Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5)

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Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5) Page 9

by Cree Storm

  Suddenly, he realized the feelings were not this own, but Zen’s. His mate was now feeling exposed and vulnerable. He filled his heart and pulled on it at the same time. He focused and tapped into Zen’s emotions and felt his fear. He needed to make sure his mate knew he was okay and had loved everything that he did. He needed Zen to know that he loved him without a doubt.

  Pascal rolled onto his side, facing Zen, and sent all out the love he felt for his mate through their bond. He placed a hand on Zen’s back and gently caressed him.

  Zen flinched and went to move as he said, “I know my scars are ugly―”

  “No,” Pascal interrupted and Zen froze. Pascal continued his tender exploration of Zen’s twisted flesh. Then kissed his back softly once, then again.

  * * * *

  Zen had felt on top of the world and filled with so much love and pleasure he thought his heart would explode. Making love to Pascal was the best thing he had ever experienced and he wanted to do it over and over again, but he was still afraid that he had hurt his little mate. He moved off Pascal and laid beside him on his stomach as he buried his face in the pillows, afraid to see any pain in his mate’s eyes. As he lowered Pascal to the bed and pulled from his body, not wanting to, but knowing he had to, he felt Pascal flinch and he was so ashamed that he had hurt his mate.

  Then he felt Pascal move beside him and his heart shattered thinking his mate was leaving him there, but suddenly he felt a small hand touch his back and he was consumed by the love Pascal had for him. Pascal was using their bond to let him feel how much he was loved and knowing his mate didn’t hate him now filled him with such joy he wanted to cry.

  Then he realized Pascal was touching his back. His disgusting, disfigured skin. His reminder that he wasn’t good enough for even his mother’s love. But, yet, his little mate loved him with everything that he was. Zen could feel it inside him.

  But having his mate look at his shame, touch the grossness of his flesh was too much. He went to roll away. “I know my scars are ugly―”

  “No,” Pascal had interrupted him and he froze. He could feel his mate’s gaze on him and those small fingers didn’t stop in their exploration. Soft lips kissed his back, a touch so light, as if only brushed by butterfly wings, but to Zen it was so strong it pierced his heart. His eyes closed against the growing tears in his eyes as his heart reached out to the one who owned it. The one man who claimed it. The one and only man strong enough to break through his walls. Then the softly spoken words against his mangled flesh shattered his resolve, his fight to hold back his emotions, and the tears fell. “Not ugly, no. A badge of strength, of a survivor.”

  He turned toward his mate and Pascal wrapped him in his arms, holding him close as he wept. Releasing all the pain of his past and accepting the unconditional love of his mate.


  “Is this suitable to meet your needs?” Rhys asked his companion as they walked through the abandoned warehouse.

  “Yes, this is more than enough room,” she answered, looking around.

  “What type of business did you say you were opening?” Dain asked as he walked into the large space.

  “Father, this is Nadine Spencer, Ms. Spencer, my father, Regent Dain Shadowfox,” Rhys introduced.

  “Regent? As in second only to the pixie king?” Nadine asked.

  “Yes. Welcome to Maddow, Ms. Spencer―”

  “Please, call me Nadine. I am hoping to become a resident of your fine town soon.”

  “Okay, but only if you forget the Regent thing and call me Dain,” Dain offered in a friendly voice with a bright smile.

  Rhys was a little confused by his father’s jovial mood, but he had been less stuffy since mating Rune and Kerrick. I guess what they say is true, a lot of cock goes a long way, Rhys thought to himself then turned to hide the smile that filled his face and cover the laugh that threatened to escape.

  “I ran a modeling agency in Chicago, but once I heard the rumors where true about the phoenix and dragon reuniting, and paranormals of all species being offered a place here in Maddox, close to the safety of my fellow dragons and the phoenix, I thought it was the perfect opportunity for me to start my own agency,” Nadine replied.

  “That’s wonderful. Maddox is welcoming many different businesses as we try to bring this town back to its former glory.”

