Betrayal of the Federation

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Betrayal of the Federation Page 22

by K M Dean

  “Well put Commander.” Admiral Anderson said to the four Broganans, “Thank you for joining the crew of the Barracuda. They might not have made it home if not for you. We do not forget our friends.”

  Admiral Anderson turned to his aide, lieutenant Maya Marshall. “Lieutenant Marshall, find suitable accommodations for our new recruits. Put them in a good hotel. I will meet with them on Wednesday afternoon when I have an opening. Put it on my calendar. And Maya, take them out to dinner tonight, Please. Make certain they have my number in case they need anything.”

  Admiral Anderson turned to Gunnar and said. “Commander Gabrielli, I know you are ready to go somewhere and relax, but could you take a few minutes and show me what you have done to my Monitor boat?”

  “Admiral, I would only go crash at the BOQ. The Barracuda is my home. I would be happy to show you my home.”

  Admiral Anderson listened and looked with wonder. What these people had accomplished in a few short weeks was nothing short of a miracle. This was no longer a Monitor Stealth Boat. It was stealthy. There was no doubt about that. The upgraded stealth package was far better than the state of the art package she had when she left. Now the Barracuda was not only stealthy, but she had teeth. Several state of the art offensive weapons and outstanding defensive shields. First class close in weapons systems and heavy lasers comparable to anything Federation Battleships carried. And it now carried a full magazine of AMEP torpedoes. This was a ship that could do some damage. It was the answer to the border system incursions by the hired pirates the Federation was experiencing since the break with the Jian. This was a ship that could go in harm’s way. She could not only survive, she could kick ass.

  After Commander Gabrielli had finished the tour and gone on his way, Admiral Andersons TUI pinged. It was Admiral Leland Miller. “John, what is this I hear? Did we really get the Barracuda back?”

  “We did Leland. And you need to see her. She left here a Monitor stealth boat and came back a ninja assassin. This is the boat we need in those systems that keep getting the pirate incursions. This is an amazing marriage of Federation and Krayari technology and it will knock your socks off. And even better, they brought four new crew members from the Sigma Argosa System with them. I will send you a complete report when I finish here.”

  “The Barracuda sounds like one heck of a ship John. If you like her, I will get you funding for more of them, and I will sit down with the Krayari and urge them to share the technology to make that happen. Now that the cat is out of the bag, they can hardly turn us down.”

  “In the meantime, you get with Commander Cardalal Qobrun and twist his tail a bit about holding back on the good stuff. The Krayari need to get off their collective butts and bring some of this tech to the table.”

  “I will talk to him Leland. I am sure they will cooperate. All this stuff looks like new tech. And we need it yesterday.”

  “All right John, keep up the good work. I hope to get back there in a few months, but it has been a little crazy around here and I don’t see it letting up anytime soon.”

  “No problem Leland. We have a pretty good handle on things here.”

  “All right John, until later.” And Leland pinged off.

  Admiral Anderson returned to his office. It was late, and he was tired, but he needed to get his thoughts in order before speaking with Commander Qobrun. The Tech on Barracuda would revolutionize the new ships coming down the line. He needed to get Commander Qobrun to pressure the Krayari officials to provide the tech to the Federation. He wasn’t sure how they would take the news that a Federation ship had been updated with proprietary tech without their permission. But that was for tomorrow. He decided to check his messages before he left the office. There were several dispatches, but nothing pressing. One dispatch caught his eye. The Federation was proposing to build a huge science ship to explore the universe. It was being designed to navigate to other Galaxies in the cosmos. John knew that proposals like this were often dropped. He thought, I wonder if we’ll see that ever happen?

  John stopped by Fred’s Grillennium Falcon Bar and Grill Too. It was the perfect place to have a quiet dinner and a nightcap.

  The next morning Admiral Anderson met with Admiral “Mac” McCreary. “Mac, when do you leave to return to Lithios?”

