Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5)

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Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5) Page 1

by Cree Storm

  Sowing the Seeds of Love

  EF-Maddox 5


  Maggie Walsh


  Cree Storm

  Sowing the Seeds of Love

  Eternal Flame: Maddox 5

  Pascal is a Santorini Fox that has always been the strong one and caretaker of his family, but he has always had a dream of someone caring for him for a change. He loves his job working for Pixie Regent Dain, but has secretly always wanted to work with plants, and hopes to one day make his dream come true.

  Zen is an African Elephant shifter who lost everything when his father passed. Because of the life he lived he wants his true mate, but will not claim his mate until love comes first. But Zen also has a secret passion for things that grow.

  When one day he meets his mate, he knows he has truly met the other half of his soul, but someone from his past is looking for him and wants to cause him harm.

  Surprises are around every corner for these two, including someone trying to kidnap his mate, a doppelganger of a close friend, a brother he never knew existed, and a plan to stop a blood brothel from coming to Maddox.

  With all these forces working against them, will Pascal and Zen ever find their happily ever after?

  Copyright © 2017 by Cree Storm and Maggie Walsh

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by: JP Graphics & Design

  Edited by: Avril Stepowski


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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  Every author appreciates their readers, and we want to take a moment and thank someone that has been with us for a long time and isn't afraid to say...You really need to fix this...Deanne Taylor, you are awesome and we thank you for all you have contributed throughout our writing of this series and look forward to your kick in the butts in the future.


  The door to the club swung open and Zen stood from the stool at the bar that he had been sitting on. Meeting Tanner, the delivery guy in the foyer, he signed for the package, smiling, then took the large box. “Thanks, Tanner. Same time in three days?”

  “Not sure, actually. Didn’t you hear?” Tanner asked.

  Zen shook his head, and Tanner quickly replied, “Mrs. Pearl has decided to close shop and leave Maddox. With all the new people coming in and the weird things going on, she’s decided to head up north to Washington to be with her daughter and her family. She said she was getting too old to run the place by herself these days, so now was the perfect time to go.”

  “Shoot, then who is Jagger going to get the flowers for the club from?” Zen asked as he placed the package on the side table.

  “No idea. Maybe they have a florist in Crystal? Anyway, I’m off to finish my deliveries. Hey, Zen, you know just about everyone in this town, if you hear of any job openings, let me know?”

  “You got it, man. With Rhys working on helping people open new businesses maybe there’ll be something soon. I’ll ask him when he comes out from his meeting with Jagger.”

  “Thanks, man, that would be great. See ya,” Tanner said as he waved and walked out the door.

  Zen turned to the large vase that sat on the side table to the right of the entrance and pulled the three-day old white and purple hydrangeas and white delphinium from within and placed them on the table. He then grabbed the vase and took it into the bathroom where he washed it thoroughly, and put fresh, lukewarm water in it, then carried it back to the foyer and placed it on the table.

  Opening the box that Tanner had just delivered, Zen smiled as he lifted the large bunch of white dinner plate dahlia’s from within and placed them on the table. Next, he pulled out some magenta tree peonies, a few bells of Ireland, a couple of large fern leaves, and some gorgeous pale heather sprigs. Bringing one of the peonies to his nose he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, loving the sweet fragrance.

  He pulled open the draw under the table and took out his cutting shears and began to cut the bottoms of the flowers and arrange them in the vase. Zen whistled softly to himself as he worked, enjoying himself. This was his favorite part of the week. Every three days, Jagger had new flowers delivered to be placed in the foyer of the club to bring some color to the place as the guests came through on their way into the club.

  Jagger thought that Mrs. Pearl made the arrangements herself and that Tanner only delivered them and he dropped them in place, but Zen had asked Mrs. Pearl to just send them in a box and he would take care of them when they were delivered. He knew most people would scoff at him because of his size or not believe that he was the one who arranged them, because how could someone so big and mean looking make something so pretty and delicate?

  But he loved it. He had always had a thing for flowers and learned at a young age what all their names were and how to take care of them. It probably came from working with his father in his landscaping business all his life. Well, until his dad passed away a few years ago from a car accident up in Vale while on a skiing trip.

