Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5)

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Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5) Page 11

by Cree Storm

  "And, Jagger, please stop calling me sire. Destrain is my name, and I rather like hearing it."

  "Yes, si―Destrain."

  Destrain pressed a button on Jagger's desk. A large flat screen TV lowered. Destrain tapped some other buttons and several small boxes appeared with Justice, Avery, and Illan in one, Frankie and Manny in another, Ezra and Orion in another, and Suneth in another.

  "Destrain, this must be very important for you to contact all of us at once," Illan stated with a raised brow.

  Nodding, Destrain sat back saying, "It is. Nick should be here in―"

  "I'm here. What was so important that I had to rush down here without drying off first?" Nick asked standing there, hair dripping and in only a pair of jeans.

  "By the Gods you look hot!" Jagger practically growled and sauntered to his mate.

  Nick wiggled his brows, saying, "When we're done here, how about you take a break and I can remind you how hot I can be."

  "Jagger, Nick, can you hold that thought until later. We have a big problem on our hands. Pascal was attacked about an hour ago," Destrain stated in concern.

  Justice sat forward. "By the Gods, is he alright?"

  Nodding, Destrain replied, "He was hurt pretty bad, but he'll pull through."

  "Do you know who attacked him?" Ezra asked.

  "That's just it, Logan had to give Pascal something for pain and when asked, he gave Day's name before falling asleep," Destrain explained.

  "My son would not attack anyone, let alone Pascal!" Illan snapped incredulously.

  Pascal muttered something and Zen gasped, quickly asking, "What was that, sweet pea? We didn't hear you, can you say that once more?"

  "Day didn't attack me. He saved me," Pascal's softly replied, slowly opening his eyes once more.

  Day walked over to Pascal, kneeling next to him. "Pas, that isn't possible, I was with Rhys all day."

  Shaking his head, Zen replied, "That isn't possible, because Jagger and I saw you as well."

  Day looked around the room. "I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I was out on Point road teaching Rhys to drive. There is no way you guys saw me."

  Shaking his head, Pascal murmured, "Not Day. Had a big scar."

  Rhys walked over with a small glass of water, handing it to Zen. He took the glass then asked, "Is it safe to hold you?"

  Pascal nodded. "I'd like that."

  Zen gently picked up Pascal and cuddled him close. Pascal snuggled closer then took the water, then slowly told his story."When I left I ran to catch up with the man I thought was Day. When I couldn't find him I just kept going. I was passing the alley on Hawke Street when a man grabbed me from behind. I―I was wiggling and fighting and his hand slipped enough to bite him. I fell to the ground and ran, but I ran the wrong way. I hid under a dumpster. He said things and then the dumpster was thrown as if it weighed nothing. I tried to run again, but he caught me. Day with the scar showed up, and I did one of those back kicks to the bad guy’s jewels like Drafus taught me."

  "Who's Drafus?" Zen asked.

  "He's one of my pixie guards," Destrain answered.

  Pascal sipped his water, then continued. "When I kicked the guy, he dropped me and I bit him in the calf. Day yelled for me to run so, I did. I took to the street lights. All I wanted was my mate. I knew if I could get to Zen, I'd be okay. But I missed the last light and slid part way down, then fell, that's when I broke my leg and hit my head."

  "Pascal, you said the man that tried to take you said some things. Do you remember what he said?" Ezra asked.

  Pascal nodded, saying, "Yes, but he made no sense."

  Dain looked to Pascal, gently saying, "Maybe we might understand what you don't."

  Pascal sighed. "He said he was sent to obtain a son, only to find the pot of gold wasn't in a stupid child, but in a bit of a man who happens to be a Santorini fox smelling of the child he was seeking. People will pay top dollar for just a drop of your blood."

  "Shit!" Ezra hissed.

  "Do you know what he was talking about?" Pascal asked.

  Ezra's voice tightened, "Yes, little one, I know what he was talking about. It means that you, Ollie, Toby, and Nelson must be protected. Whoever this man was, he will be back."