  “I leave in the morning John. We should have the ships we need for the defense of Lithios by the end of the month. As soon as Lithios has ample protection I intend to move the "Predator" fleet back to the Zeta Catana System. We can do the same program we did for the Delta Ceti system. The Jian have no idea where we came from, so I think we can use the same launch base one more time.”

  “Is there anything else you need “Mac?”

  “Well” replied Mac, “considering we almost got our heads handed to us in the Delta Ceti system last time. I would truly love to have another Cruiser and two more destroyers. That may be overkill, but if we can spare them it would make the program a hell of a lot safer.”

  “All right Mac, it turns out we do have some new cruisers and destroyers. I can let you have one of the cruisers and two of the destroyers. They have seasoned first tier officers, but the crews are green. They need some “on the job” training. This might be an excellent way to get it. I will have orders cut for them to meet you in the Zeta Catana system at the end of the week.”

  “Now Mac, tell me more about Queen Araimel. I understand she is quite lovely and that she may have a new beau? Are you going to wind up a King?”

  “No John, that won’t be happening. Queen Tapava Araimel has been busy reorganizing the Vikerlon political structure. The new government will be a constitutional Monarchy. ’Tappy’ will abdicate as the Queen and her younger brother, Taufan Araimel will be crowned as King.”

  Mac continued. “Queen Araimel never wanted to be Queen, but she had no choice when her father passed away. Her brother was too young to serve as King. Now her brother is of age and the Vikerlon Constitutional Modification Committee has come up with the idea of a constitutional monarchy. Apparently, it is all coming together.”

  “I can tell you that ‘Tappy’ was a major supporter of both the Committee and the constitutional monarchy proposal. In fact, I know for a fact she penned most of the language. It is almost word for word from my Thesaurus regarding the British government.”

  “Mac?” said Admiral Anderson. “Is there something I need to know here?”

  “Well Admiral, it is no secret that ‘Tappy’ and I have spent some time together. She is a very special person. As the Vikerlon Queen, ‘Tappy’ and I had no future. Thousands of years of Vikerlon history made that impossible. But, with the new government she will be able to relegate the throne to her brother. That was the plan from the time Tappy took the crown and he is old enough now. Once her brother ascends to the throne, Tappy and I can pursue a normal relationship, one I hope may lead to something more permanent. The fact that I kind of saved her life put me in a pretty good light with the people of Lithios. I am kind of a rock star there now. I never asked her to do any of this. She assured me that she hated being Queen.”

  “The plan is for her brother to appoint her as the Vikerlon delegate to the Federation Assembly. I think she would be a good one, but I may be biased.”

  Admiral Anderson said. “Mac, I don’t envy you beginning a new relationship just as we are going to war with the Jian. You kids have more energy and enthusiasm than I do. But, to tell you the truth, I kind of wish I had a new adventure ahead of me. I am afraid this war is going to last for a while, so no new adventures in my future.”

  “Well you never know John.” Replied Mac. No matter our expectations, life tends to surprise us.”

  Later that day Admiral Anderson met with the four Broganan crew members in his office. He said. “You should all know that in the Federation you are heroes. You gave up your homes and friends to help our people get back with no expectation of when or even if you would ever return. You fought with them and supported them. The Federation does not forget it
s heroes. The Federation Council would like for the four of you to come to Giana Prime and meet with the Council members. The Krayari have agreed to transport you back to the Sigma Argosa System if that is what you want. However. The Federation Navy/Marines would also like very much to offer you commissions in the Federation Navy. Take your time. We will welcome you with open arms should you decide to stay. If you elect to return, we will help in any way we can.”

  “I understand you are concerned about your own sector. The Krayari are also going to help with tech and equipment that will give the Similublians and the Binalmorane some serious heartburn. Just know, your home sector has not been forgotten.”