  “I am finding it is a very cozy little place, but pleasantly surprised not as small as I originally imagined. And with Denver being so close it opens up plenty of opportunity for my models,” Nadine said as she stepped closer to Dain.

  Rhys watched in fascination as the two went on about Maddox and what was planned and his father showed Nadine around the warehouse further. The two of them laughing and chuckling like school children. He was really amused when he noticed Nadine touching his father’s arm a few times as she laughed at something he said, and even flicked her hair back, flirting. He wondered what his stepfathers, Rune and Kerrick, would think of this sight.

  He knew his dad would never stray from his mates, but it was fun to watch him try to keep his shit together while he looked guilty and like he was ready to jump out of his skin. His dad continued to be polite and tried to nonchalantly step away a time or two, but Nadine kept bringing herself back at Dain’s side, right in his personal space.

  “I think this would be the perfect place for what I am looking for. I would need to do renovations, of course, to bring it up to code and make it comfortable.”

  “Of course. Once your business plan is looked over by all the town leaders and we do a background check on you, we’ll have Nick Holt, the chief of the Maddox Fire Department go through the building again, with you. He and his men, along with Wyndingo and his men, have all gone through these buildings and have made a list of everything that needs to be done,” Rhys said, joining them.

  “Wonderful. I look forward to meeting him and the rest of the town officials to present my business proposal. I think it is very wise of you to handle things this way. Make sure that anyone coming into Maddox doesn’t pose a threat. It’s one of the other reasons I felt I needed to make the move here. In this world we live in now, safety is of the utmost importance.”

  Rhys saw something pass over Nadine’s eyes, but wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe she was running from something back in Chicago? That was the second time she referred to the safety to be found in Maddox.

  “Dain! Are you in here?” Ollie called out, his voice echoing through the large, empty space.

  The relief on his dad’s face as they all turned to look where Ollie was coming from, giving him an excuse to move away from Nadine, was priceless and Rhys just wanted to laugh like hell. “We’re back here, Oliver!” Dain answered.

  Ollie skipped into the room and Rhys wanted to laugh again. He wore a tight pair of black jeans that looked like they had been painted on, and a midnight blue mesh shirt that only covered half his torso. Then on his feet had had a pair of white flip flops and wore a matching pair of white sunglasses. “Oh, there you are. You rang, Oh mighty one?”

  “Yes, Oliver. It seems you have been asking your brother to make a few deliveries for you that I specifically asked you to do, and I think it is time you and I had a chat,” Dain replied formally.

  Rhys wanted to comment, but he knew he didn’t have to with Ollie around. Ollie looked at Dain as if he were ill and tilted his head like a dog would, as his brows dipped low. “Are you smoking wacky weed? I mean, I know you have Pas growing shit for you, but I didn’t think you were into the old Mary Jane, roll me a bone, ganga, doobie doobie doo. Is that where you go on your lunch break? To go do a clam bake in your fancy car while your mates think you’re working?”

  “Oliver,” Dain said in warning and took a step closer to him.

  “See, that right there. That’s what I mean. You keep calling me Oliver. Why so formal, Big Kahuna?”

  Rhys busted out laughing. He couldn’t hold it any more. “Big Kahuna?!”

  “Well, if he is taking a gage
up on the giggle weed it seems only fitting.”

  “Gage up? Giggle weed? Where the hell do you come up with this shit, Ollie?’ Dain asked as he laughed.

  “Gotta keep up with the latest slang and fads, now don’t we? So, what’s the problem with Pas? Has he decided he doesn’t want to climb that Kilimanjaro of a mate of his? I’ll talk to him, don’t worry. He’d be a fool not to ride on that bronco, even if Zen’s a little too quiet and shy for my taste.”

  “Ollie, enough. Now is not the time or the place to talk about such things,” Dain admonished, then turned to Rhys. “I need to have a meeting with Ollie, will you be okay here?”

  Rhys gave him a droll look and raised a brow. “I think I can handle it.”

  “Good,” Dain answered then turned to Nadine. “I apologize for my early departure, but things move fast here in Maddox sometimes. I look forward to hearing your proposal.”