  Zen wanted to keep the business going, but with so many people leaving Maddox and those who stayed not having much money to hire a landscaper, then Charles Fowler came along, and he had to close the business and find work elsewhere. As an African Elephant shifter he was pretty big, so being a bouncer only made sense. And the club was the one place hiring at the time, so here he was.

  Not that he didn’t like his job, because he did, for the most part. He hated the times he had to get a little physical with some rowdy patrons and escort them from the premises, but mostly people took one look at all seven feet, three hundred and twenty pounds of him with the long wavy black hair and goatee and they calmed down right away and walked themselves out.

  The job p
aid the bills and he did like meeting all the people, but if he had his way, Zen would either open his father's landscaping business again, or open his own flower shop like he used to tell his dad he wanted to do. His dad had been the greatest and never laughed at him when he said it. He would just tell Zen that if that was what he wanted to do then he should do it and be the best damn florist around.

  But now it was just a pipe dream. He didn’t have the money to start up a business and never had the patience to deal with all the crap involved with running a shop. He just really loved the flowers and wanted to work with them. He found it very relaxing and flowers didn’t judge.

  As Zen continued with his task, Rhys came out into the foyer. “How did I not know that you were the one who made such beautiful arrangements?”

  Zen blushed as he stopped what he was doing and looked shyly at Rhys and shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just something I like to do,” he mumbled.

  “Well, they are gorgeous. You’re an artist, Zen. These arrangements you’ve been making are works of art. Thank you so much for doing this for the club. Now that I know it’s you who has been doing it, it just makes it all the more special. Makes it more personal,” Rhys said beaming as he stepped closer and smelled one of the peonies.

  “Thanks. I didn’t mean to overstep,” Zen said softly.

  “Nonsense, you didn’t overstep. These are amazing. Thanks again. But I came out to ask if you had some time to take something over to my father's office? I would do it myself but my meeting with Jagger ran longer than I expected and I have to be across town near the business district for a meeting there with King Destrain, Nick, and Wyndingo. We’re trying to figure out what to do with all those empty storefronts and the large warehouses just east of there.”

  “No, I don’t mind. What do you need me to take?” Zen asked.

  Rhys held out his hand which held a large manila envelope. “Just these forms. He needs them to start researching some of the people who would like to open a few of those businesses.”

  “That would be great if everything were to open again. Make this town beautiful again like it once was,” Zen said as he took the folder from Rhys.

  “I’m sorry, I keep forgetting you’ve been in Maddox your whole life, right?” Rhys asked.

  “Most of it, yes. My Dad moved us here when I was really little, so…”

  “Would you maybe be willing to sit with me, or me and some of the others, and tell us the history of Maddox and what it once was? I know my Uncle Destrain and I would love to save as much of the history as possible and it seems like you’re one of its oldest residents now.”

  “I’m not sure what I could tell you, but...sure. Anything to help bring Maddox back to its former glory. It really was a beautiful town, once,” Zen replied.

  “That would be great. Thank you, Zen. I’ll talk to the others today and we’ll figure out a time we can all sit down and go over this. In the meantime, I have got to get going. Thanks again for taking those to my Dad,” Rhys said in a flourish as he moved toward the front door, the pretty, black handkerchief skirt he wore billowing behind him and his red pumps clicking on the tiles.

  “Hey, Rhys,” Zen said turning toward him, stopping Rhys.

  Rhys turned back, one hand still on the doorknob. “Yes?”

  “I was just wondering, what are you planning on doing with all those stores and warehouses?”

  “We would like to save them and bring in businesses that could use them, but if anything is too old and unsafe we’ll need to tear them down. That’s what Nick, Wyn and their guys have been doing. They see if the places are stable enough to keep, and today they’ll be taking Uncle Destrain and I around to some of them to show us what they found. Don’t worry, Zen, as I said, me and Uncle Destrain are committed to saving as much of Maddox’s history as possible.”

  Zen smiled. “That’s great. Thanks. Oh, and if you know of any new job opening let me know. My friend Tanner who delivers the flowers for Mrs. Pearl will be needing a new job soon.”

  Rhys’s face turned sad. “Yes, I spoke with Mrs. Pearl the other day. Sad that she’ll be leaving, but I understand. I hope we get someone new in soon to take over her place.” Rhys sighed as he shook his head. “Anyway, I have a list of some of the available jobs back at my office. I’ll bring them by tomorrow so you can take a look.”