  Ollie snarled, "We know exactly why he wants us. What I'd like to know is how he knew my brother was a Santorini fox in the first place? We only shift within our home unless circumstance requires otherwise. There should be no reason for him to know what Pascal was."

  "Ollie's right, he shouldn't know that, but I'm more interested in the other part," Avery stated softly, then looked at his mates saying, "The guy said he was there to obtain a son and then went on to say Pascal smelled like him. Who was he talking about?"

  "It would have to be who you were around since your return," Destrain stated to Pascal.

  Zen looked at Destrain. "The only one to touch my mate, besides myself, is Jagger."

  Jagger snorted, "Unless this person does séances, it isn't me. Is there anyone else at all, Pascal? Could you have brushed against someone?"

  Shaking his head, Pascal said, "No one was on the street. I thought it was odd for Maddox to seem so abandoned."

  "Then that only leaves you, Zen," Nick stated.

  Zen couldn't believe his ears. "Me? There is no way in hell that Lucinda, the bitch, would come looking for me after all this time. Why? What the hell would she want? She would have to know I want nothing to do with her."

  "Would you know what she looked like if you saw her?" Dain asked.

  Zen scoffed, "Seriously? The person that tried to kill you and scarred you for life is not easy to forget, especially if it is your own mother."

  "Rhys, you do the business arrangements. Is there anyone new in Maddox?" Justice asked.

  "It would have to be someone that has arrived in the last ten days, since Zen would have run into her by now," Illan quickly added.

  Rhys sighed. "Illan, we have had more and more humans and shifters coming to Maddox since Destrain took over the town."

  Ezra jumped in, saying, "She would have wanted something big, maybe a warehouse. From what the man said about the blood, I think she's running an illegal blood bank or blood brothel. It's something that I've been working to take down all over the states. I shut one down and it's like three more pop up."

  "A blood brothel? What the hell is that?" Avery asked in complete bafflement.

  "It's blood from the source. Many think that a vampire is the only paranormal that drinks blood, but that isn't always true and that isn't the case. Also, when a vampire feeds it is very―"

  "Orgasmic," Nick muttered, grinding his cock into his mate's ass.

  "The problem with a blood brothel is that not all donors are willing sources. They are drawn in by someone claiming to be an agent for actors or models, then when that person arrives, they are enslaved as blood donors. Then there is the scenario like Nick and Jagger faced. A vampire drinking from a shifter can cause them to either grow in their abilities or go completely insane," Ezra explained.

  "Nadine Sanders!" Rhys gasped.

  "That hussy you said was all over you at the warehouse?" Rune asked.

  Dain nodded. "It would make sense. She said she was starting a modeling agency and even asked us to send potential models her way."

  "I think we need to make a visit to Ms. Sanders. If what Ezra says is true, I'll kill the bitch myself," Destrain snarled.

  "Destrain, you know you must have her brought to council first. It is our laws and we all must follow them no matter how hard that may be," Illan reminded the king.

  "Then I suggest someone get to her before I do," Destrain snarled.

  "Actually, I think that I should be the one to go. If it is Lucinda, it sounds like she's been looking for me. I say we surprise mommy with a visit. You all may want the blood madam, I just want to find the fucker that touched my mate," Zen snapped.

  "And I'm going to have my men searching for this imposter pretending to be me," Day snappe

  "Zen, I want Zev to go with you. Lucinda might be surprised by you showing up. Imagine how disconcerting it is going to be when not one, but two of her sons show up to visit," Illan stated with a smile that caused chills, not the warm and fuzzies.

  "I agree. When do we do it?" Zen asked feeling more determined by the minute to take on his mother and the ass wipe that thought he could even look in his mate's direction, let alone touch said mate. That fucker was going to find out how vicious an African Elephant could be when his mate was threatened.


  “Are you sure this is the place?” Zev asked.

  Zen and Zev were sitting in Zev’s truck parked across the street from the warehouse that Rhys had told them about. “Yeah, this is the one Rhys said.”