  “Don’t you worry about it, go do what you need to do and we’ll see each other again, I’m sure. It was very nice meeting you. Maybe once I move here permanently I can meet your lovely mate and she can show me around Maddox?”

  “Oh, yes, well,” Dain stumbled nervously.

  “Why don’t you and Ollie go ahead, Dad, and I’ll finish showing Nadine around,” Rhys offered.

  “Are we still on for dinner at your house tonight?” Dain asked as he began to walk toward Ollie.

  “Yes. I also invited Uncle Destrain, Twix, and his family.”

  “That’s great. I can’t wait. See you then,” Dain replied and gave a wave over his shoulder as he and Ollie left.

  Rhys turned back toward Nadine. “Sorry about Ollie. He’s a little…well…he takes a little getting used to. Once you get to know him, he’s one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. Crazy, but a sweetheart.”

  “Oh, not to worry about that. He’s adorable. Do you think he may be interested in modeling?” Nadine asked as they turned and headed through another doorway.

  “I’m not sure. Do you really think he could be a model? I thought models were all tall and had big muscles?”

  “Oh, no. Not in today’s world. Ittakes all kinds in my business and Oliver would be a welcome addition,” Nadine replied with a smile, but there was something about the lilt in her voice that sent a shiver of warning down Rhys’s spine.


  Pascal giggled as he slid down Zen's large trunk and flew high into the air, quickly grabbing his mate's large tusk and swinging around and around until Zen took Pascal gently into his trunk once more. Pascal couldn't remember having so much fun before.

  Zen had been through such an emotional release that Pascal felt a need to make his gentle giant smile once more. When Zen's crying had eased, Pascal asked if Zen would like to shift and allow him to meet his animal. Zen had quickly agreed.

  Seeing the African Elephant for the first time was a bit unsettling. Zen's animal was huge. He had to be over ten feet in height. Pascal had started walking towards Zen, whispering, "Zen, are you in there?"

  Zen nodded then let out a loud trumpeting sound. Pascal giggled and caressed Zen's large trunk. His mate had surprised the hell out of him when he used his trunk to pick him up and place Pascal onto his large head. Pascal slid a little further back as Zen walked around the pixie land.

  Remembering a special spot just down the hill, Pascal had asked Zen to follow the large trail. It ended at a large lake and Zen immediately took them into the water. The entire experience was surreal. That is, until Zen took his trunk and soaked Pascal with a large spray of water.

  Pascal had coughed and sputtered, and damn, if he didn't know better, Zen was actually laughing. At least he figured the jostling as the short trumpety sounds came from the damn beast was laughter. Then they started to play. Feeling a freeness he had not felt since he was a child, Pascal had shifted into his small monkey like creature. The same one that when Jett would see him would yell, "Don't feed him after midnight." Whatever the hell that meant.

  They had played in the water, thenZen had brought them back to the top of the hill where they played some more. Sliding down to the ground, Pascal shifted, still giggling. Zen quickly followed suit, taking Pascal into his arms, and kissing the breath right out of Pascal's lungs. Pulling back slowly, Zen whispered, "I love you, sweat pea."

  "I love you, too," Pascal whispered back.

  Zen kissed Pascal once more, saying, "We should get back soon. I'm on bouncer duty tonight."

  Pushing out his bottom lip in a pout, Pascal replied, "I can't stand the thought of being without you, even for a few hours,"

  "How about you stay with me at the club tonight? I can do my job, you can give me lap dances all night, then we can go to my place and make love until we fall into an exhausted sleep and then wake up and start it all over again," Zen said wiggling his brows.

  Pascal smiled wide. "I like that plan. But didn't Dain give you off tonight so we can work on those plans for the store? He'll be wanting to get things settled as quickly as possible."

  "I forgot about that. Okay, let's go someplace where we can make those plans," Zen replied, as he pulled on his pants.

  Pascal dressed, saying, "Okay, but we're going to go to Twixie's because you and I have to be in a public place to do this, otherwise we won't get anything done."

