Betrayal of the Federation

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Betrayal of the Federation Page 12

by K M Dean

  Thules replied, “all my life I have been dedicated to the Royal Family and the required protocols. I am heartbroken to see the end of this grand era. I shall endeavor to help you and the Assembly of Nobles make this transition, while retaining all the grandeur that is the Royalty that I can possibly save. I serve you as I always have my Queen.”

  With that Mr. Thules took a seat behind and to the right of the Queen.

  One of the Assembly of Nobles said, “Admiral, I am Noble Silravlynn Dachan. I am the doyenne[20] of the Assembly of Nobles. Now that the Jian have gone, it is only a matter of time before they return. We are not able to defend ourselves from the warships the Jian field. Our eventual submission to the Jian is assured without Federation help. Will the Federation be willing to aid us in our defense? And if so, at what cost? Must we join the Federation? Will we be vassals to the Federation?”

  Mac replied. “Noble Silravlynn Dachan, there is no requirement that the Delta Ceti system join the Federation. However, if the Delta Ceti system chose to join the Federation, it would be as a full and equal member of the Federation Council.”

  “The Federation is prepared to give your people the technical and military aid required to help in your own defense. Our motives are not completely altruistic. It is to the advantage of the Federation that the Vikerlon people be able to defend themselves. However, the only requirement is a willingness on the part of the Delta Ceti system and the Vikerlon people to accept that aid. And there is no requirement that the Delta Ceti system must join the Federation, but, at a minimum, we would very much like to have an agreement regarding the defensive systems we would be employing here. The very best scenario would be for the Vikerlon military to send us their defenders to train on the equipment that will be deployed in this system. Also, we would expect that your existing fleet would be upgraded using Federation technology. That could be accomplished in your own ship yards utilizing Federation technology and engineers.”

  “Would we prefer that the Vikerlon people join the Federation? Absolutely, but there will be no pressure on your people, by the Federation, to see that happen.”

  Noble Silravlynn Dachan replied. “Admiral thank you for your candid reply. I believe that Marshall Soleer Caftagan has a few questions. Marshall Caftagan?”

  “Thank you Noble Silravlynn. Admiral, the technology you are talking about, will it be current, state of the art or will it be hand me down technology. And, will we have full access to the technology, or will we be limited in what our technicians can actually understand and duplicate?”

  “Good questions Marshall Caftagan. All technology will be the latest the Federation has to offer. You will be using the same technology we employ on our own defensive platforms and ships. Full access is given to all Federation members.”

  “There are limitations to the accessibility your technicians will have if you do not join the Federation. Any technology deemed classified will be accompanied by our own technicians to maintain and service. That is the only limitation.”

  “Admiral, what kind of defense do you believe our system would require?”

  “Marshall Caftagan, I believe the proper defensive plan would include some of our new battle platforms. They would be accompanied by at least one Cruiser and support ships.”

  “Fixed defense platforms are easily destroyed by a large enough fleet Admiral. Somehow they hardly seem adequate to defend a system. They would also take time to construct”

  “I understand your hesitation Marshall Caftagan, but these are not just defensive platforms. They are extremely well defended. They carry several squadrons of fighters and fighter-bombers; their weapons are some of the most powerful in this sector and their shields will withstand anything a Jian battleship can bring to bear. In addition to that they can make tactical FTL jumps. They are much more than a defensive platform, they are an extremely effective attack weapon.”

  “The platforms are constructed in our shipyards and are available now. They can actually travel to this system under their own power.”

  “The Federation will bring those here? Even if we decide not to join the Federation?”

  “The moment your people decide they want our protection, Federation soldiers, technicians and defensive platforms will be on their way. Should the Vikerlon people choose to become Federation members, training in the use and maintenance of the platforms could begin at once. My fleet will remain until the defensive taskforce has arrived. We will only leave if we are asked to leave.”

  “Admiral,” said Queen Tapava Araimel. “May I have a few moments with my Nobles please?”