  “We have a fleet heading to Giana Prime on their way to a couple of other systems that are having pirate problems. I talked to Captain Isaac White. He is in command of the element going to the Asterion System. They are stopping at Giana Prime and you four can ride along with them if you like. Once you have finished with the Federation Council, go see Admiral Miller. He will arrange transportation either back here for training or the Krayari will take you back to the Sigma Argosa System. You have done us a great service. From me personally, Thank You. You will always be heroes in my mind.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Return to the Delta Ceti System

  After several weeks patrolling the sector, the Odyssey arrived back in the Delta Ceti System. Commander Aranari Savar, Executive officer on the Odyssey gave Captain Morin “Mac” McCreary a ping on his TUI. “Mac, we just jumped out of FTL in the Delta Ceti System. We will be arriving at Lithios in about two hours.”

  “Thanks XO, I will be on the bridge shortly.”

  Twenty minutes later “Mac” stepped onto the bridge of the Odyssey.

  “Captain on the bridge” announced Marine Sergeant Max Taylor.

  “As you were,” said “Mac.”

  “Anything going on XO?”

  “No sir” replied Commander Aranari Savar. “We still have our lurker out near the edge of the system.”

  “Yeah,” replied “Mac” “If we run him off they will just send another. It’s when they disappear you need to start worrying. That’s when you know they are up to something.”

  “The support ships will begin arriving later this week. As soon as they are up to speed, we will jump back to the Zeta Catana System. Admiral Anderson and I agree. The Jian must make another move soon. They can’t wait for very long or we will have the resources to reinforce any system they try to take. I can’t believe they haven’t already made a move on someone.” “The Cruiser Midway and the Destroyers Griffin and Cantabria Left this morning for the Zeta Catana system. They will be waiting when we get there.”

  Later that day in the Drakkana System.

  Aboard the Lionfish Monitor boat. “Captain,” said Lieutenant J.G. Ularra W’shiyall. “Sensors indicate fifteen ships just jumped out of FTL on the outer edge of the system. I am counting One Battle Cruiser, Legaliri class. Two Myoxx-class cruisers, four medium cruisers and eight escorts, Drazeer class.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. Get off a dispatch to Gamma Remidian and the Odyssey. Then ask the XO to join me on the bridge.

  A short time later aboard the Odyssey in the Delta Ceti System:

  Admiral “Mac” McCreary was awakened by his TUI “This is the Captain.”

  “Mac,” replied his XO, Commander Aranari Savar. “We just received a dispatch from the Lionfish in the Drakkana system.”

  “I’ll be there in couple of minutes, XO.” Mac got out of bed and dressed. He knew what the message was going to say. He had a tough decision to make. He couldn’t leave the Delta Ceti system unprotected, but he needed to be in the Drakkana System now.

  As soon as he stepped on to the bridge his XO handed him the dispatch:

  From: FN Lionfish

  To: FN Odyssey

  HQ Gamma Remidian

  Fifteen ships entered this location at zero three forty. One Legaliri class Battle cruiser, two Myoxx-class cruisers. Four Medium Cruisers and eight Drazeer-class Destroyer escorts.

  After reading the dispatch Mac called Admiral Andersons on the FTL transceiver. When he answered Mac said, “Admiral, the Lionfish is reporting a Jian squadron in the Drakkana System. I can’t help but wonder if there are at least two more cruisers in stealth just outside the system waiting to jump in and tear us a new one when we arrive. On the other hand, what if the squadron at Drakkana is a red herring. What if there is another squadron waiting to retake Delta Ceti? The Vikerlons have made some upgrades to their fleet, but they are no match for a Jian squadron and the Delta Ceti System defensive platforms and ships won’t be here for a few more days. They could show up to a Jian controlled system.”

  “I know “Mac”, I just got the same dispatch.” Replied Admiral Anderson. “We talked about this. How do you want to handle it?”

  “I don’t have a choice John, I have to take the Predator fleet to Drakkana. And I will, but I am going to make these changes.” Mac went on to explain the changes he had in mind.