  Zen wiggled his brows snickering. "Oh, we'd get something done all right, but not regarding the new shop. However, I really would like to check in with Jagger. I don't like leaving him shorthanded. How about if we go to the club, Jagger can find us a location to work from and maybe we can get Blake to make us something to eat. I'm starving."

  Pascal rubbed his belly. "Me, too. Okay, let's go to the club."

  Pascal pulled the extra hairs Zen had removed from him earlier. Walking a bit closer to the castle, Pascal found the portal he was looking for. Waving his hand, the portal opened.

  "That is still so cool," Zen softly said, taking Pascal's hand and walking through the golden door.

  * * * *

  "Damn it, Oliver, do you not think that I would tell you if they were here? I'm worried, too. Everyone is doing everything they can to find them. Ezra has as many of his men that he can spare out there, Nick and his men are doing what they can, Wyndingo and Destrain are working together to try and find them also. Hell, everyone in both Crystal and Maddox are looking for them. It's as if they just dropped off the face of the earth," Jagger shouted into the phone.

  Hearing the urgency in his best friend's tone had Zen immediately on alert.

  "I'll call you if I hear anything and you call me if you hear anything. I need to go," Jagger hissed, slamming down the phone, then dropping back in his chair with his eyes closed and letting out a deep breath.

  "Who's missing, Jagger? What's going on?" Zen quickly asked in concern.

  Jagger's eyes snapped open as fast as his seat righted. "Zen! Pascal!"

  Jumping from his chair, Jagger rushed to Zen and grabbed him in a bear hug. "You're alive!"

  Zen gasped and tried to pull the vampire off him but Jagger had no intention of letting go. Well, not until Pascal let out the cutest growl, then snapped, "Back the hell off my man."

  Jagger jumped back at the out of character reaction from Pascal, then quickly let go of Zen only to grab Pascal up in a huge hug. "I am so glad you guys are all right."

  "Can't―breath!" Pascal rasped.

  Jagger quickly let him go. "I'm so sorry, Pascal. I'm just so happy to see you."

  Jagger turned to go back to his desk, muttering, "I need to call Dain. No, Ollie first, he's been going insane, but then again, Destrain is the king and he should be informed first."

  "Jagger! What the hell is going on?" Zen shouted, stopping Jagger in his tracks.

  The vampire turned around and suddenly he looked really angry. "You two disappear for ten days and act confused? Not a note left, a call made."

  Zen looked at Pascal, not understanding a word of what his best friend was saying. Turning back to Jagger, Zen asked, "Wha
t are you talking about? We were gone a few hours. Dain and Rhys both knew that we were going to make our mating official."

  Jagger turned back fully to Zen. "Zen, you've been gone for ten days. Everyone has been searching for you. Dain, Kerrick, and Rune have been trying to gather intel on Fallon's location, to see if he had you both in his prison. Ollie and Orion have been searching the outskirts of Maddox and Crystal to see if your bodies could be found."

  "Our bodies?" Pascal gasped.

  Jagger pursed his lips. "What should we have thought, Pascal? No one had a clue what happened to you."

  "I am so stupid! I completely forgot about the time realm change. I need to go and find Ollie," Pascal said frantically taking off out of Jagger's office.

  Zen took off after his mate. "Pascal! Wait! Sweet Pea!"

  Pascal was wiping at his eyes, and Zen could tell his mate was crying as he ran for the front door. Zen finally caught up to Pascal in the parking lot.

  Picking his little fox up, Zen turned the man into his warm embrace, cuddling Pascal close as his mate cried, "I completely forgot. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to make our mating something special. Something both of us could tell our children about one day. I―I―"

  "Is that where you two went? You entered another realm?" Jagger asked softly.

  Still holding his mate, Zen twisted enough to see Jagger and Blake standing there. Both men looking concerned for his little sweet pea. "Pascal took me to the pixie realm. It was beautiful and just as I had pictured how my mating would be. I could have mated with him anywhere, but that special touch my sweet pea provided made it the best day anyone could hope for."

  "It sounds very romantic," Jagger replied with a soft smile.


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