  “I thought it was still empty and this Nadine was still waiting on the town clearance? This place looks like it’s almost ready for business,” Zev replied.

  “I know I really didn’t know Lucinda, but when did she ever give you the impression that she followed the rules?” Zen asked and looked to Zev with a raised brow.

  “You’ve got a point. Okay, so how do you want to do this?”

  “I don’t know. I was hoping you had a plan. I mean, I’m just a landscaper slash bouncer, I’ve never pulled any cloak and dagger stuff like I hear you guys have,” Zen replied.

  “Well, I think it will be enough of a Holy Shit moment for her when she sees just one of us, but both of us walking in, I think she just may crap herself. Then again, Lucinda was never one to show fear either, except for a time or two with Salem.”

  “So again, what now?” Zen asked.

  “If this is Lucinda and she sent that guy out to grab you but got Pascal instead because your scent was on him, then she knows you’re here and wants you for some reason. She may not have a clue that I’m here. The element of surprise works most of the time. I say you just stroll in the front door and start shit, then I’ll come in in a few.”

  “Start shit? What shit? I don’t usually go in starting shit. If you haven’t noticed I’m not that much of a social butterfly. I’m not a joiner,” Zen sighed.

  “Just walk in like everything is normal, but with more attitude. Remember why we’re here and what that asshole did to Pascal. Use that feeling to your advantage. If anyone tries to give you a hard time or stop you from getting to this Nadine, then use that anger along with your size and just bowl past them. You’re a freaking African Elephant, brother, use it.”

  “And you’re a damn dragon. Why don’t you stroll in and start shit?”

  “How about I stroll in and start shit? I’m really good at it,” Jett said, stepping up next to Zev’s open driver side window. His sudden appearance causing Zev and Zen to flinch, then look in his direction.

  “Love, what are you doing here? I said I don’t want you near Lucinda. She’s a sick, twisted, psycho cunt,” Zev argued.

  “Sounds like my kind of people,” Jett replied with a big smile, the turned and headed across the street.

  “Jett! Get your ass back here!” Zev hissed in an angry yelling whisper.

  Jett turned to face him, a big smile on his face as he continued to walk backwards and raised his arms out wide to his sides. “I’m half of an elemental dragon, baby cakes. If anyone tries anything on me, I’ll shift and use my element powers on them. Let’s see how much they can do when they’re flying in the air on a rush of water.”

  “Jett, get back here and we’ll come up with a plan. Then you can go home,” Zev ordered.

  Jett stopped and raised a brow at him. “Did you really think I was going to let you go through this alone? No offense, Zen, but your name kinda says it all. You’re too Zen and this calls for something more…well. Just more. And if you think you can order me to do anything, my big, wonderful mate, you’ve got another thing coming. So, I’m going in and checking things out and starting shit. Give me five and come on in to join the party,” Jet said, then spun around and headed for the warehouse.

  Zen watched as Jett walked right up to the front door and pulled it open, then stepped in and disappeared from sight.

  “Your mate’s kind of touched in the head crazy, you know that?”

  Zev smirked and looked back to Zen. “Yup. One of the many things I love so much about him. I’m pissed that he’s in there and may be in trouble, but proud to have my Jett as my mate. He’s so fearless when it comes to things like this and so damn protective of those he loves. Especially me. How can I not love him?”

  Zen chuckled as he shook his head. “You’re just as crazy as he is.”

  Zev’s eyes widened and his smile grew bright. “Yeah? I take that as a compliment. It wasn’t long ago that I was a stick in the mud with a pole shoved up my ass, but my baby has taught me so much.”

  “You really do love him,” Zen stated, smiling.

  “More than anything. I know everyone looks at Jett as if he’s crazy, or childish, but not many know the real Jett. His brother, of course, and Day, Morgan, Twix, Illan, and myself. Yes, he is those things, but Jett is fierce, loyal, compassionate, strong, smart as hell, and loving to everyone. He would literally take the shirt off his back to help someone, and he would jump in to save anyone, not just the people he loves, in a heartbeat and without thinking. When you get to know the real him, you’ll find he’s one of the most amazing people on the planet,” Zev replied with pride.