  After “Mac” had gotten off the FTL transceiver with Admiral Anderson, he called Captain Maya Chivington, Captain of the Constitution. “Maya, I have new orders coming down for you. I am going to leave you in command of, what we are calling Outlaw II. You will have the destroyers Gallantry and Intrepid, the destroyer escorts Argonaut, Regent, Fortuna, and Geronimo. The jeep carrier Ariel will leave with me as if she is joining in Outlaw I. She will drop out of formation and return to the far side of Athega and wait. You will also have the Monitor II boat Barracuda. The Barracuda will be working on her own, so you may never see her. Don’t be surprised if the Jian suddenly lose a ship or two without a shot being fired.”

  “Mike, ‘Smoke’ Adams will command the fighter and bomber groups aboard the Ariel. Put your fighters under his command as well. They can coordinate their attacks. I believe we are being set up. If I am right, you are going to need all the help you can get. The flip side is that I can’t go to Drakkana without enough guns to make a difference just in case I am wrong. I am going to call Supreme Commander Bojer Ozgozar and ask him to put his ships under your command as well. Use them. They are good fighters but remember they don’t yet have the superior firepower or the defensive capability the Federation ships enjoy.”

  “The Jian cannot afford to let Lithios go. The Delta Ceti system is a key part of their overall strategy. I am betting that Drakkana is a feint. You are my ace in the hole. Good luck.”

  “We won’t let you down Admiral. Thank you for the opportunity Sir.”

  “Mac” then called Vikerlons Supreme Commander Bojer Ozgozar.

  “Supreme Commander. We have just received word that the Drakkana system is under attack. I believe that is a trick. I believe the Delta Ceti system is going to come under fire. I have no choice but to respond to the Drakkana system, but I am leaving the Constitution, the intrepid, the Argonaut, Regent, Fortuna, and the Geronimo in the Delta Ceti system. We are calling this part of the operation Outlaw II. Captain Maya Chivington is in command.”

  “Although the jeep carrier Ariel will appear to leave with me, she is going to drop back and maintain a position behind Athega. She will stay hidden until called upon by Captain Chivington.”

  “The Monitor II boat Barracuda will also be in system. You won’t see her, but she will be there.”

  “I recommend you bring your forces to full alert. I am sure the Federation ships will welcome all the help you can give. I realize not all of your ships have been upgraded but, if you will please, call Captain Maya Chivington and offer your ships to aid in the defense of the Delta Ceti system.”

  “Thank you, Admiral McCreary. I will call her at once. We will put ourselves under her command.”

  “Good Luck to you Supreme Commander.”

  “Thank You “Mac”, Good luck to you as well.”

  Six hours later In the Drakkana System

  “We will be dropping out of FTL in six minutes and thirty seconds Captain.” Said Commander Aranari Savar.

  “Thank You XO. Commander, call battle stations all ships. Prepare for action.”

  Six minutes later, the Outlaw I squadron dropped out of FTL.

  Commander Aranari Savar said, “sensors coming up. Captain, a group of fifteen Jian ships are in a formation three hundred thousand kilometer ahead. They are arrayed in a defensive posture. They are not in an attack formation. It looks like they are more interested in us than the defenders in the system.”

  “Roger that XO, their presence here is a ploy. This is not the target. Delta Ceti system is the real target. I hope we left enough equipment in Delta Ceti to defend them. Our job right now is to make this battle group pay for their mistake. Have the Midway, the Cantabria the Venator the Concorde and the Manticor make a make a combat jump to a location directly behind this group and open fire. These ships are meant to delay us. They do not want to engage us. They want to keep us from supporting the forces at Delta Ceti. We arrived much sooner than they anticipated. They are not ready. Let’s take down as many as possible before they jump out of here.”

  In the Delta Ceti system

  Aboard the Monitor II Boat Barracuda

  Commander Selub Uzhetog said. “Captain, the Jian attack fleet just dropped in to the system. They are about six hundred thousand kilometers out. They are taking their time. It looks like they’re having a good look to see what we have waiting for them.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Uzhetog.” Said Captain Sukhov.

  “Comms relay the contact information to the Constitution. We will remain in stealth.”

  “XO, very slowly, put us directly aft of the Legaliri Cruiser. Once we are in position, plot a combat jump to the closest Myoxx-class Cruiser.”


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