan replied, “on screen sir. It is the Enomox.”

  “Colgorane troopship, Enomox, this is the Krayari battleship Androseur. I have no doubt that you saw what just happened. All the Colgorane warships have been disabled. They are operating on battery power only. You may use your troopships to achieve a rescue of the crews on board and then leave the Solar System. Any attempt to approach Earth will be met with instant destruction. Any attempt to recover any of the Colgorane warships will also be met with destruction. All radio transmissions from this area of space are being blocked. You have two hours to get your people and leave the system.”

  “Androseur, this is Gorgon Kreensi of the troopship Enomox. We will comply. Our shuttles are moving now. Rest assured, this despicable act will not be forgotten or forgiven. Be warned, the Colgorane people will take great satisfaction in righting this horrible insult.”

  “Of course, you will Enomox, replied Admiral Ozar. But for now, just pick up your people and leave.”

  Admiral Ozar then turned to his first officer, Macub Dapar, and said, “number one, has the digital video/audio recording been prepared?”

  “It has sir,” replied Dapar.

  “Good,” replied Admiral Ozar. “Forward the recording to Sofol Tauxav at Federation Council headquarters. Eyes Only. Also forward a copy to Admiral Miller at Titan Station, eyes only as well.”

  Less than two hours later the Colgorane troopships left the Solar System with the crews from the drifting warships.

  Admiral Ozar said, “Be certain there are no life signs on the Colgorane ships and then drop a beacon, so the Sol/Fed Navy can find them. Perhaps they can make use of them.”

  “Yes Sir”, said Dapar, “I will send the coordinates to Titan as well.”

  In the Oval Office

  Hawthorne listened in disbelief. The Supreme Court had defied him? He seized his phone and called his contact at Preuzeti Assemblage. When the phone was answered, he said, “kill the hostages at once.”

  “Mr. president, we have lost all contact with Loring. It would have already been done, but we can’t reach any of our people there.”

  As he slammed the phone down Hawthorne said, “Arpvo, call in your troops, the gloves must come off. I will treat these people the way they should have been treated all along. With total and brutal control.”

  Arpvo Abrajli replied, “finally you have grown some sense.” He called his embassy and said, “contact Superlative Gorgon Oynzax advise him to attack at once.”

  He turned to Hawthorne and said, “Colgorane warships will control the space around Earth and troops will be arriving on the surface within fourteen hours.”

  Abrajli’s aide said quietly, “Sir, the Embassy just called. Superlative Gorgon Oynzax is not available, someone named Admiral Ozar is on the radio for you.”

  “Not available? Who does he think he is, here give me the phone. Comm patch this phone to the radio. Who is this, put Oynzax on the radio immediately.”

  A smooth voice replied, “I am so very sorry ambassador Abrajli, this is Admiral Ozar of the Krayari Alliance Navy. Oynzax and his troopships have left the system for home. They won’t be able to come to Earth. Instead the Krayari fleet will be entering Earth orbit shortly to make certain everyone remains calm. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  Abrajli felt a chill. This smooth talking Krayari Admiral wasn’t sorry at all. The Krayari had decided to take a hand. Abrajli handed the phone back to his aide and turned to Lucas Hawthorne.

  “I must return to my Embassy Lucas. I am afraid we have a problem. There will be no troops or ships arriving.” He and his entourage then turned and left the Oval Office.

  Lucas Hawthorne moved to face Senator Moore and Admiral Harrison-Langham and said.

  “What is he saying? Why did he leave? Will someone tell me what is going on?”

  Admiral Harrison-Langham said, “Lucas, I believe that our house of cards has just tumbled down.”

  As he turned to leave, U S Marshalls, accompanied by the assistant United States Attorney General walked in to the Oval Office. The Lead Marshal announced, “no one leaves. I have arrest warrants for Lucas Hawthorne, Theodor Moore, and Raymond Harrison-Langham. The charges are treason. You are all under arrest.”

  About the same time in the private office of Premier Sofol Tauxav

  “Premier Tauxav,” said her aide Gleeu Wontwoon. “This message just came in on a priority network for your Eyes only.”

  “Thank You Gleeu.”

  As she waited for her aide to leave Sofol Tauxav could only wonder what had happened now.

  Sofol clicked the message cube in to the video system and began to watch. The prelude was a message from a Krayari Admiral named Ozar. He said, “This video will give witness to the fact that the Krayari Interplanetary fleet entered the Solar system to protect the planet Earth from an invading force formed of Colgorane war and troopships. We do this of our own volition. We believe the safety and freedom of Earth is at risk. The following video will show what transpired this day in the Solar system.

  After Sofol had watched the entire video twice she sat back in amazement. This was the reason the Krayari had delayed their entry in to the Federation. They knew what was going to happen. It would be two more cycles before the Federation Council would meet again. All hell was going to break loose when it did.

  On the one hand, what the Krayari had done was an admiral thing, but it had forced her hand in the Federation Council. There would be no more delay. The Federation was going to war as sure as the galaxy spun.

  At Titan Station

  Admiral Millers aide, Teryl Thorne, said “Admiral Miller this m
essage cube just came for you, it is eyes only.”

  Admiral Miller replied, “Thank you Teryl.”

  Admiral Miller slotted the cube in to his video array and began to watch.

  After months of stress and worry, it was difficult for the people gathered in Admiral Millers outer office to comprehend the roars of laughter coming from the Admirals’ office.

  Chapter Four

  A New beginning

  The lawfully elected President, Justin York continued his quest for some type of international organization to deal with the Federation of Space Faring Systems. The United Nations was much too unwieldy to deal with the issues of space.

  A new organization endorsed by all the nations of Earth was the only answer. The Russians and the Chinese were, of course, the most difficult to deal with, but now that they had come on board most of the rest of the holdouts would agree.

  The new organization was called the Earth Planetary Council of Nations. It was guided by the Solar Unity Accord[4] that had been signed by all nations. It was also agreed that each country would elect one Envoy and one Assistant Envoy from their nation to represent that nations interests. The Envoys and their assistants would serve one six-year term as members of Earth Planetary Council of Nations and then could never serve as an Envoy again. The Envoys would elect one Delegate and one alternate from a list of potential delegates presented by the member nations. The only caveat was that the first nine delegates had to be elected from one of the major nations. The United States, Canada, Russia, Britain, France, Japan, China, Australia and The Arab Nations. That was a hard sell, but one that China, Russia and the Arab Nations had insisted on.


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