  “I can’t wait to get to know you both better. Should we be going in by now?” Zen asked.

  “I don’t hear any explosions or alarms, so now may be a good time.” Zev laughed.

  They both climbed out of the truck and closed the doors, then ran across the street and up to the front door. Zev crouched down and Zen followed. Zev looked at Zen and whispered, “You go in first like we said. I’m going to go around the side and see if I can get a look inside from a window or something. There should be a loading dock around the back.”

  Zen nodded, then stood as he watched Zev disappear around the corner. “Okay, well…here goes nothing.” Zen grabbed the door handle and yanked the door open, then stepped inside. His eyes went wide from the sight before him and he just stood there frozen for a moment.

  It looked like he was standing in a small, lavish hotel lobby with thick carpets, comfortable couches, a small coffee bar to the left and a receptionist desk. There were a few potted plants scattered around and pictures of gorgeous men and women on the walls, but it was empty. There was not a person in sight. How the hell did they do this so fast? Especially for a business they didn’t even know if they could have yet? He thought.

  Zen walked to the one door he saw in the corner and tried the knob. Finding it unlocked, Zen slowly opened the door just a crack and peered inside. The warehouse was huge, but it didn’t look much like an old warehouse anymore. It was definitely still a work in progress, but this Nadine, or Lucinda, had put a lot of work into it already. Hardwood floors had been placed throughout and along the right wall sat four studios lined up like they were ready for models to step into them and a photographer to start clicking away.

  But the rest of the room was open and it appeared as if a wall was being constructed to block off the studio. What he saw beyond the frame of the half-built wall was shocking. Beds and couches were placed around the room, all covered in plastic keeping them clean and safe while construction was going on, Zen figured. But why even bring them in in the first place if construction wasn’t done?

  Off in the far corner there appeared to be a bar being constructed and behind it was a line of large industrial refrigerators. “What the hell does a bar need those for?” Zen asked under his breath.

  Red velvet drapes were half hung on the one wall as if being used as wallpaper, and there was a stack of boxes nearby that had the names of different medical supplies written on the them. While others were labeled cages, with different dimensions on them. “What the hell does a modeling agency need with medical equipment? And what the hell are the cages for?”

Zen had been so intrigued by what he was looking at that he hadn’t realized he had stepped into the room and let the door close behind him. As he walked further into the space, taking in his surroundings, suddenly he realized he was actually alone. Not that he wasn’t happy about that, but it seemed off, almost creepy, and ominous. “And where the hell is Jett?”

  Zen noticed another door across the room and headed in that direction. He grabbed the knob and turned it softly, checking to see if it was locked and trying not to make a sound. Once again, the knob turned without resistance and he cracked the door open. Immediately he was assaulted with the sound of chains rattling and a few hushed voices. They were speaking angrily, but trying not to be too loud. Zen opened the door enough to slip in, then froze from the sight before him, as his stomach twisted in shock.

  * * * *

  Zev made his way around the warehouse. Rhys had warned him it was one of the largest in Maddox, and Zev was finding out that Rhys wasn’t kidding. He seemed to walk the length of a football field before he found came to the corner, then turned to walk along the back of the building. “What the hell did a modeling agency need with such a large space?” Zev grumbled as he kept walking.

  There had been no windows on the side of the building, but here in the back he found the loading docks and from what he could see there were a few windows back here. The closer he got to the large roll up doors at the loading dock, he began to hear a commotion from within and his gut told him whatever it was, wasn’t good.

  Zev made it to the first window and cautiously peered inside, but couldn’t see anything. It was as if a thick curtain had been hung inside. Zev moved on, crouching low past the window just in case, then straightened when he made it to the other side. The other window he came across held the same as the first, so Zev kept moving.

  He came across a generator that sat silent and went to move around it, but as soon as he did, the door next to the large garage doors at the dock opened, and a large man stepped out. Zev quickly ducked behind the generator, peering around it.


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