  “Of course, your Highness.” Turning to his second in command he said, “XO lets clear the room.”

  After Admiral McCreary and his people left the room, Queen Araimel turned to her Nobles. “This is a huge decision, and I want your honest appraisal of the Federation proposal.”

  Nuevo Fallapadax, Noble from the Quixinohae sector said. “Your Highness, please tell us what your wishes are. You are our Queen and ruler, this is a decision you must make. We serve at the pleasure of the throne and your wishes are our command.”

  “As I told my friend and protocol advisor S'Kalren Thules. It is time for us to move in to this new era. This is a decision that should be taken to the people of the Delta Ceti system. Before we do that, I want, no, I demand the honest appraisal of this body of Nobles. Is the Federation’s proposal going to serve the Vikerlon people well? Is it the best option for us to pursue? I need your input to make a plan, so I can advise our people of the real choices. Now speak to me as Tapava Araimel, not as your Queen. We will observe the niceties when in public, but right now, the Assembly of Nobles must become an advisor to the Crown, not a group of representatives mouthing platitudes to please me.”

  There was a span of a few minutes before there was a response.

  “Very well your highness.” Said Doyenne, Silravlynn Dachan. “Your Highness, and I must apologize, but I cannot bring myself to address you in any other way. It is difficult for me to wrap my mind around the sudden changes with which we are faced. However, in my opinion we must join the Federation. It is long past time that we began to interact with other systems and races. We cannot survive on our own and the only choices seem to be the Federation or the Jian. We have seen what the Jian are capable of in other systems. Systems that have fallen under their heel. and I don’t believe our people deserve that fate. The Federation is going to provide much more than suitable defenses. They will open completely new trading possibilities and opportunities for our people. We will be literally expanding our universe in moments rather than years or decades.”

  “I agree,” said Soleer Caftagan. “The only choices we have are the Federation or the Jian. We have known for some time that this would transpire, and we would have to decide. I cannot see how the Vikerlon people can possibly be served by joining an alliance with anyone other than the Federation.”

  “I am afraid I don’t agree.” Said Nuevo Fallapadax, Noble from the Quixinohae sector. “The people will never agree to become a part of the Federation. We have a long, proud history of standing alone and I believe our people will demand that we maintain that honored birthright. They will also never agree to allowing the Queen to be anything so tawdry as a common leader. We must try to reach an accommodation with the Jian and not get involved in this conflict.”

  “My old friend Nuevo Fallapadax.” Said Bonecklin Ne’Flar, Noble from the Mansoon sector. “I realize this is a difficult time for us all. We have had centuries of peace under our feudal system. The traditions of our people run deep, but lest we forget, we met the new era today in outer space. If it hadn’t been for the Federation fleet, we would be bowing before a Jian ruler at this moment and our royal system would no longer exist. We are going to make a monumental change for our future whatever our decision. But recognize this. Should we elect to join the Federation, the regal government of the Vikerlon people will not cease to exist but will simply adapt to a new and exciting era in our lon
g and honorable history. Long Live the Queen.”

  Doyenne, Silravlynn Dachan said, “I agree Noble Ne’Flar. We are a people steeped in royalty. Royalty is our heritage and royalty will remain. However, we must adapt to this new epoch. We must make the alliances that will allow us to continue our proud heritage. That can only be done by achieving a covenant with the Federation. That is the only means by which our way of life will survive. We will never be able to reach an accommodation with the Jian, they will demand total submission or total extinction. There will be no convenient arrangement.”

  Most of the other nobles nodded their heads in agreement.

  Queen Araimel said, “I am now asking for an official ballot of The Assembly of Nobles. On the matter of joining the Federation immediately, how do you vote?”

  Each Noble made his vote on his personal tablet, the result was transmitted to Silravlynn Dachan, Doyenne of the Assembly of Nobles.

  “Your Highness, it is the recommendation of the Assembly of Nobles that the Delta Ceti system join the Federation. The vote is seven for joining the Federation, and one against.”