  “Thanks, Rhys.”

  “See you later,” Rhys replied and waved as he pushed the door open and stepped out.

  Zen placed the envelope on the table and went back to finishing the arrangement. After another five minutes, he stood back to admire his work, smiling when he was satisfied with what he had done. He put the shears back in the drawer, grabbed all the clippings and tossed them in the trashcan, then placed the old flowers in the box and closed it, then put it to the side of the table. He would take them home later, like he always did. They still had a few days of life left in them and he couldn’t see throwing them away yet.

  Zen grabbed the manila envelope and yelled to Axel, the bartender, that he was running an errand for Rhys but would be back for opening, then headed out.

  * * * *

  Pas walked around the large alcove next to his office, watering all the plants he had there. He was grateful to Dain for letting him have the space so that he could grow his plants. Dain even asked him if he wouldn’t mind growing some of the herbs and things he, Rune, and Kerrick used for some of their spells.

  Of course, Pas said yes. He was thrilled to be given such an important task. He loved working with plants. He still hadn’t shared with Dain about his gift with plants, but he didn’t think it mattered. So long as Dain and his mates got their ingredients and Pas got to tend to the plants, it was a win-win.

  Once done with all the lower plants on the tables, Pas refilled his watering can and grabbed the ladder. He still needed to water the hanging plants before he got back to the pile of paperwork on his desk. Dain was waiting for Rhys to drop off some stuff and once he did, Pas would be busy with Dain in his office helping, so he really needed to hurry this along.

  Pascal placed the ladder under a cluster of pots he had hanging and grabbed the watering can, then climbed the ladder and started tending to those. He started humming one of his favorite songs as he went along, enjoying his quiet time. When the chorus part came, Pas sung the words out loud, feeling free. “And I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream from the top of my lungs, what’s going on!” Suddenly another voice sang out with him. The sexy, deep voice took him by surprise and Pas jumped.

  Not a good move while standing on a ladder. Pas lost his balance and fell backwards, the watering can slipped from his grip and flew in the air and Pascal’s arms flailed around trying to find something to grab onto. Letting out a very unmanly high-pitched squeal, Pas found himself caught in someone arms. A wave of water dropped down over his head, plastering his hair to his head and face and soaking his shirt.

  With his heart racing and sputtering to clear the water from his lips, Pas looked to see who his savior was and his gaze met beautiful, mountain meadow green eyes surrounded by long thick black lashes that were just as wet as his own. Pas stopped breathing as he stared into those gorgeous eyes that were only inches from his own. He could get lost in those orbs.

  Realization that he was now in the arms of the most handsome man he had ever seen made him freeze. Afraid of making the wrong move or saying the wrong thing. Pas was struck stupid and immobile just looking in those eyes. This man that he had only seen from afar a few times, the man that played front and center in his dreams at night since coming to Maddox, was Zen, the very large and very sexy elephant shifter that Pas had been smitten with since the moment he first laid eyes on him.

  But Pas had never gotten this close to the large man. Usually they had a whole room separating them, or Zen was leaving as he was coming. Now that he was finally close to the hunk of man, a rich, wild scent engulfed him and Pas drew in a deep breath through his nose. He loved the natural earthy s
mell of Zen as much as he loved looking at the shifter. Grass, dirt, flowers, and man surrounded him and Pas’ cock sprung to life, wanting to come out and get to know this man on a whole different natural level.

  Pas’ eyes, that he hadn’t realized had closed, popped open in surprise and locked with Zen’s, who also had the same shocked expression that Pas was sure was in his own. Simultaneously they both whispered, “Mate.”


  Pas couldn’t be more surprised to find that he not only found his mate, but that he was his dream man that he had been salivating over for months. Pas had always been attracted to large men. They just did it for him and made him feel safe. He had a thing for all the delicious muscles they usually had, and Zen was just a jungle gym full of them.

  Pas craved to feel large solid arms embrace him as he pressed his face against a strong, hard chest. He wanted a man that would take care of him and love only him. Pas had spent so long always looking after his brothers, that he dreamed of someone caring for him someday.


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