  “Thank You Doyenne Dachan. I will make an announcement this evening to the people and ask for their recommendation.”

  “Silravlynn, would you ask Admiral McCreary and his people to rejoin us please?”

  As Mac took his seat, Queen Araimel said, “Admiral, the Assembly of Nobles has recommended that the Delta Ceti system join the Federation. This recommendation will have to be ratified by the Vikerlon people. We have a means of polling the population very quickly. We should be able to have an answer by tomorrow afternoon. Will that be acceptable to the Federation?”

  “Of course, Your Highness. Just let me know if there is anything I can do.”

  “Thank You Admiral, I must return to Lithios to make my announcement to the people. Would it be convenient for You and your Officers to have dinner with me and some of my people at the palace tonight?”

  Immediately, S'Kalren Thules, chief protocol officer said, “Your Highness, that is highly irregular. You must not ask a commoner to the palace. It simply isn’t done.”

  “S’Kalren, you must begin to adjust with the times. It is essential that Admiral McCreary and I be able to sit and communicate. If the Vikerlon people become members of the Federation we all must adjust. Please, old friend, help me make this difficult transition. You are one of my oldest dearest friends and closest advisor. I need you to work with me now.”

  “Of course, your Highness, I will see to the arrangements. It is just that-- it is so difficult with these sudden changes. I will adapt, I promise.”

  That evening, Mac, his Exec, Commander Aranari Savar, and Commander Benjamin Santana, MD, chief medical officer of the Odyssey arrived at the Vikerlon Royal Palace. They were greeted by Silravlynn Dachan, Doyenne of the Assembly of Nobles and Marshall Soleer Caftagan, Commandant of the Vikerlon Space Navy.

  “Admiral, Welcome to the Royal Palace.” Said Silravlynn Dachan, “This is indeed a pivotal moment for the people of Lithios, and the entire Delta Ceti system.”

  “I concur Mr. Dachan.” Replied Mac. I hope the people of Lithios agree to become a part of the Federation I feel it would be a very positive step for all of us.”

  Mac went on. “Tell me Mr. Dachan, in addition to Lithios, how much of the Delta Ceti system has been settled?”

  “Admiral, we have people on the small planet Athega, it is in a concurrent orbit with Lithios. It precedes Lithios on the planetary plane by exactly one hundred and sixty degrees. Our scientists say this is a very unusual orbital arrangement. The prognosis is that at some point Lithios will overtake Athega, but that won’t happen for something like another two billion years. Athega was only discovered a little over one hundred years[21] ago.”

  “There are several indigenous animals on the planet, some of which can be rather dangerous. There is a type of wild feline we call araimans that is exceptionally vicious. They are very cunning animals. Apparently, the araimans had a natural enemy. An animal that is now extinct, it was like an Terran ursidae. A very large bear. According to our scientists there was a virus that attacked the bear community that made them unable to procreate. With no new cubs being born the breed died out and the araimans population exploded. The araimans must be managed, or it will devastate the rest of the animal population. When we first arrived on Athega the araimans were actively seeking out our personnel and attacking them. We have thinned the brutes out, but it is still necessary to have hunts to control their population.

  We have found nothing yet that we believe supports the idea that there were ever any advanced intelligences on Athega. The planet is very similar to Lithios in almost every way, and we continuing to explore the world. We have only just begun to discover its natural beauty. It is a stunning place, pristine and untouched. There are about four hundred researchers and a unit of our Marines on the planet now.”

  “Our intent is to explore Athega, then open it up for controlled colonization. Our aspirations for the planet are that it should remain an undeveloped planet and that those who colonize will be caretakers of the planet so that our people can visit and enjoy the exquisite wilderness just as it is.”

  “We also have recently completed a military base under the surface of one of our moons, Suza. There are three moons. Suza, Artoul and Azrai. Suza is the largest, both Artoul and Azrai are both very small moons. We have a little over twenty-five thousand people on Suza. All military.”

  “We had only just begun our exploration of the Delta Ceti system, and our knowledge of the rest of the Galaxy was, and still is to an extent, somewhat limited. Early in our efforts to reach outer space an alien space ship arrived in our system. It was a Krayari ship and was our first exposure to Galactic society. Until that time, we had assumed we were alone in the Universe.”

  “The Krayari explained that not only was the galaxy populated, but that some of the populations had been in space for centuries. It was quite enlightening.”

  Marshall Soleer Caftagan, Commandant of the Vikerlon Space Navy then said. “The Krayari gave a great deal of help in the development of space vehicles. They also encouraged us to arm our vessels, while warning us that not all alien populations were friendly.”

  “The Krayari technology that we are using is somewhat dated, as you have seen Admiral. We anticipate that if the Vikerlon people agree to the proposal to join the Federation that the new technology you possess will be very welcome.”

  Just as Mac was getting ready to reply, S'Kalren Thules announced that dinner seating was to begin.

  Queen Tapava Araimel sat at the head of the table and Mac found himself directed to her immediate right. Everyone in the dining room stood until the Queen had entered and been seated, only then did the dining party take their seats.

  The conversation was subdued. The Federation officers were placed between their Vikerlon contemporaries. The Federation officers began to loosen up as they got to know those seated next to them. Before long the conversations were going nonstop.

  Mac turned to the Queen and said, “I am curious, about something. Terrans in space have adopted the English language as our universal language. It isn’t something that was ever mandated, but it seemed to just become the best way for us to communicate. It is, however, a difficult language to master. I am amazed at the ability of the people of Lithios to speak English in such a short span of time.”

  “Actually Admiral, our languages are not that different. The basic structure of the Vikerlon language is very similar to some of the languages from Earth. We also have Krayari devices that aid in learning to speak new languages.”

  “I see” said Mac. He then asked, “have you heard how the balloting is going on the proposal to join the Federation?”

  Queen Araimel replied, “Early returns indicate nearly a ten to one trend to join the Federation. I believe most of the people of Lithios understand that we can no longer stand alone and are willing to do what is necessary to maintain our sovereign des
tiny. We will, of course, wait for the balloting to finish before making an announcement. I want the people to speak their minds without being influenced by their representatives.”

  “Your Highness, how long will it take for the balloting to be completed?”

  Queen Araimel replied, “balloting will be completed by tomorrow morning. The vote tally will be ready immediately.” All our voting is done electronically.”

  Queen Tapava continued. “May I ask you something Admiral?”

  “Of Course, your Highness, if I know the answer I will happily share it with you.”

  “Would it be a terrible breach of protocol if, when we are in private, we used first names?”

  “Absolutely not your Highness, it would be quite alright from my standpoint, I am not so certain S'Kalren Thules would agree.”

  “Ah yes, my dear sweet S'Kalren. He is really such a wonderful person. He has been a part of my life since I was born. He served my father, King Araime Ozar Araimel. When I was born, he was assigned to me as my personal mentor. He is a wonderful man, but is having some difficulty operating in the fast paced, sometimes audacious, society we now live in. We won’t tell him for the time being, he would be aghast at the breach of protocol. Would it be alright if I called you Mac when we are alone? I notice most of your colleagues use that name. Is it a given name, or an honorarium?”

  “It is what we call a nickname your Highness. It was given to me when I was just a child and is an abbreviation of my family name, McCreary. It would be quite alright for you to use Mac. What would your name preference be your Highness?”

  Queen Tapava Araimel replied, “My close friends call me “Tappy”, and I would be pleased to have you as a close friend Mac.”

  It was at that moment that Mac realized there was nothing he would enjoy more than to be a close friend of Queen Tapava Araimel, “Tappy”.

  Dinner was beginning to wind down. Finally, Mac said, “Your highness, I believe it is time for us to return to the Odyssey. We have some repairs going on and I need to check on some of our wounded. It has been a delightful evening. All of us have enjoyed your wonderful hospitality. I would very much like to reciprocate when it is appropriate.”


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